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Bangladesh University of Business& Technology

Department of Textile Engineering
Answer Script

Student Name Alif Sheikh Student ID: 18192107032

BSC in Textile Engineering (Regular
Program Program)
Intake&Section: 2682
Course Title Yarm manufacturingtechnology-1lab Course No. TXE 206
Semester. Spring 2021 Examination Type Lab Final
Address: Phone Number 01627321889
Total No. of
Date: 26.07.2021 Pages:

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2 Late submissions will not be accepted under
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Answer all parts of each question sequentially

All questions' marks are indicated at right

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6Answering the questions must be made in
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6. Write page number and your ID on each page.
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8. If any two or more answer scripts are of Total

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Signature of Examiner&Date:
Nome:Atif Sheith
ID 1892107032

Answert to the g NO- 10)

arramemenrt ot Some plon wise

Lyout plom is define os the

plom of yaron manufocfuring lab

men plami tor
The lyeut
the loation of almachines in Spimi teeto

Loyouts Com e aloassified ito the foltouomg Foutt Gotertdes:

Oproeess loyaut
Prioduet+ lagout
Combinctom lazaut
Fixed pasition lóyout

Anser to the No-4C)

The imporctanee of loyout ploming in the industt is asfolloas

The import-tance otf loyout plamni in the industrpy would be

beterc aPTeeiatest if one undertstands the. inftuene oft on

Efficient lotouton the momufaaturinr tunetion. 1t mokes it

Smooth omd efticiert Cpertating etfieiencies, Such as enomics

inthe Cost+ of hondim atenials, minimizatin of producton

delays amd avoidamae of totteneakasae alt these depend on

PMoper loetoust.
he advanteges of am ideal lopout ane atined in the

Porag raphs that tollota. The odyonteges are Comon to all te

Nome: Af sheikh
D: 1821C7a32.

Plants, irnespætve of oge. Some of thee advomtoges

O Feamemies in tondia

monufacturci Cest is ao@oumted

Near 30 to 40. of the
for, br materials homdli Eveyt efforct shoutd, thenetonebe
made to Qut doom on Lo distonee movements
his @ost.
must be
shoud be avoided omd Specfic hondling Opertations
inated. A qynie may be Sag thot the Cheopestu
elim at-all. But, it ina
hondle materualG is not to hondle them
homdted ond thenefone
itall depends
foctor moterials have fo be
On the logout

O Effeetive use of Availoble Arnea

in urdbom
inch of the plomt anea is voluable, especioll
Evert ot the
Efforts Sould thenefone be
mode to moke use

arnas, Strs tort

plamning the yot properr. Some
Ovailoble anea t
and Services in
end loootion of euipment-
Ochieving this arne
Ortdert Hot they mo perforcm
mulfiple tunctions
onms and Operatort Job assinments forr
of-up-to- date work
lobor fornce,
utillaation of the
| a full
mprove Qualit Contnol,

Timel exeetion of Ortdens wll be memingful cuhen the ual

of the output is not below expee4tions. T6 ensune qualg
nspeetation sheu ld he Qonducted at ditferent Stoges at

fo ensune
fuctune. An ideal layout provides fort inspeætion
better uolbt Control
Name Atif sheith
ID: 1812107032

Minimi2otion ot produ@tion Delys

Repeot Ordens ond nexd Caustomers will be the nesutt of promph

exeeution of adens, Everp mamagement should t r fo keep to
the deliveny Sehedutes. often, the deadline dotes for defivey

|OF productin Ondens anea bur a boo to the management;

(BetterL productian Cortnol

Prioduetion tontnol is eoncermed with the prtoduetian ot +he

amd ota neaso-

Prodtuet Of the rraht tare, at the rrigt time
|ableCast A zood plant 1yout is a reuisite torrgood Produc-
Contnol. amd Provides the raduction Contnol othicens wrth
|tim omd
systematie bosis upon which to build Ongoni|ation
Neme: Atif sheith
D 112107032 Pe 4

Aneoerc to the No-ice)

The loyout ploniag ploning of BUBT orcn monutocturti

Sketch ane given da betotd:

labortatory toth neot

Nhite eoartd

Cel Annogement forn sim

Me-sSees from 2
Claes Rom M/e-
8'> CrcdiogMochine)|
2 e's

s e - 4 m frwme) ye-5 (Riy Me-2DradFrome)
Doruber) z


27 4 >
Fg: Loyout plan of Yarn Manufocturun lob of BUBT
Nome: Aif sheikh
ID: I8O2107032

Machine Specifications8
Mochime-1: Cortding Machine
Output Cortded sliver
erand. Hoda Machinery
Orogin: pon
pnoductionRate: 20-30 kgs/hva.
Mochine-2: Driad friame
Input: eorded Sliver
autput: Drauwn Slivern
Grrond: herr
Orugin: Jpom
Model 4eD MT
|Deliveny tHeod:2
Mochine-3: Speed frame.
Input: Fnishen sliver
output: Ro
Brrmd: 1Rieten
|Origin: Swifzerdomd
Cbpac:36 Spmde,
Machine-4: Ry frame
Inpur: Rovi
output: Yorcn
Brand Rietet

Cigin: suitzerdand
preduction Rote: 72 SPmdie,
Name: Alif sheikh
D: 18192!107032 PRe6
Machine-6: Ring Doublerz
Input single Yoron
OutPut: plied Yarcn
Brand: Bangtadesh
Origin: Bangiadesh
Copoet: 8 Spmde
Nome: Alif Sheith
fD: 1862107032

Anstder to the G No-210

floa poth
A diogrom in whjch the matertiols
PaSsage diogrcam: machine is shoum is Called
main farnds of the
along uwith the
pssoge diogrom

Ansuwerc to the g No-2G

ond bevel geor
Ditterentiate betieen Strogt eut geort

eot Sketch ane given below,

faatons Striaytrt Cut 3err Bevel qear

Triansmission Betueen two shafts Betuen uoo shaft which

Which aTe pottallel and one penpendiCulart ond co-
off pouer
00-plan planer
Shope ylinderica TAneated Cone
Teeh Stnaight ond porallet My be stnanht ori (nelmed
to the onis,
Size ot teæth Remains Sm Some all Deernenses toaoreds the apexx
aleg the Surtface, of a Come

Both loud as uwetlas high

Used form Lo Spee apfiatim
Speed appliation.
Manutactururg Simpie Complicated
Cast lom porafve Chapert CasHien

Lood on the Rodiol os uwel as axial,

Frterchomgeab- Itecehogeoble Not interrchangeabie.
NomeiAtH Sheikh
ID: 1819210z032

Fa: Struht Cut gear

Fg: Gevet geor.

Name: Atif Sreikh
tD: 1821bz032

Ansuar to -he g No-2

Passoge dingrtom of a
Cardirg machine ond its dtfernent
pants orne Jiven elow:

Lop A
Cortd-clofhi Coiler
ytindert Comb
B Rod Stiven
Licken-in Comb D Stivert

Feed-rol ww Tnompett
w w w

Calender ndk

Fig: poseoge digrom of Cordirg machine.

Main portts of the machine

Duetig Pipe
Feed toller
Brush rrotlerz
Fixa orcdirg borns
Täkert in
Mam tlinder
O Snipping device
Calendoru rotler
Naume Atif Sheikh
D 181921oz032

Answerc to the g NO-2(d)

The Opera-ti prunaipte of lortding moahine ane givern beo:

Suppyir raw materiot r dueir pipe,

roltert torusartds the malerial to fead Plate.
rollerr and feas Plote
Fead arrangement Consists of feed
ftoaks. tihen he
l a k e r in Opens the. materioal to Small
Rasses to main aylinder mote knives, arud
bers omd ardin Cordir
Seq ments eliminate a gneat art ot impurities .

Grid euipment
to assist
Moin ytinderr ond fixed orcdi Sements desimed
the Cordirg Oparatn,
Opercofion cecurts betwæn flats omd elindert
The man ortdirg
bars onb med
Ros Comprtomise So to ll6 mdividuot Cardinr
endiess path. 30 to 46 tats
mto a bamd moving On a n

alwoys in oction

Clasing wnit lens Stripes fiben, nops, and foneign materns

from flats
Cmbines the fiber ito a uweb. Becouse of its
T h e doffer
lowert Speed reative to the ylmder,
Suts fantiall
master drau the web triom the
|19 Stniprig device ond dotfig
a Oalendert rzotlert alendars the Cottm omd moves that

| fo uond.
( 2 At last b n and Cailera the sliver is produced.
Name: Alif sheikh
D: 1892ro7032

Answern to the NO- 30)

Calender Rollet RPM= IX

x 4
4154 RPM

Surtace Speed of Calendern Roten= TDN

3:1416 X4%4154

522-008 inch/min

Surthee Spead of feed rtotlerz= KDN

3-1416x 2:5 x I
7.854 inch/min

Using torrmula, Roller

Surtoce Speed of Catenderz
Total draftz feed Rollern
Surcface spctd o+

522 008


66 46

Drtaft Comstomt 2 Töta dnaftx DeP

= 6 46X 24

1595 04 1 5 9 5
Nonme: Alif sheikh
ID:1892OZ032 Pe12

op Galerdern Rollen liae44)

Botom eoenden Pollen 26T
40T 48T

pofen Cpicmelern 27 216T



20T feel Roller (Dimetene 2-s

Calender Rotern ReM2 1x X

45 32RPM
Suntace Spced of Colendern Rollen z 31416x4x 4532
z 569.5iInch/min

Surtaae Sped ot fed Rollern = 7854- mh/ mm

56 51
Total dnoft =
7 8s4

2 72S

Thots it f the numbatof teeth of the rtolert ts 24 to 22,

he total drroft wil be 72:5

Navme: Alif sheikh

tD: 8192103032

Amsuwert to the 9 No-3 ()

3 6"
RPM ot nant deliver roler l400x 4.58 4327


Surrtrde spead of delivery fromt rotlen = 3-14l6 X j629-2 x : 0 6

3 37

137.81 m/mm.

37-81 xl09 x 60 x 24 x 0 8S
Productin mate of drad trame = 84o x 012 x2 2046

828 Fgs/da
Nome: Alif sheikh
ID: 1892107032

Ansuoer to the 9 No-3()

boek draft omd main draft

of draw triome
Distinguish tetoeen

ane given below

Back draft Main drraft

The tinst or1 took 2ne OTne Seoond ort tront Zone

is designated the bock draft. | is atledthe Maàn draft

The back drzaft is in the The. main draft+ is in the rtomge

Cme ot 03 to 2-03 o f b to 18

)1n the man dratf exed()In herte a hgh mog1tude

tion take ploce bet fort an i s takem place.
oph mum draft the fibert
Oruentatm is very Impordont
Surdace Sped of ist Maln draft z Suctoce spet of tnont
Back draft Middte Roten deliverny Rollen
Surtace Speed of Back Suttace Speed ot 2nd
Drauar rotlen Middie Rolten
Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)
B. Sc. in Textile Engineering (Regular Program)

Lab Final Examination (online), Spring 2021

Course Code: TXE 206 ;Course Title: Yarn Manufacturing Technology 14Lab)

EulMarks40 23 Intake
ASwer all the questions
Time:6 Hours
COI 1 a) Recall layout planning
b) in the
Discuss the importance of layout planning industry
c)Mentian the layout planning ol BUBT yam manufacturing laboratory withS1

Difeentiate between straight
cut gear and bevel gear with neal sketch
c)Draw the passage diagram of a carding machine and mention its different 151
d) Descnbe the operaling pnncipleof cardhng machine. 41

a)Cakculate the total drat and draft constant from the above diagram. I6]
Deeded to
give the
harenal draft of 725
a total arator 7 2

b) ldentify the production rate of draw frame from the above diagram.
cDistinguish betwocn back dralt and main dralt of draw trame.

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