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Reviewer in MAPEH


Kabuki is classical Japanese dance-drama. Kabuki theatre is known for the stylization of its
drama and for the elaborate make-up worn by some of its performers.
The individual kanji characters, mean sing, dance, and skill. Kabuki is therefore sometimes
translated as "the art of singing and dancing." These are, however, ateji characters which do not
reflect actual etymology.
The kanji of 'skill' generally refers to a performer in kabuki theatre. Since the word kabuki
is believed to derive from the verb kabuku, meaning "to lean" or "to be out of the ordinary", kabuki
can be interpreted as "avant-garde" or "bizarre" theatre. The expression kabukimono referred
originally to those who were bizarrely dressed and swaggered on a street.

Elements of Kabuki
Stage design
- The kabuki stage features a projection called a hanamichi (literally, flower path), a walkway
which extends into the audience and via which dramatic entrances and exits are made.
- The three main categories of kabuki play are jidai-mono (historical, or pre-Sengoku period
stories), sewa-mono (domestic, or post-Sengoku stories) and shosagoto (dance pieces).

Play structure
- Kabuki, like other traditional forms of drama in Japan and other cultures, was (and sometimes
still is) performed in full-day programs.

Famous Plays
1. Kanadehon Chūshingura (Treasury of Loyal Retainers) is the famous story of the
Forty-seven Ronin, led by Oishi Kuranosuke, who track down their enemy and exact revenge upon
him before committing seppuku as required by their code of honor upon the death of their lord, Lord
Takuminokami of the Asano clan.

2. Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura (Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry Trees ) follows
Minamoto no Yoshitsune as he flees from agents of his brother Yoritomo. Three Taira clan generals
supposed killed in the Genpei War figure prominently, as their deaths ensure a complete end to the
war and the arrival of peace, as does a kitsune named Genkurō.

3. Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami (Sugawara and the Secrets of Calligraphy ) is

based on the life of famed scholar Sugawara no Michizane (845–903), who is exiled from Kyoto, and
upon his death causes a number of calamities in the capital. He is then deified, as Tenjin, kami (divine
spirit) of scholarship, and worshipped in order to propitiate his angry spirit.

Wayang Kulit

• Wayang shadow-puppet (Bali, early 20th century)

• Wayang is a generic term denoting traditional theatre in Indonesia.
• Wayang Kulit is a unique form of theatre employing light and shadow. The puppets are crafted
from buffalo hide and mounted on bamboo sticks. When held up behind a piece of white cloth,
with an electric bulb or an oil lamp as the light source, shadows are cast on the screen.
• Wayang Kulit plays are invariably based on romantic tales, especially adaptations of the classic
Indian epics.

Different Kinds of Wayang

• Wayang wong also known as Wayang orang (literally human wayang) is a type of
Javanese dance theatrical performance with themes taken from episode of Ramayana or
• Wayang gedog usually the theatrical performance that took the themes from the Panji cycles
stories from the kingdom of Janggala, in which the players wear masks known as wayang
topeng or wayang gedog. The word "gedog" comes from "kedok", which, like "topeng" means
• Wayang golek are wooden doll puppets that are operated from below by rods connected to
the hands and a central control rod that runs through the body to the head.
• Wayang klitik figures occupy a middle ground between the figures of wayang golek and
wayang kulit. They are constructed similarly to wayang kulit figures, but from thin pieces of wood
instead of leather, and, like wayang kulit figures, are used as shadow puppets. A further similarity is
that they are the same smaller size as wayang kulit figures. However, wood is more subject to
breakage than leather.
• Wayang beber depiction of a battle.
• Wayang Sadat This newly developed form is used by teachers of Islam to show the principles
of Muslim ethics and religion to the natives of Java and Bali.
• Wayang Wahyu This form was created in the 1960s by the Javanese Jesuit Brother Timotheus
L. Wignyosubroto who sought to show the Javanese and other Indonesians the teachings of the
Catholic Church in a manner accessible to the audience.
• The Dalang is the genius behind the entire performance. It is he who sits behind the screen
and narrates the story. With a traditional orchestra in the background to provide a resonant
melody and its conventional rhythm.

Peking Opera

Peking opera or Beijing opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre which combines music,
vocal performance, mime, dance and acrobatics.
• They utilize the skills of speech, song, dance, and combat in movements that are symbolic and
suggestive, rather than realistic. Above all else, the skill of performers is evaluated according to
the beauty of their movements.

Performer / Roles
• Sheng - is the main male role in Peking opera.
• The Dan refers to any female role in Peking opera.
• The Jing is a painted face male role.
• The Chou is a male clown role.
Visual performance elements
- Aesthetic aims and principles of movement.
- Staging and costumes
Aural performance elements
- Vocal production
- Stage speech
- Song
- Music


• Zarzuela (Spanish pronunciation:[θarˈθwela]) is a Spanish lyric-dramatic genre that alternates

between spoken and sung scenes, the latter incorporating operatic and popular song, as well as
• There are two main forms of zarzuela: Baroque zarzuela (c.1630–1750), the earliest style, and
Romantic zarzuela (c.1850–1950), which can be further divided into two.
• A masque-like musical theatre had existed in Spain since the time of Juan del Encina. The
zarzuela genre was innovative in giving a dramatic function to the musical numbers, which were
integrated into the argument of the work

Suicide – (Latin suicidium, from sui caedere, "to kill oneself") is the act of intentionally causing one's
own death.
Suicide, also known as completed suicide, is the "act of taking one's own life". Attempted suicide or
non-fatal suicidal behavior is self-injury with the desire to end one's life that does not result in

Assisted suicide is when one individual helps another bring about their own death indirectly via
providing either advice or the means to the end. This is in contrast to euthanasia, where another
person takes a more active role in bringing about a person's death.

Suicidal ideations are thoughts of ending one's life but not taking any active efforts to do so

Causes why do people commit suicide?

The cause of which is frequently attributed to a mental disorder such as:

- depression

- Bipolar disorder

- schizophrenia

- Borderline personality disorder

- alcoholism

- Drug abuse
Stress factors such as financial difficulties or troubles with interpersonal relationships often play a
role. Efforts to prevent suicide include limiting access to firearms, treating mental illness and
drug misuse, and improving economic development.

Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering, family
violence, dating abuse, and intimate partner violence (IPV), is a pattern of behavior
which involves the abuse by one partner against another in an intimate relationship such as
marriage, cohabitation, dating or within the family. Domestic violence can take many forms,
including physical aggression or assault (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, restraining, slapping,
throwing objects, battery), or threats thereof; sexual abuse; emotional abuse; controlling or
domineering; intimidation; stalking; passive/covert abuse (e.g.,neglect); and economic

Alcohol consumption and mental illness can be co-morbid with abuse, and present additional
challenges in eliminating domestic violence. Awareness, perception, definition and documentation
of domestic violence differ widely from country to country, and from era to era.

Domestic violence and abuse is not limited to obvious physical violence. Domestic violence can also
mean endangerment, criminal coercion, kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, trespassing,
harassment, and stalking.

Emotional abuse (also called psychological abuse or mental abuse) can include humiliating the
victim privately or publicly, controlling what the victim can and cannot do, withholding
information from the victim, deliberately doing something to make the victim feel diminished or
embarrassed, isolating the victim from friends and family, implicitly blackmailing the victim by
harming others when the victim expresses independence or happiness, or denying the victim
access to money or other basic resources and necessities. Degradation in any form can be
considered psychological abuse.

Verbal abuse is a form of emotionally abusive behavior involving the use of language. Verbal abuse
can also be referred to as the act of threatening. Through threatening a person can blatantly say
they will harm you in any way and will also be considered as abuse.[58] It may include profanity
but can occur with or without the use of expletives.

Effects of Domestic Violence

On children

Study found that children who were exposed to domestic violence and other forms of abuse had a
higher risk of developing mental and physical health problems. Because of the awareness of
domestic violence that some children have to face, it also generally impacts how the child develops
emotionally, socially, behaviorally as well as cognitively.

Bruises, broken bones, head injuries, lacerations, and internal bleeding are some of the acute
effects of a domestic violence incident that require medical attention and hospitalization. Some
chronic health conditions that have been linked to victims of domestic violence are arthritis,
irritable bowel syndrome, chronic pain, pelvic pain, ulcers, and migraines. Victims who are
pregnant during a domestic violence relationship experience greater risk of miscarriage, pre-term
labor, and injury to or death of the fetus.

Among victims who are still living with their perpetrators high amounts of stress, fear, and anxiety
are commonly reported. Depression is also common, as victims are made to feel guilty for
‘provoking’ the abuse and are frequently subjected to intense criticism. It is reported that 60% of
victims meet the diagnostic criteria for depression, either during or after termination of the
relationship, and have a greatly increased risk of suicide.

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