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ME5204 Finite Element Analysis

Class 18

20 September 2021
Quadratic shape functions

Figure: Quadratic shape functions on an element

Quadratic shape functions

I Suppose one were interested in looking at the quadratic shape

functions globally, rather than locally.
I In this case, things are slightly more complicated than for the
linear shape functions.
I The shape function at even nodes would be parabolic ,
dropping to zero at adjacent nodes. Further it is always zero
everywhere else.
I At odd nodes it would be a sharp cusp with value 1 at the
node. The function is spread over 5 nodes totally (2 on either
side).The function is zero at the non-central nodes. The
function is always zero outside the five nodes.
Figure: Quadratic shape functions defined globally
Example using quadratic elements

Q: Consider a protrusion of length L= 2cm, area of cross section

A= π54 cm2 and thermal conductivity k∗ = 50 in Wm−1 c−1 .
Suppose heat generation per unit volume is q0 = 50 (Wm−3 ).
Boundary conditions are T(0) = 3200 C , T(L) = 160 C.
Determine the temperature of the midpoint. Use two quadratic
elements. The governing equation is:
d ∗ dT
k A + q0 A = 0 (1)
dx dx

A: Consider two quadratic elements.

Figure: Note: Global node numbers are in circles and local node numbers
are in squares.
k∗ is the thermal conductivity. Not to be confused with
stiffness matrix.
Here he =

    
7 −8 1 0 0 T1 1
−8 16 −8 0 0 T2 4
2k ∗
    
   q0 L  
 1 −8 7 + 7 −8 1  T3 =  2 
3L    12  
 0 0 −8 16 −8  T4   4 
0 0 1 −8 7 T5 1
Now, T1 and T5 are known. So we delete row 1, column 1 ,
row 5, and column 5 and make corresponding changes to the
force matrix.
  
16 −8 0 T2
2k ∗ 
−8 14 −8   T3 
0 −8 16 T4

q0 L 2k ∗ 
4 +8 T1
 12 3L 
 q L 2k
 ∗ 2k ∗

= 2 0 − (3)

 12 T1 − T5 
3L 3L 
 q0 L 2k ∗ 
4 +8 T5
12 3L

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