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Rotational Motion

• Rotation (rigid body) versus translation (point particle)

• Rotation concepts and variables
• Rotational kinematic quantities
ƒ Angular position and displacement
ƒ Angular velocity
ƒ Angular acceleration
• Rotation kinematics formulas for constant angular

“radian” : more convenient unit for angle than degree
360o 180o
• 2π radians = 360 degree 1 radian = = = 57.3o
2π π

arc length ≡ s = r θ (in radians) s

θrad ≡
θ (in rad )
s = 2π r × = rθ

r s
θ θ

Example: r = 10 cm, θ = 100 radians Æ s = 1000 cm = 10 m.

Rigid body

Rigid body:
A “rigid” object, for which the position of each point relative
to all other points in the body does not change.

Solid: Rigid body
Liquid: Not rigid body

Rigid body can still have translational and rotational motion.

Angular position of rotating rigid body

• By convention, θ is measured CCW

from the x-axis
• It keeps increasing past 2π, can be y

negative, etc.
• Each point of the body moves around θ Reference
the axis in a circle with some specific x line rotates
radius with body

rotation axis “o” rigid body

fixed to body
parallel to z-axis

Angular displacement of rotating rigid body

x line rotates
li t t
with body
Angular displacement:
rotation axis “o” rigid body
• Net change in the angular coordinate fixed to body
parallel to z-axis

Δθ ≡ θ final − θinital (an angle in rad.)

Arc length: Δs
• Measures distance covered by a point as it moves Reference line rotating with body
through Δθ (constant r) y
Δs = r Δθ

Δ s ≡ rΔ θ (a distance along a circular arc)

r r

Rigid body rotation: angular & tangential velocity

Angular velocity ω: For any point, r is the perpendicular

• Rate of change of the angular displacement distance to the rotation axis
Δθ Δθ dθ
ωave ≡ ωinst ≡ Lim ≡
Δt Δt → 0 Δt dt vT
• Units: radians/sec. Positive in Counter
Clock Wise sense

• Frequency f = # of complete revolutions/unit time r

• f = 1/T T = period (time for 1 complete revolution θ = ωΔτ
ω = 2πf = 2π/T f = ω/2π

Tangential velocity vT:

• Rate at which a point sweeps out arc length along
circular path
Δs = r Δθ Æ
Δθ Æ vT = rω
Δt Δt

iClicker Quiz

1.1. The period of a rotating wheel is 12.57 seconds. The radius of

the wheel is 3 meters. It’s angular speed is closest to:

A. 79 rpm
B. 0.5 rad/s
C. 2.0 rad/s
D. .08 rev/s
E. 6.28 rev/s

1.2. A point on the rim of the same wheel has a tangential speed
closest to:

A. 12.57 rev/s
B. 0.8 rev/s
C. 0.24 m/s
Δ s ≡ rΔ θ
D. 1.5 m/s
E. 6.28 m/s
v T = ωr
ω = 2πf = 2π/T

Rigid body rotation: angular acceleration

Angular acceleration α: Δω Δω dω
• Rate of change of the angular velocity α ave ≡ α inst ≡ Lim =
Δt Δt →0 Δt dt
• Units: rad/s 2
• CCW considered positive

• for CONSTANT α: ω f = ω 0 + αΔ t

1D and Angular Kinematics Equations
(Same mathematical forms)
1D motion with Angular motion with
constant acceleration a constant angular acceleration α
x(t), v(t), a(t) variables θ(t), ω(t), α(t)
dx dv dθ dω
v= a= Definitions ω= α=
dt dt dt dt

v f ( t ) = v 0 + at Kinematic ω f ( t ) = ω 0 + αt
1 Equations 1
x f ( t ) = x 0 + v 0 t + at 2 θ f ( t ) = θ 0 + ω 0 t + αt 2
2 2
v 2f ( t ) = v 02 + 2a[ x f − x 0 ] ω 2f ( t ) = ω 02 + 2α[ θ f − θ 0 ]

Rotational variables are vectors, having direction

The angular displacement,

speed, and acceleration
( θ, ω, α )
are vectors with direction.

The directions are given by the

right-hand rule:

Fingers of right hand curl along

the angular direction (See Fig.)

Then, the direction of thumb is

h di
i off the
h angular

A grindstone is rotating with constant angular
acceleration about a fixed axis in space.
Initial conditions
at t = 0: α = 0.35 rad/s 2 ω 0 = - 4.6 rad/s

When is Δθ = 0 again in addition to t=0? Positive directions:

right hand rule

Example: Wheel rotating and accelerating

At t = 0, a wheel rotating about a fixed axis at a constant angular

acceleration has an angular velocity of 2.0 rad/s. Two seconds
later it has turned through 5.0 complete revolutions. Find the
angular acceleration of this wheel?

ω f ( t ) = ω 0 + αt
θ f ( t ) = θ 0 + ω 0 t + αt 2

ω 2f ( t ) = ω 02 + 2α[ θ f − θ 0 ]

Rigid body rotation: radial and tangential acceleration
Centripetal (radial) acceleration ac or ar
• Radial acceleration component, points toward rotation axis

ar = = ω 2r (use v = ω r ) Fr = mar
r T
Tangential acceleration aT: x
• Tangential acceleration component
• Proportional to angular acceleration α and also to radius r
• Units: length / time 2

aT = rα Ftangential = maT

Rotation variables: angular vs. linear

s = rΔθ
v T = rω

aT = rα

vT 2
ar = =rω 2

A ladybug sits at the outer edge of a merry-go-round, and a
gentleman bug sits halfway between her and the axis of
rotation. The merry-go-round makes a complete revolution
once each second. The gentleman bug’s angular velocity is

A. half the ladybug’s.

B. the same as the ladybug’s.
C. twice the ladybug’s.
D. impossible to determine

A ladybug sits at the outer edge of a merry-go-round, and a

gentleman bug sits halfway between her and the axis of
rotation. The merry-go-round makes a complete revolution
once each second. The gentleman bug’s velocity is

A. half the ladybug’s.

B. the same as the ladybug’s.
C. twice the ladybug’s.
D. impossible to determine

Rotational Dynamics

We want something like “F=ma” for rotational motion…..

• Moment of inertia – rotational analog of mass

• Torque – rotational analog of force


Something like mass for rotational motion: Moment of Inertia, I


Kinetic energy of ladybug and gentlemanbug

1 1 1 1
K= mL vL2 + mG vG2 = mL (rLω ) 2 + mG (rGω ) 2
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
2 2 2
( )
= mL rL 2ω 2 + mG rG 2ω 2 = mL rL 2 + mG rG 2 ω 2 = I ω 2

I = mL rL2 + mG rG2
1 2
Generally, I = m1r1 + m2 r2 + m3 r3 + ...
2 2 2
Kinetic energy: K = Iω

Example: Find moment of inertia for a crossed dumbbell

•Four identical balls as shown: m

m = 2 kg
•Connected by massless rods: 2d
length d = 1 m. d d
m m

Rotational inertia I depends on axis chosen


A) Choose rotation axis perpendicular to figure through point “A”

B) Now
N choose
h axis
i perpendicular
di l to t figure
fi through
th h point
i t “B”

C) Let rotation axis pass through points “B” and “C”

Calculation of Moment of inertia for continuous mass

distributions requires “Integration, a kind of calculus”.
We will just use the result.

Moments of Inertia of Various Rigid Objects

Now we want to define “torque, τ”, so that “τ = I α”.

Newton’s Law along tangential direction

FT = maT = m r α

Multiplying “r”, so that we have “I” on right side
rFT = m r 2 α = Iα
So, let’s define torque as τ ≡ rFT
Then we got τ = Iα
Since FT = F sin θ and rp = r sin θ

τ = rFT = rF sin θ = rp F (could be positive or negative)

τ = rFT = rF sin θ = rp F
m If r = 0, torque is zero.

axis If theta = 0 or 180 degree, the torque is zero.

For multiple forces

τ net = τ 1 + τ 2 + τ 3 + ...

τ net = Iα

m1 m2

m1=100 kg adult, m2=10 kg baby.

Distance to fulcrum point is 1 m and 11 m respectively.
Th seesaw starts
The t t att horizontal
h i t l position
iti from
f rest.
Which direction will it rotates?
(a) Counter-Clockwise
(b) Clockwise
(c) No rotation
(d) Not enough information
Example: Find the net torque, moment of inertia, and
initial angular acceleration.
Choose axis of rotation through fulcrum point.

Example: second law for rotation
PP10606-49*: When she is launched from a springboard, a diver's angular speed
about her center of mass changes from zero to 6.20 rad/s in 220 ms. Her rotational
inertia about her center of mass is constant at 12.0 kg·m2. During the launch, what
are the magnitudes of (a) her average angular acceleration and (b) the average
external torque on her from the board? G G
τ net = I tot α

5 N tangential force is applied at the edge of a uniform disk

of radius 2 m and mass of 8 kg.
Find angular acceleration. F=5 N

Axis of rotation

Formula: I= MR 2

5 N tangential force is applied at 1 m from the center of a uniform
disk of radius 2 m and mass of 8 kg.
Find angular acceleration.

F 5N

Axis of rotation

Formula: I= MR 2

5 N force is applied at 1 m from the center of a uniform disk of

radius 2 m and mass of 8 kg.
Find torque. 45 degree
F=5 N

Axis of rotation

Torque on extended object by gravitational force
Æ Assume that the total gravitational force effectively
acts at the center of mass.

Gravitational potential energy of extended object

Æ M g H, where H is the height of the center of mass and M
is the total mass.

iClicker Q

Axis of rotation

H i l uniform
if rodd
of length L & mass M
Find the torque by gravitational force.

A. LMg
B. (L/2)Mg
C. 2LMg
D. (3/2)LMg
E. None of the above
Find the angular acceleration. I end ,rod = ML2

Example of energy conservation

Axis of rotation

Horizontal uniform rod of length L & mass M is released from rest.

Find its angular speed at the lowest point, assuming no friction

between axis of rotation and the rod.

A thin uniform rod (length = 1.2 m, mass = 2.0 kg) is
pivoted about a horizontal, frictionless pin through one
end of the rod. (The moment of inertia of the rod about
this axis is ML2/3.)) The rod is released when it makes an
angle of 37° with the horizontal. What is the angular
acceleration of the rod at the instant it is released?

Example: Torque and Angular Acceleration of a Wheel

•Cord wrapped around disk, hanging

• Cord does not slip or stretch
g, M = 2.5 kg,
• Let m = 1.2 kg, g, r =0.2
• Find acceleration of mass m, r

find angular acceleration α for

disk, tension, and torque on the a
1 2
Formula: I = Mr
2 mg

Rolling : motion with translation and rotation about center of mass

K total = K rot + K cm
K rot = I cmω 2
K cm = 2
For rolling without slipping
U gravity = Mghcm Δs = RΔθ
vcm = Rω
Emech = K tot + U
ΔEmech = Wnon −conservative

Example: Use energy conservation to find the speed of the
bowling ball as it rolls w/o slipping to the bottom of the ramp
Given: h=2m

ƒ Formula: For a solid sphere

Icm = 5 MR 2

ƒ Rotation accelerates if there is friction

between the sphere and the ramp
‰ Friction force produces the net torque
and angular acceleration.
‰ There is no mechanical energy change
because the contact point is always at
rest relative to the surface, so no work is
done against friction

iClicker Q:
A solid sphere and a spherical shell of the same radius r and
same mass M roll to the bottom of a ramp without slipping from
the same height h.

True or false? : “The two have the same speed at the bottom.”

A) True
B) False. Shell is faster.
C) False. Solid sphere is faster.
D) Not enough information.

I_(cm, spherical shell) = (2/3) MR^2

I_(cm, solid sphere)=(2/5) MR^2


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