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de la
Universalización de la Salud.

(Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades)


TEMA: “My daily routine”

PROFESOR(a): María Teresa Minga Ticliahuanca

ALUMNA: Merly Sayuri Sanchez Huertas.



1. Lesson Outcome:  

Through this activity, students write a text (60-80 words) about their daily routine using

verbs in present simple and the vocabulary presented during the week. 

2. Description:  

 Step 1: Check this list and the vocabulary studied during the week: 
 get up   levantarse
 brush my teeth   cepillarme los
 take classes  dientes
 have breakfast   tomar clases
 have a nap   desayunar
 play videogames   tomar una siesta
 do homework   jugar videojuegos
 go to bed   hacer la tarea
 ir a la cama

 Step 2:  
o Complete the following chart answering the questions about your daily
activities in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.

What do you do…  in the morning?  in the afternoon?  in the evening? 

I shower
I finish doing
I have dinner with the
I brush my teeth homework
From Monday to
Breakfast I help my brother with
Friday I brush my teeth
his homework
I do the cleaning
I'm going to bed
Watch TV

 Step 3:  Using the information from the chart, write a paragraph about your daily

 My name is Merly and I am 19 years old (age).

 From Monday to Friday, in the morning I get up at 7 in the morning, brush my
teeth and take a shower, get dressed and have breakfast, then at 9 I see if I
have homework and do it.
 In the afternoon, at 2 in the afternoon, I teach my brother about his homework
and watch TV.
 At night I have dinner with my family as something light and then at 9 I go to

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