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Evidencia 2.

4: Resumen Product Distribution: The Basics

Evelin Vanessa Calvo Ayala

Ficha 2348359

Sandra Lorena Gómez


Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Sede Centro de Gestión Tecnológica de Servicios
Programa Gestión Logística
In this short summary go to speak of the distribution of a product this information is
taken from Smarta Startuploans when show than a seller for very small to be a
heavy machinery or manufacturers sometime your business will need a form of
transportation for your merchandise thus finding the way or method suitable for this
task having consider time and the budget this must comply with the following
characteristics and guidelines:

- Budget (the cost of transportation if it is within budgeted)

- Speed (time)

- Product care (its proper packaging)

- Form of transport either by air, sea or land.

To do transportation or transfer of the product it must be taken into account the

measurement, height, weight and length considering the weight of the vehicle
conveyor if the products they will go carried outside from the country must be to
familiarize with the documents respective country to country.

It has various methods railway tracks, that are within the terrestrial the areas what
are airplanes and the maritime what are airplanes within the of the railroad tracks
we see that they are ecological and very fast. is counted with companies which
managers of this logistics process known as tertiary they must comply with some
parameters or rules for the transport process of merchandise which are for
example tonnage by sending. Always keeping in mind even though have the
tertiary hired for this job it must be done a tracing to the transfer of the product this
follow-up it does with the purpose of corroborate the good service. Considering the
other means of transport is the maritime which is very cheap but that is very slow
your economy it is reflected with shipments in high volume and something
important is that the port must be the most near possible from the final place of
delivery of the goods Similarly if you see to perform delivery by air it must be
fulfilled with almost the same
parameters distance, weight and quantity and something important customs taxes,
duty complying with documentation for each country.


 Air: Aire
 Budgetary: Presupuesto
 Bussines: Negocios
 Customers: Clientes
 Choosing: Elejir
 Constraints: Limitaciones
 Container: Envase
 Country: Pais
 Customs: Aduana
 Likewise: Igualmente
 Land: Terrestre
 Marine: Marino
 Manufacturer: Fabricante
 Operator: Operario
 Person: Persona
 Railway: Ferroviario
 System: Sistema
 Shipping: Envio
 Transport: Transporte
 Tax: Impuesto

1. The transport of the goods is expensive.

2. Do not forget to pay the customs tax.
3. Customers request a good packaging of the merchandise.
4. The operator works in a timely manner.
5. The merchandise is destined for another country.

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