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Title: Chapter V - Inequalities

II. Introduction
In this module, you will pay attention to inequalities where knowledge and skills learned
in algebraic expression can be applied. These are the focus questions we must take into
consideration while taking this module, “What makes algebraic inequality different to
algebraic equations? How can real-life problems involving inequality be modeled and

III.Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, you should be able to
a. discuss and give examples of inequalities;
b. deduce and apply properties of inequalities;
c. solve inequalities in one variable using its properties;
d. sketch the graph of inequalities;
e. determine the solution of inequalities in two variables; and
f. solve problems involving inequalities.

IV. Learning Content

Topic 1: Inequalities and Its Properties

Inequality is any mathematical statement relating two Math Nutrients!

or more quantities using an inequality symbol such as <, >, ≤,
≥, or ≠. For example, x > 10. This means that the value of x Thomas Harriot (1560 –
includes every number that is greater than 8. What numbers 1621) introduced the symbols
are greater than 10? Well, 11 is greater than 10. And so are 12, of inequality < and >
13, 14, and so on. How about 10.999? and 10.000001? All Pierre Bouger first used the
these numbers are greater than 10! We can possibly list all of symbols ≤ and ≥
them, but there are infinitely many numbers!

Inequality can also be illustrated using a real-life

situation. For instance, we all know that the recommended number of glasses of water we must
drink a day is at least 8 glasses. The given situation can be illustrated by x > 8.

Practice Exercise 5.1

Give at least 5 real-life situation involving inequality and illustrate it using inequality

Like in an equation, inequalities have also properties which can be used to find the
solution of a given inequality problem.
Consider the inequality 10 > 6.

If we add and subtract 3 to both sides, then TRUE inequality still holds i.e 13 > 9 for
addition and 7 > 3 for subtraction. How about any negative number?
In multiplication and division, the inequality symbol changes when both terms in the
inequality are multiplied by any negative number. Let’s consider the inequality above. If you
multiply and divide both terms by -3 without changing the inequality symbol, is it still holds
True? Why do you think so? How about by any positive number?

Supposed there are two inequalities 12 > 8 and 8 > 5. What true inequality can we get
from these two inequalities?

The following table is the summary of these properties of inequality.

Properties of Inequalities
Let a, b and c be set of real numbers

i. If a > b, then a + c > b + c Addition Property

ii. If a > b, then a - c > b - c Subtraction Property
iii. If a > b and c > 0, then ac > bc Multiplication Property by Positive Number
If a > b and c < 0, then ac < bc Multiplication Property by Negative Number
a b
> Division Property by Positive Number
iv. If a > b and c > 0, then c c
a b Division Property by Negative Number
If a > b and c < 0, then c c Transitive Property
v. If a > b and b > c, then a > c
Trichotomy Property
vi. If a < b, a = b, or a > b, then only one of
them is true.

Note: Rules i to iv and v (for a > 0) also hold true if < and > are replaced by ≤ and ≥.

Practice Exercise 5.2

Illustrate each property using any number.

Topic 2: Inequalities in One Variable

If one quantity in an inequality is missing, we can actually use any English alphabet letter
to represent the missing term. For instance, “A number greater than ten”. We can let variable x as
any number that is x > 10. In this example, we have an inequality with only one variable.
Usually, the variable is read as “Each number” and name the variable. For example, the
inequality x > 8 is read as: “each number x is greater than 8”. Other examples of inequalities in
one variable are:
x3 > 0, 2x2 + 6 < 0, m2 – 5m + 7 ≥ 1, 5n – 3 ≤ 12 + 2n, -4 < x ≤ 5
There are different types of inequalities depending on its degree. It is a Linear inequality
when it has a degree one like in example 4. Quadratic inequality when the degree in 2
(examples 2 and 3). Cubic inequality has a degree of 3. How about an inequality having a
degree 4, 5, and so on? In addition, when a variable consists of two inequality symbols in both
sides, it is called compound inequality. Example of compound inequality is -4 < x ≤ 5.

Practice Exercise 5.3

Express the following verbal statement involving inequalities to mathematical symbols.
1. Some squared number a increased by five is not greater than to fifteen.
2. Each number b decreased by eight is greater than three.
3. Fifteen times half of each number c is at least or equal to thrice the number c.
4. Each number k is greater than negative ten and at most two.
5. Seven times each number h is less than or equal to seventeen and greater than or equal to
negative two.

We also express inequalities as intervals. An interval is a set of all numbers between any
two real numbers say a and b. The numbers a and b are called the endpoints of the interval.
Intervals indicate the inclusion or exclusion of endpoints through the use of parentheses or
brackets. Usually, brackets, [ ], indicate the inclusion of endpoints. On the other hand,
parentheses, ( ), indicate the exclusion of endpoints. However, parenthesis and a bracket may be
mixed in one interval.
If a and b are real numbers and a < b, we often refer to

a) the open interval, denoted by (a, b), consists of all

real numbers x between a and b exclusive of a and b.
Use parentheses to indicate the exclusion of endpoints
b) the closed interval, denoted by [a, b], consists of all
real numbers x between a and b inclusive of a and b.
Use bracket to indicate the inclusion of endpoints.
c) the half-open interval, denoted by [a, b), consists of
all real numbers x between a and b inclusive of a and
exclusive of b.
d) the half-open interval, denoted by (a, b], consists of
all real numbers x between a and b exclusive of a and
inclusive of b.

The intervals in Figure 1 are called finite intervals. What do you think why they are
called finite interval? Use open circle to emphasize that the endpoints of intervals are NOT
INCLUDED in the interval, and closed circle to emphasize that the endpoints of the intervals are
INCLUDED. The endpoints of an interval are also called boundary points.
Intervals can also have infinite length, in which case they are called infinite intervals.
Example of this is the inequality x > 9 denoted by (9, + ∞ ). Take note that the values of x in the
given inequality extend up to positive infinity greater than 9.
How about if we have this 9 < x?

The next figure below illustrates the infinite intervals.

Essential question: Why is it we use a parenthesis symbol for every infinity in inequality? Does
this mean that the numbers therein are excluded? Why do you think so?

Topic 3: Solutions of Inequalities in One Variable

For inequalities that contain variable expressions, you may be asked to solve the
inequality for that variable. This means that you need to find the values of the variable that make
the inequality true. Remember that when you solve equation there is usually one or more value
that make the equation true. But when you solve inequality, there can be many values that make
the statement true!

In solving inequalities, it is helpful for you to use the different properties you have
learned above and it just like solving an equation.

The following procedures can be used to solve more complex inequalities.

1. Simplify both side of the inequality as needed.
a. Distribute to clear parentheses.
b. Clear fractions or decimals by multiplying it by the LCD.
c. Factor out expressions such as in quadratic equation.
d. Combine like terms.
2. Use the addition/subtraction property so that all variable terms are on one side of the
inequality and all constants are on the other side. Then combine like terms.
3. Use the multiplication/division property to clear any remaining coefficient. If you
multiply/divide both sides by a negative number, reverse the direction of the inequality

Example 5.3.1. Solve: x – 11 > –15

x – 11 > –15 Write the inequality

x – 11 + 11 > –15 + 11 Use Addition Property of Inequality (11)
x > -4 Simplify

The illustration of x > -4 is

Note that the interval is an open interval. This means that -4 is not included as part of the
solution. To check our solution, let’s try any number greater than -4. In this case, let’s try
number 0.

x + 11 > –15 Write the inequality

0 + 11 > –15 Replace x with 0
11 > –15 This statement is true.

Any number greater than –4 will make the statement true. Therefore, the solution set is (–4, ∞

Example 5.3.2. Solve: 10 – 2a ≤ 25 + 3a

10 – 2a ≤ 25 + 3a Write the inequality

10 – 2a – 3a ≤ 25 + 3a – 3a Use Addition Property of Inequality (-3a)
10 – 5a ≤ 25 Combine like terms
10 – 5a – 10 ≤ 25 – 10 Use Subtraction Property of Inequality
– 5a ≤ 15 Use Division Property of inequality by
a ≥ –3 negative number (-3)

The illustration of a ≥ –3 is

Using 0 as our test point, it will give us a true statement is 10 ≤ 25. Try another test point.
Thus, the solution set is ( +∞ , -3]

Example 5.3.2. Solve: x2 + x ≤ 2

To solve the given quadratic inequality, it should be transformed into its standard form
and factor to find its critical values. Thus,

x2 + x ≤ 2 Write the inequality

x +x–2≤2–2 Subtract 2 from each side
x2 + x – 2 ≤ 0 Simplify
(x – 1)(x + 2) ≤ 0 Factor the quadratic expression
Recall that if we have two real numbers a and b, then a⋅b<0 if a<0 , b>0 or a>0 ,
b<0 .
Consider the inequality -6 < 0. There are two possible equivalent forms for this inequality
depending on the factors of the given term. If -6 < 0 then it could be (-2)(3) < 0 or (2)(-3) < 0 but
it cannot be both (2)(3) < 0.

Let’s go back to our given inequality (x – 1)(x + 2) ≤ 0. We’ll use the property above to solve the
given inequality.
There are two ways the product of a x b can be ≤ 0, i.e. {a ≤ 0, b ≥ 0} or {a ≥ 0, b ≤ 0}.
Solution A: Solution B:

x–1≤0 x+2≥0 x–1≥0 x+2≤0

x≤1 x ≥ -2 x≥1 x ≤ -2
The next step is to determine the intersection of each solution. Solution B is quite not
possible because probably x ≥ 1 and x ≤ -2 have no numbers in common. So, we must reject
solution B. In the other hand, the intersection of solution A, which is x ≤ 1 and x ≥ -2 is at [-2, 1].
Thus the solution set is [-2, 1]. To illustrate,

To check, we must get any value within this interval. Let’s try 0.
x2 + x ≤ 2 Write the inequality
0 +0≤2 Replace x with 0
0≤2 This statement is true.

Thus, the solution set is [-2, 1]. Are the endpoints be included in the solution?

Practice Exercise 5.4

Solve the given inequalities, give the solution in the interval notation.
x +1
1. 5x – 3 ≥ 7 – 3x 4. x
6−x 3x−4

2. 3(2 – x) < 2(3 + x) 5. 4 2
3. 6x2 – 5x ≤ -1

Topic 4: Inequalities in Two Variables

You have learned in our previous topic about inequalities with one variable. In this topic,
you will learn inequalities in two variables.
Linear inequality in two variables is a statement in the form ax + by + c < 0, where a
and b are both nonzero and c can be any real number.
Examples of linear inequality in two variables are

3x – 4y + 5 > 0 y ≥ 5x – 1 x≤2
Question: Why is example 3 still considered linear inequality in two variable?

There are also real-life situations involving linear inequalities in two variables. An
example is, “Grace, a 2nd year ISU student, is selling handmade bracelets for 50 pesos each and
necklace for 100 pesos each. How many of both products does she need to sell to make at least
1,000 pesos?”. This situation, when translated into mathematical sentence, becomes 50x + 100y
> 1,000.

Topic 5: Graphs of inequalities in Two Variables

Here are the steps in graphing inequality.
Step 1: Transform the inequality into equation. Find the solution set for this equation.
Step 2: Plot the coordinates of the solution set obtained in step 1 in the Cartesian plane. Then
make a line through these points.
Step 3: Get test points above and below the line.
Step 4: Shade the region that holds true for the inequality.

Example 5.5.1. Graph: x + y ≥ 1

Step 1: To graph the given linear inequality in two variables, we must first transform it
into equation and determine at least two possible solution set of it. Thus, x + y =
1 has these solutions. In this case, we’ll use the x and y intercepts.
x 0 1
y 1 0
Step 2: Plot each coordinate in the Cartesian plane and
connect through a line. We use a solid line
because the inequality symbol used is ≥.

Step 3: Get test point above and below the line.

(4, 2) (-2, -2)

x+y≥1 x+y≥1
4+2≥1 -2 + -2 ≥ 1
6≥1 -4 ≥ 1
True statement False statement
Step 4. Shade the region that holds true for the inequality.

Question: Are the points on the line included in the solution?

Prove your claim.

y < x+3
Example 5.5.2. Graph: 2

Step 1: Find the intercepts and use it to sketch the graph

of the inequality.
x 0 -
y 3 0

Step 2: Plot each coordinate in the Cartesian plane and

connect through a line. We’ll use a dashed line
because the inequality symbol used is <.

Step 3: Get test points.

(-4, 2) (2, 2)
3 3
y < x+3 y < x+3
2 2
3 3
2< (−4 )+3 −2< (2)+3
2 2
2 < -3 –2 < 6
False statement True statement

Step 4: Shade the true region.

Question: Are the points on the line included in the solution?

Prove your claim.
Let’s consider quadratic inequality this time.

Quadratic inequality is a mathematical inequality whose degree is 2 which is in the form of

ax 2 +bx +c <0 or ax 2 +bx +c >0 where a, b, c are real numbers and a≠0 .

Are the steps in graphing linear inequality same to quadratic inequality with two different
variables? Let’s find out with the given example.

The following are the steps in in graphing quadratic inequality.

Step 1: Identify the vertex using the formula x = 2a . Solve for y using the value of x. Then,
Construct table of values by aid in graphing the inequality. Transform the inequality into
equation to obtain these values.
Step 2: Draw the graph by connecting the points.
Step 3: Identify test points to be able to determine the region described by the inequality.
Step 4: Shade the true region of the graph.

Example: Graph the quadratic inequality x2 + x – 2 ≤ y

−b −1 −1
Step 1: Using the inequality, a=1 and b=1. Using x = 2a = 2(1) = 2 , the value of y
−1 −1 1 −1 1
leads to
y= ( )
+ −2=−2
2 4 . Thus the vertex is at 2 (,−2 )
4 . Construct table
of values using x2 + x – 2 = y.
- - −1
X 0 1 2
2 1 2
- 1 -
Y 0 −2 0 4
2 4 2

Step 2: The curve is solid and it is not made of dash because it makes use of the symbol ≤.
Step 3: Let’s use (0, 0) and (2, 0) as our test points. Why do you think so?

(0,0) (2,0)
2 2
x +x–2≤y x +x–2≤y
(0)2 + (0) – 2 ≤ 0 (2)2 + 2 – 2 ≤ 0
–2≤0 4≤0

Step 4: Shade the true region

Note: The shaded region serves the solution set of the

quadratic inequality. Recall that in quadratic equation,
the solution is in the curve but not in quadratic
inequality, instead it is in the region or within the

Question: Are the points on the curve included in the

solution? Why do you think so?

Practice Exercise 5.5:

Graph the following inequalities as accurate as possible and shade the solution.
y> x−12
1. x +3 y > 1 4. 2
2. 2x – 6y ≥ 12 5. y < x2 – 3x – 10
3. 4x – y ≤ 0 6. y ≥ -x2 + 4x – 3

Topic 6: Solutions of Inequalities in Two Variables

in the previous topics, you have learned how to
graph inequalities.
The graph of an inequality in two variables is the set
of points that represents all solutions to the inequality. A
linear inequality divides the coordinate plane into two
halves by a boundary line where one half represents the
solutions of the inequality. The solutions to the inequality
are usually shaded.

Let’s use our example in the previous topic.

y < x+3
The graph of 2 is already given at the right. Get a point in the left and right
side of the line and test. Whichever satisfies the inequality then the region to which the test point
lie gives the solution set.

Since test point held true in the right side of the region, then we are sure enough that the
Right (0,0) Left (-2,2) shaded region in the graph is the solution
3 3 set.
y < x+3 y < x+3
2 2 How about if we have systems of
3 3 linear inequalities?
0< (0)+3 2< (−2)+3
2 2
0<3 TRUE 2<0 FALSE A system of linear inequalities in two
variables consists of at least two linear inequalities in the same variables. In this case, the
solution is the ordered pair which is in the intersection of the two linear inequalities.

For example, {2xx +- 4yy <>64 .

To find the solution for the given system, we must solve
and graph each inequality at a time in the same Cartesian
The graph of the inequality 2x + y < 6 is given at the right.

(The solution is intentionally left for the students)

The graph of the inequality x – 4y > 4 on the same plane is

(The solution is intentionally left for the students to solve)

There are three shaded regions formed. Get a test point in each region and whichever satisfies the
two inequality then the region which that test point lie is the solution set.
(Show your solution for the test points here)

Thus, the solution of {2xx +- 4yy <>64 is

Question: What can you deduce from the solution set of system of linear inequality? Is it the
Union or Intersection of the graphs? Why do you think so?

Practice Exercise 5.6s

Find the solution set of the following inequalities and give at least 3 distinct solutions
for each inequality.
y < 3x + 5
1. 3x + y > 1 4. { y ≥ x-2
2. 2x – 5y ≥ 10 5. { y ≤ -x + 2
3. 4x – 3y ≤ 2

Challenge Problem: Solve the solution set of {y8y≥ ≤x 25x++1240x + 34

Topic 7: Applications of Inequalities

Inequalities are very useful for solving real-world problems. In this concept, you will see
some examples of how to set up and solve real-world problems. The concepts you have learned
in the previous topics are very essential to solve particular inequality problem. At this point, you
must have mastered them all to easily understand their real applications. Let’s start with these

Example 7.1. Noel has scores 74, 75, and 80 on his exam to three math major subjects. What
score does he need on the last exam to have an average of no less than 80?

Let x be the score on the fourth exam.
To find the average score, we add the four scores and divide by 4. To have a grade of no
less than 80, the average must be greater than or equal to 80.

Average of the Must be greater

four scores than or equal to

4 ¿ 80
Solve the inequality.
4 Add 74,75, and 80
229+ x≥320 Multiply both sides by 4
x≥91 Subtract 229 from both sides
Thus, to get an average of 80 and above, Noel must score 91 or better on the last exam.
Example 7.2. Ernesto earns P100 per hour and gets a 10% commission for each merchandise he
sells. He wants to work only for 15 hours each week and has weekly earning goal of
not less than P3,000. Find the total sales he must make to reach his goal.
Let x be Ernesto’s total sales.
The working inequality is 15(100) + 0.10x ¿ 3,000.

Solving the inequality:

15(100) + 0.10x ¿ 3,000
0.10x ¿ 1,500
x ¿ 15,000.
Thus, Ernesto must have at least P15,000 total sales each week in order to earn not
less P3,000.

Example 7.3. The product of the first and third consecutive even integers is at most 192. What is
the largest possible set of integers?
Representation: Inequality:
1st integer: x (x) (x +4) ≤ 192
2nd integer: x + 2
3rd integer: x + 4
Solving the inequality: Possible set of intervals:
(x) (x +4) ≤ 192 x ¿ 12
x2 + 4x – 192≤ 0 x ≤ -16
(x – 12) (x + 16) ≤ 0 -16 ≤ x ≤ 12

When we use x ¿ 12 and x ≤ -16, it will lead us to infinite numbers greater than 0. Using
-16 ≤ x ≤ 12 will give us numbers less than or equal to zero. Since the inequality is less than
or equal to 0, the solutions are from -16 ≤ x ≤ 12. Therefore, the largest possible set of
integers is {12, 14, and 16}

Practice Exercise 5.7

Read and analyze each problem carefully then solve what is asked.
1. One less than a number is less than three times the same number plus 5. For what
number/s is this true?
2. Twice the sum of a number and one is greater than 16. What is the number?
3. Nico wants to spend less than P1,500 for a new shirt and belt. The shirt costs P650.
a. Write an inequality to represent the amount left for the belt.
b. What amount can he spend on belt?
4. Rose has score 86, 92, 89, and 92 on four examinations. What least score she can get
on the fifth examination to have an average of at least 92?
5. A medical representative receives a monthly salary of P15,000.00 plus 6% commission
on every item sold. For what amount of monthly salary sale will he earn for at least
P20, 000.00?
6. Karen has P4,500 in a savings bank in the beginning of the school year. She wants to
have at least P2,500 in the account by the end of the year. She withdraws P600 per
week for food, clothes, and coffee breaks. How many weeks can Karen withdraw
money from her account? Justify your answer.
7. Dr. Nilda will design a house with a living room whose length is five times twice its
width. If the area of the living room should be less than 187 m2, what must be the
largest possible dimensions of the living room?

Challenging Question!
Write an interesting word problem that can be solved by using the inequality 150 + x ≤ 1, 200.
Be sure to include relevant drawings and diagrams, and justify your answer. You may show
your solution in more than one way.

V. Teaching and Learning Activities

1. Discussion
2. Sharing of ideas
3. Brainstorming
4. Problem solving
5. Micro teaching
6. Assignment
VI. Recommended Learning Materials and Resources for Supplementary Reading
This website is about solving linear inequalities.
This website is about linear inequalities; this site demonstrates how to solve linear
inequalities step-by-step; shows four different solution formats.
For students who opted online class and distance learning as their mode of learning, play
the Amazing Genie by visiting the link above. Answer the questions using your
knowledge about linear inequality. Send the result to your professor/instructor.

VII. Flexible Teaching Learning Modality (FTLM) Adopted

1. Online discussion, Face to face discussion and remote learning.
2. The following online platforms will be utilized for online class: Messenger, Zoom,
Google classroom, and Telegram.
3. Utilizing designated Pick-up points or Drop-off point for the module and for submission
of requirements for remote learning.

VIII. Assessment Tasks

1. Quizzes
2. Problem sets
3. Recitation
4. Presentation
5. Chapter test
6. Performance task

Performance Task
Read and analyze the situations below. Choose only one to answer among the three situations.
Apply the different skills you learned throughout the lesson. Refer to the rubric provided to see
how your work will be evaluated.

To meet the company’s communication needs, your company is planning to make postpaid
subscription. As the Administrative Officer Assistant, you were asked to investigate the plans
offered by the three telecommunication companies. Based from the result of your
investigation, you will make a recommendation of the best plan for your company to be
presented to the company’s Finance Officer for approval. Your presentation will be evaluated
based on authenticity of data, accuracy, practicality and application of the concepts of linear
inequality in one variable.

Your family would like to subscribe to a family plan. You were tasked to investigate and
recommend the best plan for the family. Based from the result of your investigation of the
plans offered by the three telecommunication companies, you will make a recommendation of
the best plan for your company to be presented to your family members for approval. Your
presentation will be evaluated based on authenticity of data, accuracy, practicality and
application of the concepts of linear inequality in one variable.

As the Marketing Officer of a new Telecommunication Company, you were tasked to
investigate the charges of the three telecommunication companies for calls and text messages.
Based from the result of your investigation, you will come up with a recommendation of the
most competitive charges that the company can offer for calls and text messages. This will be
presented to the company’s Pricing Product Manager for approval. Your presentation will be
evaluated based on authenticity of data, accuracy, practicality and application of the concepts
of linear inequality in one variable.
Criteria Expert (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1)
Authenticity The data used are The data used are Some of the data Data are not
of data authentic and authentic. Data used are not authentic.
updated. The data are taken from authentic.
are taken from reliable
reliable resources.
Accuracy of The solutions are The solutions are The solutions are The solutions are
Computation logical and the orderly and the incomplete and illogical and the
computations are computations are the computations computations are
accurate. correct. are incorrect. inaccurate.
Explanations are
provided for each
Practicality of Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation
the is reasonable and is appropriate for needs some is not reasonable
Recommendat appropriate for the intended use. revisions. and inappropriate
ion the intended use. for the intended
Application of Appropriate Appropriate A model was No model was
Inequality models were models were used to represent, used to represent,
used creatively to used to represent, analyze and solve analyze and solve
represent, analyze and solve the situation the situation
analyze and solve the situation involving involving
the situation involving inequality inequality
involving inequality

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