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Bangladesh University of Business and Technology

Mirpur, Dhaka-1216
Subject: Fabric Manufacturing TechnologyH Lab
Course Code: TXE-208

Expt. Date 30-06-21

Exp. No

Expt. Name Study on weft knitting calculation

Submitted to: Submitted By:

Teacher Name: Md. Yousuf ST. Name:Alif Sheikh
Ali ST.ID:18192107032
Program: B. Sc. In Textile
Designation Lecturer
Department :Textile Engineering
Semester: Spring-2021
Engineering Intake 26, Section:02

Date of Submission: 03-0721

Obtain Marks Teacher's Sianature

Nome: Alif sheikh
D: 1892107032 Pge:

KniHig is the seeond mast+ mportont method of fabrnie formation

bfohih fobriic r morudaetuned inter-loopi of ane sefot

In weft kni ted Striuetwie, horizmtal of loops ane
arcns. a a ros

Cn be mode tsig sime yom omd the yorn rtums in horti-

Zontal dineetion of tabrue. weft knittir Goleuation is veryt
of a maahine in onder to be able to sehedule prtoduefion n d

Speeitt the delivert dates to the Qustomer.

T o knod atoutthe ueft knit struetui
T o know atot the Mochine porameteris.
To Kno about the Yarn and fabric parameteris
Know about the tweft Colculatio0,
To knithing

tort single jerset and Rib tabrie,
Total Couises in Time = N0. of active feedert()xGHlmdat RPMX Tx

forr Intarloak,
No-of oefive FeaierlP
Total Courtses in Time z- xlinderc RPMX T

Tota no. Of meed les in a machire = ^DGL

Here, K 3-14|G
D Machine yinder diometert

None: Alif sheikh

D: 18192o7032. PR 2

Gincumfenenee of fobnie 314t6x3a/(-shrinkoge/ioo)

WPT Mochine gouge(-shrtinkge
fort Si gle and interlock tabruic:
Total c0oles= ADG
tor Rib tabr1ic:

Tota oles = Decx2

Total tcles
Fabrric oidth in meteris z
WPT X393-(tor ineh fo mefer)
Tota toles
Wem Xlo0 (torr Cm to meter)

Totat ules

Fabnie width m Jards


WPE x 3 37 (tort inh to meter

Total tooles
WPcm X 2:54 x36(ton Gm tofard)

Total @couise
fobrtic ength in meferts =

CPEX 39-37 (torr inch to meten

Total Course

CPem X co(tort to metern)

Nome: Alit sheih
D: 18920z032 Poge:3

Tofal Cowtse
tabrtic legth In gards =
CPIX 36 torn inch toJartd)
T6tal Courtse
Cem X254x 36(ton Cm tojotd

when Jaren Couwnt amd loop on stiteh legth toill be known,

Tota ourues x Totol toales x Loop lerptht)

XYarn Count (rex9

productim pern fime PT

Ioo onvetted(am to 1)

Machine porometeris

O Machine speed (cpm)

Machine diametert (inches)
Machime Jouge (Needles/inch)
Number of feecers,
Machime efficienes
Nuombert of nedles.

Tarn and tobnic Portameteis

OYartn Count
Stiteh length
Stitch densit
Wales pern inch.

Courses Per inch.

Nome: Alif sheikh
ID: 18192107032


A Knitthmachine is rlummina at a Speed ot 20rrpm uth 30
teeders . ealeulate the totol no. of Courses produced in 1 hr,

Gtiven oloda,
No- 0f octive feeder, f 3o
eylinder RRM, N = 20

T 60

Assume Effi eien e,

Usirg fortmua
Tota no Of Course =
3 0 x 20 X60X

324 0o

mochime hov linden
hnd Out the tofal numbert of needles in a

diameterr of 20" omd 26

Gciven dota,
Maahine ylinderz diometer, D 20
Gcouge, Gr 28
Nome: Atif sheikh
ID 1892107032

i tormua,
machine TD6L
The tota numter of medes in =

3.1416x20X 26

= 1633-632634

wPr in a kmtted
a the aPproxmate Ciricumference of tobrie omd
3auge 20 inch diometert (ossume fabric. Shrinkze is
hoviv 24

35 )

Gtiven dta,
Gtauge. = 24

Shrunkge 85. 0 35
diometern- 20 Imch

Using forcmula, 1-Shrurloge)

3.1416x Dio
Qirtcumfernence ef abrtic =

= 3:14t6 2/-03
6 6"

we knou Mochme 8euge

-Shrankrge 1)


36 2
ame: Alf sheikh
ID:18 192107032

omd the
A Knithn machine is rumin at 25 rpm with 60 feaders
tabie densitt is mencuied oith ePI =36, WPL=27 (4-2e/em i10-6on)
and the tobrnic weyht is t3 a/M and width 70" Coleslate

O Producion in length per houn.

produetion in weyht pat hou
Gciven data,
Mochine Speed =25rpm
No. of teeders 60
CPT 36
WPr 2

GrSm -1738/M
Fabrnic coidth= zo"= m
e 78mn

Assume Eficienet 2 0 .

ota n0 Of CourLe poduee pert hcurr z no-of feederiSx Machne rpm

TX L60

= 60X25 x60 X GD

Usin frcmula, Tota Couse

Producion in lergth Pat hourt
CPE X 39 37

36x 334

Narne Atif sheikh
ID: 1892107032.
'produetien in oeght pat haurn= faunic lenpth x fobrnic toidthx

Z 57-16XI78x173

I76 /h.

A Knittin7 machine hare 14 aauge, 20' dia, 404eederis ofraot
at 25 npm oth 20? efficiener. Caleulote the lenth, oidth ond

hour fort the follocoing fabries usi two fotd resuHa

eght pert
artn Count of 12s Ne

ix1 rib, loop lemth -0-2" CPL= 27, WPT =20

012", aPT =37 WPT= 30
Interloar loop length -

Forn 1xi rib,

2 z 54000
Total Courise =
40x 25x 60X

Totar ales z
3.14t6X 20x 14x2, z 1759.296 1 6 0

Yartn count2 i2SNe T e xT e x = 3 2 0

49-2 Tex 590S
Tex 12
5 0 TeX Tex z 49 2
Nome: Alif Sheikh
D: 18 19210O732. Pre:8
Tofat Courge
Fabrue length z
CPC X 39:34

27* 337

z 509 m/nru

Total uCES 760

.Fabrtic weidth z 20 X3-37
WPt 39 3F

Tofal ruNse Y total 2-24 m/nrt

wates xl oDplergh X Count
fatrie weightz - TD

540X IF60 393X


24-1S a/h

forz Tntenloek
Totat Courie = x25x60x OD

3.1416X 20x14 2 87 6 880

Tota toales z

Yann Court= 50 TOL

Total Course 27080

2r080 18 54 m/nr
Fabrtic lengthz 37x 39 37
OPLX 39 37
Tofal Looles 880
fabric width z
WPI X 39 37 30K337

0 75 m/nr
Nome: Atif sheikh
D 18192107032

27000X 880x 0 2 50
'.fabnic weinht = 39 37 COD

z 3:63 / h r


d o i r this expaiment; we karun that How to Calculate the

wet knitig

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