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by: Luijoy France C. Salcedo

The flow of time is inevitable,

No matter how much you try,
To divide or subtract time,
It would stay the same, it’s unstoppable

There are times we wished we could go back,

But don’t you think moving forward is a better payback?
Don’t let the tears and pain of yesterday be in vain,
To hold yourself and get stuck in the past, such a shame

So we move forward and continue to progress,

To hone these diamonds that are polished by being oppressed,
It’s the pressure that makes us strong,
And it’s our desire to go back is what makes it wrong

We should not stop time nor turn it back,

It’s not a toy clock
That when you try turn it’s hands everything will be back,
No it’s not, it just won’t,
No matter how much you go back
If you’re mindset and attitude towards the future is still the same,
Nothing will change for you will make the same decisions again and again

So don’t get stuck and have that desire to go back,

Think of what you can do with the present that you have
To change the future that you want,
So that next time, it won’t be what ifs and if onlys
But “Finally, I made it!”
This is who we are,
This is what we want to be,
No matter how many times we fall down and say that it’s too much,
We will never say “I’ve had enough” or “I give up”

Because that day will come,

When we look up in the sky,
Stumbling upon challenges and struggles,
We’ll finally hone and polish the diamonds we are

For we are diamonds of unique importance,

Everyone has its own value,
May it be hidden or shown,
A diamond will sparkle on its own

For diamonds are made after a lot of clashes and pressure,

So live your life and look forward to the future,
A day will come and we’ll look from far ahead,
And we’ll say, “I finally made it!”

“The sands of time may go back and forth,

But the sands in it, in it’s very essence will remain the same,
No matter how much you try to flip the hour glass,
If the sands are still the same,
then it won’t change anything no matter how many times you bring it back and forth.”

For only when the sand itself was changed,

Will we able to say that something has really changed,
So stop going back and forth and start to move forward.
Try to change yourself, for you are the sand of your own hourglass.

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