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Seldom Spring

Never Winter, Seldom Spring

Introduction: This document establishes a small settlement in the Sword Coast

region. It is a support document for the Seldom Spring series of adventures.

A place to rest between adventures

by Barry Dore

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Seldom Spring
It was no ship-wrecking leviathan, but it left its mark Dirk Seldom, Proprietor
The hugely popular founder of Seldom Spring, Dirk
—Dirk Seldom Seldom is a retired adventurer of simple upbringing, for
whom the thrill of the escapade was its own reward. He
Introduction grew up in Waterdeep's busy Dock Ward, and briefly
served in the Church of Lathander, but his heart yearned
This document establishes the small settlement known to explore and adventure.
as Seldom Spring, including the inn of the same name. With the questing life now behind him, Dirk lives the
It is intended to provide a resting place between classic adventurer's dream of running his own inn. He
adventures and a source of future quests. remains a true adventurer's paragon. As a long-term
The exact location of Seldom Spring is left to the DM, party leader, multi-classed combatant and veteran of
but midway between Neverwinter and Luskan is a good countless expeditions, his wealth of experience is
fit. considerable. He remains keenly enthusiastic about the
adventuring life and is only too happy to share his tales
with any who will listen.

Seldom Spring Brunthor Kettlegrip, Cook

Hailing from Citadel Adbar, Brunthor is a proud shield
With a welcoming hot spring at its heart, this small
dwarf and retired paladin. He finished his many years of
settlement has swiftly grown in popularity since its
service in Dirk's company, and still bears the scars to
founding by retired adventurer Dirk Seldom.
show for it. The right side of his face is heavily burnt,
With the construction of an inn, trading post, and the damage barely missing his eye, and his left leg has
hunting lodge, it provides the essential services required been replaced by a metal substitute from the knee down.
by most travelers far from home.
For one who once swore an oath of vengeance, and lost
Indeed, some caravans have halved their journey by much in fulfilling that oath, Brunthor remains
trading at Seldom Spring, instead of their original remarkably good humored, for a dwarf.
destination, and business is booming.
Though his appearance may give customers pause,
Growth seems inevitable, but for now the settlement Brunthor is actually a fine cook, for it is in this duty that
remains small and vibrant. he follows his family traditions.

Jambiya, Waitress
Jambiya is a goblin maid, possessed of such grace and
The Seldom Spring beauty as is normally reserved for the fairest of the fey.
The Seldom Spring is a large inn, barely a year old, She was only an infant, captive among orcs, when Dirk
built close to the hot spring from which it takes its and Brunthor found her, but she has quickly grown into
name. It was established by its proprietor, Dirk Seldom. a striking young woman. With her disarming
personality and a penchant for playful mischief, she is a
Its well-lit common room is a warm and hospitable
firm favorite among even the most intolerant of patrons.
place, with no private booths or shadowy corners.
Numerous tables and chairs are provided for its patrons, With expert tutelage from a very early age, Jambiya
with food and drinks delivered from the kitchen on was already an accomplished adventurer by the time she
request. A small stage offers a place for traveling reached adulthood, at the age of eight.
performers to work their trade, and the walls are
Beloved by both her adoptive parents and now a full ten
adorned with an eclectic range of trophies and
years old, Jambiya is a beacon of warmth and joy,
shining brightly in defiance of those who would cast all
The inn also boasts a decent stable, comfortable humanoids as twisted and evil. Perhaps she is touched
bedrooms of varying size and quality, and of course, the by fey blood or divine grace. Nobody really knows, but
spring itself. none can dispute her considerable charm.

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Staff The Welcome Exchange
Additional staff assist with the running of the inn, but they Formerly known as Seldom Trading, the Welcome
come and go almost as often as the caravans that pass Exchange is Seldom Spring's general store. It stocks a
through Seldom Spring. diverse collection of mundane supplies, adventuring
gear, and an ever-changing selection of arms and armor.
Many struggle with the realities of living in such a remote
location, while some can't abide playing second fiddle to a Kul'ra, Proprietor
goblin, and others are inspired by Dirk's tales to set off on
their own adventure. Kul'ra is a dragonborn male of bronze ancestry. He is
unusually short for one of his kind, but is stout and
hardy nonetheless. Though he names no clan as his
own, Kul'ra is fiercely loyal to his friends, and even to
favored customers.
Regulars Kul'ra took over from the original owner, who left when
The following characters are among the most regular Seldom Trading proved to be a prophetic name for the
visitors to Seldom Spring. store. Business has improved dramatically since then,
thanks to the dragonborn's fair and generous nature, and
Anafrey Iceriver, Huntress his willingness to trade with any who come in peace.

Anafrey is an Illuskan woman with an acute fondness Aseid, Assistant

for ale. She typically sleeps in the wilderness, hunting
only enough to feed herself and to cover the cost of her Kul'ra is assisted by a young Calishite male named
drinking. Aseid. Though somewhat naive, Aseid is a keen and
honest worker. He is also a capable swordsman.
Few would consider her civilized company, but she's a
friendly enough drinking companion, especially when Aseid fled his homeland after accidentally joining a
someone else is paying. malevolent cult, during what he perceived at the time to
be an elaborate initiation rite for the local militia. He
Ekemos served as a caravan guard until his arrival in Seldom
Spring, and has worked for Kul'ra ever since.
This mysterious tiefling is a regular patron of the inn,
though he never stays the night and is never seen
entering or leaving the settlement.
He has a fondness for wine, in moderation, and for Hunting Lodge
games of skill and intellect, at which he excels. This large wooden cabin serves as a warm retreat for
the hunters and trappers of the region. Though it houses
Erric Hillfall, Aspiring Bard only one permanent resident, many others consider it
Erric is a young lightfoot halfling with a fondness for home, and several such regulars can be found here as
music and dance, and a growing romantic obsession often as not.
with Jambiya. He regularly leaves to prove his worth,
only to return before reaching his destination. Maldorn Whitehare, Caretaker
Maldorn is a retired trapper of Tethyrian descent.
Juglut, Scout Though born and raised in Yartar, he held no love for
This middle-aged half-orc is a skilled woodsman and the fortified town and left as soon as he came of age.
expert scout. He spends his days close to Seldom Never looking back, he spent most of his adult life in
Spring, ever-vigilant for potential threats to the and around Neverwinter Wood, becoming an expert at
settlement. living off the land. Now in his twilight years, he serves
as custodian of the hunting lodge.
When entering Seldom Spring, he typically avoids the
inn. Although he has been shown no ill will by anyone Despite a lifetime spent largely in solitude, Maldorn can
therein, he is aware of their troubled history with orcs be an extremely talkative fellow. He is particularly
and does not wish to cause them needless discomfort. happy to share his expertise as a trapper, discuss
wilderness survival techniques, or reminisce about his
time in the wilds.

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The Tales of Seldom Spring The Sundered Helmet
The following are a collection of tales relating to the
past exploits of Dirk Seldom and the many companions
that have joined him on his adventures over the years. “A minotaur,” declares Dirk Seldom, dragging you from
your thoughts.
Each tale is tied to one of the numerous relics that adorn
the walls of his inn's common room.
He places a wooden tray on the edge of your table and
As well as adding flavor to the location, these tales pave reaches for an empty flagon. Noting your apparent
the way for future adventures, as detailed in the Seldom confusion, he gestures toward a sundered helmet, mounted
Spring series. like a trophy on the nearby wall.

“You were probably wondering what could have struck

such a powerful blow,” he suggests, proceeding to clear
your table as he speaks.
The Dwarven Boot
He pauses for a moment, his gaze returning to the helmet.

“Enjoy your meal.” “Alas, poor Radyard fared no better.”

Jambiya delivers the words with lyrical perfection, spins on Releasing a gentle sigh, he continues his impromptu tale.
her heel, and glides away to her next customer. The goblin
is such a delightful enigma. So unfathomably vibrant and “It was many years ago now. Radyard was a keen young
beautiful. warrior. Though he lacked my experience, he made up for it
with fearless enthusiasm.”
“A fine specimen to be sure,” declares Dirk, prompting
nods of agreement as you continue to watch the waitress “I had discovered the location of an ancient vault in
depart. Calimshan and gathered a party to uncover its secrets.”

“Magical,” he continues, drawing quiet consensus. Dirk motions towards Brunthor, who appears as if on cue.

“And a fine example of dwarven craftsmanship,” he “Brunthor was with us, I think for the first time,” he
concludes. announces with a smile.

Noting your look of confusion, he motions to the wall, “That I was,” confirms the dwarven cook as he trudges past,
where a single sturdy boot has pride of place above the fire. his metallic foot releasing a tortured squeal with every step.

“Alas, it's not much use on its own,” he claims, falling “Yes,” Dirk continues. “There was also Hanjo, our nimble-
briefly silent in contemplation. fingered halfling friend, and Daratin, the party wizard.”

Turning to your meal, you dig in enthusiastically, enjoying A grunt of disdain breaks Dirk's flow and the hiss of spit
every tasty morsel. meeting flame as Brunthor sends his regards to whichever
god resides within the inn's welcoming hearth.
“Much was lost on that expedition,” announces Dirk, just
when you'd almost forgotten he was there. “Daratin did not leave us on the best of terms,” Dirk admits,
“but at the time he was a valued member of our party.”
“But we recovered the most wonderful treasure of all,” he
continues, his gaze directing you back to the young goblin. “As for Radyard, he left us rather too abruptly,” Dirk
concludes, sighing once again.
“To think that we found her in an orc's cauldron,” he says
with a chuckle, and with that he departs on another errand. His story seemingly at an end, he lifts the wooden tray and
departs for the kitchen.

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The Elven Lute The Scarlet Shield

“No, you can't buy the lute,” declares Dirk, conversing with “So who did this belong to?” asks Dirk, pointing to a scarlet
an immaculately dressed elven woman. colored shield mounted on the wall.

“I know it's an elven lute,” he continues, “but it holds great Caught off guard by the sudden question, you struggle to
sentimental value for me.” respond, only for the answer to be given for you.

The elven woman looks up, drawing your gaze to a finely “It belonged to your dear friend Rossele,” replies Jambiya,
crafted instrument on the wall above her, stamps her foot, her voice a fine blend of compassion and triumph.
and walks off in a huff.
Though barely visible behind a high-backed chair, she is
Dirk shakes his head and wanders over to your table. clearly stood in front of Dirk, and the true target of the
“It belonged to Caelynn,” he informs you, in an
uncharacteristically sad voice, taking a seat before “Correct,” replies Dirk, “so what's her story?”
Jambiya flashes a glance in your direction. Noting that she
“She was a bard, like her mother, but the lute is all she had has an audience, she vaults onto the chair to present herself
to remember her by. Being a half-elf, she was sent away to the room. Clearing her throat and speaking in lyrical
with her human father. They settled in Waterdeep.” tones, she recites her tale.

“Caelynn was a member of my first expedition. Together “Rossele was a childhood friend from Waterdeep.”
with Daratin, Hanjo, Rossele, and I.”
“After your early sea voyage, she became focused on
“We took passage on a ship exploring the Sea of Swords. defense, replacing her light weapons with a sturdy shield
The captain was an eccentric with an interest in bugs, so and knightly blade.”
while he searched remote islands for rare breeds of insect,
we would scour them for hidden treasure.” “You recruited a couple of dwarven rangers to bolster your
party and joined the fight to liberate Neverwinter from all
“We had lots of fun, but little success, and eventually it was kinds of evil.”
time to head home.”
“You hunted wererats in the sewers, and orcs in the streets,
He pauses for a moment, turning his gaze back to the lute shining the renewing light of Lathander before you.”
on the wall.
“Your battles were glorious and victories many. But alas,
“But alas, the fun was not to last,” he continues, a single all good things must end, even the life of a friend.”
tear running down his cheek.
“Rossele could not accept that, so she gave her life to save
“The ship was beset by a tentacled sea monster, just one yours. She died a valiant hero.”
day out from port.”
“Though her sacrifice ensured your victory, you had no
“It was no ship-wrecking leviathan, but it left its mark choice but to bury her where she fell.”
“Then you took up her shield and fought your way to
“Caelynn was dragged overboard and lost forever, her lute safety. The end.”
left floating in her wake,” he concludes with a trembling
voice. Brunthor is stood by the door to the kitchen.

Dirk sighs aloud and rises from his chair, silently bidding “That the short version?” he asks with a grin. “I like it.”
you farewell before departing to the kitchen.

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The Feathered Hat The Raccoon Mask

“A beholder?” scoffs a patron at a nearby table, “you've “I swear that thing still smells,” declares Dirk as he passes
never fought a beholder!” Jambiya.

Dirk raises his hands and shakes his head, replying loud “Well it sure isn't me,” replies the goblin cheerfully.
enough that all can hear.
Noting your interest, Dirk stops at your table and turns to
“I never said I fought a beholder, only that I met one.” point at a raccoon mask hung on the wall nearby.

Turning to indicate a feathered hat on the wall he continues. “It belonged to a young gnomish cleric with whom we were
briefly acquainted,” he informs you.
“This, my friends, is all that remains of poor Hanjo, who
came to a very sudden and complete end, reduced to dust by Stopping to collect his thoughts, he slowly continues.
the beholder in question.”
“He served Baervan Wildwanderer, I believe. That's their
As the room falls quiet, Dirk clears his throat and proceeds god of the woodlands. Oh yes, his name was Acorn.”
to recount the fateful encounter.
“Now gnomes and goblins don't really mix as a rule, but
“For those of you unacquainted with the deadly beholder, this fellow was pleasant enough.”
they are fearsome floating abominations, spherical in form
and covered in eyes.” “Mad too!” pipes in Jambiya with a grin.

“We had entered a vault believed to house the treasures of “Well yes,” Dirk continues, “I'll come to that.”
esteemed Illuskan heroes, Raman and Grath Turntide.”
“This was a few years back when Jambiya was new to
“Within this vault a puzzle blocked our path, with a adventuring and we needed a low-threat environment for
beholder floating beyond, observing our progress.” her to practice in.”

“This beholder was quite talkative, even polite, but made it “With this in mind, it seemed like a good time to recruit a
very clear that if we tried to cheat our way past the puzzle, new healer as well, so we encouraged Acorn to tag along.”
there would be consequences.”
“Now troglodytes are loathsome creatures with vicious
“Now Hanjo was a fine-fingered halfling with a knack for claws and an odor as foul as their temperament.”
disarming traps, but on this occasion it was a skill that cost
him dear.”
“They can pose a danger to remote outposts, but are of little
concern to experienced adventurers, so when we heard of a
“Believing our host's warning to be an indication of such marauding band in the vicinity, it seemed like an ideal
traps, he stooped to examine them before anyone could target for our fledgling members to test their mettle on.”
“Unfortunately, Acorn's madness came to the fore as soon
“Alas, that was not the beholder's intention at all. A ray of as battle was joined. Before we knew what was happening,
light flashed from one of the creature's many eyes, and in he had scrambled into the fray on all fours, mimicking the
an instant, Hanjo was gone.” raccoon embodied by his mask.”

Quiet murmurs fill the room as Dirk finishes his tale. “In truth, had we not been so focused on Jambiya's safety,
we may have been able to save the little chap, but alas, we
“His hat began to tumble from his head, just at the moment did not.”
of disintegration, and now it hangs here on the wall as a
reminder to us all.” Dirk sighs and continues on his way.

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The Wooden Doll The Tavern Sign

It's quite busy in the common room, but you notice that As you savor the first bite of your meal, you are disturbed
Jambiya has stopped to gaze at an old wooden doll hanging by a sudden nearby rattling sound, followed by the clatter
on the wall. of a wooden object hitting the floor.

“Refills?” asks Dirk Seldom, suddenly at your side with a “Sorry,” cries Dirk Seldom, who rushes to retrieve the
pitcher of ale. fallen object.

As he starts pouring, he also begins to tell a tale. He turns it in his hands to present it to you.

“She could barely stand when we found her,” he says, “Its an old tavern sign,” he declares, holding up a painted
motioning toward the cherished goblin. board depicting a writhing mass of black tentacles above
the name Hadar's Arms.
“The Ripped Beard tribe didn't just attack dwarves and
humans. They raided goblins too.” “It's possessed!” announces Jambiya gleefully from behind
you, raising an amused smile from Dirk.
“We believe they killed Jambiya's parents and took her
among their prisoners.” “Actually, it's all that's left of the tavern,” explains Dirk.

“Thankfully, there was one among them who took pity on “Before Jambiya was fully grown, my old friend Daratin
her and sheltered her from his bloodthirsty kin.” took the final plunge into madness, kidnapping her and
spiriting her away.”
“She called him Da-Pa,” Dirk continues with a smile,
“though I doubt that was his real name.” “He was scary,” adds Jambiya.

“He was the largest orc I've ever seen, and had a huge mess “What possessed him to do it, I can only guess,” Dirk
of alarming ginger hair!” continues, “but Brunthor and I soon tracked him down.”

“Yet he was as gentle as any orc you could hope to meet.” “He had holed up in a tavern run by a retired warlock, if
there is such a thing, which was frequented by all manner
“I believe he was a cook, of all things.” of disreputable magicians.”

Jambiya turns in your direction, her broad smile brightening “It wasn't long before things got out of control,” he says
the common room. with a grimace, looking down at the sign in his hands.

“Da-Pa!” she shouts gleefully, to the clear confusion of “We retrieved Jambiya unharmed, but Daratin escaped,
several less attentive patrons. Brunthor picked up some nasty burns, and this is all that
remained of the tavern by the time we were finished.”
“That was her only childhood possession,” Dirk continues,
pointing to the doll, “aside from a dirty loincloth.” He turns and stretches to mount the sign back on the wall.

“Fine orcish craftsmanship,” adds Brunthor cheerily, as he “I keep it as a reminder,” he concludes.

passes with a tray of empties.
“And as a trophy!” adds Jambiya, smiling brightly as she
Dirk smiles and silently bids you farewell. applauds her adoptive parent.

Proceeding to the next table, he soon starts reciting another With a final clap of her hands, she spins on the spot and
familiar tale for his latest audience. heads off to welcome some fresh customers.

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