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Let's go on an advanture with

circulation in
the blood
arteries, capillaries and veins
learning understand how the structures of blood

vessel relate to their functions.
the blood vessel
The pulmonary and systemic circulations are features of a
double circulatory system, where blood passes through
the heart twice in one full circuit around the body
The pulmonary circulatory system transports
deoxygenated blood to the lungs for gas exchange
The systemic circulatory system transports oxygenated
blood to the rest of the body
types of blood vessel
Arteries: transport blood away from the heart (usually at high
pressure) to tissues
Arterioles: arteries branch into narrower blood vessels called
arterioles which transport blood into capillaries
Veins: transport blood to the heart (usually at low pressure)
Venules: these narrower blood vessels transport blood from
the capillaries to the veins
Meet Arteries
Artery walls consist of three layers:

1. tunica intima :
made up of an endothelial layer, a layer of connective tissue and a layer of elastic fibres
The endothelium is one cell thick and lines the lumen of all blood vessels. It is very smooth and reduces friction for
free blood flow

2. tunica media :
smooth muscle cells and a thick layer of elastic tissue
The layer of muscle cells strengthen the arteries so they can withstand high pressure. It also enables them to contract
and narrow the lumen for reduced blood flow
The elastic tissue helps to maintain blood pressure in the arteries. It stretches and recoils to even out any fluctuations
in pressure

3. tunica adventitia/externa
made by collagen is a strong protein protects blood vessels from damage by over-stretching
Arterioles possess a muscular layer that means they can
contract and partially cut off blood flow to specific organs
Eg. During exercise blood flow to the stomach and
intestine is reduced which allows for more blood to
reach the muscles
Unlike arteries, arterioles have a lower proportion of
elastic fibres and a large number of muscle cells
The presence of muscle cells allows them to contract
and close their lumen to stop and regulate blood flow
close to the heart wall of arteries
more elastic for high pressure of
blood, further from the heart small
lumen for efficiency the diffusion of
They have a very small diameter (lumen)
This forces the blood to travel slowly which provides
more opportunity for diffusion to occur
Capillaries branch between cells
CAPPILARIES Substances can diffuse between the blood and cells
quickly as there is a short diffusion distance
The wall of the capillary is made solely from a single layer of
endothelial cells (this layer is also found lining the lumen in
arteries and veins)
The wall is only one cell thick – this reduces the diffusion
distance for oxygen and carbon dioxide between the
blood and the tissues of the body
The cells of the wall have gaps called pores which allow
blood plasma to leak out and form tissue fluid
carry blood back toward the heart, most of the
deoxygenated blood, some exception.
consist of two main greater veins :
1. superior vein cava
2. inferior vein cava

has semilunar valves, to avoid backflow of the blood.

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