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Jerome Angeles

Chapter 6
Give It Some Thought

1. The accompanying satellite images show the cloud patterns associated with two low
pressure systems.
a. Determine the airflow around each of these pressure cells (clockwise or
Counterclockwise for A and clockwise for B
b. Which one of these two areas of low pressure is located in the Northern
A the counterclockwise.
c. Can you identify which one of these storm systems is a tropical cyclone
(hurricane)? (Hint: Compare these images to Figures 11-1 and 11-4.)

A the counterclockwise.

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3. Why is the Coriolis force considered an apparent force and not a “real” force?

Because it’s not something visible.

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5. Geostrophic winds are maintained by a balance between the pressure gradient force and

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the Coriolis force. Explain why gradient winds cannot achieve a similar balance between
these two forces.
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Because they are too powerful
7. The accompanying map is a simplified surface weather map for April 2, 2011, on which
the centers of

three pressure cells are numbered.

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a. Identify which of the pressure cells are anticyclones (highs) and which are
midlatitude cyclones (lows).1 and 3 is high and 2 is low
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b. Which pressure system has the steepest pressure gradient and hence exhibits the
strongest winds? 2
c. Refer to Figure 6-3 to determine whether pressure system 3 should be considered
strong or weak.weak
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9. Sketch a cross section of a low-pressure cell that shows surface flow (inward or outward),
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vertical flow, and flow aloft.


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11. If you wanted to erect wind turbines to generate electricity, would you search for a

location that

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typically experiences a strong pressure gradient or a weak pressure gradient? Explain.
In areas of a strong gradient, you will get more wind because air like to travel across the gradient from 
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areas of high atmospheric pressure to areas of low atmospheric pressure

13. You and a friend are watching TV on a rainy day when the weather reporter states, “The

pressure is 28.8 inches and rising.” Hearing this, you say, “It looks like fair weather is on its
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way.” How
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would you respond if your friend asked the following questions?

a. “I thought air pressure had something to do with the weight of air. How does
‘inches’ relate to
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It’s the inches of mercury

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b. “Why do you think the weather is going to improve?”

Because descending air is compressed and warmed, cloud formation and precipitation are
unlikely in an anticyclone. Thus, “fair” weather can usually be expected with the approach of a
high-pressure center.

Chapter 7

Give It Some Thought


1. It is a warm summer day, and you are shopping in downtown Chicago, just a few blocks
from Lake
Michigan. All morning the winds have been calm, suggesting that no major weather systems
are nearby.
By midafternoon, should you expect a cool breeze from Lake Michigan or a warm breeze
from the rural areas outside the city?

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Yes because of the lake effect

3. Which of the local winds described in this chapter is not heavily dependent on differences
in the rates at which various ground surfaces are heated?
Chinook Winds

5. If Earth did not rotate on its axis and if its surface were completely covered with water,
what direction
would a boat drift if it started its journey in the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere?
(Hint: What
would the global circulation pattern be like for a nonrotating Earth?)
Warm air from the equator would move toward the poles in the upper atmosphere. 
Cold air from the poles would move toward the equator near Earth's surface. 
One big loop between the equator and the pole.

7. On the accompanying image of Jupiter, notice the many zones of clouds that are
produced by large convective cells similar to the Hadley cells on Earth. Given your
understanding of the role of the Coriolis force in producing Earth’s wind belts, do you think

Jupiter rotates faster or slower on its axis than Earth? Explain.

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Faster because of stronger wind belts

9. Explain why the west coasts of continents generally experience cold ocean currents. How

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do these cold currents contribute to desert conditions in some coastal areas, such as the

Atacama region of Peru
and Chile?
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This is because of the La Nina. The strong trade of winds.
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11. Refer to Figure 7–D on page 217 to determine in which of the seven precipitation
regimes you reside.

What elements of the global atmospheric circulation interact to create the precipitation
regime of your
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Zone 3. Summer dry and wet winter.

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Chapter 8
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Give It Some Thought

2. Air mass source regions are large, relatively homogenous areas. As the accompanying

illustrates, the broad expanse between the Appalachians and the Rockies is such a zone, yet

air masses do not form here. Why is this area not a source region?
Because is an air mass source region has to be flat with uniform composition and light

4. The Great Lakes are not the only water bodies associated with lake-effect snow. For
example, large lakes in Canada also experience this phenomenon. Shown below are snowfall
data for Fort Resolution, a settlement on the southeastern store of Great Slave Lake:
During what month is snowfall greatest? Suggest an explanation as to why the maximum occurs when
it does.
The snowfall is the greatest during the month of November.

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Chapter 9
Give It Some Thought
1. Refer to the accompanying weather map and answer the following questions.
a. What is the probable wind direction at each of the cities?
West to east for city A and B and south to north for City C
b. What air mass is likely to be influencing each city?
City A – mP (Maritime polar)
City B – mT (Maritime tropical)
City C - cP (Continental polar).
c. Identify the cold front, warm front, and occluded front.’
City A Cold Front, city B Warm front, and city C Occluded front.
d. What is the barometric tendency at city A and at city C?
30 inches.
e. Which of the three cities is coldest? Which is warmest?
Coldest – City A

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Warmest – City B

3. The accompanying illustration shows the fronts associated with a multitude cyclone.

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Match the

numbered regions with the type of precipitation that is most typically associated with each
region during
winter. rs e
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a. Thunderstorms 4
b. Light-to-moderate rain 2 &3
c. Sleet or freezing rain (glaze) 1 & 4

d. Heavy snow 4
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5. The accompanying diagrams show surface temperatures (in degrees Fahrenheit) for noon
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and 6 pm
on January 29, 2008. On this day, an incredibly powerful weather front moved through
Missouri and Illinois.
a. What type of front passed through the Midwest?
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Cold Front
b. Describe how the temperature changed in St. Louis, Missouri, over the six-hour
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period that began at

noon and ended at 6 pm.
The temperature drops within 6 hours.
c. Describe the likely shift in wind direction in St. Louis during this time period.

West to east

7. The accompanying satellite image shows the comma shaped cloud pattern of a well-
developed multitude cyclone over the United States in late winter.
a. Describe the weather in northern Minnesota (A), which is located in the comma
head of the winter

Strong wind and maybe rain
b. What is the probable weather in eastern Alabama (B), which is located in the
comma tail?
Fairly warm weather.

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9. Write a statement explaining the relationship between the circulation around a surface
low-pressure system and the flow aloft, using terms such as ascending air, descending air,
divergence, and convergence.
Air converges near the ground into a low pressure area and the air ascends up and diverges aloft.
11. Refer to the Severe and Hazardous Weather material on page 262. What is the major
difference between weather systems that cause flash floods in small watersheds and
weather systems that cause regional floods in large watersheds?
The amount of water and the condition of the soil.

Chapter 10
Give It Some Thought
2. Which one of the locations shown on the accompanying map is more likely to have dry
line thunderstorms? Why is this the case?
City A because of the moist air from the ocean and the dry air form the land.
4. Studies have linked the formation of supercell thunderstorms to the existence of
temperature inversions. However, cumulonimbus clouds form in an unstable environment,

whereas temperature

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inversions are associated with very stable atmospheric conditions. Explain the connection

between these two phenomena.

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6. Figure 10–28 shows that the number of tornado deaths in the United States in the 2000s
was less than

40 percent the number that occurred in the 1950s, even though there was a significant rise
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in the population during that span. To what can you attribute this decline in the death toll?
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People are more prepared for it and now they can somewhat predict before it happens.
There are more technologies to learn more about it.
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