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Activity Sheet

Week 1-Day 5

Describe different forms and conventions of film and moving
pictures (lights)

Observe politeness at all times
Show tactfulness when communicating with others
Show openness to criticism

Let’s Learn This

What is your favorite film? What do you usually enjoy in watching films?

A film, also called a movie or motion picture consists of moving pictures that have
been recorded so that they can be shown at the cinema or on television.

A film tells a story or shows a real situation. The process of filmmaking is both
an art and an industry.

There are different forms of film such as:

1. Action
2. Adventure
3. Comedy
4. Crime and gangster
5. Drama
6. Epics/Historical
7. Horror
8. Musical/Dance
9. Science Fiction
10. War
11. Fantasy

Can you give sample titles of at least five forms of film? Write them inside the film
strip below. Label each title with the appropriate form of film.

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In order to communicate key messages to an audience, producers of films use

certain conventions and devices such as lights, blocking, direction,
characterization, acting, dialog, setting, and set-up.

Let’s Try This

Task 1. Picture! Picture!

Look at each picture below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Picture A Picture B

 What have you noticed with picture A? picture B in terms of lighting?

 What picture has minimum light? Which picture shows otherwise?
 What feelings or emotions does each picture convey?
 What atmosphere is created in each picture?
 Does light matter in pictures? How about in films? Why do you say so?

Let’s Study This

Lights is a convention of films used to create a specific atmosphere. It is a very

important aspect for shaping meaning in films. It can manipulate a viewer’s attitude
towards a setting or a character. The way light is used can make objects, people and
environments look beautiful or ugly, soft or harsh, artificial or real. Light may be used
expressively or realistically. A dark lighting can bring an ominous feel whereas bright
lighting can bring a cheerful atmosphere.

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What kind of atmosphere is created in a room lit by candles? Have you ever heard of
mood lighting? A room that is brightly lit by neon lights might seem to be sterile.
A shadowy room might be eerie or scary.

The lighting technicians in a film crew have the task of creating lighting to suit the
mood and atmosphere of each scene in a film.

Consider the following sets of frames and think about what type of atmosphere is
created in each.

Frame 1 Frame 2

What can you say about the lighting in each frame?

What atmosphere is created by frame 1? How about in frame 2?
What would be the effect on the atmosphere in frame 1 if the lighting were dark and
shadowy, similar to frame 2?

Remember that lighting is used in still image visual texts as well as in films.


U1024811 Follow. "Film Conventions PowerPoint." LinkedIn SlideShare. June 24, 2012. Accessed May 9, 2017.

Wiliam, Sydney Australia. "Skwirk Interactive Schooling." , Film overview, Skills by text type: film, English Skills
Year 9, NSW | Online Education Home Schooling Skwirk Australia. Accessed May 9, 2017.

McCarthy, Kayla. "Film Codes and Conventions." May 09, 2017. Accessed May 12, 2017.

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Let’s Do This

Task 2. Viewing the Video Clip!

Your teacher will show you a video clip entitled “An Inspiring Teacher (True Story)”.
With your groupmates, identify the scenes with bright and dark lighting and tell the
atmosphere and/or emotion they created in the video clip. Do this by completing the
following table.


“AnInspiring Teacher (True Story) - Subtitle Indonesia." YouTube. October 17, 2014. Accessed May 12, 2017.

As you work on your task, observe politeness at all times, show tactfulness when
communicating with others, and show openness to criticism.


Scene Atmosphere/Emotion

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Scene Atmosphere/Emotion

Let’s Enrich Ourselves

Task 3. Film Critiquing!

Watch your favorite movie at home. On a one whole sheet of paper, write your own
understanding and reaction about the movie. Identify the scenes with bright and dark
lighting and tell how those scenes affect you as an audience. Prepare to present
your work in front of the class next meeting.

Prepared by:


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