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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Philosophy of the Human Person (Module 7,8 and 9)
SY 2021-2022

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________

Year & Track/Strand: ____________________ Score: ________________

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space
provided before each number.

1. The first trait that defines a person is ____________. It refers to the person having a clear
perception of oneself, including his or her thoughts, emotions, identity, and actions. Human
awareness goes beyond perception and reaction to the environment.
a. Rationality c. self-awareness
b. self determination d. free will

2. This enables us to do and experience all things that make us human persons.
a. Dignity c. interiority
b. Externality d. embodiment

3. Ramon carries a picture of his family with him in his wallet. Whenever he gets a break from
working in the oilfields in Saudi Arabia, he takes the picture out and imagines himself with his
family back in the Philippines. The following situations shows
a. Dignity c. interiority
b. Externality d. embodiment

4. We cannot naturally fly, breathe under water, sustain too much heat in our body, live without
oxygen. But we are able to device means to achieve several feats. We now have airplane to fly,
scuba gear to breathe under water, equipment to enable our body to sustain too much heat, and
apparatus to supply oxygen. This ability to pass limits is called
a. Transcendence c. attributes
b. Limitations d. power

For Question # 5 and 6

Read the situations below:
Joey: [sighs] I keep getting a bad score in our math tests!
Alan: Hey, 30 out of 40 isn’t that bad! It’s a higher result than what you got last week, right?
Joey: I know! But I really want to score higher next time!
Maria: So, Jenny, how’s basketball practice?
Jenny: It’s going great, thanks for asking!
Maria: You know, the provincial athletic meet is just a few weeks away…
Jenny: Yes! And we’re pretty excited about it! The team is really trying their best to be better than
last year. Last year’s runner-up win was nice, but we want the championship cup this year.
David: I’m really interested in talking this job. But this means that I’ll be moving to Manila!
Mario: Didn’t you tell me that it has been your ambition to work at the most prestigious
architectural firm in the country? Of course you have to go for it!
David: I know, but I can’t imagine leaving my family and friends behind! This will be a new
experience for me.

Based on the dialogues, the following are the personal limits experienced by whose individual?
5. Gets low scores in math
a. Joey b. Jenny c. Mario d. all of them

6. Her basketball team was runner-up in last year’s provincial athletic meet
a. Joey b. Jenny c. Mario d. all of them

7. Which statement is not true in connection with environmental ethics.

a. Since the nature will produce by itself, we can always exhaust its products saving little for
b. Man is the steward of everything in this world.
c. Man must take precaution when eating foods which are not naturally for human
consumption such as exotic foods.
d. We need to take care of nature and in turn the nature will supply us with its fruits.

8. Allucard believes that all life is created equal and not even man is superior over any living
thing but that all things have worth. He is a strong advocate against animal cruelty and
promotes reforestation and environmental protection. This view is commonly known as:
a. Anthropocentrism c. Biocentrism
b. Ecocentrism d. Anthopometrics

9. Which of the following statements is contrary to the principles of sustainable development.

a. The high school students are ordered by the school to plant trees before they can
b. Early morning, the city sanitation officers are doing cleaning on the streets of Tagum.
c. People in power have used their position to convert the farmlands into subdivisions
leaving farmers without land to plant.
d. Emission test centers have greatly reduced pollution caused by vehicle emissions.

10. The capability of persons to make choices and decisions based on their own
preferences, monitor and regulate their actions, and be goal-oriented and self-
directed is known as
a. Rationality c. self-awareness
b. self determination d. free will

11. The small boy, Carlo, playing in the living room of their house while his mother is in the
kitchen. Suddenly, the boy accidentally bumps into a table, causing a vase to fall. Upon
hearing the sound of something crashing to the floor, Carlo’s mother immediately goes into
living room and sees him standing near the broken vase. Carlo’s mother asks him, “Did you
break the vase?” his answer will be? I broke the vase, Mama. I bumped into the table and the vase
fell, Mama. No. I did not break the vase, Mama.
This situation shows:
a. Rationality c. dignity
b. b. self determination d. action and consequence
12. This refers to the totality of an individual who possesses awareness. self-
determination, and the capacity to interact with others.
a. Human person c. human
b. Human being d. human nature
13. It looks into the important role of humankind in the world and considers nature as the means
by which humans are able to meet their needs and survive
a. Anthropocentrism c. Ecocentrism
b. Biocentrism d. Environmentalism

14. A severely alcoholic person decides to change his life and promised to buy a tree to plant
than spend it on buying alcoholic drinks. Each day he plants only a single tree in one of the
severely deforested area in Brazil. After one year, he had planted already several hectares of
Do they show a right or moral choice in their action?
a. Yes b. No c. Not sure

15. One student from Grade 12, has a habit of instead disposing scratch papers immediately into
the trash bins, he makes sure that the empty pages which are usable can be turned into
another form of writing solutions or ideas before finalizing a work that involves writing down.
a. Integrity
b. Frugality
c. Prudence
d. Temperance

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