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Generation X and Generation Z

Different generations are characterized by different thinking, values, behaviors, so it is often

the case that parents do not communicate with their children, sometimes it may seem that they
speak almost different languages. However, this should not come as a surprise, as each new
generation has its own characteristics that may not be understood by other generations.
Generation X was born in 1964-1983. The search for adventure, the rebellion, the coup are
what they lived for. They admired the daily changes passionately. Also, the representatives of
this generation are no longer so influenced by money - they need not only a financial basis, but
also spiritual development, education, which they actively sought.
All those born since 2003 are covered by Generation Z or otherwise as future children. They
are constantly striving for exclusivity, leadership, leadership in all areas. As children grow up,
they are well aware of their rights, although they sometimes forget their responsibilities. They
want adults to communicate with them as they do on their own levels, to see and hear their
opinions, to consult. One of the biggest disadvantages of this generation is that they prefer to
exchange real, live communication with virtual ones, often avoid physical activity, spend a lot of
time at the computer or immerse themselves in smartphones.
It is not uncommon for families of different generations to see and feel the differences that
make generations critical of each other and lead to conflict. , to be accepted, to be heard. This is
a unifying thing, but for a new generation that is surrounded by technology, it becomes more
difficult to do so. If the older generation contributed to the sharing of their experience not only in
knowledge but also in being together, in joint activities, it would build a relationship, strengthen
connections, and facilitate acceptance.

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