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 Fluid Mosaic Model

o Two lipid layers arranged tail-to-tail in which protein
molecules float
CELLS o Most of the lipid portion are phospholipids
 Structural units of all living things
o A substantial amount of cholesterol is found in the plasma
 Cell Theory
o A cell is the basic structural and functional unit of living
o The polar heads of the phospholipid molecules are
hydrophilic and are attracted to water
o The activity of an organism depends on the collective
o Nonpolar tails are hydrophobic
activities of its cells
o Phospholipids allow biological membranes to reseal
o According to the Principle of Complementarity, the
themselves when torn
biochemical activities of cells are dictated by the relative
o The cholesterol helps keep the membrane fluid
number of their specific subcellular structures
o Proteins can be:
o Continuity of life has a cellular basis
 Carriers
 Interstitial Fluid
o Derived from the blood  Bind to a substance to move it through the
o All exchanges between cells and blood are made through
 Glycoloproteins
 Sugar proteins
 Determine your blood type
 Generalized Cell
o Demonstrates many features  Act as receptors that certain bacteria, viruses, or
toxins can bind to and play a role in cell-to-cell
o Three Main Regions of Cells
recognition and interactions
 Nucleus
 Adhesive or cellular glue
 Located near the center of the cell; surrounded by
 Membrane Junctions
the cytoplasm
o Tight Junction
 Cytoplasm
 Impermeable junctions that bind cells together into
 Enclosed by the plasma membrane
leakproof sheets that prevent substances from passing
 Plasma Membrane
through the extracellular space between cells
 Outer cell boundary
o Desmosomes
The Nucleus
 Anchoring junctions scattered like rivets along the
 Control center for cells
sides of abutting cells
 Contains genes
 Prevent cells subjected to mechanical stress from
 Deoxyribonucleuic Acid (DNA)
being pulled apart
o A blueprint that contains all the instructions needed for
o Gap Junctions
building the whole body
 Commonly seen in the heart and in between
o Has instructions for building proteins
embryonic cells
o Necessary for cell reproduction
 Allow communication
 Three recognizable structures: Nuclear Envelope, Nucleoli,
 Connexons
and Chromatin
 Hollow cylinders that connect neighboring cells
 Nuclear Envelope
o A double membrane barrier bounding the nucleus
 The cellular material outside the nucleus and inside the
o Between the membranes is a fluid-filled “moat” or space
plasma membrane
o At various points, the two layers of the nuclear envelope  The site of most cellular activities
fuse and Nuclear Pores penetrate through the fused  Factory area of the cell
regions  Three major elements: cytosol, organelles, and inclusions
o Allows some but not all substances to pass through it  Cytosol
o Nucleoplasm o Semitransparent fluid that suspends the other elements
 Jelly-like fluid that encloses the nuclear membrane  Organelles
 Nucleoli o Metabolic machinery of the cell
o Sites where ribosomes are assembled o Has specific functions per organelle
o Ribosomes  Inclusions
 Sites of protein synthesis o Chemical substances that may or may not be present,
 Chromatin depending on the specific cell type
o DNA combined with protein with a loose network of  Cytoplasmic Organelles
bumpy threads o Little organs with specialized cellular compartments each
o Chromosomes performing its own job to maintain the life of the cell
 A divided cell with two daughter cells o Mitochondria
 Rod-like bodies  Powerhouses of the cell
PLASMA MEMBRANE  Consists the mitochondrial wall which has two equal
 A fragile parent barrier that contains the cell contents and membranes placed side by side
separates them from the surrounding environment  Enzymes dissolve in the fluid within the mitochondria
 Determine the overall shape of a cell and the
distribution of organelles
 Cristae Membranes o Centrioles
 Carry out the reactions in which oxygen is used to  Rod-shaped bodies that lie at right angles to each
break down foods other; internally they are made up of a pinwheel array
o Ribosomes of fine microtubules
 Made of proteins and one variety of RNA called  Generate microtubules
Ribosomal RNA  Direct the formation of the mitotic spindle during cell
 Actual sites of protein synthesis division
o Endoplasmic Reticulum Cell Extensions
 Network within the cytoplasm  Cilia and Flagella
 A system of fluid-filled cisterns hat coil ad twist o Cilia
through the cytoplasm  Whiplike cellular extensions that move substances
 Minicirculatory system for the cell as it provides a along the cell surface
network of channels for carrying substances from one o Flagella
part of the cell to another  Long projections formed by the centrioles
 Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (Rough ER)  Ex. Sperm
 Studied with ribosomes Cell Diversity
 Cell’s membrane factory  Cells that connect body parts
 The proteins made on its ribosomes migrate into o Fibroblast
the tubules of the Rough ER and dispatched to  Along the cable-like fibers that it secretes
other parts of the cells with the Transport Vesicles  Has an abundant Rough ER and a large Golgi
 Make and export proteins Apparatus to make and secrete the protein building
 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (Smooth ER) blocks of these fibers
 Communicates with the Rough ER o Erythrocyte (Red Blood Cell)
 Functions in lipid metabolism and detoxification of  Carries oxygen in the bloodstream
drugs and pesticides  Provides extra surface area for the uptake of oxygen
o Golgi Apparatus/Body and streamlines the cell so it flows easily through the
 Stack of flattened membranous sacs associated with bloodstream
swarms of tiny vesicles  Abundant in oxygen-carrying pigment
 Traffic director for cellular proteins  Cell that covers and lines body organs
 Modify and package proteins o Epithelial Cell
o Lysosomes  Allows epithelial cells to pack together in sheets
 Membranous bags containing powerful digestive  Abundant intermediate filaments that resist tearing
enzymes when the epithelium is rubbed or pulled
 Capable of digesting worn-out or non-usable cell  Cells that move organs and body parts
structures and foreign substances that enter the cell o Skeletal muscle and smooth muscle cells
 Cell’s demolition site  Abundant contractile filament
o Peroxisomes  Shorten forcefully and move the bones or change the
 Membranous sacs containing powerful oxidase size of internal organs
enzymes that use molecular oxygen to detoxify  Cell that stores nutrients
harmful or poisonous substances o Macrophage (A Phagocytic Cell)
 Disarm dangerous free radicals  Extends long pseudopods to crawl through tissue to
 Free Radicals reach infection sites
 Highly reactive chemicals with unpaired electrons  Cells that gathers information and controls body functions
that can scramble the structure of proteins and o Nerve Cell (Neuron)
nucleic acids  Has long processes (extensions) for receiving
 Convert free radicals to Hydrogen peroxide messages and transmitting them to other structures in
o Cytoskeleton the body
 Cell’s bones and muscles by furnishing internal  Cells of reproduction
framework that determines cell shape, supports other o Oocyte (Female)
organelles, and provides the machinery for  Largest cell in the body
intracellular transport  Contains several copies of all organelles for
 Made up of microtubules, intermediate filaments and distribution to the daughter cells that arise when the
microfilaments fertilized egg divides to become an embryo
 Intermediate Filaments o Sperm
 Help form desmosomes and provide internal guy  Built for swimming to the egg for fertilization
wires to resist pulling forces on the cell  Its flagellum acts as a motile whip to propel the sperm
 Microfilaments CELL PHYSIOLOGY
 Involved in cell motility and in producing changes Membrane Support
in the cell shape  Solution
 Microtubules o A homogeneous mixture of two or more components
o Solvent  Involves help from ATP, moves substances into or
 Substance present in the largest amount in a solution out of cells without their actually crossing the
plasma membrane
o Solute  Exocytosis and Endocytosis
 Substances present in smaller amounts
 Intracellular Fluid  Exocytosis
o A solution containing small amounts of gases, nutrients,  Moves substances out of the cell
and salts dissolved in water  Cells actively secrete hormones, mucus, and
 Interstitial Fluid other cell products or eject cellular wastes
o Continuously bathes the exterior of our cells  The product to be released is first packaged by
 Selective Permeability the Golgi Apparatus into a small membranous
o A barrier allows some substances to pass through it while sac called the Vesicle
excluding others  Involves a docking process in which
o Allows nutrients to pass through it while excluding others transmembrane proteins on the vesicles
 Passive Processes: Diffusion and Filtration recognize certain plasma membrane proteins
o Diffusion  Vesicle
 Important means of passive membrane transport for Migrates to the plasma membrane, fuses
every cell body with it, and then ruptures, spilling the sac
 Process by which molecules and ions move away from contents out of the cell
a region where they are more concentrated to a region  Endocytosis
where they are less concentrated  Includes those ATP-requiring processes that
o Filtration take up, or engulf, extracellular substances by
 Occurs only across capillary walls enclosing them in a small membranous vesicle
 The process by which water and solutes are forced  Detaches from the plasma membrane and
through a membrane or capillary wall by fluid or moves into the cytoplasm and fuses with a
hydrostatic pressure lysosome and its contents are digested
 A passive process and a gradient is involved  Phagocytosis
 Filtration is necessary for the kidneys to do their job Cell-eating
properly Scavenger cells that police and protect the
 Not selective body by ingesting bacteria and other foreign
 Hydrostatic Pressure debris
Protective mechanism
 Usually exerted by the blood
 Pinocytosis
 Pressure Gradient
Cell drinking
 Pushes solute-containing fluid from the higher-
Gulps droplets of extracellular fluid
pressure area to the lower pressure area
Functions in absorption
 Active Process
 Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis
 When a cell uses some of its ATP supply to move
Main cellular mechanism for taking up
substances across the membrane
specific target molecule
 Unable to pass in the desired direction by diffusion
Plasma membrane receptor proteins bind
 Uphill against the concentration gradients
only with certain substances
 Active Transport
Cell Division
 Solute pumping  Cell Life Cycle
 Uses ATP to energize its protein carriers o The series of changes a cell goes through from the time it
 Solute Pumps is formed until it divides
 Protein carriers o Two major periods: Interphase and Cell Division
 Amino Acids are needed to build cellular proteins o Interphase
but are too large to pass through the membrane
 Cell grows and carries on its usual metabolic activities
channels and are not lipid-soluble
 Metabolic Phase
 Combine specifically and reversibly with the o Cell Division
substances to be transported across the membrane
 Reproduces itself
 Facilitated Diffusion
 Produce more cells for growth and repair processes
 Driven by the kinetic energy of the diffusing  Preparations: DNA Replication
o Nucleotides
 Sodium-Potassium Pump
 Form DNA
 Simultaneously carries Sodium ions out of and
 Join in a complementary way
Potassium ions into the cell and is necessary for
 Adenine (A)
normal transmission of impulses by nerve cells
 Bonds to Thymine (T)
 Vesicular Transport
 Guanine
 Some substances cannot get through the plasma
 Bonds to Cytosine (C)
membrane by passive transport or active transport
 The order of the nucleotides on the template strand
determines the order on the new strand
 Events of Cell Division  Biological catalysts that regulate chemical reactions in
o Mitosis the cells that are functional proteins
 Division of the nucleus o DNA
 Formation of two daughter nuclei with exactly the  Regulates cell activities by specifying the structure of
same genes as the mother nucleus enzymes

 Prophase  Amino Acids

 Chromatin threads coil and shorten to that visible  Building blocks of proteins and are joined during
chromosomes appear protein synthesis
 Chromosome  The Role of RNA
 Each chromosome is made up of two o Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
chromatids held together by a centromere  Messenger and decoder
 The centrioles separate and begin to move toward  Single-stranded
opposite sides of the cell directing the assembly of  Has ribose sugar
a Mitotic Spindle  Transfer RNA (tRNA) Molecules
 Mitotic Spindle  Small cloverleaf-shaped molecules
 Provides a scaffolding for the attachment and  Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) Molecules
movement of the chromosomes during the later  Where proteins are built
mitotic stages  Messenger (mRNA) Molecules
 Nuclear Envelope and Nucleoli have broken down  Single nucleotide strands that resemble half of a
and disappeared DNA molecule and carry the message containing
 Chromosomes have attached randomly to the instructions for protein syntheses from the DNA
spindle fibers by their centromeres gene in the Nucleus to the ribosomes in the
 Metaphase cytoplasm
 The chromosomes cluster and line up at that o Two Major Phases of Protein Synthesis
metaphase plate so that a straight line of  Transcription
chromosomes is seen  When complementary mRNA is made at the DNA
 Anaphase gene
 Centromeres that have held the chromatids  The same information is transformed from one
together split form or format to another
 Chromatids begin to move slowly apart, drawn  Involves the transfer of information from DNA’s
toward opposite ends of the cell base sequence into the complementary base
 The chromosomes seem to be pulled by their half- sequence of mRNA
centromeres with their arms dangling behind them  Only DNA and mRNA are involved in transcription
 Chromosomes stop moving  Triplet
 Telophase  Three-base sequence specifying a particular
 Prophase in reverse amino acid on the DNA gene
 The chromosomes at opposite ends of the cell  Codon
uncoil to become threadlike chromatin again  Corresponding three-base sequences on mRNA
 Spindle breaks down and disappears  Translation
 Nuclear envelope forms around each chromatin  When the information carried in mRNA molecules
mass is decoded and used to assemble proteins
 Nucleoli appear in each of the daughter nuclei  The base sequence of nucleic acids is translated
o Cytokinesis into the language of proteins (amino sequence)
 Begins when mitosis is nearly completed  Occurs in the cytoplasm and involves three major
 Division of cytoplasm varieties of RNA
 Begins during late Anaphase and completes during  Once the mRNA attaches to the ribosome, tRNA
Telophase comes into place. Its job is to transfer amino acids
 A contractile ring made of microfilaments forms a to the ribosome, where they are bound together by
cleavage furrow over the midline of the spindle and enzymes in the exact sequence specified by the
squeezes the original cytoplasmic mass into two parts gene and its mRNA
 Product: 2 Daughter Cells BODY TISSUES
Protein Synthesis  Tissues
 Genes: The Blueprint for Protein Structure o Groups of cells that are similar in structure and function
 Gene o Epithelium (covering), connective (support), nervous
o A DNA segment that carries the information for building (control), and muscle (movement)
one protein or polypeptide chain EPITHELIAL TISSUE
 Fibrous (Structural) Proteins  The lining, covering, and glandular tissue of the body
o Major building materials for cells  Covering and lining epithelium covers all free body surfaces
 Globular (Functional) Proteins and contains versatile cells
o Do things other than build structures  Protection, absorption, filtration, and secretion
o Enzymes  Absorb substances lines some digestive system organs
Special Characteristics of Epithelium  Highly modified, stratified squamous epithelium that
 Except for glandular epithelium, later epithelial cells fit forms the lining of only a few organs
closely together to form continuous sheets  Urinary bladder, ureters and part of the urethra
 Apical Surface  Basal cells are columnar or cuboidal
o Exposed to the body’s exterior or to the cavity of an
internal organ
 Basement Membrane o Glandular Epithelium
o Lower surface of an epithelium  Gland
o Structureless material secreted by both the epithelial cells  Consists of one or more cells that make and secrete
and the connective tissues cells that abut the epithelium a particular product
 Epithelial tissues have no blood supply of their own  Its product contains protein molecules in an
(Avascular) and depend on diffusion aqueous fluid
Classification of Epithelium  Two major types of glands develop from epithelial
 Simple Epithelium sheets
o One layer of cells  Endocrine Glands
o Concerned with absorption, secretion, and filtration  Lose their connection to the surface
o Simple Squamous Epithelium  Often ductless glands
 One layer of cuboidal cells  Diffuse directly into the blood vessels that
 Common in glands and their ducts weave through the glands
 Forms walls of the kidney tubules and covers the  Exocrine Glands
surface of the ovaries  Retain their ducts
o Simple Columnar Epithelium  Secretions empty through the ducts to the
 Single layer of tall cells that fit closely together epithelial surface
 Goblet cells are often seen in this type  Sweat and oil glands
 Lines the entire length of the digestive tract from the CONNECTIVE TISSUE
stomach to the anus  Connects body parts
 Mucosae  Found everywhere in the body
 Epithelial membranes that line body cavities and  Most abundant
open to the body exterior  Protecting, supporting, and binding together other tissues
 Goblet Cells Common Characteristics of Connective Tissue
 Produce a lubricating mucus  Variations in blood supply
o Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium o Well vascularized
 Some of itself are shorter than the others o Tendons, cartilages and ligaments have a poor blood
 Nuclei appear at different heights above the basement supply
membrane  Extracellular Matrix
 Absorption and secretion o Connective tissues are made up of many different types of
 Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelium cells plus varying amounts of a nonliving substance found
 Variety of Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium outside the cells
 Lines most of the respiratory tract Extracellular Matrix
 Stratified Epithelium  Produced by connective tissue cells and then secreted to their
o More than one cell layer exterior
o Free surface  Has two main elements: structureless ground substance and
o Describes the shapes of its cells
o Ground Substance
 Squamous
 Composed largely of water plus some adhesion
 Flattened like fish scales
proteins and large, charged polysaccharide molecules
 Cuboidal
o Collagen (White) Fibers
 Cube-shaped like dice
 High tensile strength
 Columnar
o Elastic (Yellow) Fibers
 Shaped like columns
 Ability to be stretched then recoil
o Stratified Squamous Epithelium
o Reticular (Fibers
 The most common stratified epithelium in the body
 Fine collagen fibers that from the internal skeleton of
 The cells at the free edge are squamous cells, whereas
soft organs such as the spleen
those close to the basement membrane are cuboidal or
o Monomers
o Stratified Cuboidal and Stratified Columnar Epithelia  Building blocks of fibers
Types of Connective Tissue
 Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium
 Bone, Cartilage, Dense Connective Tissues, Loose Connective
 Has two cell layer with the surface cells being
Tissue, and blood
cuboidal in shape
 Bone
 Stratified Columnar Epithelium
o Composed of osteocytes sitting in cavities called Lacunae
 Columnar cells but its basal cells vary in size and
o Transitional Epithelium
o Surrounded by layers of a very hard matrix that contains o Consists of blood cells surrounded by nonliving, fluid
calcium salts in addition to large numbers of collagen matrix called blood plasma
fibers o The fibers of blood are soluble protein molecules that
 Cartilage become visible only during blood clotting
o Less hard and more flexible than bone o Transport vehicle for the cardiovascular system
o Its major cell type is chondrocytes MUSCLE TISSUE
o Found in few places of the body  Specialized to contract or shorten to produce movement
o Hyaline Cartilage Types of Muscle Tissue
 Most widespread cartilage  Skeletal Muscle
o Forms the structures of the larynx, attaches the ribs to the o Packaged by connective tissues sheets into organs
breastbone o Attached to the skeleton and can be controlled voluntarily
o Covers the ends of many bones where they form joints o Form the flesh of the body
o Fibrocartilage o Long, cylindrical, multinucleate, and have obvious
 Forms the cushionlike disks between the vertebrae of striations
the spinal column  Cardiac Muscle
o Elastic Cartilage o Found only in the heart
 Found in structures with elasticity o Intercalated Discs
 Dense Connective Tissue  Contain gap junctions that allow ions to pass freely
o Dense Fibrous Tissue from cell to cell, resulting in rapid conclusion of the
o Has collagen fibers as its main matrix element exciting electrical impulse across the heart
o Crowded between the collagen fibers are rows of o Under involuntary control
fibroblasts  Smooth Muscle
o Fibroblasts o Visceral muscle
 Manufacture the building blocks of the fibers o No striation are visible
o Forms strong, ropelike structures such as tendons and o Single nucleus and spindle-shaped
ligaments o Found in the walls of hollow organs such as the stomach
o Tendons o Peristalsis
 Attach skeletal muscles to bones  A wavelike motion that keeps food moving through the
o Ligaments small intestine
 Connect bones to bones at joints NERVOUS TISSUE
 More stretchy and contain more elastic fibers  Involves neurons
 Loose Connective Tissue  Neurons
o Softer and have more cells and fewer fibers than any other o Receive and conduct electrochemical impulses from one
connective tissue type part of the body to another
o Areolar Tissue  Irritability and Conductivity are the two major functions of
 The most widely distributed connective tissue variety Nervous Tissues
in the body  Neuroglia
 Cushions and protects the body organs it wraps o Insulate, support, and protect the delicate neurons in the
 Universal connective tissue structures of the nervous system
 Helps to hold the internal organs together in proper TISSUE REPAIR (WOUND HEALING)
positions  Inflammation
 Edema o Body response that attempts to prevent further injury
 When a body region is inflamed, the areolar tissue  Immune Response
in the area soaks up the excess fluid like a sponge o Extremely specific and mounts a vigorous attack against
and the area swells and becomes puffy recognized invader
o Adipose Tissue  Tissue repair or wound healing occurs in two ways;
 Commonly called fat regeneration and fibrosis
 An areolar tissue where adipose cells predominate o Regeneration
 Forms the subcutaneous tissues beneath the skin,  Replacement of destroyed tissues by the same kind of
where it insulate the body and protects it from bumps cells
and extremes of both heat and cold o Fibrosis
 Protects some organs individually  Repair by dense (fibrous) connective tissues, that is, by
o Reticular Connective Tissue the formation of scar tissue which occurs depending
 Consists of a delicate network of interwoven reticular on what type:
fibers associated with reticular sells which resemble  Tissue is damaged
fibroblasts  Severity of the damage
 Forms stroma or internal framework which can o Incisions
support many free blood cells  Heal much more successfully than ragged tears of the
 Blood tissues
o Vascular tissue  Tissue injury sets a series of events into motion:
o Inflammation sets the stage
 Release of inflammatory chemicals that make the
capillaries more permeable
 Allows fluid rich in clotting proteins and other
substances to seep into the injured area from the
 Constructs a clot to stop the loss of blood, holding the
edges of the wound together and preventing bacteria
o Granulation Tissue Forms
 Granulation Tissue
 Pink tissue composed largely of new capillaries
that grow into the damaged areas from undamaged
blood vessels nearby
 Contains phagocytes that eventually dispose of the
blood clot and connective tissue cells that produce
the building blocks of collagen fibers to
permanently bridge the gap
o Regeneration and Fibrosis Effect Permanent Repair
 The scab soon detaches and the final result is a fully
regenerated surface epithelium that covers an
underlying area of fibrosis
 The ability of the different tissues types to regenerate varies
o Epithelial tissues regenerate beautifully
o Skeletal Muscles regenerate poorly
o Cardiac muscle and nervous tissues within the brain and
spinal cord are replaced largely by scar tissue
 Cell division is important during the body’s growth period
 Hyperplasia
o Certain body tissues may enlarge because there is some
local irritant or condition that stimulates cells
 Atrophy
o Decrease in size
o Can occur in an organ or body area that loses its normal

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