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Why is it important for a teacher to understand the role of heredity and environment in human

growth and development?

Human development is a lifelong process of every person in their physical, behavioral,

emotional, cognitive growth and development. Throughout the process, each person develops

attitude, values, relationships and understanding.

There are many factors that a child can develop holistically, and one of those are the;

Heredity and Environment, that plays vital role in every children. They have both shares in

molding the life and personality as a product of the whole being of a person.

In heredity and environment factors, the individual selects from his environment what fits

his needs and reject what does not. Thus individuals' development develops through interactions

with the environment which an individual himself has initiated. At any given moment an

individual is the product of the countless interaction between his/her genetic endowment and

physical and socio cultural environment.

Environmental impacts on one's behavior can often determine factors that will shape

future behaviors most especially during critical and sensitive periods of development. It plays a

critical role in the development because it represents the sum total of physical and physiological

simulation of the child.

And because of that, as school is one of the environment of a child teacher is one of the

important agents who is responsible in the whole being of their students. Teachers connect and

commit with different students whenever their backgrounds, cultures, personalities are, even if

they are differ in characteristics, attitudes, skills, capabilities and many more.
It is important that teachers are capable in addressing learners differences, in

understanding the process on how a child develop holistically.

They need to know the environment of their learners for them to understand learners

differences in their development in cognitive, mentally, emotionally, and socially. Important also

that teacher know how child interact on their peers, on how they treat others, how they

communicate with others, and on how they express themselves in class. In this way, teachers will

help learners to feel the belongingness, love, value, and proud.

Learners live differently, some are happy living together with their parents, they have the

supporters all the way, their environment are good, environment that enough to said that it can be

a home, having good school and a loving family that builds children a strong social and

interpersonal skill, which enable them to excel to different areas such as academic and

extracurricular activities. This will, of course, be different for children who are raised in stressful

environments. It affects their whole being as a person because of their unhealthy environment, it

drives them into the negative impact in not to fulfill sometimes their academic development.

Which is in the contrary they need a conducive place to live in, positive people to be with, and

healthy environment that promotes values and love to every individual, to connect to others

positively and with confident to do the task.

In this scenario, teachers are the primary individual who can help learners to cope and

adapt his/her environment in a positive mindset which it cannot affect their learning.

Aside from environment, teachers need to ensure that he understands the role of heredity

by means of bringing out the best on the students. Checking on the family backgrounds, ensuring

medical/health history, and aware on the personal life of the learners, for them to be cautious in
the task they will given, how to treat if they have disabilities, and how they nurture the skills or

potentialities they inherit to their parents.

Although social and other environmental factors affect the form of personality pattern

takes, it is not instilled or controlled from without but evolves from the potentials within the


In respond to the movie, environment and heredity factors manifested to the triplets. It

has a big impact in their actions in the environment they grew up with; one came from a poor

family, other one from an average family and third one from a rich family. It shows how

environment change them as they are separated when they are young. Even if they are alike

physically, they are different in behavior. They have something that environment change occurs.

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