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Communicative Strategies

- Attempts participants in a communication activity but mainly by the speaker

to express his or her ideas in a way that minimizes breakdown in communication.
- Blue Print


1. Nomination
- Presenting a particular topic clearly, truthfully, and saying only what is

- Discussion of the recently watched video

2. Restriction
- Constraining the response/reaction within a set categories.

- Love is overrated, do you agree?

3. Turn Taking
- Recognizing when and how to speak because it is one's turn.
- Watch out for the verbal and nonverbal cues.
- May be formal or informal

- Friends

4. Topic Control
- Keeping the interaction going by asking questions and eliciting.

- Talking with your special someone

5. Topic Shifting
- Introducing a new topic followed by the continuation of that topic.

- If we cannot use the Earth's resources, our economies will die. We need to
choose: the economy of the enviroment.

6. Repair
- Overcoming communication breakdown to send more comprehensible messages.

7. Termination
- Using verbal and non-verbal signals to end the interaction.

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