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Arranged By :

Ns. Rosalina, S.Kep., M.Kep




1. Title : Correlation Of Nutrition Status And Immunization

With The Event Of Acut Respiratory Infection In
Toddles (1-5 Years) In Pasir Mulya Public Health
Center Of Bogor City
2. Sector : Department of Comunity Nursing
3. Lecturer proposers :
a. Name : Ns. Rosalina, S.Kep., M.Kep
b. Position : Lecturer
4. Study Program : Nursing Science Bachelor
5. Period Of Time : October 2016-February 2017
6. Activities : Research
7. Place : Pasir Mulya Public Health Centre
8. Cost Required :
a. Source Of Funding From : (350 USD)
b. Total : (350 USD)


Chairman Of Research And Implementer

Public Service Institution

Carnoto, Amd.Kep, S.Pd, M.Kes Ns. Rosalina, S.Kep., M.Kep

STIKes Wijaya Husada

dr.Pridady, Sp.PD-KGEH
The Correlation Nutrional Status and Immunization with Occurrenceof Acute
Respiratory Infection in Toddlers (1-5 years old ) at
Pasir Mulya Health Center Bogor City


Acute Respiratory infection (ARI) is one of infectious diseases that atack suddenly upper
or lower respiratory which can make problems turmoil and one of the causes death in infants and
toddlers. ARI can be influenced by many factors such as housing condition, population density,
pollution, sources of indoor air pollution, consumption of vitamin A also children characteristics
which includes age, gender, birhtweight, exclusive breastfeeding, immunization status and
nutritional status. To determine the correlational between nutritional status and immunization
with occurrence of ARI in toddlers at Pasir Mulya Health Center Bogor City 2016.
This study used Descriptive Analitik Kuantitatif design approach with Cross sectional.
The population is toddlers (1-5 years old) which amounts 142 responden. To get sample is used
technique Accidental Sampling with formulas Slovin which amounts 104 responden.
From the obtained Chi square p value of 0.011 with a significance level < 0.05 H0
rejected then declared, so that Ha is accepted. Showed that there was a significant correlation
between the nutritional status of the occurrence of ARI in toddlers, in addition to the value
obtained OR (odds ratio) = 0,310 (95% confidence interval 0,133-0,723) means that children who
experience malnutrition have a risk 0,310 times for ARI compared to toddlers who have good
nutrition. From the obtained Craner p value 0,307 with a sighnificance level > 0,05 Ha rejected
then declared, so that Ho is accepted.Showed that there is no sighnificance correlation between
the immunization status of the occurrence of ARI in toddlers.
Based on result There was correlation between nutrional status with Acute respiratory infection
accurance in toddlers (1-5 years old ) at Pasir Mulya Health center Bogor 2016. There is no
correlation between immunization status with Acute respiratory infection accurance in toddlers
(1-5 years old ) Pasir Mulya Health center Bogor City 2016. Expected can give more information
and suggestions for health workers especially at Pasir Mulya Health center in order to improve
services the incidence of ARI and providing extension about ARI especially for a mother who have

Keywords : Nutrition Status, Immunization Status, ARI

A. Title
Correlation Of Nutrition Status And Immunization With The Event Of Acut
Respiratory Infection In Toddles (1-5 Years) In Pasir Mulya Public Health
Center Of Bogor City

B. Background

Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is an infectious disease that attacks the

upper and lower respiratory tract suddenly and causes serious problems and is
one of the causes of death in infants and toddlers. The World Health
Organization (WHO) estimates the incidence of ARI in developing countries
with underfive mortality rates above 40 per 1000 live births is 15-20% per
year at the age of children under five. In Indonesia, ARI always ranks first in
the cause of death in infants and toddlers. Based on the prevalence of ARI in
2012 in Indonesia has reached 25% with a range of events, which is around
17.5-41.4% with 16 provinces including the prevalence above the national
figure. In addition, ARI is also often on the list of 10 most diseases in
In Riskesdas (2013), the national prevalence of ARI was 25% with the
highest prevalence at the age of children at 41.9%, while the lowest was in the
age group 15-34 years. The incidence of ARI in the province of West Java
was 24.8%, which is below the figure national prevalence. Data from the
Bogor City Health Office said, in 2011 the incidence of ARI in infants was
13,529 out of a total of 19,750 babies. This means that 2 out of 3 babies in
Bogor City suffer from ARI. In Pasir Mulya Health Center, Bogor City the
incidence of ARI in October 2015 and October 2016 has increased with the
incidence of ARI in children under the age of 23% to 24% .
Efforts to reduce the risk of ARI need to be done, namely by providing
complete basic immunization, giving vitamin A capsules, and increasing
parental knowledge in the prevention of ARI. Government programs for every
toddler must obtain Five Complete Basic Immunizations (LIL) which include
1 dose of BCG, 3 DPT doses, 4 doses of Polio, 4 doses of Hepatitis B and 1
dose of Measles. monitor immunization status of toddlers so that
immunization is completed.
ARI can be caused by several factors such as housing conditions,
occupancy density, outside air pollution, sources of indoor air pollution (use
of mosquito repellent, cooking fuel and the presence of smokers),
consumption of vitamin A and toddler characteristics including age, sex, birth
weight, exclusive breastfeeding, immunization status and nutritional status
Nutritional status can affect the immune system of a toddler. A toddler
who suffers from ARI is most likely 3.3 times his nutritional status is not good
compared to toddlers who do not suffer from ARI. Another factor that causes
ARI is immunization status. Giving immunization is one way to actively
increase a person's immunity and aims to prevent infectious diseases. The
incomplete immunization causes weak toddler immunity, making it easy to get
Preliminary studies conducted on November 28, 2016, obtained data
from 10 toddlers. The results of 6 toddlers (60%) were affected by recurrent
ARI, 1 toddler with more nutrition and complete immunization status; 1
toddler with good nutrition and complete immunization status; 4 toddlers with
malnutrition (1 with complete immunization status and 3 with incomplete
immunization status (1 DPT and 2 measles)) and 4 toddlers (40%) newly
affected by ARI, 2 toddlers with good nutrition and complete immunization
status and 2 toddlers with malnutrition status (1 toddler with complete
immunization status and 1 toddler with incomplete immunization status
(measles)). This shows that the possibility of nutritional status and
immunization can affect the occurrence of ARI.

C. Formulation Of The Problem

Is There a Correlation Of Nutrition Status And Immunization With The Event

Of Acut Respiratory Infection In Toddles (1-5 Years) In Pasir Mulya Public
Health Center Of Bogor City?
D. The Objectives Of Research

To know the Correlation Of Nutrition Status And Immunization With The

Event Of Acut Respiratory Infection In Toddles (1-5 Years) In Pasir Mulya
Public Health Center Of Bogor City

E. The Benefits Of Research

1. Theoretical
To be used as a source of information and sources of reading in child
nursing courses and become a reference for further research.
2. Applicative
a. Researcher
To be used as a comparison regarding the incidence of ARI.
b. Pasir Mulya Health Center, Bogor City
To be used as literarur and information about nutritional status and
immunization with ARI events.
c. Parents of toddlers (1-5 years)
To be used as input and information about nutritional status and
immunization with ARI events
d. The results of this study are to be used as a reference, documentation
or reference in the development of further research in educational
institutions especially in the fields of nursing and occupational safety.

F. Research Schedule

Time Activity Place

October 2016-February 2017 Research Pasir Mulya Health

Center, Bogor City

G. Cost Budget
Research proposals will be financed with funds of 350 USD. As for
the details of the costs of the activities of the research (attached).

H. Methods
This type of research is quantitative descriptive analytic with Cross
Sectional design / design. This research was conducted on 28 December 2016-
23-23 2017 at Pasir Mulya Health Center, Bogor City. The population
determined in this study were toddlers who were treated at Pasir Mulya Health
Center in Bogor City, amounting to 142 people, after calculating using the
Slovin formula obtained a sample of 104 respondents. The method used in this
study is accidental sampling. Data analysis using univariate analysis and
bivariate analysis with Chi Square (X 2).

I. Closing
Thus the proposed activities of the research is organized in hopes
of successfully according to plan. Input and direction for the improvement of
this proposal it is desirable, so that the process of implementation of
the activities can go smoothly.


Arranged By :

Ns. Rosalina, S.Kep., M.Kep




1. Title : Correlation Of Nutrition Status And Immunization

With The Event Of Acut Respiratory Infection In
Toddles (1-5 Years) In Pasir Mulya Public Health
Center Of Bogor City
2. Sector : Department of Comunity Nursing
3. Lecturer proposers :
a. Name : Ns. Rosalina, S.Kep., M.Kep
b. Position : Lecturer
4. Study Program : Nursing Science Bachelor
5. Period Of Time : October 2016-February 2017
6. Activities : Research
7. Place : Pasir Mulya Public Health Centre
8. Cost Required :
a. Source Of Funding From : (350 USD)
b. Total : (350 USD)


Chairman Of Research And Implementer

Public Service Institution

Carnoto, Amd.Kep, S.Pd, M.Kes Ns. Rosalina, S.Kep., M.Kep

STIKes Wijaya Husada
dr.Pridady, Sp.PD-KGEH

A. Title
Correlation Of Nutrition Status And Immunization With The Event Of Acut
Respiratory Infection In Toddles (1-5 Years) In Pasir Mulya Public Health
Center Of Bogor City

B. Background

Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is an infectious disease that attacks the

upper and lower respiratory tract suddenly and causes serious problems and is
one of the causes of death in infants and toddlers. The World Health
Organization (WHO) estimates the incidence of ARI in developing countries
with underfive mortality rates above 40 per 1000 live births is 15-20% per
year at the age of children under five. In Indonesia, ARI always ranks first in
the cause of death in infants and toddlers. Based on the prevalence of ARI in
2012 in Indonesia has reached 25% with a range of events, which is around
17.5-41.4% with 16 provinces including the prevalence above the national
figure. In addition, ARI is also often on the list of 10 most diseases in
In Riskesdas (2013), the national prevalence of ARI was 25% with the
highest prevalence at the age of children at 41.9%, while the lowest was in the
age group 15-34 years. The incidence of ARI in the province of West Java
was 24.8%, which is below the figure national prevalence. Data from the
Bogor City Health Office said, in 2011 the incidence of ARI in infants was
13,529 out of a total of 19,750 babies. This means that 2 out of 3 babies in
Bogor City suffer from ARI. In Pasir Mulya Health Center, Bogor City the
incidence of ARI in October 2015 and October 2016 has increased with the
incidence of ARI in children under the age of 23% to 24% .
Efforts to reduce the risk of ARI need to be done, namely by providing
complete basic immunization, giving vitamin A capsules, and increasing
parental knowledge in the prevention of ARI. Government programs for every
toddler must obtain Five Complete Basic Immunizations (LIL) which include
1 dose of BCG, 3 DPT doses, 4 doses of Polio, 4 doses of Hepatitis B and 1
dose of Measles. monitor immunization status of toddlers so that
immunization is completed.
ARI can be caused by several factors such as housing conditions,
occupancy density, outside air pollution, sources of indoor air pollution (use
of mosquito repellent, cooking fuel and the presence of smokers),
consumption of vitamin A and toddler characteristics including age, sex, birth
weight, exclusive breastfeeding, immunization status and nutritional status
Nutritional status can affect the immune system of a toddler. A toddler
who suffers from ARI is most likely 3.3 times his nutritional status is not good
compared to toddlers who do not suffer from ARI. Another factor that causes
ARI is immunization status. Giving immunization is one way to actively
increase a person's immunity and aims to prevent infectious diseases. The
incomplete immunization causes weak toddler immunity, making it easy to get
Preliminary studies conducted on November 28, 2016, obtained data
from 10 toddlers. The results of 6 toddlers (60%) were affected by recurrent
ARI, 1 toddler with more nutrition and complete immunization status; 1
toddler with good nutrition and complete immunization status; 4 toddlers with
malnutrition (1 with complete immunization status and 3 with incomplete
immunization status (1 DPT and 2 measles)) and 4 toddlers (40%) newly
affected by ARI, 2 toddlers with good nutrition and complete immunization
status and 2 toddlers with malnutrition status (1 toddler with complete
immunization status and 1 toddler with incomplete immunization status
(measles)). This shows that the possibility of nutritional status and
immunization can affect the occurrence of ARI.
C. Formulation Of The Problem

Is There a Correlation Of Nutrition Status And Immunization With The Event

Of Acut Respiratory Infection In Toddles (1-5 Years) In Pasir Mulya Public
Health Center Of Bogor City?

D. The Objectives Of Research

To know the Correlation Of Nutrition Status And Immunization With The

Event Of Acut Respiratory Infection In Toddles (1-5 Years) In Pasir Mulya
Public Health Center Of Bogor City

E. The Benefits Of Research

1. Theoretical
To be used as a source of information and sources of reading in child
nursing courses and become a reference for further research.
2. Applicative
a. Researcher
To be used as a comparison regarding the incidence of ARI.
b. Pasir Mulya Health Center, Bogor City
To be used as literarur and information about nutritional status and
immunization with ARI events.
c. Parents of toddlers (1-5 years)
To be used as input and information about nutritional status and
immunization with ARI events
d. The results of this study are to be used as a reference, documentation
or reference in the development of further research in educational
institutions especially in the fields of nursing and occupational safety.

F. Research Schedule

Time Activity Place

October 2016-February 2017 Research Pasir Mulya Health

Center, Bogor City

G. Cost Budget
Research proposals will be financed with funds of 350 USD. As for
the details of the costs of the activities of the research (attached).
H. Methods
This type of research is quantitative descriptive analytic with Cross
Sectional design / design. This research was conducted on 28 December 2016-
23-23 2017 at Pasir Mulya Health Center, Bogor City. The population
determined in this study were toddlers who were treated at Pasir Mulya Health
Center in Bogor City, amounting to 142 people, after calculating using the
Slovin formula obtained a sample of 104 respondents. The method used in this
study is accidental sampling. Data analysis using univariate analysis and
bivariate analysis with Chi Square (X 2).

I. Result
Based on the results of the study, the frequency distribution of nutritional
status in children under five (1-5 years), namely as many as 54 respondents
(51.9%) with poor nutrition at Pasir Mulya Health Center, Bogor City.
Based on the results of the study, the frequency distribution of
immunization status in toddlers (1-5 years) is as many as 94 respondents
(90.4%) with complete immunization at Pasir Mulya Health Center in Bogor
Based on the results of the study, the frequency distribution of ARI
incidence in infants (1-5 years), as many as 68 respondents (65.4%) were
affected by ARI in Pasir Mulya Health Center, Bogor City.
Based on the results of bivariate analysis using the statistical square test,
the value of p value = 0.011 obtained a significant value <0.05 with OR =
0.310. It can be concluded that there is a relationship between nutritional
status and ISPA incidence in infants (1-5 years) in Pasir Mulya Health
Center, Bogor City Year 2016 with the chance of ARI occurring by 0,310

J. Conclussion
There is a Correlation Of Nutrition Status And Immunization With The Event
Of Acut Respiratory Infection In Toddles (1-5 Years) In Pasir Mulya Public
Health Center Of Bogor City.

K. Suggestion
1. Research Place (Pasir Mulya Health Center)
It is expected to further improve health services to ARI and conduct
counseling on ARI, especially in mothers who have children under five
who are affected by ARI.
2. For the Nursing Institute
Can be used as reference material, reference material and can be used as
further research. It can also be an information material and teaching
material for STIKes Wijaya Husada students and students in Bogor.

Nomor : .......................................
Tanggal : .......................................

Pada hari ini ............., tanggal ......................., bulan ......................, tahun

.........................................., yang bertandatangan di bawah
ini, ................................................ ketua Lembaga Penelitian dan
Pengabdian Masyarakat STIKes Wijaya Husada Bogor, selanjutnya disebut
sebagai PIHAK PERTAMA. Dan Peneliti/Pengabdi, ...............................
selanjutnya disebut sebagai PIHAK KEDUA. PIHAK PERTAMA dan
PIHAK KEDUA sepakat untuk mengadakan kontrak kerja kegiatan
Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat.

Pasal 1

PIHAK KEDUA akan melaksanakan kegiatan penelitian/pengabdian

dengan judul

Pasal 2

Kegiatan tersebut dalam Pasal 1 akan dilaksanakan oleh PIHAK KEDUA

mulai tanggal ...................tahun................ dan selesai pada
tanggal ...................tahun...............

Pasal 3

PIHAK PERTAMA menyediakan dana sebesar Rp. ...............,-

(..................................................) kepada PIHAK KEDUA untuk
melaksanakan kegiatan tersebut dalam Pasal 1. Sumber biaya yang
dimaksud berasal dan Pos Anggaran Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian
Masyarakat STIKes Wijaya Husada Bogor dan sumber lain yang tidak
mengikat berdasarkan usaha PIHAK KEDUA.

Pasal 4

Pembayaran dana tersebut dalam Pasal 3 akan dilakukan dalam dua termin
sebagai berikut:
1. Tahap I 70% dari total dana penelitian yang disetuhui sebesar
Rp. .......................,- (............................................................) setelah
PIHAK KEDUA menyerahkan proposal kegiatan tersebut pada Pasal 1
yang telah mendapat persetujuan dari pimpinan unit kerjanya atau
yang bertanggungjawab (KaProdi/Dekan);
2. Tahap II 30% dari sisa total dana yang disetujui sebesar
Rp ....................,- (............................................................) setelah
PIHAK KEDUA menyerahkan laporan akhir kegiatan
penelitian/pengabdian dan bukti telah publish di jurnal.

Pasal 5

(1) PIHAK KEDUA wajib melaksanakan kegiatan tersebut dalam Pasal 1 dalam
waktu yang ditentukan dalam Pasal 2;
(2) PIHAK PERTAMA akan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan penelitian
sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Pasal 1;
(3) PIHAK PERTAMA akan mendenda PIHAK KEDUA setiap hari
keterlambatan penyerahan laporan hasil kegiatan sebesar 0,5% (setengah
persen) maksimal 20% (dua puluh persen) dari jumlah dana tersebut dalam
Pasal 3;
(4) Dana Penelitian dikenakan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) pada poin biaya
penelitian sebesar 5%;
(5) Besarnya biaya penelitian dapat dilihat pada Proposal.

Bogor, tanggal bulan, tahun


Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Peneliti,
STIKes Wijaya Husada Bogor

............................................ ......................................... .
NIDN : .......................... NIDN : ...........................

Puket II

NIDN : ..............................

On this day Thursday, the 20th Oct, 2016. We, the undersigned below, are:
Name : Gisela Da Luna, PhD, RN, MAN,SPED
Position : Dean College Of Academic
Address : Trinity University Of Asia, Philippines
Who becomes the FIRST PARTY

Name : Carnoto, Amd.Kep, S.Pd, M.Kes

Position : Associate Chairman 2
Address : Wijaya Husada Health Science Institute
Who becomes the SECOND PARTY

The first party delivers the Fund to the second party, and the second party claims
to have received the Fund from the first party amount 350 USD

Thus official report of the acceptance of these was made by both sides in earnest.
The Fund handed over are in good condition since the official report of this event
was signed. After this, the item becomes the responsibility of the second party to
maintain, care for, and use properly.

The Receiver The Handover

Carnoto, Amd.Kep, S.Pd, M.Kes Gisela Da Luna, PhD, RN, MAN,

is pleased to present the

To :

Ns. Rosalina, S.Kep., M.Kep

For Research
“Correlation Of Nutrition Status And Immunization With The Event Of Acut Respiratory Infection In
Toddles (1-5 Years) In Pasir Mulya Public Health Center Of Bogor City”
Given this on March 7th, 2017

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