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Cor Jesu College


Name: ________ANGELICA B. ALISOSO_______ Score:
Class Schedule: __________T-TH 1:00-2:00PM_____________ Equivalent:
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct answer from the choices available after each question or
item. Just encircle the letter of your choice. Be analytical in choosing. ABSOLUTELY NO

1. In Christian usage, the word Church designates:

a. Liturgical Assembly of believers c. House of God
b. Community of disciples d. All of the above

2. The birth of the Catholic Church can be traced to:

a. Descent of the Holy Spirit during Pentecost c. Salvific Plan of God the Father
b. Public Ministry of Jesus d. Jesus' death and resurrection

3. Persecution of Christians in Palestine broke out during the rule of:

a. Nero c. Claudius
b. Herod Agrippa d. Domitian

4. Luther decided to leave the Catholic Church because:

a. He was not recognized and His views were ignored
b. He wanted to create his own group of followers
c. He wanted to become famous as a founder of Protestantism
d. None of the above

5. The biblical images of the Church are related with the Filipino experiences and context
a. Church as our mother c. Church as the vine and Jesus as the branches
b. Church as sheepfold of God d. Church as People of God

6. Roman Catholic became the state religion during the time of:
a. Emperor Constantinople c. Constantine
b. Titus d. All of the above

7. The Apostles' creed was formulated during:

a. Council of Nicea c. Council of Trent
b. Council of Ephesus d. All of the Above

8. Jesus Christ was crucified at the age of:

a. 30 b. 33
b. 35 c. 32

9. The following are the marks of the Catholic Church except:

a. Holy c. Catholic
b. Apostolic d. Divine

10. The Church is following Jesus' role as:

a. Prophet c. King
b. Priest d. All of the above
11. Which of the following choices corresponds to God's promise of posterity?
a. Land c. Descendants
b. Food d. All of the above

12. According to him, a proper understanding of the post-resurrection institutional Church

should be seen in the light of the Pre-Easter Jesus…
a. Adelbert Denaux c. Pope Benedict XVI
b. Hans Kung d. Both A and B

13. Which statement best describes Qahal Yahweh?

a. It points to Israel, the chosen people, as an assembly that worships Yahweh, guided by
fundamental laws, beliefs and rituals.
b. It points to Israel as the chosen people of Yahweh
c. It includes laws and regulations like the Ten commandments
d. All of the above

14. "You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church" is a scriptural passage from…
a. Mark 1:17 c. Luke 7:2
b. I Peter 11:14 d. Matthew 16:18-20

15. "That Jesus never demanded the establishment of the community of the elect and the
(elite) but called all to an obedient acceptance of his message of salvation" was an
argument of…
a. Pope Francis c. Hans Kung
b. Adelbert Denaux d. all of the above

16. Which of the statement best describes the great messianic expectation?
a. Because it was not realized in the past, both Jews and Christians continue to hope for
the coming of the Messiah
b. It refers to the hope of a savior who can redeem the fallen humanity from tragedy of sin,
oppression and a promise of salvation and emancipation from these oppressive forces.
c. It is a desperate submission of God
d. All of the above

17. The following statements refer to the covenant, except:

a. It is a reciprocal relationship between God and man
b. It is God's initiative to reach out to man
c. It is man's free response to God's invitation of life and love
d. It is contract

18. All of the following statements are the consequences of the violation and disobedience of
Israel to Yahweh, except:
a. Separation of the Northern and Southern Kingdom of Israel
b. Forced labor and heavy taxation throughout the centuries
c. Great Babylonian Exile
d. Gradual disappearance of the covenant

19. "The Church has existed from the time of faith in the resurrection" is a statement given by..
a. Pope Francis c. Hans Kung
b. Adlebert Denaux d. Both B and C

20. The promise of the Messiah was already fulfilled in the person of…
a. Abraham d. David
b. Moses d. Jesus
DIRECTIONS: Write C if the statement below is true and W if it is false. Underline a word(s)
phrase or phrase(s) which make the statement true or false then give a short discussion why
it is false or true. Write your answer on the blank space provided before each item and

W- The Lord tasked the Church not only 1. The Catholic Church as founded by Jesus Christ is tasked only for the
for the spiritual formation of humankind spiritual formation of humankind.
but also to take care of others, especially
those who are sufferings and the poor.

W-  The statement is wrong. The Church 2. The Church is a mystery or has its mystical dimension because there
is a mystery because she holds apparent are many things that we don't know about what's happening in the
opposites together. There is also a Church.
structural order of leaders within the

W- The blood of the martyrs is the seed of 3. The blood of the martyrs became the seeds of vocations and
the Church. It is not just the seeds of ministries in the Church.
vocations and ministries; it is the seeds of
the Church.

W- The local Church in the Philippines, 4. The Church in the Philippines is called Church of the poor because the
gathered in its Second Plenary Council members of this Church are poor.
(PCP II) in 1991, declared itself as a
Church of the Poor," which means, among
others, as a local Church for the poor and
not because the members of this Church
are poor.

T- His conversion signals the start of the 5. The conversion of St. Paul to Christian faith was the starting point of
missionary work to the gentiles. He is the the Church's missionary activity to the Gentiles.
one who introduced Christ to those who
are not Jews and he champion of faith for
them. That is why he was called "Apostles
to the Gentiles"

W- It is Emperor Nero who burned many 6. Emperor Claudius burned many Christians in Rome because they
Christians in Rome. were accused of starting the fire that broke out in Rome and
instigating people to rebel against the Roman authority.
T- We called this as the Apostolic 7. The Bishop of Rome is a successor of St. Peter.

T- In the Acts of the Apostles, Stephen 8. St. Stephen was the first martyr of the Catholic faith.
was the first Christian who was martyred
because of faith. That is why he is called
the "Protomartyr"

W- The Church can be separated from the 9. The Church cannot be separated from the state.
Church. The Philippines is an example of

T- The Church is part of the plan of God 10. The birth of the Church is part of the original plan of the
because it portrays the New Jerusalem at compassionate love of God for the world.
the end of Times.

T- With this two legislation, the Catholic 11. The Edict of Milan mutually declared by Constantine and Licinius
Church was freed from the persecution granted full freedom of all religious confessions.
and became the Roman empire's official
T- Most of the Ecumenical Councils of the 12. The heresies that concerned the great ecumenical councils of the
Early Church tackles Christ, especially on early Church were essentially Christological.
His Divinity.
T- The family is the basic unit of the 13. The family is a Church in miniature.
Church. It is often called the Domestic

T- Constantine used most of his 14. Constantine was considered political opportunist in his early years
connections to have a greater power over as emperor of the Roman Empire.
the empire.

T- Apollinaris said that in the person of 15. Apolinarius denied the full humanity of Jesus
Jesus Christ, the Logos or divine aspect
of the Savior replaced His higher spirit.
Jesus, then, had a human body, a lower
human soul, and a divine spirit. 

DIRECTIONS: Answer concisely but comprehensively the question. Make a schematic diagram or
framework which will serve as your guide in your discussion. A framework is required!

1. Do you think that Jesus is happy with the way the institutional Church is administered and managed
today? Why? (15 pts.)



As Jesus founded the Church, he promised to be always with us until the End of times. Also, he
promised that he would send the Holy Spirit as our guide. With these, I think Jesus is happy with the
church today even though that sometimes we are a sinful church. Christ knows that His bride will
rise again each time of her fall.

2. Do you believe that Jesus' presence in the world is perpetual because of the Church? Why? (15 pts.)

As Jesus promised that He will be with the Church until the end of times, this gives us the message
that the Church will give Christ presence to the world. As the church lives there is Christ. In every
heart of all people that is Baptized there is Christ.

3. Why is it that despite persecution, the early Church continues to expand? (10 pts)


Early Church

Eternal life

The early Church maintains the guarantee of the Ruler that he will not take off them until the
conclusion of time. That guarantee gives the early Church their quality and confidence to confront the
abuse. The passing of the Christians makes them a living witness to Christ's guarantee of Interminable
Life. Their blood got to be the seed of the church and it makes the church succeed and grow.

4. As Cor Jesian, what suggestions or actions can you contribute for the welfare of the Church and its
members in today's time? (10 pts)
As Cor Jesian and as a youth I
can contribute for the welfare of
the Church on conducting or
This program can help them to
proposing a program for the
know the words and how
young generation every Saturday The program can widen their
important to be a good or even
which I will conduct a bible thoughts and loving for God and
the best version of yourself and
study, lecture about the word of not just for God also for their
can also help them of earning
God’s and always making a family and even strangers.
money by making a rosary and
rosary because nowadays many
they can sell them.
people especially teenagers
forget about how sacred and
holy our God is.

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