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Archimedes’ Principle – Notes

1. Fb = buoyant force (act upwards )
2. W = weight (acts downwards )
3. = density
4. V = volume
5. g = acceleration due to gravity
object > fluid Fb < Wobject Object sinks

object = fluid Fb = Wobject Object maintains

object < fluid Fb > Wobject Object floats

Floatation Rules:
If object is submerged (immersed), then Fb = g V of the fluid ( , V).
If object is floating, then Fb = g V of the object ( , V).

A very-low density object, like an inflated balloon, floats high in the water,
and a denser object like a piece of hardwood, floats lower in the water.

An object half as dense as water floats half way into the water. Wood that
floats ¾ submerged is ¾ as dense as water. (Iceberg analogy) See below:

~0 air

= 1/2
=3/4 ~1

The above diagram shows the floating levels (in water) of an object with
varying densities, ranging from much less dense than water (float high),
through ½ and ¾ as dense as water (partially submerged), equal to the density
of water (just float/sink) to greater than (sinking) the density of water.

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