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Number 8 (Solution 1)

Place 10 stools along four walls of a room so that each of the four walls has the same number of stools.
Understand the Problem
- There are 10 stools to be place along in a four walls of a room
- A room with four walls have 4 corners
- Four walls of the room should contain equal number of stools
- Two walls can share in one stool if and only if a stool will be placed in the corner

Corner 4 Wall 1 Corner 1

Wall 4 ROOM
Wall 2

Corner 3 Wall 3 Corner 2

- If that is so, we can simply apply the division rule to this problem
- 10 is not divisible by 4, then there will be a remainder
- And to determine where to place the stools to have an equal number of stools per walls, we
should make a representation of it
Devise a Plan
There are 10 stools to be placed in a four walls room. With the understanding of it, we can simply
apply an arithmetic mathematics which is the division.
Because 10 is not divisible by 4, we can assume that there are stools that cannot be needed to
have the four walls an equal number of stools. But since we need to place all 10 stools, we need to find
the right location of the not needed stools and we might use the corners of the room such that two walls
can share one stool.
Carry – out the Plan
Arithmetic Mathematics: Division
= 2.5 ; But since 10 and 4 is a Natural number, the quotient should also be a Natural number
Applying Closure Property of Natural Numbers
= 2 Remainder 2 ; The quotient is now a natural number as well as the remainder
Hence, the 2 stools can be placed along the four walls of the room. And since we have 2 remainder stools,
we will place it in the corner wherein two walls can share with one stool.

2 Remainder
The question where to place the other stools will arise. But with the help of the representation that
we made above, we can easily pinpoint where we should place the two remaining stools for the four walls
to have equal numbers of stools.


The two remaining stools were place in the two opposite corner of the walls such that each four
walls have three equal stools.
Look Back and Reflect
We can apply arithmetic mathematics in finding where to place the stools in a four walls room.
Making a representation can also make the problem easier.
If we make a table wherein we add two stools starting with 4 stools and the remainder stools if we
have to place equal number of stools in each walls we have:
No. of Stools 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
4/4 6/4 8/4 10/4 12/4 14/4 16/4 18/4 20/4 22/4 24/4 26/4 28/4 30/4 32/4
Remainder 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0

No. of Stools 4 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33
4/4 5/4 7/4 9/4 11/4 13/4 15/4 17/4 19/4 21/4 23/4 25/4 27/4 29/4 31/4 33/4
Remainder 0 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1

We can just place the stools equally in each four walls if and only if the given stools is an even
number starting to four because if it is an odd number the remainder is either 1 or 3, then we can’t place 1
or 3 remaining stools in the corner of the walls to have an equal number of stools each four walls.
Number 8 (Solution 2)
Place 10 stools along four walls of a room so that each of the four walls has the same number of stools.
Understand the Problem
- There are 10 stools to be place along in a four walls of a room
- A room with four walls have 4 corners
- Four walls of the room should contain equal number of stools
- Two walls can share in one stool if and only if a stool will be placed in the corner

Corner 4 Wall 1 Corner 1

Wall 4 ROOM
Wall 2

Corner 3 Wall 3 Corner 2

- Place equal number of stools each walls first.
- Because there are four wall, we know that there will are excessed stools.
- To place the excess stools along the room will be the problem because we need to equally
place all 10 stools along the four walls of the room.
- To determine where to place the excess stools to have an equal number of stools per walls,
we should make a representation of it
Devise a Plan
There are 10 stools to be placed in a four walls room. With the understanding of it, we can simply
apply an arithmetic mathematics and by representation.
Our first step is to place stools on four walls equally. And the excess stools will be place in the
corner such that two walls share one stool.

Since we already used 8 stools from 10:

10 – 8 = 2 excess stools

Where do we need to place the 2 excess stools to the room?

4 Stools

ROOM 3 Stools ROOM 3 Stools


2 Stools
2 stools on each 4 walls + 2 stools on the There are 10 stools but four walls don’t
2 stools on each 4 walls = 8 walls
consecutive corner = 10 stools have an equal number of stools
3 Stools

ROOM ROOM 3 Stools ROOM 3 Stools

3 Stools
2 stools on each 4 walls + 2 stools on the There are 10 stools and each walls have 3
2 stools on each 4 walls = 8 walls
opposite corner = 10 stools equal number of stools

- 8 stools should be distributed to the four walls equally such that 8/4 = 2, each walls have 2
- The two excess stools should be place in the opposite corner of the room such that each walls
should have 3 equal stools because two walls can share in one stool.
Look Back and Reflect
We used arithmetic mathematics as well as representation to locate where do we need to place 10
stools equally along to the four walls of the room. And by using the corners of the room, we placed 10
stools along the four walls.
If we make a table wherein we add two stools starting with 4 stools and the remainder stools if we
have to place equal number of stools in each walls we have:
No. of Stools 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
4/4 6/4 8/4 10/4 12/4 14/4 16/4 18/4 20/4 22/4 24/4 26/4 28/4 30/4 32/4
Remainder 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0

No. of Stools 4 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33
4/4 5/4 7/4 9/4 11/4 13/4 15/4 17/4 19/4 21/4 23/4 25/4 27/4 29/4 31/4 33/4
Remainder 0 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1

We can just place the stools equally in each four walls if and only if the given stools is an even
number starting to four because if it is an odd number the remainder is either 1 or 3, then we can’t place 1
or 3 remaining stools in the corner of the walls to have an equal number of stools each four walls.

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