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National Textile University

B.Sc. Textile Engineering

Practical Lab Report / Fall-2018

Course Code: TE-3112

Course Title: Fiber science

Practical No. 7
Identification of cotton and viscose rayon fibers by chemical
Title of Practical analysis

Student Name Ameer Aman Ullah

Registration No. 17-NTU-0028

Semester/Group 3rd/1

Date of Lab Report Submission 04/12/2018

Submitted To Dr. Abdul Jabbar

1. Title.....................................................................................................3
2. Abstract...............................................................................................3
3. Introduction.........................................................................................3
4. Apparatus............................................................................................4
5. Procedure.............................................................................................4
6. Calculation..........................................................................................4
7. Discussion...........................................................................................5
8. Conclusion...........................................................................................5

1. Title
Identification of cotton and viscose rayon fibers by chemical analysis

2. Abstract
A simple nondestructive method for the quantitative analysis of textile fiber blends has been
suggested. The method requires measurement of moisture regain of the blend and its component
fibers. Experimental studies have been made with cotton-viscose, polyester-wool, and cotton
wool blends. For comparison, blends
have also been analyzed by known
chemical methods. It has been found
that, in all cases, moisture regain of
the blend can be obtained by linear
combination of the moisture regains
of its constituent fibers.
There is following method of
identification blended fabrics
Tests for identification 

1) Handle/Feel Test
2) Visual Examination
3) Burning test
4) Twist on Drying
5) Floatation Test
6) Microscopic analysis
7) Chemical Analysis

3. Introduction
Blended fabrics are created when two or more different kinds of fibers are mixed together to
create a new fabric with unique properties. ... Polyester and cotton, which combines the
properties of natural and synthetic fibers, is one of the most common blended fabrics.
Fabric Identification.
A simple burn test is done to identify unknown fabrics. The burn test for
the identification of fabric should be done only by skilled burners. It is usually done by
many fabric stores and designers to determine the exact fiber content. Some fabrics ignite and
some melt. The goal of our Know Your Fibers series is to provide info about different types of
fibers for our readers. In this post, we’ll take a look at how cotton compares to viscose rayon.
While cotton and rayon fibers are both made from the same polymer (cellulose), cotton’s
cellulose is grown in five to six months by plants. Rayon’s cellulose is produced from trees,

which require a much longer time (years) to grow before they are big enough for harvesting. The
trees are chemically processed to remove everything (bark, lignin, etc.) but the cellulose, and
then the remaining cellulose is regenerated into man-made fibers. Since the molecules in cotton
consist of longer cellulose chains than those in rayon cellulose, the longer cotton molecules are
also packed more in-line (crystalline areas) with each other than rayon’s more random
(amorphous areas) molecules. Both of these molecular qualities combine to make cotton fiber
stronger than
rayon fiber

4. Apparatus
 Blend fibric
 H2SO4 chemical
 Glass beaker
 Glass rod
 Digital balance

5. Procedure
1) First, we took blended fibric of cotton and viscose Rayon
2) And I took H2SO4 chemical and put the H2SO4 beaker
3) Then I put the blended fibric in H2SO4 to dissolve into 10 minutes
4) After 10 minutes then we washed the blended fibric
5) I weight the fibrics the fibric and note the reading.

6. Calculation
Cotton and viscose rayon blend weight =w1= 0.26g

After oven dry Cotton weight = w2= 0.23g
Now we calculate the percentage of viscose rayon in blend fibric
w 1−w 2
Viscose Rayon = ×100
0.26 g−0.23 g
Viscose Rayon = × 100
0.26 g
Viscose Rayon = 11.53 %

7. Discussion
We discussed about the blended fiber and also discussed the different method of identification of
different blend fiber.

8. Conclusion
Finally, we concluded that the percentage of viscose rayon fiber in blend with cotton is 11.53%
and the remaining fibers is cotton is 88.47% is cotton fibers

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