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Poise and self respect are evident in your handwriting.
You comport yourself with balance, freedom from
affectation and with good composure.

There is evidence in your handwriting of excessive

sensitivity to criticism, and your reactions may not always
be constructive. Fear of criticism can operate as a goad
(or a drive) to the perfection of skills and/or techniques; or
it may be a self-imposed limit to productivity. The capacity
to recognize excessive sensitivity to criticism may prove
an asset to you, if you can learn to evaluate, with less
pain, both positive and negative reviews of your
endeavors by others.

Your enthusiasm is shown in the sweep of the T-bars

across the letter stem. This is an indication of your
strength of feeling. This trait indicates your ability to
inspire others. (Keep sweeping your T-bars. It is a very
positive trait.) 

The slashed i dots in your writing show you are not very
patient and may, in some situations, become irritable.
These feelings are shorter-lived than temper and are most
often caused by chronic fatigue, nervousness, and
frustrations. Sometimes it helps, even in the busiest
schedule, to relax and look at the overall picture again.

You show a tendency towards secretiveness. You have

the capacity to keep confidential information to yourself.
This means you may be a trusted friend and confidant. In
certain personal situations, however, you might benefit
from opening up.

You think and act in accord with your own beliefs

regardless of the influence or persuasion of others. You
are independent and make up your own mind. This trait is
shown by the short t and d stems in your writing. Your
associates might consider you strong-willed. It would be a
good thing for you to consider the need of others in your
dealings with them, although you should not compromise
your own closely held principles.

Your handwriting indicates varied responses to stress.
Under certain situations you show resistance to stress
and at other times stress will have a greater impact on
you and its effects will last longer. You tend mostly to be
balanced in stressful situations.

The formation of your m's and n's indicate your
methodical, logical thinking. You build fact upon fact and
then draw your own conclusions. You must not be rushed
in the process. You may have difficulty in dealing with
deadlines especially where you do not have enough time
to follow your natural inclination to research and test
every aspect of the situation.

The wedge formations in your M's and N's are a strong

indication of your investigative thinking process. You
enjoy searching for answers and are resourceful in
gathering your own information. In handwriting, larger
wedge formations show a proportionately greater capacity
to investigate and explore a situation. The ability will help
you get to the root of a problem and make decisions
based on the facts you uncover.

The lower loops in your writing indicate a vivid, active
imagination. You have the ability to come up with original
innovative ideas. You are probably happiest when you
can work in a creative way and you will likely achieve
rather spectacular results if you can deal with the
practicalities of bringing your ideas to fruition.

The placement of your T-bar over the T-stem indicates a
tendency to set your goals so high as to seem unrealistic
to others. You may be told that when daydreaming gets
out of hand it can interfere with your personal
performance. You may be warned that the setting of
“unreasonable goals” leads to failed expectations and,
sometimes, deep disappointment. Your overall
handwriting indicates that you are capable of doing
whatever you set your mind to, so keep setting them high.

You tend to become confused if you are faced with too
many projects at one time. You are capable of handling
varied or diversified tasks, but for maximum efficiency you
should take one at a time. Try making a list of each day's
tasks and organize your day into a sequence of attainable
goals. Confusion is often the result of having too many
irons in the fire. Your ideas are so diverse that at times it
may be difficult for you to focus your thoughts on one
subject at a time.

Your handwriting sample shows strong evidence of

personal initiative. This aspect of your personality gives
you the ability to initiate new ideas and actions. You are a
self-motivator and are able to take decisive steps without
relying on others to encourage you. This trait is most
useful in helping you to achieve your goals.

You take pride in yourself and your abilities and would like
others to hold you in high esteem. The trait of pride is at
times an asset. It helps you to set a higher standard of
conduct for yourself. The degree to which one has pride is
measured by the height of the stems compared to the rest
of the writing. Because you value your self-respect, you
make a special effort to keep your personal and work
standards high.

Change and variety work well for you. You are happiest
when your daily routine is filledwith multiple tasks or
events. In order to avoid becoming scattered take one
project at a time. Ordinary routine can quickly become
boring to you. In any work situation your tasks should be
as dissimilar as possible. You enjoy travel for the change
it brings to your life, as well as for the new people you
may meet along the way. This characteristic is shown by
the long lower loops in your writing.

You have a strong drive combined with the ability to direct

your actions in a purposeful manner. You are a good self-
starter and a good self-motivator. Strong drive is essential
to success and will show itself in a positive manner in
every area of your life. Drive and purposefulness are
indicated in the vigorous strokes of your T-bars.

You have the ability to reach clear-cut decisions. Your

opinions are expressed with assurance. Therefore, you
can face finality without trepidation because you have the
full understanding of the matter at hand. This trait is a
prime requisite for leadership.

The slant in your handwriting suggests that you are an
emotional "extrotype." This means you are highly
responsive emotionally, which makes you ultra-
sympathetic to the needs of others. You respond to
situations with your emotions first and apply logic
secondarily. This trait enables you to be perceived by
others as quite charming and very outgoing.
It is natural, at times, for you to act first and think
later. Your thinking is never entirely detached from your
emotional reactions, and you are constantly affected by
them. You will work to develop your reasoning, logic and
control in order to counterbalance your intensely
emotional reactions to people and situations.

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