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Chapter I


What is technology? How the use of technology helps learning when it comes English
Language? How exactly does technology impact education?
Technology is the present world, almost every individual is using technology nowadays.
In very field of life, technology is playing a key role. Even in education from school, to
everywhere technology is an essential element. Technology provide us with knowledge,
experience, and entertainment. Technology has evolved and shaped our workplaces in many
ways, through the adoption of tools like the internet and email for communications, word
processing, spreadsheets, and presentation. It certainly affect’s people’s daily lives because it’s
playing a major in facilitating our everyday life. It can also bring together tools to promote
development, use and information exchange has its main objective of making tasks easier and the
solving of many problems of mankind. When technology progresses and makes our lives even
more convenient, we musts stress how beneficial it is to our lives. Technology is the fundamental
base of improvement in today’s society. If we look to all countries around the world, we can
notice that they improve quiet a lot and this development is the cause of the technology. As we
live in technological world, we need technology in every single matter of our life. For instance,
technology has built the strongest communication bridge among the people around the world
which can they communicate to each other no matter where they are, especially on the students
nowadays in their studies which can give a credit to their improvement in their lives as a student.
According to Lane (2005), technology concern itself with their understanding how knowledge is
creatively applied to organized asks involving people and machine that meet us sustainable goal.
Internet user can potentially use the unlimited online resources for learning,
communication, career planning, and developing relationships. Technology provides students
with essential learning tools that facilitate cooperative learning, offer exciting alternatives for
developing language skills through experimentation (Ahmadi 2018), and aid students learning
the operating rules of formal and informal language (Douglas 2009). Technology based learning
promotes students autonomy and increases their motivation making the learning experience more
student- centered (Ahmadi 2018). Many schools encourage students to use online resources to
enhance learning and provide online portals that enable students to submit their assignments,
check grade and collaborative with peers (Strain-Moritz, 2016).
Technology is an effective tool for learners. Learners must use technology as part of their
learning process. Teachers should model the use of technology in learning to support the
curriculum so that the learners can increase the true use of technology in learning their language
skills (Costly, 2014; Murphy, DePasquale, & McNamara, 2003). Learner’s cooperation can be
increased trough technology. Cooperation is one of the important tools for learning. Learner’s
cooperative work together can create tasks and learn from each other through reading their peer’s
work (Keser Huseyin, &Ozdamli, 2011).
While often hear about the negative effect of spending time in using technology and
dangers of it, we don’t always hear about the positives ways of technology makes a different our
lives, especially when it comes in learning. When we used well, technology ca help to improved
education for students, parents, and teachers. The old fashioned pencil and paper methods of
learning are still needed, but technology introduces a great tools to help student learn more
efficiently. It helps students learn more and better. Students learn in different ways. In a
traditional lesson, a teacher presents material and students all engage wit at in the same way. The
entire class is expected to more through the content at the same place. As we can imagine there’s
very little room for freedom when teaching thirty students the same things in the same ways
during the same time in frames. But that doesn’t have to be the case.
Online tools gives students more flexible learning experiences some students might use
you tube video tutorial to better understand a concept. Technology also motivates students to
learn. They look forward to have time on their devices to explore and learn things through
websites, videos, apps, and games. Students can learn and have fun at the same time which helps
them stay engaged with the material.
There are many perceived benefits of technology when it comes studying English
language. Technology in language learning with educational centers is not the future, but the
present of education. It becomes the best complementary tools, with the new tools of new
technology means that lesson can be much richer in content and more participative than before.
Technology in language learning is motivating and stimulating for students. Students feel much
more motivated using devices with which they can practice language through features. For some
students it’s much stimulating to learn with a tablet or smartphone. Student can study their
English course using variety of comprehensive apps which are able to synchronize even without
the internet. It is also ease in managing and monitoring student progress, learning better with
virtual whiteboards, the students are a lot more involved, and online exercise and interactive
multimedia content are motivating for them. Lastly, it can promote interactivity and
collaboration within learning with the use of technology allows student to be much more creative
and participative.
Online activities when we say online it refers to generic sense means that when an
electronic device is on and connected to other devices. In other words, the term online has come
mean connected to the internet. While activities means that a thing that a person done. Online
activities are very helpful when it comes in learning English language. We have many features
that really helps a lot to improve the knowledge and skills. It provides a greater degree of
flexibility, it can be less stressful to manage alongside other commitments. Furthermore, there is
a less pressure to engage the students as you have the help of devices, apps and multimedia tools
to make learning a more interactive and enjoyable prospect. Online activities also gives freedom
to learn whatever we want to improve the knowledge in English language. Especially the online
activities like lecture, watching videos or demonstration and reading online.
English language is an integral part of people’s lives, and they are motivated to learn it
for different reasons. English is considered to be the second language in many parts of the world.
Advancement is almost every discipline necessitate learning English. Learning the English
language is not easy task. Teaching methods for the language have also undergone a myriad of
changes and each one has been geared toward facilitating student learning. And there are
perceived benefits of students learning English language the learning styles, learning engagement
and learning attitude.
Learning styles is the overall patterns that provide direction to learning and teaching.
Learning style cab also be described as a set of factors, behaviors and attitude that facilitate
learning for an individual in a given situation. It is way that different students learn. S style of
learning refers to an individual’s preferred way to absorb, process, comprehend and retain
information. The VARK is used to describe in a 1992 study by Neil D. Fleming and Coleen C.
Mills. These different learning styles are; visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinesthetic.
Visual learners is the student who best internalize and synthesize information when it is
presented to them in a graphic depiction of meaningful symbols are described as visual learners.
Auditory learners are most successful when they are given the opportunity to hear information
presented to them vocally. Because students with this learning style sometimes option not to
takes notes during classes in order to maintain their unbroken auditory attention. Reading/writing
learners, student who best in the reading/writing modality demonstrate a strong learning
preference for the written word. This include both written information presented in the class in
the form of handouts and power point slide presentation as well as the opportunity to synthesize
course content in the completion of written assignment. Kinesthetic learners are hands on,
participatory learners who need to take a physically active role in the learning process in order to
achieve their best educational outcomes.
Learning styles is important because most people have to prefer to learn. Some learn best
by listening, some have to observe every step, while others have to do it to learn.
Learning engagement is the ability to motivationally and behaviorally engage in an
effective learning process. Learning engagement is a measurement that reflects the quantity and
quality of a learner’s participation in their courses and every other aspect of their educational
program. Also, it echoes a learner’s interaction and cooperation with co-learners and instructors.
In other words, learner’s engagement is the measurement of potentially successful learning
experience for everyone concerned.
There are four type’s pf learning engagement; the procedural, conceptual, consequential,
and critical engagement.
Procedural engagement this procedure is accurately, but without a deeper understanding
of why one is performing such procedures. Conceptual engagement it is all about understanding
why the concept or tool works the way it does, but with little appreciation for how to apply it in
the world. Consequential engagement is connecting solution with implications and recognizing
the value of disciplinary tools to achieve particular consequences in the world. Critical
engagement is questioning whether the disciplinary tools being employed are appropriate for the
particular solution in terms of the particular problem being addressed.
Learning engagement is important because it is demonstrated that engaging students in
the learning process increases their attention and focus, motivates them to practice higher level
critical thinking skills, and promotes meaningful learning experience.
Learning attitude determines how you perceive things and what you will perceive things
and what you will become as a person. The learning attitude determine how successful a person
will become in making yourself world class in something. It is also the way we assess and
monitor student’s approaches to their studies.
People involved in language teaching often say that students who really want to learn
will succeed whatever the circumstances in which they study. Motivation that students bring to
class is the biggest single factor affecting their success. Motivation is some kind of internal drive
that encourages somebody to pursue a course of action. In general, strongly motivated students
with long-term goals are probably easier to teach than those who have no such goals and
therefore no real drive. For such students short-term goals will often provide the only motivation
they feel. Students have motivation that is separated into two main categories: extrinsic
motivation, which is concerned with factors outside the classroom, and intrinsic motivation,
which is concerned with what takes place inside the classroom. Some students study a language
because they have an idea of something which they wish to achieve. Many other factors have an
impact upon a student’s level of extrinsic motivation and most of these have to do with his or her
attitude to the language. Another factor affecting the attitude of students is their previous
experience as language learners. If they were successful then they may be pre-disposed to
success now. Failure then may mean that they expect failure now.
In the changing scenario of language teaching theories and methodologies, where the
learners, rather than the teachers, are gaining a central position, learners’ attitude plays a vital
role in maximizing learning and teaching output. Learners’ attitude can be defined as a collection
of feelings regarding language use and its status in the society. The feelings are good, bad and
neutral. They can nurture or hinder the learning process effectively. Even after syllabus, teaching
materials, teacher training programmers have been changed and made up to date from time to
time, the overall output in the competence of the students has never been improved. One reason
behind this is that the changes have always been powerfully constrained by the western cultural
assumptions and lack of knowledge of the social contexts. Not much research has been directed
to the topic of how the local educational/teaching environment has influenced students’ learning
when the students are not English Major, but studying as on majors due to educational
requirements and professional needs. The notion of attitude, as a strong variable, applies in this
Statement of the Problem

Generally, the purpose of the researcher aims at finding the usage of technology and its
impact on students learning English language in the school compound.
The problem will investigate the usage of technology and extent knowledge of the third
year English major students at Ema Emits College Philippines, S.Y: 2020-2021.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions.

1. What is the perception of the third year English Major to the usage of technology in terms of;
1.1 Spent time in using technology;
1.2 Perceive benefits; and
1.3 Online activities?

2. What is the perceived extent of students learning English language in terms of;
2.1 Learning styles;
2.2 Learning engagement; and
2.3 Learning attitude?

3. Is there any significant relationship between the usage of technology and their learning
English language?

Statement of the Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between the usage of technology and learning English
language of the third year English major students at Ema Emits College Philippines for the S.Y:
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
This study would focus on finding the relationship between the usage and impact of
technology and extent of students learning when it comes to English language to all third year
English major in Ema Emits College Philippines for the S.Y: 2020 - 2021.

Definition of Terms

To give better understanding of this study, several terms were operationally and
conceptually designed.
Usage of Technology. The total knowledge and skills available to any human society for
industry, art, science, etc. The methods theory and practices governing such applications.
Spent time in using Technology. Wherein students give too much attention to technology.
Perceived Benefits. Refers to the perception of the positive consequences that are caused
by specific action.
Online Activities. Means online interaction by end users the other and users includes the
sharing of user content.
Learning Styles. Predisposition to behave in a particular without methods employed by
the learner to achieve learning ability to motivationally and behaviorally engaged.
Learning Engagement. Refers to the ability to motivationally and behaviorally engage
in an effective learning process.
Learning Attitude. Determines how you perceive things and what you will become as a
English Language. Described as the first global lingua Franca, is also regarded as the
first world language. It is also world’s most widely used.
Theoretical Framework
This study entitled Usage of Technology and Its Impact on Students Learning English
Language of Third Year English Major at Ema Emits College Philippines, S.Y: 2020- 2021 was
anchored on different theories that will be used to support this research.
The Connectivism Theory proposed by Stephen Downes and George Siemen. This theory
suggest that students are encouraged to seek information on their own online express what they
find and the learning may reside in non-human appliances.
The theory is connected to this study because it emphasizes the usage and impact of
technology on learning English language of the students since technology let the students
discover new opportunities to acquire new knowledge and share information to others. With the
help of this, the researchers have strengthened their idea that the usage of technology have the
impact o students learning English language.

The Theory of Universal Grammar developed by Noam Chomsky (1950) suggest that it
was more coincidence that the majority of human languages follow similar rules and patterns
when it comes to grammar.
This theory has a bearing to this study since this gives the researcher the idea that the
learner learn and acquire knowledge and lives in many ways that they have to choose and learned
language that they desire.
On the other hand The Media System Dependency Theory was proposed by Sandra Ball
Rokeach and Melvin De Fleur (1976) posits that the individual have in choosing and getting
information to the different sites to get more information to fulfill their needs. The theory also
suggest that the person more relies on media to satisfy their needs, the more the media will
become significant to them.
The media system dependency theory can be used as theoretical basis for the study as it
emphasizes the affirmative connection between the students need for gratification and
dependency technology. This theory the researcher understand that technology has the big
impact on students learning English. This means that with repetitive use and engagement in
favorite online activities, it gradually becomes a habitual behavior to learn more.




S.Y: 2020-2021”


Directions: Kindly answer all the questions in the questionnaire by putting a check on a space
provided. Rate yourself honestly based on what you actually do given the statements using the
following scales.
5-Always 4-Often 3-Sometimes 2-Rarely 1-Never


1.I enjoy using technology

2.I believe that I can improve my language skills using the benefits of

3.I spend more time on social media that on my studies.

4.Using technology in learning languages is necessary

5.Sometimes I postpone my academic task for spending time on social


1.Technology helps to access learning content.

2.Using technology apps rules learning experiences more enjoyable.

3.Technology helps to easily exchange and communicate information to

4.Utilization of technology improves my knowledge retention and
5.Through the use of technology, new digital literacy are discovered.


1.I use Google search engine to find new information about the topic presented
on the module.
2.I used software and apps to improved my ability and skills.

3.I am able to bring information and different ideas that fitted on my subject
through the use of search engine.
4.I prefer using technology to enhance my knowledge regarding to online
activities that are related to my topics.
5.I supported sharing information with others by the use of technological tools.


1.If I have a trouble understanding a problem, I go to over it again until I

2.When I study, I try to understand the material by relating it to things I already
3.I make up my own examples to help me understand the important concepts
I’ve learn from my studies.
4.When studying, I try to combine different pieces of information from course
material in new ways.
5.I try to think through topics and decide what I’m supposed to learn from
them, rather than studying topics by just reading them over.

1.I learn things better If I can see them.

2.I enjoy when my teacher uses; visual aids, tapes

3.Learning has more meaning for me If I got to try what I am learning.

4.I would rather listen to lecture than read the textbooks.

5.When learning a new skill, I will rather watch someone demonstrate the
skill than listen.


1.Studying English helps me to communicate in English effectively.

2.Studying English helps me getting new information in which I can link to

my previous knowledge.
3.Studying English makes me feel more confident.

4.I feel proud when studying English language,

5. When I hear a classmates/other people speaking English well, I like to

practice speaking too.
Conceptual Model
To establish better understanding of the study, the conceptual model is hereby built:


Usage of Technology in terms Perceived Extent of Students

of; Learning English Language in
1.1 Spent Time in using terms of;
Technology 2.1 Learning styles and strategies
1.2 Perceive Benefits 2.2 Learning engagement
1.3 Online Activities 2.3 Learning attitude

Figure 1. Hypothesized Relationship between Variables

Figure 1 show the conceptual model of the study. It shows the relationship between
Independent variables. Wherein box 1, the independent variables refers to the usage of
technology in terms of; spent time in using technology, perceived benefits, and online activities.
While the box 2, the dependent variables, refers to the perceive extent of students learning
English language in terms of; learning styles and strategies, learning engagement, and learning
The single headed arrow represent the significant relationship of two variables which is
connected to each other.
S.Y: 2020-2021”

An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the faculty of the College of Education
Ema Emits College Philippines
M.H. Del Pilar St., Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the requirements in Language Education Research
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English II-A

Lamboloto, Irish P.
Malitao, Rose May
June 29, 2021

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