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Presenter: ”Hello and welcome to semi-automatic for your rapid round of the classics. I’m Dan
Selway and today I will be accompanied by 2 of the country’s most aspiring musicians, located right
here in our home county. Alongside hearing their renditions of classic numbers, we’ll have an
interview regarding performance insight, but until then, we’ll let the performance speak for itself.

And that ladies and gentleman, hailing from Devizes, was James Cleever, with “crazy little thing
called love”. With the original cover by “Queen” in 79 I have to say that the delivery with both the
guitar and vocals was absolutely on point and goes to prove that the legacy really lives on. I must say
myself that this is the exact refresher I need after a week of everything from taxes to divorce, if you
can believe it. But anyhow, whilst we wish Cleever all the best of luck in his career, we’ll like to
address another musical youth, right here in Chippenham. And joining us tonight we have Oliver

I’d like to subsequently apologise for what has just happened on set, but I believe that the difficulties
have been resolved. The restraining order in question hasn’t been validated as of now but is still a
working progress. And I wouldn’t want this incident alone to discourage any of our trainees or any
other fanatics from joining our team here on the show, as we work around the clock to provide safety
and closure for anyone within the music community. Anyhow, whilst we were on that matter, from
right here in our home town and join us tonight, I’ll like to introduce Oliver Kingston.
Oliver, it’s great to have you here on the show.
So what we’ll like to ask you is what bands and classics for that matter do you really think influence
you in the music business?

Did you have a particular song of choice that you specifically started out with when learning to play?

And of cause, we have to ask who in general do you aspire to become in this business?

Well enough interrogating I think we better see, or hear rather for ourselves, only this time we have it
right from right from the Studio. Ladies and gentleman, Oliver Kingston

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