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INDUSTRIES School term: 2nd, 2020 – 2021
Faculty of Foreign Languages Code: 3

Name Vuong Tien Son

Class: DHNN14A3HN Score: ………………………
Student’s ID: 20109100120

I. (2 points) Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if
1. This / be/ most boring/ film/ I/ ever/ watch/.
This is the most boring film I’ve ever watched
2. If/ I / you/ buy/ this/ present/ Peter.
If you buy this present for Peter,he will be happy.
3.Why/ we/ go out/ walk/ this afternoon?
Why don’t we go out for a walk this afternoon?
4. He / start / work / this / factory / ten years / ago
He start worked this factory for ten years ago
5. My father / used / live / a / village / when / he / be / a boy.
My father used to live a village when he was a boy.

II. (3 points) Next month I am visiting your country for two weeks. I hope you
could give me some advice.
✓ Where should I stay?
✓ Can you suggest some activities I can take part in?
✓ What clothes should I bring?
You should write an email to your friends about 30-50 words

Subject:some useful advice

Hi Hugo
Hope you’re doing well!

I’ve just heard that you’re moving to London.That’s great.London is a capital of UK.
Its well renowned as the country of fog.I sure it’ll win your heart.I suggest you live
closer to the city centre. It’s might seem a bit expensive but everything you want also
there.There many trendy restaurants in the heart of the city But you should go to try
some traditional restaurant in there.In the evening, you can cycle around Big Ben.
Enjoy atmosphere and take some pictures then you can see how beautiful London is.



III. (5 points) Your friend are in trouble with his/ her parents about choosing
career. His/ her parents want him/her to work as a bank clerk, however, he/she
wants to be a freelancer. Write an email to give an advice to your best friend
(100-120 words).

Subject:reply Hugo

Hi Hugo
How are you? I heard that you are having trouble with your parents about choosing a
career. As you told me your parents want to you to be a banker, but you want to be a
freelancer. I think I can give you some advice.

Your parents want you to be a banker. It is a stable job and a job that many people
desire. You know, they also only think about their children, want their children to have
good things. But I think in this life everyone has a dream and surely you too, you
should follow your dream. Very simple but important is happiness in life. When you
follow your dream, you will be happy with your job, its environment and everything
related to work. Doing what you love every day is something that everyone pursues.
You also won’t regret why you didn’t follow your dreams and many more unanswered
questions will never haunt you.

I looking forward to hearing from you soon

Best regards


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