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Lesson 1

Linear Inequalities in One

Learning Objectives:
 Solves problems An inequality is a better model of situation than an equation. In the real world
involving you have to spend less than what you earn and save for the future. Problems
systems of may arise if you spend grater that what you earn. In the school, for a student to
linear pass, he/she must answer at least one – half of the items, but it is better to
inequalities in answer more to get a better grade.
two variables.

In solving inequalities, you are looking for solutions that are less or greater than an equation.
The following symbols are used in solving inequalities.

Symbols Read as

> Is greater than

< Is less than

≥ Is greater than or equal to or at least

≤ Is less than or equal to or at most

≠ Not equal

EAMPLE Write each statement in inequality symbol.

1. A number is greater than 2.

2. Six times a number (x) is at least 30.
6x ≥ 30
3. Twenty is greater than four times the number x.
20 > 4x
4. The difference between the number (x) and five is at most 12
X – 5 ≤ 12

In solving inequalities, you apply the following properties.

 Property of Inequality
If A and B are real numbers, only one of the following is true.


 Transitive property of Inequality

Suppose A, B and C are real numbers.
If A < B and B < C, then A < C, or
If A > B and B > C, then A > C.
 Addition Property o Inequality (API)
Suppose A,B, and C are real numbers.
If A > B then A + C > B + C.
 Multiplication Property of Inequality (MPI)
Suppose A, B, and C, are real numbers.
If A > B and C > 0, then AC > BC
If A < B and C < 0, then AC < BC.

EXAMPLE 1 Find the solution of 2 + x < 5 and graph.

Solution: 2 + (-2) + x < 5 + (-2) by API

The value of x is all real numbers less than 3.
Graph: The graph is an open circle at 3 and arrow to the left.

-1 0 1 2 3

EXAMPLE 2 Solve the solution of 2x + 5 ≥ 15

Solution: 2x + 5 ≥ 15
2x + 5 + (-5) ≥ 15 + (-5) by API
2x ≥ 10
2 x 10
≥ by MPI
2 2
x≥5 All real numbers greater than 5 including 5
Graph: The graph is a closed circle at 5 and arrows to the right.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

EXAMPLE 3 Solve and Graph the solution if -3x + 3 ≤ 18.

Solution: -3x + 3 ≤ 18
-3x + 3 (-3) ≤ 18 + (-3) by API
-3x ≤ 15
−3 x 15
≤ by MPI
−3 −3
x ≥ -5 Change the direction of the inequality.
Graph: The graph is closed circle at -5 and arrow to the right.

-5 0 5

Direction: Read and study the lesson to answer each question.

1. What are the different properties of inequality?

2. What is Property is applied to each of the following?
a. If x < 5 and 5 < y, then x < y __________
b. If 3 < x, then 4 < x + 1 __________
c. If x ≥ 6, then 2x ≥ 12 __________
3. If 2 < x, then 2a > ax; a is __________


Direction: Solve and graph the inequality.

1. x + 6 < -2x

2. 3x < 12

3. 2x – 5 ≥ 9

4. 3 – 2x ≤ 13

5. 2x + 5 < x – 3
Direction: Solve each inequality.

1. X + 2 > - 2

2. 2x < -6

3. X + 10 ≥ 6

4. 2x – 7 ≥ - 5

5. 2x + 5 > 4x

Direction: Read answer the problem

Carl and Leeja together have 480.00 pesos. Carl’s money is 3 times as Leeja’s money. What is the
greatest amount that each has?

In solving inequalities, you apply the following properties.

 Property of Inequality
If A and B are real numbers, only one of the following is true.


 Transitive property of Inequality

Suppose A, B and C are real numbers.
If A < B and B < C, then A < C, or
If A > B and B > C, then A > C.
 Addition Property o Inequality (API)
Suppose A,B, and C are real numbers.
If A > B then A + C > B + C.
 Multiplication Property of Inequality (MPI)
Suppose A, B, and C, are real numbers.
If A > B and C > 0, then AC > BC
If A < B and C < 0, then AC < BC.
Lesson 2
Graph of Linear Inequalities in
Learning Objectives:
Two Variables
 Illustrates and In the graph, the line in the coordinate
graphs linear plane represents the equation
inequalities in x = 3, where the x- coordinate of all the
two variables.
points along the lines is 3. All the points on
 graphs linear the right of the line such as (4,2), (5,0),
inequalities in (4,-1),… have x- coordinate greater than 3,
two variables thus, the region where the points lie is
describe by x > 3. The graph of x > 3 is
shaded region on the right of line x = 3.
Since the points on the line x = 3 are not included in the inequality,
but simplify serve as boundary, the line should be drawn as a
broken line. If you include all the points on the line, the line
becomes solid and the inequality becomes x ≥ 3.

The region on the left of the line x = 3 contains points whose x-coordinate is less than 3, thus
describe as x < 3.

In the figure on the left, the plane is divided into three

set points: the line itself, the region on the right of the line, and
the region on the left of the line. All points on the line are
solution to the equation y = 3x + 3.

If you take the point (3,2), which is on the right of the

line, y = 3x + 3,a and substitute its coordinates to the equation,
y=3x + 3
2 = 3(3) + 3
2 = 12 is a false statement.
However, 2 > 12 is true. Since (3, 2) is a point on the line, Then the region on the right of the line
is described by y < 3x + 3. If the line will be included, then the inequality is y ≤ 3x + 3.

EXAMPLE 1 Describe using inequality of the shaded region in each graph.

The boundary y = 3 is a broken line, which means that the point

on the line are not included. The graph is above the line y = 3.
Thus, the inequality is y > 3.
The broken line is y = x + 2. Select a test point on the
shaded region then substitute its coordinate in y = x + 2. Let (0, 0)
be the test point.

0 = 2 is false

However, 0 < 2, therefore the inequality is y < x + 2 since

the line is a broken line.

The shaded region is on the left of the solid line x = -2. The
inequality is x ≤ -2.

The equation of the broken line is y = x – 3. Select a test

point on the shaded region, then substitute the coordinates in y
= x – 3. Let (3, -3) as the test point.

y = x -3
-3 = 3 – 3
-3 = 0 is false.

However, -3 < 0, therefore the inequality is y > x -3.

EXAMPLE 2 Graph 2x + y < 4

Solution: Draw the graph of 2x + y = 4 using the intercepts.
If x = 0 If y = 0
2(0) + 4 2x + 0 = 4
y=4 x=2

The x- intercept is 2 and y – intercept is 4.

Plot the intercepts on the coordinate plane and

connect it with a broken line since the line is not included

Choose a point on either side of the line to be the

test point. Suppose you take (0,0). Test if it will satisfy the
inequality 2x + y < 4.
2x + y < 4
2(0) + 0 < 4
0 < 4 is true. Therefore, the ordered pair (0, 0) satisfies the inequality 2x + y < 4. Thus, the region
that will be the solution of the inequality is the region on the side of the line where (0, 0) lies.


Direction: Read and study the lesson to answer the question below.

1. How will you determine the region that will be the solution of the given inequalities?
2. If you were given a graph, how would you determine that the line boundary is included in the

Direction: Choose by encircling the ordered pair that makes the inequality true.

1. x+y<3 (0, 1), (-2, 5), (-1, -1), (3, -3)

2. 3x + y > 10 (0, 0), (2, 0), (3, 2), (4, -1)
3. -2 + y < 5 (2, 3), (-1, 4), (-3, 0), (2, 0)
4. x + 2y ≥ 8 (4, 2), (0, 5), (5, 2) (-1, 4)
5. x + 3y ≥ 6 (5, 1), (2, 2), (-1, 3), (4, 2)

Direction: Give at least two points that satisfy each of the following inequalities.

1. y < x + 2

2. x – y ≤ 2

3. x + 2y < 5

4. 2y + x > 5
5. -2x + 3y ≤ 8

6. –y +x = ≥ 6

7. X – 4y ≥ 6

8. 2x + y > 5

9. Y ≥ 2

10. 3x – 2y < 10


Direction: Graph each of the following inequalities.

1. y ≥ -2

2. y ≤ -x + 3

3. x ≥ -1

4. y ≤ 5

5. -2x + 3y ≤ 8


To graph a linear inequality in two variables (say, x and y), first get y alone on one side. Then
consider the related equation obtained by changing the inequality sign to an equals sign. The graph
of this equation is a line.

If the inequality is strict (< or >), graph a dashed line. If the inequality is not strict (≤ and ≥),
graph a solid line.

Finally, pick one point not on the line (0,0) is usually the easiest) and decide whether these
coordinates satisfy the inequality or not. If they do, shade the half-plane containing that point. If
they don't, shade the other half-plane.
Lesson 3
Function and Relation
A relation is a set of ordered pairs. The domain of the relation is set of all first
Learning Objectives:
elements, or the abscissa of the ordered pairs. The range is the set of the second
 Illustrates a elements or the ordinates of the ordered pairs. A function is a relation in which
relation and a each first component in the ordered pairs corresponds to exactly one second
component.” All functions are relations, but not all relations are functions”.
 Verifies if a
EXAMPLE Real world Application
given relation is
Relation: {(1.0, 4.1), (4.9, 17.5), (4.9, 7.7), (11.5, 31.4), (17.3, 32.7), (21.7, 40.6),
a function.
(24.4, 92.4), (26.1, 115.3), (26.3, 188.3), (28.6, 119.0)}

Domain: {1.0, 4.9, 11.5, 17. 3, 21.7, 24.4, 26.1, 28.6}

Range: {4.1, 17.5, 7.7, 31.4, 32.7, 40.6, 92.4, 115.5, 118.3, 199.0}

There are different ways in presenting relation. It can be presented by arrow diagram or
mapping, expressed in terms or ordered pairs as the example above. These ordered pairs can be
represented as table of values. It can be presented in graphs. Some can be expressed in terms of rule or
equation relating the first and the second coordinates of each ordered pairs.

First Set: Domain Correspondence Second Set: Range
(Grade 8 Students) (Each Students Age) (Set of Positive Integers)
Nicole 15
Ezra Joy 14
James 13

First Set: Domain Correspondence Second Set: Range
(Month) (The Month a Person id Born) (Name of Person)
January Gavin
March Edith

First Set; Domain Correspondence Second Set: Range
(People in the subdivision) (Person’s Professions) (Professions)
Noli Engineer
Lyd Teacher
In example 1, each element in the domain is paired to exactly one element in the range. The
correspondence is one-to-one function. Example 2shows that each element in the domain is paired to
more than one element in range and the correspondence is one-to-many correspondence. This is only a
relation. The third example shows a many-to-one correspondence. This is a function, in which each
element in the domain is paired to one element in the range.


EXAMPLE 1 Make sets of ordered pairs from the set of numbers { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} such that the range is
greater than the domain.

A = {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 5), (3, 4), (3, 5)}
B = {(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)}
Set A and B both satisfy the given condition. Set A is only a relation since there are first elements
that are repeated. However, Set B is a function since one element in the domain is paired exactly to one
element in the range.


A = {(-2, -4). (-1, -2), (0, 0), (1,2), (2, 4)}

B = {(3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, -2),…}
C = {(-1, 1), (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 4), (3, 9)}
All the set of ordered pairs are all functions.


EXAMPLE 1 Make a table of values for the price of number of apples if one apple costs 10 pesos.
Number of apples (n) 1 2 3 4 … n

Cost of apples (c) 10 20 30 40 … 10n

Equation: C = 10n


You can determine the graph of a function or the graph of relation by means of a vertical line
test. If the vertical line drawn anywhere on the graph intersects the graph at exactly one point, then the
graph is function. If the vertical line drawn on the graph intersects the graph in at least 2 points, the
graph is graph of a function.


The graph of y = x – 2 and the vertical line intersects at exactly one point
Z. Therefore, the graph is a graph of a function.
The graph of y = √ x and the vertical line intersects at two
points, E and J. Therefore, the graph is a graph of a relation.

The vertical line intersects the circle at N and M. Therefore, the

graph is not a function.


Direction: Read and study the lesson to answer the following:

1. What are the different ways to show relation or function?

2. What is the difference between the domain and the range?
3. Describe the difference between the points whose coordinate are (5, 3) and (3, 5)
4. How do you use vertical line test to test if the graph is a function or not?
Direction: State the domain and the range of each relation.

1. {(0, 2), (-1, 2), (2, -4)}

2. {(5, 2), (5, 6), (4, 3)}
3. {(-5, 2), (4, -5), (4, 0)}
4. {(8, 4)(8, 9)(8, -5), (8, 0)}
5. {(0.9, 2)(0.75, 3)(0.5, 4), (0.25, 6)}


Direction: Express each relation in each table of values as ordered pairs. Then, state the domain and the

x y x y x y
1 3 -4 16 1 4
2 5 -3 9 3 -2
3 7 -2 4 4 4
4 9 -1 1 6 -2
5 11 0 0 8 5
Direction: Which graph shows a function? Why?







A relation is a set of ordered pairs. The domain of the relation is set of all first
elements, or the abscissa of the ordered pairs. The range is the set of the second elements or
the ordinates of the ordered pairs. A function is a relation in which each first component in
the ordered pairs corresponds to exactly one second component.” All functions are relations,
but not all relations are functions”.
Lesson 4
Function Notation
In equations which are functions, the variables have positive integral Exponent.
Learning Objectives:
1 4
 determines Note that √ x is the same as x 2 , and is the same as 4x-1, thus the exponent of
dependent and
independent these terms are not positive integers that is why these cannot be terms in the
variables. equation which are functions.

When studying function, you commonly used the letter f to denote function
itself and the letter x to denote the variable. Other letters used to denote
function are h and g.

To denote that y is a function of x, you can write: y = f(x) or y = g(x) of y = h(x)

This means that y is a function of x or that y depends on x. Thus, y is called the dependent
variable and x is called the independent variable. The notation f(x), which is read as “f of x “ is called
function notation.


A. Y = 3x + 5
B. 3x – y = 8
C. 3y – 2x + 7 = 0


A. f(x) = 3x + 5
B. Write the equation in y form: y = -3x – 8
f(x) = -3 – 8
2 x−7
C. Write the equation in y form: y = .
2 x−7
f(x) =

EXAMPLE 2 To use function notation with function y = 3x + 5, you write it as f(x) = 3x + 5.

The notation f(2) means to replace the variable x in the function with 2 and find the resulting
function value.

Since f(x) = 3x + 5
Then, f(2)= 3(2) + 5
= 11
This mean that when x = 2, y or f(x) = 11. You can write it as an ordered pair (2, 11), which
means that the input is 2 and the output is f(2) or 11.
Using f(x) = 3x + 5, find
a. f(-1) b. f(0) c. f(5) d. f( )

a. f(x) = 3x + 5
f(-1) = 3(-1) + 5
= -3 +5
=2 Ordered pair: (-1, 2)
b. f(x) = 3x + 5
f(0)= 3(0) + 5
=5 Ordered Pair: (0, 5)

c. f(x) = 3x + 5
f(5) = 3(5) + 5
= 15 + 5
= 20 Ordered Pair: (5, 20)

d. f(x) = 3x + 5
1 1
f( ) = 3 + 5
2 2
= +5
13 1 13
= Ordered Pair: ( , )
2 2 2


If the function squares a number and adds one to the result, you can write it in function notation
as: g(x) x2+ 1

a. f(2) b. g(-1) c. g(3) d. g( )


a. g(x) = x2 + 1
g(2) = 22 + 1
=5 Ordered Pair: (2, 5)

b. g(x) = x2 + 1
g(-1) = (-1)2 + 1
=2 Ordered Pair: (-1, 2)

c. g(x) = x2 + 1
g(3) = (3)2 + 1
= 10 Ordered Pair: (3, 10)

d. g(x) = x2 + 1
2 2 2
g( ) =( ¿ +1
3 3
=( )+1
4+ 9
13 2 13
= Ordered Pair: ( , )
9 3 9


Direction: Read and answer the following:

1. How will you identify an equation as a function?

2. Give a function g(x), how can you determine g(2)?
3. Is y = 3x2 + √ 2 x + 5 a function? Why?


Direction: Determine whether each relation is a function.

1. 3x + 5y = 7

2. X + y2 = 11

3. y = 2

4. 4x – 7y = 3

5. 1 = yx

Direction: Given f(x) = x2 – 2x + 1, Find each of the following:

1. f(-1)
2. f(0)
3. f(4)
4. f(-3)
5. f(1)
6. f( )
7. f(a)
8. 2[f(a)]
9. -3[f(1)]
10. 2[f(-2)]


Direction: Write the following in function notation.

1. 3y = 4x + 6
2. 2x – y = 5
3. x2 – 3x + 2y = 3


1 4
Note that √ x is the same as x 2 , and is the same as 4x-1, thus the exponent of
these terms are not positive integers that is why these cannot be terms in the equation
which are functions.
Learning Objectives:

Lesson 5
graphs and
illustrates a
linear function
and its (a)
domain; (b)
range; (c) table Graphing Linear
of values; (d)
intercepts; and
(e) slope.
There are several ways to sketch the graph of a linear function. Here are
three ways to do it.

A. Two-point Method
In this method, you have to find two points that will satisfy the
given equation or linear function.

EXAMPLE 1 Graph x + 4 = 4
Solution: Assign any to values of x, then solve for y.
a. Let x = 1, then
y = 4 -1 = 3
Hence, the point is (1, 3).
b. Let x = 3, then
y = 4 -3 = 1
Hence, the point is (3, 1)

Plot and connect the points in the coordinate plane.

B. Intercept Method
The graph of the line on the right crosses or intersects the x and y axes. These points of
intersection are called intercepts. The x- intercept is the intersection of the graph and the x-
axis. Denote the x-intercept as a. Thus, the point of intersection of the graph and the x-axis
is (a, 0). They y-intercept is the intersection of the graph and the y-axis. Denote the y-axis as
b. Thus, the point of intersection of the graph and the y-axis is (0,b)
This method is the easiest way of graphing the line.
EXAMPLE 1 Use the intercepts to graph 3x – 2y = 6

Solution: Find the x – intercept

To find the x- intercept, set y = 0.
3x – 2y = 6
3x – 2(0) = 6
3x = 6
Therefore, a = 2

Find the y- intercept.

To find the y-intercept, set x = 0
3x – 2y = 6
3(0) – 2y = 6
-2y = 6
y = -3
Therefore, b = -3

Plot the intercepts in the coordinate plane and connect.

C. Slope-intercept Method
The general equation of the line, Ax + By + C = 0, can be written in the slope intercept
form y = mx + b.

Ax + By + C = 0
By = - Ax –C
y=- x-
Therefore, m = - and b = - , where m is the slope of the line and b is the y intercept.

EXAMPLE 1Express each question below into slope- intercepts from and determines the slope and x

a. Y = -3x + 7, This equation is already in the form of y = mx + b, where m = -3; b = 7

b. 4x -2y = 8
A = 4, B =-2, C = -8
A −4
Therefore, m = -
= =2
B −2
−C −(−8)
B=- = = -4
B −2
y = 2x – 4

c. 5y – 2x +8 = 0
A = -2, B = 5, C = 8
−A −(2) 2
m= = =
B 5 5
−C −8
b= =
B 5
2 8
Therefore, y = x− .
5 5

d. 2y = 5
2y – 5 = 0, A = 0, B = 2, C = -5
−A 0
m= = =0
B 2
−C −(−5 ) 5
b= = =
B 2 2
Therefore, y = .
Once you know the slope and the y – intercept, then you can graph line.


Direction: Study the lesson and answer the following:

1. What are the three ways to graph the line?

2. In the equation y = mx + b, what does m stand for? What about b?
3. If the line passes through (-4, 0) and (0, 2), the x intercept is _____ and the y intercept is _____.
4. If m = , what is the direction of the line?

Direction: Determine the values of y given the value of x.

1. y – 3x = 4; x = -1

2. 2y = x – 2; x = 2

3. 4 – 3x + y = 0; x = 3

4. 2x – 3y = -5; x =

5. y + x – 6 = 0; x = -3


Direction: Express each equation in slope- intercept form.

1. 2x = y + 5

2. -3x + 2y = -6

3. 4x – 3y = 9

4. -5 + 2x = y

5. 3y = -x + 6

Direction: Graph using the slope – intercept method

1. y = 3x – 2
2. 2x + 3y = 3
3. y = 3 – 2x
4. x = 4y


There are several ways to sketch the graph of a linear function.

A. Two-point Method
B. Intercept Method
C. Slope-intercept Method
Lesson 6
Writing Linear Equation
A real world set of data can be presented through mathematical
Learning Objectives:
models. Working real-life data, more often than not, you know information
 solves problems about a line without knowing its equation. You can use characteristics of the
involving linear graph of data to write an equation for a line. Writing an equation of a line can
functions. be done in various ways depending on the information given.

A. Using the Slope-intercept Form of Linear Function

The slope-intercept from of a linear function is y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the
line and b is the y-intercept. To form this kind of equation, you need to know the
information about the slope and the y-intercept of a line.

EXAMPLE 1 Write the equation of the line whose slope is 2 and passing through (0, 5).
Solution: Given information:
Slope (m) = 2
y-intercept b = 5
Equation: y = mx + b
y = 2x + 5 Slope intercept form
x+y=5 standard form
-2x + y – 5 = 0 general form

EXAMPLE 2 Find the equation of the line whose graph is shown below.
Solution: From the graph, you can see that the line intersect the y-axis at -1, thus b = -1.
Determine the rise and run to get the slope m = .
Hence, the equation using the slope-intercept form is y = x−1 Slope-intercept form
To transform the equation to general form, eliminate its denominator by multiplying the whole
equation by the LCD.
2(y = x−1) Multiply by the LCD
2y =-3x -2
3x + 2y = -2 standard form
3x + 2y + 2 general form

Slope- Intercept Form

y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

B. Using the point-slope Form of Linear Function

You can also write the equation of a line given a point and a slope using the lope
intercept form.
EXAMPLE 1 Find the equation of the line passing through (1, -3) with a slope of -6.
Solution: Substitute the slope and coordinate of the point in the slope- intercept form to find b.
y = mx + b
-3 = -6(1) + b
-3 = -6 + b
b = 6-3
b=3 y intercept
Therefore, y = -6x + 3 slope-intercept form
6x + y = 3 standard form
6x + y – 3 = 0 general form
y− y 1
However, using the definition of slope for points (x 1, x2) and (x, y), if m = , then,
x−x 1
y – y1 = m(x – x1)

EXAMPLE 2 Write an equation for the line with slope of -3 and contains (3, -5)
Given m = -3
(x1, y1) = (3, -5)
y –y= m(x – x1)
y – (-5) = 3 (x - 3)
y + 5 = -3x + 9
3x + y – 4 = 0 general form
3x + y = 4 standard form
y = -3x + 4 slope-intercept form

Point-slope Point
y – y1 = (x – x1)

C. Using Two-Point Form of Linear Function

y 2− y 1
If given two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), then the slope is m = . If there is another
x 2−x 1
y− y 1
point (x, y) on the same line, then m = . Since the slope of the line is constant,
x−x 1
y− y 1 y 2− y
= . 1

x−x 1 x 2−x 1
Two-point Form
y 2− y
y –y1 = (x – x1)
x2 −x1

EXAMPLE 1 Write the equation of the line passing through (1, 2) and (3, 6).
y 2− y 1
Solution: y – y1 = (x – x1)
x2 −x1
Let: (x1, y1) = (1, 2)
(x2, y2) = (3, 6)

Substitute the values:

y–2= (x - 1)
y – 2 = (x - 1)
y – 2 = 2 (x - 1)
y – 2 = 2x – 2
y = 2x slope-intercept form
-2x + y = 0 general form
5 3
EXAMPLE 2 What is the equation of the line passing through ( , 2) and (2, )?
2 4
Solution: Let (x1, y1) = ( , -2)
(x2, y2) = (2, )
y 2− y
y – y1 = (x – x1)
x2 −x1
Substitute the values:
4 5
Y – (-2) = (x - )
5 2
2 x−5
Y + 2 = 4−5 ( )
2 x−5
Y + 2 = −1 ( )
22 2 x−5
4[y + 2 = - ( )
4 2
4y + 8 = -11 (2x - 5)
4y + 8 = -22x + 55
22x + 4y = 47 standard form
22x + 4y – 47 = 0 general form

D. Using the intercept Form of Linear Equation

If (a, 0) and (0, b) are the intercepts of the line, then by the two-point form:
y−0 0−b
x−a a−0
y= (x - a)
y= x +b
Using the intercepts, you can have the following forms of equation.

Slope-intercept form: y= x +b
Standard Form: bx + ay = ab
x y
General Form: + =1
a b

EXAMPLE 1 Write the equation of the line passing through (0, 3) and (-2, 0)
Solution: a = -2 and b = 3
Y= x +b
Slope-intercept Form: y= x +3
Y = x +3
Standard Form: bx + ay = ab
3x + (-2y) = -2(3)
3x – 2y = -6
General Form: bx + ay – ab = 0
3x – 2y – (-2)(-3) = 0
3x – 2y + 6 = 0

3 1
EXAMPLE 2 What is the equation of the line whose x and y-intercepts are and ,
4 2
3 1
Solution: a= and b =
4 2
By intercept form:
x y
+ =1
a b
x y
3 1 =1
4 2
2y = 1
4x + 6y = 3 standard form
4x + 6y – 3 = 0 general form


Direction: Read and study the lesson to answer each question.

1. List all information that is sufficient to write the equation of the line.
2. Demonstrate two different ways to find the equation of the line with a slope of passing
through the point (3, -4).
3. Write a sentence one or two sentence to describe when it is easier to use the point slope form
or slope intercept form to write the equation of the line.


Direction: Write an equation for each line described.

1. Slope = , y intercept = -10

2. Slope = 4, passes through (3, 2)

3. Passes through (5, 2) and (7, 9)

4. With x intercept = 2 and y intercept = 4

5. Horizontal line passing through (9, -2)


Direction: Complete the table below.

Intercept Standard

Form Form
a b

2 3

x y
− =1
2 3
-4 5
SUMMARY -3x + 5y = 15
A. Using the Slope-intercept Form of Linear Function 4x – 5y = 20
The slope-intercept from of a linear function is y = mx + b, where m is the
slope of the line and b is2the
x y-intercept.
=1 To form this kind of equation, you
3 2
need to know the information about the slope and the y-intercept of a line.
B. Using the point-slope Form of Linear Function
You can also write the equation of a line given a point and a slope using the
lope intercept form.
C. Using Two-Point Form of Linear Function
y 2− y 1
If given two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), then the slope is m = . If there
x 2−x 1
y− y 1
is another point (x, y) on the same line, then m = . Since the slope of
x−x 1
the line is constant, then
y− y 1 y 2− y
= . 1

x−x 1 x 2−x 1
D. Using the intercept Form of Linear Equation
If (a, 0) and (0, b) are the intercepts of the line, then by the two-point form:
y−0 0−b
x−a a−0
y= (x - a)

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