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Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count LIWC 2001

NOTE: For research purposes only. This dictionary can only be used by non-commercial organizations such as schools or universities. Please do not share this dictionary with others outside your research lab. Questions about commercial licenses should be directed to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
Pronoun I We Self You Other Negate Assent Article Preps Number Affect Posemo Posfeel Optim Negemo Anx Anger Sad Cogmech Cause Insight Discrep Inhib Tentat Certain Senses See Hear Feel Social Comm Othref Friends Family Humans Time Past Present Future Space Up Down Incl Excl Motion Occup School Job Achieve Leisure Home Sports TV Music Money Metaph Relig Death Physcal Body Sexual Eating Sleep Groom Swear Nonfl Fillers Similes
anybod*b d* i l t
lets i th
thee h
he aren't't acceptt a about
b t billi *
billion* abandon*
b d * di
disappoint* i t* i
impress* * rich*
i h* worr** acceptt li l*
livel* admir*
d i* acceptt abandon*
b d * h if*
horrif* ti k
tick afraid
f id abuse*
b * abandon*
b d * abandon*
b d * i
ignori* i* why
h affect
ff t acceptt b t
but abandon*
b d * alot
l t absolut*
b l t* appear appear askk contact*
t t* acquainta*
i t * h b d*
husband* we've
' admit
d it anybod*
b d* acquainta*
i t * aunt*
t* adult
d lt abrupt*
b t* accepted t d acceptt require i b
be above
b above
b b l
below along
l although
lth h action*
ti * academi*
d i* psych h academi*
d i* administrati*
d i i t ti* accomplish*
li h* actor*
t * apartment*
t t* aerobic*
bi * actor*
t * b d
band b k*
bank* angell angell ashes
h abort*
b t* k
knuckle*kl * abort*
b t* seizure*
i * abort*
b t* alcohol*
l h l* asleep
l b th*
bath* arse er id tk
idontknow lik
anyone* i'd let's i'd thine he'd cannot accepta* an above eight* abuse* disaster* improve* ridicul* worse* accepta* love ador* accepta* abuse* horror ticked alarm* abusive agony accept implic* why's affected acknowledg* could anal ambigu* all appeared appeared asked feel admit individual who admits anyone* boyfriend* brother* adults after admitted accepts requires he'll across ahead beneath also besides advanc* accomplish* psychol* administrati* applicat* achiev* actress* bath* baseball actress* cd bet angels angels burial* ache* leg ache* sensation aids anorexi* awake* brush* arsehole* hm* idon'tknow
y g i'll our i'll thou he'll can't accepted
p the across eleven abusive discomfort* inadequate q rigid*
g worship*
p accepted
p loved affection* accepted
p abusive hostil* torture* anguish*
g aggravat*
gg alone accepted
p incorporat*
p wish affects adjust*
j could'* avoid* anyy altogether
g appearing
pp g appearing
pp g asking g feeling*
g admits individuals who's admitted everybod*
y bud cousin* babe again
g affected admit resolve i'll ahead atopp bottom* altogether
g but approach
pp achiev* purpose*
p p advisor* associatio* advanc* ad bed basketball ad choir* bets ashes bible* buried aching g legs
g aching g sensations bi appeti*
pp bed clean* arses uh imean
everybod* i'm ours i'm thoust her couldn't accepting after fift* accept discourag* indifferen* romanc* worthless accepting lovely agree* accepting ache* humiliat* tragedy anxi* aggress* cried accepting induc* wished assum* admit couldn't barrier* anybod* always appears appears asks feels admitted infant wife* admitting everyone* buddies dad* babies age ago admits rub it'll along high* down* among* except* arrive administrati* quit* applicat* benefits ahead aerobic* clean* bicyc* celebrit chorus betting bible* bless* bury aids lesbian* aids shak* boobs ate coma* comb* ass um ohwell
everyone* i've ourselves i've thy hers didn't accepts against first accepta* disgust* ineffect* romantic* worthwhile accepts loves attachment* accepts aching hurt* tragic apprehens* agitat* cries accepts infer wishes bases admits expect* block* anyhow assur* ask eye* call felt admitting infants wive* advice everything* buddy daughter* baby ago appeared affect rubs may among* on low* and exclu* arrived advanc* quiz* auditorium* board award* apartment* den exercis* channel concert* borrow* bless* catholic* casket* alcohol* leuke* allerg* shoulder* breast* bar daze* curl* asses umm* oranything*
everything me us lets ya herself doesn'tt
doesn agree*
agree ahead five accepted dislike inferior rude*
rude wrong*
wrong active*
active loving*
loving care advantage*
advantage advers*
advers ignoran*
ignoran trembl*
trembl aversi*
aversi anger*
anger crushed achiev*
achiev inferred wishing basis admitted hope brake*
brake anyone*
anyone certain*
certain asked look called grab*
grab adult inform woman*
woman affair*
affair he buds ex boy already asked affects run might anywhere onto off here however arrives advisor*
advisor raise baseball bonus beaten band dorm*
dorm fitness comed*
comed danc*
danc bought burial*
burial chaplain*
chaplain cemet*
cemet allerg*
allerg libid*
libid angina sicken*
sicken butt bars doze hair*
hair asshole*
asshole zz*
zz orsomething*
he mine we let's y'all he's don't alright* along four* accepting disliked inhib* ruin* zip admir* loyal* cared adventur* afraid impatien* trick* bewilder* angr* cry acknowledg* inferring withheld because admitting hoped careful* anything* clear asking looked calling handl* adults informs women* apolog* he'd colleague* families* boy'* always ate am runs shall area over under here's nor arriving ahead register* basketball boss best baseball families* football commercial* disk buy buried christ coffin* angina lip ankle* skin cock beer* dream* makeup bastard orwhatever*
he'd my we'd me ye him hadn't fine among* half accepts dislikes insecur* sad ador* lucki* cares assur* aggravat* impersonal troubl* confus* annoy* crying adjust* infers withhold caus* analys* hopef* clog* anytime clearly asks looking calls held advice insult* ya argu* he'll companion family boys annual became appear see she'll around top in off bring applicat* registra* biology business* better basketball family game* drama drum buying bury christian* cremat* ankle* lips anorexi* skinny* condom* binge* drowsy perfume bitch* rr*
he'll myself we'll mine you himself hasn't granted around hundred* ache* dismay* inspir* sarcas* advantage* lucky cheer award* aggress* inadequate turmoil desperate* antagoni* defeat* admit influenc* wonder consequen* analyz* hopes conflict* anywhere completely ate looks chat* hold affair* interact* y'all ask her comrade father* chick anytime been appears seem they'll atop up inclu* or bringing associatio* requirement* book* career* celebrat* bath* garage* golf film* drummer* buys casket* church* dead anorexi* love appendi* skull dick breakfast fatigu* shampoo* boobs yaknow
her we're my you'd his haven't indeed as infinit* aching distraught insult* satisf* adventur* magnific* cheered best agitat* indifferen* ugh discomfort* argu* depress* admits inform wondered cos answer* hoping constrain* bet confidence* bitter* observ* discuss* holding anybod* interrup* ye asked hers exgirl* folks child april began are seems tomorrow* below upon into out brings auditorium* research cafeteria* check challeng* bed home gym* movie* drums cash* catholic* commandment* death* appendi* loved arm sore* erection* brunch insomnia* shav* butt youknow
hers we've myself you'll she isn't mmhmm* at million* active* distress* intell* scare* affection* merr* cherish* bold agony ineffect* ugly distraught arrogan* depriv* admitted informs wondering coz aware* if constrict* bets confidently call read ear holds anyone* interview* you asking herself fellow* grandchil* children august believed aren't sees we'll beneath upstairs plus rather brought award* responsib* calculus colleague* champ* bicyc* homes hockey* mtv guitar* cents cemet* communion decay* appeti* lover* arms spine fairy bulimi* nap shower cock z*
herself lf our your** she'd
h 'd negat* t* okk atop
t nine*
i * admir*
d i* di t t*
distrust* i t
interest* t* scream** agree** neatt chuckl*
h kl* b
brave* * alarm*
l * i f i
inferior unattractive
tt ti di t
distress* * assault* lt* d
despair* i* admitting
d itti i hib*
inhib* wouldld cuz b
became mustt contain*
t i * b tti
betting d fi it *
definite* called
ll d reading
di ears h *
hug* apolog*
l * i
involv*l * you'd'd asks
k h '
he's fi
fiance* * granddad*
dd d* f
female* l * autumn
t b
bought ht arrive
i sellll will
ill b id
beside westt thi
this th
than carried
i d b
baseballb ll rhetor*
h t * campus commercial*i l* climb*
li b* cdd h
i k* j *
jog* remotet i t
t* cheap*
h * chaplain*
h l i * confess*
f * d
decease* * arm l
loves arous** spitit f k*
fuck* cafeteria*
f t i * napping
i soap crap**
he's ours you're she'll neither okay away once ador* disturb* interrup* screw* alert* nice* dear bright* alone inhib* uncertain disturb* bastard devastat* affect initiat* would'* depend believe need contradic* conflict* distinctly calling reads hear itch* argu* kid you'll beg* him friend granddau* gentlem* before broken arrives sells won't between together that carries basketball roomate* chairm* companies closure celebrit homework play show jazz* check christ devil* deteriorat* arms lump* arse starve* gay chew* nightm* toothb* damn*
him ourselves y
you've she's never* uhhu* before one advantage* g divine* intimidat* secure amaz* nurtur* devot* certain* g
anger* insecur* uncomfortable dread* beaten pp
disappoint* affected g
insight* wouldn'* p
depended believed needed control* confus* exact* calls see heard p
pain armyy kid'* y
your* blam* himself friends* g
grandf* g
girl begang broughtg ask sense y
you'll big*g too that's carryy beaten roomie* class companyp y compet*p channel house* p y
played p
soaps listen coin christian* divine* die arous* lunch* arter* starving g g y
gays cook* siesta* p
toothp* dick
himself us their* no yea below quarter* adventur* dominate* irrational securi* amus* ok ecsta* challeng* angr* insult* uneas* emotional bitch* discourag* affects integrat* yield* depending believes needing defens* depend fact* chat* seeing hearing painf* ask kids you're call his girlfriend* grandm* girl'* begin called asks senses boarder* with there carrying benefits roommate* classes coworker* conclud* choir* kitchen* playing television* listened coins church* easter died arse lung arthr* stiff genital* dessert sleep* wash* dumb*
his we them nobod* yeah beneath second advers* doom* irrita* selfish* assur* okay encourag* commitment* anguish* interrup* unfortunate* fear bitter* doom* agree* intell* depends believing needs delay* depended faith* contact* seen hears painl* asked kin you've called lets guest* grandpa* girls beginn* came become share bottom* within there'* climb* best rush classmate* credential* conclus* chorus live plays theat* listening commission coffin* etern* dies arter* lungs ass stiffness homosexual* diet* snooz* dyke*
i we'd
we d themselves none yep beside seven*
seven affect doubt*
doubt isolat*
isolat sensitiv*
sensitiv attachment*
attachment optimi*
optimi enjoy*
enjoy confidence*
confidence annoy*
annoy intimidat*
intimidat unhapp*
unhapp feared blam*
blam dull*
dull anal interfer*
interfer effect*
effect clarif*
clarif ought deni*
deni depending firm*
firm discuss*
discuss sees listen pains asking ladies calling let's
let s honey grandson*
grandson grownup*
grownup begins cared becomes shares broad*
broad unless cross better rushed classroom*
classroom department*
department control*
control clean*
clean lived pool tv listens cost*
cost commandment*
commandment faith*
faith drown*
drown arthr*
arthr lust asthma*
asthma stomach*
stomach horny dinner*
dinner tire*
tire fuck*
i'd we'll they nope yes between six* affected dread* jealous* sentimental attract* original fond confidently antagoni* irrational unimportant fearing cheat* empt* analys* justif* found clear should deny* depends forever drank show listened rub asks lady calls our lover* great-* guy* brief* carried begin she's close* whereas cruis* biology rushing coach* desk* create* comed* living rugby* vcr* mtv debt* communion fundamentalis* dying asleep meal* belly stroke* hug* dish wake goddam*
i'll we're they'd nor by ten affection* dull* jerk serious* award* paradise forgiv* confront* anxi* irrita* unpleasant fears contradic* fail* analyz* kind foundation* closure should'* disregard* disorient* guarantee* drink showed listening rubbed assembl* lets chat* ours mate husband* human clock* changed begins shop distan* without danc* board salar* colleg* duties creating commercial* rent* running video* musi* dime confess* god fatal ass migrain* binge* stuffed incest* dishes wakes hell
i'm we've they'll not down* tenth affects dumb* jerked severe* awesome* partie* giggl* control* appall* isolat* unprotected frantic* crap* fatigu* answer* kinda hence cohere* shouldn't duties doubt* indeed drinking showing listens rubs aunt* let's comment* ourselves mates kin humans continu* cheered believe shopping down* deliver* bonus scholarship* counsel* duty determina* concert* residen* ski orchestr* dollar* cremat* god'* funeral* asthma* mono bladder* sweat kiss* drank waking homo
it they're nothing for third afraid dump* jerks shak* beaut* party* glad convinc* apprehens* jealous* unsuccessful fright* critical flop* approv* knew how compreh* undo duty even inevitab* drinks shows noise* sensation babe listen communic* she neighbor* mom individual day* confided believes shops east depart book* school* courses economic determined danc* room skiing radio* economic dead gods grave* ate mouth bleed* swollen lesbian* drink woke nigger*
it'd they've nowhere from thirt* aggravat* dwell* jolly shame* benefit passion* gratef* courag* argu* jerk unsure* hesitant critici* flunk* arrange* know how's concentrat* want forbid* fortunat* never* ear sight* said sensations babies listened complain* she'd neighbour* momma* individuals decade* cried benefit show far departs boss secretar* curricul* economics excel* den roommate* soccer* rap economics death* gospel* grief awake* muscle* blood* symptom* libid* drinking piss*
it'll shouldn't
h ld 't if th
thousand*d* aggress** d
dynam* * j
joy share
h b
benefitsfit peace** grin
i d i
daring arrogan** j k d
jerked upset* t* h if*
horrif* cruel* l* gloom*
l * assum** k
knowing i i li *
implic* conclud*
l d* wanted
t d guard*d* f
fuzzy positiv*
iti * ears stare*
t * say** sense b b
baby li t i
listening confess*
f * she'll
h 'll pall mommy** i f t
infant d
december b d
depended d d b t
bet shows
h f th
farther di
disappear* * b i
business* * semester t d
danc* * economy f il*
fail* di k
disk shower
h sport*
t* recording*
di * economy d
decay* * h
heaven* * griev*
i * b
bar naked
k d b di*
bodi* t th
teeth l
love di k
drinks prick*
i k*
its uhuh in three agitat* ease* keen* shared benign perfect grins definite* asham* jerks useless horror cut grave* avoid* knowl* induc* conclus* wanting held guess precisely eat view sound* sensed band listens confide she's pals moms infants during described bets sit further drift* cafeteria* skill* dating employ* first dorm* television* swim* sing expens* decease* hell kill* bars nap body tender* loved drunk* pussy*
it's wasn't inside twel* g y
agony easy* y kill* shares best p
perfection pp
happi* determina* assault* kill* vain humiliat* y
cynical g
grief aware* known infer confess* wants hesitant g
guessed secure eaten viewed p
speak senses beg*g lover* confided somebod* p
partner* mom's kid earl* did break sits here drive calculus soccer* dean financ* g
goal* drama tv team* g g
singing fee deteriorat* holyy mortal* bath* pp g
napping bone* tendon* lover* eat q
i've weren't into twent* agree* ecsta* kind sharing better perfectly happy determined aversi* lame vanity impatien* damn* griev* barrier* knows inferred construct* wish hesitat* guesses sure* eating viewing speaking sensing blam* ma'am confides someone* roomate* mother* kid'* end didn't breaks smoke here's driven campus solution* department* fired honor* drum yard tennis* sings financ* devil* immortal* mourn* beer* nasal boobs thigh* loves eaten screw*
me without near twice alarm* efficien* kindn* shit* bless* play joy ease* avoid* liar* vicious* inadequate danger* grim* bases learn* inferring create* wished hold guessing totally eats views speaks skin boy male confiding thee roomie* mum kids era died bring smokes high* drives career* solve* desk* hire* honour* drummer* volleyb* song* fortune* die jesus murder* belly nausea* bowel* thirst* lust eating shit*
mine won'tt
won of two alert*
alert egotis*
egotis kiss*
kiss shock*
shock bold played laugh*
laugh easy*
easy awful lie victim*
victim insecur*
insecur defens*
defens helpless*
helpless basis limit*
limit infers creating wishes holding hazy truly eye*
eye vision*
vision spoke*
spoke squeez*
squeez boy'*
boy males consult*
consult their*
their roommate*
roommate mummy*
mummy ladies etern*
etern disliked brings speak inch*
inch driving celebrat*
celebrat sophom*
sophom dorm*
dorm hiring initiat*
initiat drums weights stereo fund died jew suicid*
suicid bi neck brain throat*
throat naked eats sob
my wouldn'* off zero alone elegant* lame shy* brave* playing like efficien* bad lied violent* irrita* despis* homesick* became meaning influenc* decid* wishing holds hesitant undoubt* feel visual talk touch* boyfriend* man contact* them sweetheart* mums lady evening* done buy speaks inside drove chairm* sororit* economics industr* lose exercis* workout tape funds dies jewish terminat* binge* nerves breast* throb* nipple* fat sonofa*
myself zero on amaz* embarass* laugh* sicken* bright* plays liked encourag* bastard lies vulnerab* miser* destroy* hopeless* because meaningf* justif* determina* would ignore* hesitat* very feeling* watch* talked tries boys man'* contradic* themselves mum's ma'am february drank buys spend large* enter challeng* student* education* interview* loser* families* tapes greed* divine* jews bladder* nightm* breath* thyroid nude* fed suck
nobod* zip onto amus* emotional liar* silly brillian* pleasant likes enthus* beaten loneli* weak* nervous* destruct* hurt* become means motivate* determine would'* ignori* hope feels witness* talking brother* mate convers* they nephew* male finish driven call spends level entered champ* studied english job* losing family voice* inherit* drown* lord bleed* nipple* bronchit* tingl* orgasm* feed sucked
nothing out anger* empt* lie sin calm* pleased liking excel* bewilder* lonely weep* obsess* disgust* inadequate becomes meant motive* determined wouldn'* inhib* hoped felt talks bud mates counsel* they'd niece* males finished drove calls stand low* entering check studies exam labor* motivate* film* invest* dying meditat* blood* nose bulimi* tire* ovar* grocer* sucks
our outside angr* encourag* lied sincer* care pleasing love faith* bitch* lonesome weird* overwhelm* distrust* indifferen* becoming mind* motive* determines interfer* hopef* grab* tell buddies meet critici* they'll parent* man finishes drunk* can stands map enters class study examination* labour* motive* fitness money easter mercy bodi* nude* butt toe* passion* hunger*
ours over anguish*
i h* enem** li
lies sinister
i i t cared d pleasure*
l * l
loved d fl l
flawless bitt *
bitter* l
longingi whine*
hi * panic*i * d i t *
dominate* i f i
inferior b li
believe motivate*
ti t * origin
i i d t
i i li it*
limit* h
hopes h dl*
handl* t lli
telling b dd
buddy meeting*ti * d
describeib th '
they're relatives
l ti man'* '* fi i hi
finishing eaten
t cannott start
t t middle
iddl explor*
l * classes
l studying
t d i exams manag** original
i i l f tb ll
football mortga*
t * etern*
t * methodis*
th di * b d
body numb b calflf t
tongue penis*
i * h
hungr* *
ourselves since annoy* energ* like sins carefree popular* loves free* blam* lose wicked* petrif* dread* isolat* believed motive* outcome* discern* neglect* hoping hear tells buds meets described they've sister* men forever ended can't starts mile fled classmate* succ* finals market originat* game* nickel faith* minister bone* obes* cancer* tonsil* pervert* kitchen*
she to g
antagoni* g g g
engaging liked p
skeptical careful* p
positiv* merr* g
glorious bore* loser* worr* p
pressur* dumb* loneli* believes must p
produce* discl* obstac* j
just heard told call men describes thine son men'* fridayy entered care stayy miles flew classroom* p
supervis* football marketing g outcome* g g
garage* owe fatal moral* boobs g
orgasm* cardiac tooth p
porn* lunch*
she'd under anxi* enjoy* likes smart* cares prett* passion* glory boring losing worse* reluctan* dump* lonely believing need product discover* prevent* kind hearing called men'* describing thou sons partner* futur* explained cares stays narrow* flies climb* taught fratern* meeting* perfect golf owed fundamentalis* pastor bowel* ovar* cheek* trembl* pregnan* meal*
she'll until appall* enrag* liking smil* caring pride romanc* hero* bother* loss* worthless restless* enem* lonesome block* needed productive* effect* prohib* kinda hears calling mention* discl* thoust son's people* generation* expressed carries stick near fly closure teach* freshm* negotiat* perfection guitar* paid funeral* pope* brain overweight chest tumor* prick* obes*
she s up apprehens*
apprehens entertain*
entertain livel*
livel smother*
smother casual*
casual prize*
prize romantic*
romantic hope burden*
burden lost wrong*
wrong saw enrag*
enrag longing brake*
brake needing purpose*
purpose enlighten*
enlighten quit*
quit likel*
likel held calls messag*
messag discuss*
discuss thy spouse*
spouse person histor*
histor fed carry sticks north*
north flying coach*
coach team*
team gpa occupa*
occupa power*
power gym*
gym pay god pray*
pray breakfast pain chill*
chill tumour*
tumour prostat*
prostat overweight
somebod* upon argu* enthus* loneli* snob* certain* profit* sentimental hoped careless* lous* scare* evil lose but needs rational* evaluat* refrain luck hold celebrat* met email* us step-* persons hour* felt change stop nowhere follow colleague* test grade* office* praise* hockey* paycheck* god'* preach* breast* painf* chok* ulcer* prostitu* restau*
someone* with arous* envious lonely sociab* challeng* promising smil* hopef* cheat* low* shak* feud* loser* careful* neglect* react* examine* refus* lucki* holding chat* mob e-mail* we stepfat* sir immediat* fled changes stops off followed colleg* testing graduat* organization* prize* home paying gods presbyterian* breath* painl* cholester* urin* pussy* skinny*
something* within arrogan* envy lonesome sorrow* charm* proud* thankf* hopes complain* ludicrous* shy* fight losing caus* obstac* reason* examining reluctan* lucky holds chick mom encourag* we'd
we d stepmot* woman* immortal* flew cheer studies out following commercial* tests greek* paid produce* homes pays gospel* priest* bronchit* pains cock vagina* queer* snack*
thee without asham* evil longing sorry cheer ready worship* hoping confus* mad sicken* fighting loss* clarif* organize* result* explain repress* may hug* child momma* excuse* we'll uncle women* infinit* followed come study outside follows companies trade* hall pay product homesick* penny grave* protestant* brunch paraly* colon vomit* rape* starve*
their* assault* excel* lose special cheered reassur* impress* contradic* mess startl* fights lost clear organizing root* explained require maybe itch* children mommy* explain we're uncles instan* fought comes stuns over go company transcript* halls paycheck* productive* homework poor grief religio* bulimi* passion* coma* waist screw* starving
them assur** excit*it* l
loser* * spite*
it * cheerf*
h f* relax*
l * i
improve* * crap** messy strain*
t i * f
fought ht l *
low* clog*
l * origin
i i since
i explaining
l i i required
i d might
i ht li t
listen colleague*
ll * moms explained
l i d we've
' uncle's
l ' i t
interval l f
found d confidefid suckk place*
l * goes compet* t* t
f * h ll
hallway paying
i purpose** h
house* * povertyt griev*
i * sacred d b tt
butt pelvis*
l i * congest* t* weak* k* sex** stuffed
t ff d
themselves attachment* excruciat* losing startl* cherish* rich* inspir* craz* miser* stress* frustrat* miser* closure ought source* explains requirement* nearly listened comment* mom's explaining ya wife* january gave confides sucks position going computer* tried homecoming pays solution* instrument* price* heaven* saint* cafeteria* penis* contag* weary stud supper
theyy attract* exhaust* loss* strain* chuckl* romanc* optimi* cried miss stunned fuck* miss cohere* outcome* stimul* explanat* requires occasional* listening g communic* mother* explains y
y'all wive* j y
july g
given cryy suffer short* g
gone conclud* tries homesick* position solve* j
jazz* profit* hell satan* calf pervert* coronar* womb* g
vagina* swallow*
they'd aversi* express lost strange clever* romantic* original cries missed stuns furious* missed complete perceiv* therefor* explor* responsib* or listens companion mum express ye june gone depart suffers side hik* conclus* try homework president* succ* jog* purchas* holy sin cancer* porn* cough* wound* virgin* tast*
they'll avoid* expressed lous* stress* comfort* satisf* pride critical misses tense* goddam* misses compreh* perception* thus feeling* restrain* perhaps look complain* mummy* expressed you last got departs support small* jog* control* trying junior* product tried kitchen* quarter* immortal* sins cardiac pregnan* cramp* wrist* womb* thirst*
they re award*
award expresses love strong*
strong commitment*
commitment secure profit*
profit critici*
critici missing tension*
tension greed*
greed missing concentrat*
concentrat ponder*
ponder why feels restrict*
restrict possib*
possib looked comrade mums expresses you'd
you d late*
late gotten depends supports south*
south move council*
council tutor*
tutor lecture*
lecture profession*
profession tries listen rent*
rent jesus soul cheek*
cheek prick*
prick cyst waist
they've awesome* expressing loved stubborn* concentrat* securi* promising cruel* molest* terrified* harass* mourn* concern* pretty why's felt retard* pretty looking confess* mum's expressing you'll march guessed describe suppose spac* moved counsel* universit* librar* quit* try listened rich* jew souls chest prostat* deaf* weight
thine awful fail* lovely stunned confidence* sensitiv* proud* crushed moody terrifying hate overwhelm* conclud* prevent* figur* rigid* probab* looks confide negotiat* feud* your* meantime had describes surround surround moves courses unsuccessful literature raise trying listening salar* jewish spirit* chew* prostitu* diabet* workout
thou bad faith*
faith loves stuns confidently sentimental ready cry mourn*
mourn terror*
terror hated pathetic*
pathetic conclus*
conclus produce*
produce find*
find stop puzzl*
puzzl noise*
noise confided neighbor*
neighbor fight you're
you re meanwhile hadn'tt
hadn die surrounds surrounded moving coworker*
coworker upperclass*
upperclass majoring responsib*
responsib unsuccessful listens sale jews temple*
temple chill*
chill puk*
puk diarr*
thoust bastard fantastic* loving* stupid confront* share secure crying nag* trembl* hateful pessimis* confess* product forgiv* stopped random observ* confides neighbour* fighting you've minute* happened dies take surrounding pack create* varsity majors salar* victor* live saving* kill* testament* chok* pulse dick
thy beaten fatal low* suck considerate shared securi* cut nast* turmoil hates pitiful* confide productive* found stopping reckon* pain confiding nephew* fights moment* hated dislike takes surrounds packed creating victor* marketing secretar* win lived scholarship* lord theolog* cholester* pussy* disease*
us beaut* fatigu* loyal* sucked contented* shares strong* cynical neglect* uncertain hating pity confided prohib* gather* stops seem painf* congregat* niece* flatter* monday* heard dislikes talk tall packing credential* win math* skill* winn* living sell meditat* worship* clean* queer* dizz*
we benefit favor* lucki* sucking control* sharing sunn* damn* nervous* uncomfortable hatred resign* confides purpose* generate* stubborn* seemed painl* consult* organization* forgiv* month* held do talks territor* ran curricul* winn* orientation supervis* wins movie* selling mercy cock rape* drowsy
we'd benefits favour* lucky sucks convinc* silly super danger* numb uneas* hostil* sad confiding question grasp* wait seems pains contact* organize* fought morning* helped does tell there run danc* wins pack trade* work mtv sells methodis* colon rash* ear
we'll benign fear ludicrous* suffer courag* sincer* superior* daze* obnoxious* unsure* humiliat* sorrow* confirm* questioning inform waited some perceiv* contradic* organizing gave network* hoped doesn't tells there'* running dating work packed transfer* worked musi* shop minister coma* restau* ears
we're best feared mad suffered create* smart* suprem* decay* obsess* upset* insult* suffer conflict* questionned informs waiting somebod* perception* convers* our give never* inferred don't tend tiny runs dean worked packing work working orchestr* shopped moral* condom* retina* emphysema
we ve better fearing magnific*
magnific suffering creating smil*
smil terrific*
terrific defeat*
defeat offend*
offend vulnerab*
vulnerab interrup*
interrup suffered confus*
confus questions insight*
insight waits someone*
someone read counsel*
counsel ours given new kept drink tends top swim*
swim department*
department working philosophy worked works play shopping mortal*
mortal congest*
congest rib erection*
ya bewilder* fears merr* suffers creative* sociab* top defect* outrag* worr* intimidat* suffering consequen* quit* knew withheld something* reading cousin* ourselves gives next knew drinks thank under take desk* works pledge* working played shops mourn* contag* ribs exhaust*
y'all bitch* festiv* mess sunn* cute* special triumph* defens* overwhelm* jealous* suffers constrain* rational* know withhold sometime* reads coworker* pal giving night left drive that's universe takes determina* prof works playing sold murder* cook* ringing eye*
ye bitter*
bitter feud*
feud messy super daring strong*
strong trust*
trust degrad*
degrad pain jerk tear*
tear constrict*
constrict react*
react knowing yield*
yield sort rub critici*
critici pals gossip*
gossip nights lied drives there'*
there up taking determined professor*
professor plays spend pastor coronar*
coronar saliv*
saliv face
you blam* fight miser* superior* darling sunn* vigor* depress* painf* jerked tragedy construct* read knowl* sorta rubbed crowd parent* hear noon liked eat they're upon took dorm* psych pool spending pope* cough* scalp faint*
you'd bless* fighting miss support dear super vigour* depriv* painl* jerks tragic contain* reading known suppose rubs dad* participat* heard november listened eats think upstairs transport* duties psychol* radio* spends pray* cramp* scrape* fat
you'll bold fights missed supported definite* superior* win despair* pains kill* unhapp* contradic* reads knows supposed said daughter* partie* hearing now lived enter thinks west travel* duty quiz* rap spent preach* cyst screw* fatigu*
your* bore* flawless misses supporter* delicate* support winn* desperate* panic* liar* unimportant control* realiz* learn* temporar* say* describe partner* hears occasional* looked enters throw where visit* economic register* recording* stock presbyterian* daze* seizure* feet
you're boring flirt* missing supporting delicious* supported wins despis* paranoi* lied unsuccessful cos reason* meaning tentative* see described party* hello o'clock* lost explain throws where's walk economics registra* remote tax priest* deaf* sensation fever*
you've bother* flop* molest* supportiv* deligh* supporter* won destroy* pathetic* lous* useless could reckon* meaningf* uncertain seeing describes people* hi october loved explains today* wherever walked economy requirement* rent* taxa* protestant* dessert sensations finger*
brave* flunk* mood supports determina* supporting destruct* peculiar* ludicrous* weep* could'* recognis* means unclear seen describing person inform old made express tries wide* walking education* rhetor* residen* taxes religio* diabet* sex* flesh
bright fond moods suprem*
suprem determined supportiv*
supportiv devastat*
devastat pervert*
pervert mad worthless couldn'tt
couldn recogniz*
recogniz meant undecided*
undecided sees discl*
discl persons informs once meant expresses try within walks employ*
employ roomate*
roomate restau*
restau wage*
wage sacred diarr*
diarr shak*
shak flu
brillian* fondly moody sure* devot* supports devil* pessimis* molest* coz reconsider* motivate* unknow* sensation discuss* persua* insult* origin met feel turn went english roomie* room wealth* saint* dick shoulder* flush*
burden* forbid* mourn* surpris* digni* suprem* difficult* petrif* nag* create* reconstruct* perceiv* unlikely sensations email* phone* interact* past missed feels turns exam roommate* roommate* worth satan* diet* shower foot
calm forgiv*
forgiv nag*
nag suspicious*
suspicious divine*
divine sure*
sure disagree*
disagree pett*
pett nast*
nast creating reflect*
reflect perception*
perception unresolve*
unresolve sense e-mail*
e-mail praise*
praise interrup*
interrup period moved fight understand examination*
examination rush rugby*
rugby worthless sin dinner*
dinner sicken*
sicken forehead
care fought nast* sweet dynam* surpris* disappoint* piss* obnoxious* cuz refrain ponder* unsure* sensed encourag* question interview* present needed fights understands exams rushed running sins disease* siesta* genital*
cared frantic* neat talent* ease* sweet disaster* pitiful* offend* decid* refus* question vague* senses everybod* questioning listen presently owed find* undo excel* rushing show soul dish skin gland*
carefree freak* neglect* tear* easy* talent* discomfort* pity outrag* defens* relate* questioning variable* sensing everyone* questionned listened saturday* packed finish use fail* scholarship* shower souls dishes skinny* gut
careful* free* nervous* teas* ecsta* tender* discourag* poison* paranoi* delay* relation* questionned wonder show everything* questions listening semester paid finished uses finals school* sing spirit* dizz* skull guts
careless* friendl* nice* temper efficien* terrific* disgust* prejudic* piss* deni* reluctan* questions wondered showed ex reassur* listens september past finishes view financ* semester singing suicid* doze sleep* hair*
cares fright* numb tender* elegant* thank dislike pressur* poison* deny* remember* rational* wondering showing excuse* refus* meet sometime* played flies views fired soccer* sings temple* drank snack* hand
caring frustrat* nurtur* tense* encourag* thanked disliked protest prejudic* depend repress* realiz* shows exgirl* relatives meeting* soon protested fly wait first sophom* ski terminat* dream* snooz* hands
casual* fuck* obnoxious* tension* energ* g thankf* dislikes protested
p punish*
p depended
p require
q reason* sight*
g explain
p replie*
p meets spring
p g questionned
q follow waits football sororit* skiing g testament* drink sore* hangover*
certain* fun obsess* terribl* engaging thanks* dismay* protesting rage* depending required reckon* skin explained reply mention* start ran follows wake fratern* student* soaps theolog* drinking spine head
challeng* funn* offend* terrific* enjoy* thoughtful* distraught puk* rape* depends requirement* recognis* smell* explaining request* messag* started required get wakes freshm* studied soccer* worship* drinks spit headache*
charm furious*
furious ok terrified*
terrified entertain*
entertain tolerant*
tolerant distress*
distress punish*
punish rebel*
rebel describe requires recogniz*
recogniz sound*
sound explains respond*
respond met starting resolved gets walk goal*
goal studies song*
song drowsy starve*
starve heal*
cheat* gentle okay terrifying enthus* top distrust* rage* resent* described resolu* reconsider* speak express roomate* negotiat* starts rubbed give walks gpa study sport* drunk* starving heart
cheer gently optimi* terror* excel* treasure* disturb* rape* revenge* describes resolve reconstruct* speaking expressed roomie* participat* stop rushed gives want grade* studying stereo ear stiff heartbeat*
cheered giggl* original thank excit* triumph* dominate* rebel* ridicul* describing resolved reflect* speaks expresses roommate* persua* stopped said go wants graduat* taught swim* ears stiffness hip
cheerf* giving outrag* thanked faith* true* doom* regret* rude* determina* responsib* relate* spoke* expressing rumor* phone* stopping sat goes wear greek* teach* tape eat stomach* hips
cherish* glad overwhelm* thankf* fantastic* trust* doubt* reject* sarcas* determine restrain* relation* squeez* families* rumour* praise* stops saw guess wears hall team* tapes eaten stroke* hiv*
h kl* gloom*
l * pain i thanks*
th k * favor*
f * truth*
t th* dread*
d d* reluctan*
l t * saw determined
d t i d restrict*
t i t* resolu*
l * stare*
t * family
f il saidid question
ti sudden*
dd * seemed d guesses we're' halls
h ll test
t t team*
t * eating
ti stud
t d horny
clever* glorious painf* thoughtful* favour* useful* dull* remorse* screw* determines result* resolve sweet father* say* questioning summer seen happen what's hallway testing television* eats stuffed hunger*
comfort* g y
glory p
painl* threaten* festiv* valu* dumb* p
repress* shit* determining g retard* resolved talk fellow* secret q
questionned sunday* y sensed pp
happens where's hire* tests tennis* p y
emphysema pp
supper hungr* g
commitment* goddam* pains tick flawless vigor* dump* resent* sinister digest* rethink* rethink* talked female* secrets questions temporar* shared has who's hiring transcript* theat* erection* swallow* hyperten*
complain* good panic* ticked flirt* vigour* dwell* resign* skeptical discern* reveal* reveal* talking feud* share reassur* then shopped hasn't why's homecoming transfer* tv erection* sweat ill
concentrat goodness paradise tolerant*
tolerant fond virtue*
virtue egotis*
egotis restless*
restless smother*
smother discl*
discl rigid*
rigid saw talks fiance*
fiance shared refus*
refus thursday*
thursday showed hate win homesick*
homesick tutor*
tutor vcr*
vcr exhaust*
exhaust swollen illness*
confidence* gorgeous* paranoi* top fondly vital embarass* revenge* snob* discover* root* secret tast* fight shares replie* till smoked hates wins homework universit* video* eye* symptom* indigestion
confidently gossip* partie* torture* forgiv* warm emotional ridicul* spite* disregard* saw secrets tell fighting sharing reply time* sold have wish honor* upperclass* voice* face tast* infect*
confront* grand party* tragedy free* warmth empt* rigid* stubborn* done secret see telling fights she request* today* spent haven't wishes honour* varsity volleyb* faint* teeth inflammation*
confus* gratef* passion* tragic friendl* wealth* enem* rude* stupid doubt* secrets seeing tells flatter* she'd respond* tomorrow* spoke* hear wonder industr* weights fairy tender* insomnia*
considerate grati* pathetic* treasure* fun welcom* enrag* ruin* suck duties see solution* told folks she'll rumor* tonight started hears work initiat* workout fat tendon* intestin*
t t d* grave** peace** t
trembl* bl* f
funn* * wini envious
i sad d suckedk d d t
duty seeingi solve*
l * t
touch* h* f i *
forgiv* she's
h ' rumour** t
d * stayed
t d h l
help works k i t i *
interview* yard d f ti *
fatigu* thi h*
thigh* it h*
contradic* greed* peculiar* trick* gentle winn* envy sarcas* sucking effect* seem suspect* view fought sir said until stood here's write job* fed thirst* jaw*
control* g
grief p
perfect triumph* p g
gently y wins evil scare* sucks end seemed think viewed friend sister* y
say* wednesday* y pp
stopped he's writes jjunior* feed throat* kidney* y
convinc* griev* perfection troubl* giggl* wisdom excruciat* scream* suspicious* ended seems thinking viewing friends* somebod* secret week* stuck hold you're labor* feet throb* knee*
courag* grim* perfectly true* giving wise exhaust* screw* teas* ending* settl* thinks views game* someone* secrets when studied holds labour* fever* thyroid knuckle*
crap grin pervert*
pervert trust*
trust glad won fail*
fail selfish*
selfish temper ends should thought vision*
vision gather*
gather son share whenever stunned hope lecture*
lecture finger*
finger tingl*
tingl leg
craz* grind pessimis* truth* glorious wonderf* fatal serious* terrified* enlighten* should'* thoughts visual gave sons shared while sucked hopes librar* flesh tire* legs
create* grins petrif* turmoil glory worship* fatigu* severe* terrifying evaluat* shouldn't understand watch* gentlem* son's shares winter* suffered how's literature flu toe* leuke*
creating gross* pett* ugh good worthwhile fear shak* terror* examine* since understandable witness* girl speak sharing year* supported i'm lose flush* tongue lip
creative* guilt* piss* ugly goodness zip feared shame* threaten* examining smart* understanding girl'* speaking speak yesterday* supposed infer loser* foot tonsil* lips
cried handsom* pitiful* unattractive gorgeous* fearing shit* tick expect* solution* understands girlfriend* speaks speaking young* surrounded infers losing forehead tooth lump*
i h
happi* i* pity
it uncertain t i grand d f
fears shock*
h k* ti k d
ticked explain
l i solve*
l * understood
d t d girls
il spoke*k * speaks k t k
taken i
is majoring
j i f k*
fuck* t
trembl*bl* l
critical happy play uncomfortable gratef* feud* shy* torture* explained sort wonder give spouse* spoke* talked isn't majors gay tumor* lungs
critici* harass* p y
played uneas* g
grati* g
fight sicken* trick* p
explaining g sorta wondered g
given p
step-* gg
suggest* g
taught it's manag* g g y
gays tumour* g
cruel* harmony playing unfortunate* grin fighting silly ugly explains source* wondering gives stepfat* talk tended keep market genital* ulcer* mono
crushed hate plays unhapp* grins fights sin vicious* explanat* stimul* giving stepmot* talked thanked keeps marketing gland* urin* mouth
cry hated pleasant unimportant handsom*
handsom flop*
flop sinister victim*
victim explor*
explor stop gossip*
gossip suggest*
suggest talking thought know math*
math grocer*
grocer vagina*
vagina muscle*
crying hateful pleased unpleasant happi* flunk* sins violent* fact* stopped grandchil* sweetheart* talks threw knows meeting* gut virgin* naked
cut hates pleasing unprotected happy forbid* skeptical wicked* feeling* stopping granddad* talk teas* told leave motivate* guts vomit* nasal
cute* hating pleasure* unsuccessful harmony fought smother* feels stops granddau* talked telephon* took leaves motive* hair* waist nausea*
cynical hatred poison* unsure* heaven* frantic* snob* felt structure* grandf* talking tell tried like negotiat* hand wake neck
damn* hazy popular* upset* helpful* freak* sorrow* figur* stubborn* grandm* talks telling turned likes occupa* hands wakes nerves
danger* * h
heaven* * positiv*iti * useful*f l* h *
hero* f i ht*
fright* sorry fi d*
find* suspect* t* grandpa*
d * t
team* * t ll
tells understood
d t d li t
listen office*
ffi * h
hangover* * waking
ki nipple*
i l *
daring hell prejudic* useless hilarious frustrat* spite* finish therefor* grandson* teas* told used listens organization* head wash* nose
darling g p
helpful* p
pressur* vain honest* fuck* startl* fit think g
great-* p
telephon* welcom* viewed live orientation headache* weak* nude*
daze* helpless* prett* valu* honor* furious* strain* fits thinking group* tell waited look original heal* weary numb
dear hero* pride vanity honour* gloom* strange forbid* thinks grownup* telling walked looks originat* heart weight obes*
decay hesitant prize*
prize vicious*
vicious hope goddam*
goddam stress*
stress forgiv*
forgiv thought guest*
guest tells wanted lose outcome*
outcome heartbeat*
heartbeat woke orgasm*
defeat* hilarious profit* victim* hoped gossip* stubborn* found thoughts guy* thee was love pack hip womb* ovar*
defect* homesick* promising vigor* hopef* grave* stunned foundation* thus he their* wasn't loves packed hips workout overweight
defens* honest* protest vigour* hopes greed* stuns gather* tried hear them went make packing hiv* wound* pain
definite* honor* protested violent* hoping grief stupid generate* try heard themselves were makes paid homosexual* wrist* painf*
degrad* honour* protesting virtue* humor* griev* suck goal* trying hearing they weren't means pay horny painl*
d li t *
delicate* h
hope proud* d* vital
it l h
humour* * grim*
i * suckedk d grasp** understand
d t d h
hears th 'd
they'd wished
i h d meett paycheck*
h k* h *
hug* pains
delicious* hoped puk* vulnerab* ideal* grind sucking guard* understandable he'd they'll woke meets paying hunger* paraly*
deligh* p
hopef* p
punish* warm p
impress* g
gross* sucks held understanding g he'll y
they're won miss p y
pays hungr* g p
depress* hopeless* rage* warmth improve* guilt* suffer hence understands hello they've wondered misses perfect hyperten* penis*
depriv* hopes rape* weak* inspir* harass* suffered hesitant understood help thine wore move perfection ill pregnan*
despair hoping ready wealth*
wealth intell*
intell hate suffering hesitat*
hesitat undo helped thou worked moves philosophy illness*
illness prick*
desperate* horribl* reassur* weep* interest* hated suffers hold unresolve* helpful* thoust written need pledge* incest* prostat*
despis* horrif* rebel* weird* jolly hateful suspicious* holding wait her thy wrote needs position indigestion puk*
destroy horror regret*
regret welcom*
welcom joy hates tear*
tear holds waited hers told yesterday*
yesterday network*
network power*
power infect*
infect pulse
destruct* hostil* reject* whine* keen* hating teas* hope waiting herself uncle owe praise* inflammation* pussy*
determina* humiliat* relax* wicked* kind hatred temper hoped waits he's uncles pack president* insomnia* rash*
determined humor* reluctan* win kindn* hazy tense* hopef* want hi uncle's pay prize* intestin* retina*
devastat* humour* remorse* winn* kiss* hell tension* hopes wanted him us pays produce* itch* rib
devil* hurt* repress* wins laugh* helpless* terribl* hoping wanting himself we play product jaw* ribs
devot* ideal* resent* wisdom like hesitant terrified* how wants his we'd plays productive* kidney* ringing
difficult* ignoran* resign* wise liked homesick* terrifying how's welcom* honey welcom* question prof kiss* saliv*
digni impatien*
impatien restless*
restless won likes hopeless*
hopeless terror*
terror if what human we'llll
we questions profession*
profession kitchen*
kitchen scalp
disagree* impersonal revenge* wonderf* liking horribl* threaten* ignore* what's humans we're reads professor* knee* scrape*

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