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Autism Spectrum Disorders 1

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Jacqueline Quiriarte


Professor: Constantina Pappas

Autism Spectrum Disorders 2

An estimated 3.5 million individuals are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders in

the United States (Autism Society of America, 2019b). Commonly referred to as ASD, are

among the least understood and mysterious disabilities in special education. Several psychogenic

theories were established as the main cause of autism. Charles Ferster was one of the first

psychologists to suggest that ASD was environmentally determined (LaVigna, 1985). Today, we

have a better approach and resources towards understanding the etiology of this complex


Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder that is characterized by abnormal or impaired

development in social interaction and communication and a markedly restricted repertoire of

activity and interest. It affects a person's ability to form relationships and respond appropriately

to the environment (H. et al., Autism Speaks). Autism was first described in the early 1800’s but

it wasn't until 1943 that Leo Kanner, a psychiatrist, identified the symptoms that characterize this

disorder (Volkmar & Wiesner, 2009). Prior to Kanner’s work, individuals with autism disorders

were given labels such as childhood schizophrenia, feebleminded, idiot, and mentally retarded to

name a few. The use of these terms added to the diagnostic confusion and lack of understanding

regarding ASD.

At the present time, the precise cause of ASD is unknown. However, researchers have

suspected that the primary contributing factors include genetic predisposition, abnormal brain

chemistry and development, along with environmental variables and complications with

pregnancy. In some instances ASD are associated with medical conditions such as fragile X

syndrome and tuberous sclerosis (Boucher, 2017; Mash & Wolfe, 2019). In addition,

neuroimaging studies have connected structural abnormalities in the cerebellum, cerebral cortex
Autism Spectrum Disorders 3

and brainstem (Hall, 2018; Hyman & Levy, 2013; Mash & Wolfe, 2019). Last, vaccines have

been connected as one of the causes of autism. It was believed that there was a link between a

mercury containing preservative and the onset of ASD (Manning, 2017). Scientists, however,

continue to investigate the complexities of this disorder.

Individuals with ASD are generally described as mild, moderate or severe depending on

the cognitive functioning level of the individual. Nevertheless, each child or adult with autism

has unique strengths and challenges and there is no one size fits all treatment (H. et al., Autism

Speaks). As of today, no cure exists for autism spectrum disorders. Treatment or intervention

plans should be modified to meet each individual needs. An individual's treatment plan can

include behavioral interventions, other therapies, medicines, or a combination of these (H. et al.,

Autism Speaks).

Families are often confronted with lifelong challenges. Aside from the parents and other

family members dealing with the differences of the individual, they also deal with various

professionals searching for answers and causes of their child's disabilities (Manning, 2017).

Equally important, mothers ate the primary caregivers for the child with ASD, although fathers

offer support with specific tasks. Additionally, many parents struggle with the demands placed

on their typical child by their brother or sister with ASD. Moreover, most adults with ASD are

unable to live independently and make decisions. Many ASD individuals deal with a living

arrangement or employment possibilities.

In conclusion, Autism Spectrum Disorder is a disability that affects several individuals.

In my opinion Autism Spectrum Disorder is often seen as a disability with a lot of impediments

for the individual. However, if treated and an early intervention is applied, individuals can
Autism Spectrum Disorders 4

become successful citizens. Regardless of the difficulties that come along with Autism Spectrum

Disorder, individuals and family members can work together to create a sustainable educational

and lifelong plan. Additionally, I have gained an amount of background information and

strategies that I plan to implement within my instruction in the near future. Having attained this

knowledge about ASD will aid me to better understand and assist individuals with this disorder.


Manning, M. L., Baruth, L. G., & Lee, G. L. (2017). Multicultural Education of Children and

Adolescents. Taylor and Francis.

H., I., Jason (n.d.). Autism Speaks.

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