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21 [2013] 1 [45]

FAKULTET Znanstveni prilozi Scientific Papers
FACULTY 92-103 Andrea Maria Residential Consolidation Stambena komasacija
OF ARCHITECTURE Jandrièek A Sustainable Approach to Physical Održivi pristup prostornom
Planning and Economic Development planiranju i ekonomskom razvoju
ISSN 1330-0652
CODEN PORREV Preliminary Communication Prethodno priopæenje
UDK | UDC 71/72 UDC 711.4:330.34 UDK 711.4:330.34
21 [2013] 1 [45]
1-6 [2013]
Fig 1. Strongly segregated land uses and the multiplication of low density housing (Aerial view of suburbs in Las Vegas, Unites States)
Sl. 1. Strogo rasporeðena namjena zemljišta i multipliciranje stanovanja niske gustoæe (Pogled iz zraka na predgraðe Las Vegasa, SAD)
Znanstveni prilozi | Scientific Papers 21[2013] 1[45] PROSTOR 93

Andrea Maria Jandrièek

Estate Investments Estate Investments
USA - 95 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005 SAD - 95 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005

Preliminary Communication Prethodno priopæenje

UDC 711.4:330.34 UDK 711.4:330.34
Technical Sciences / Architecture and Urban Planning Tehnièke znanosti / Arhitektura i urbanizam
2.01.02. - Urban and Physical Planning 2.01.02. - Urbanizam i prostorno planiranje
Social Sciences / Economics Društvene znanosti / Ekonomija
5.01.04. - Organisation and Management 5.01.04. - Organizacija i menadžment
Article Received / Accepted: 25. 4. 2013. / 10. 6. 2013. Èlanak primljen / prihvaæen: 25. 4. 2013. / 10. 6. 2013.

Residential Consolidation
A Sustainable Approach to Physical Planning and Economic Development

Stambena komasacija
Održivi pristup prostornom planiranju i ekonomskom razvoju

Densification densifikacija
economic development ekonomski razvoj
housing stanovanje
urban consolidation urbana komasacija
urban sprawl neplanska gradnja

This paper suggests and outlines an urban consolidation model applied to ex- Rad predlaže i ocrtava model urbane komasacije primijenjen u veæem omjeru
isting suburban residential areas on a larger scale to correct challenges asso- na veæ postojeæa stambena naselja kako bi se korigirali izazovi vezani za ne-
ciated with urban sprawl and address changing urban needs in developed plansku gradnju u razvijenim ekonomijama. Model je razvijen kako bi ukljuèio,
economies. The model was developed to engage, motivate and financially re- motivirao i stalnim prihodom financijski nagradio ukljuèene sudionike, uklju-
ward stakeholders involved with reoccurring revenue including existing hom- èujuæi veæ postojeæe kuæevlasnike, investitore i gradsku upravu. Cilj ovog rada
eowners, developers and city government. While the goal of the paper is not to nije da definira specifiène detalje vezane za primjenu ovog predloženog mode-
define specific details related to the application of the proposed model, it does la, nego da ponudi osnovni predložak koji bi se mogao primijeniti na razlièite
suggest a basic template that could be applied to different urban challenges. urbane izazove.
94 PROSTOR 1[45] 21[2013] 92-103 A. M. JANDRIÈEK Residential Consolidation Scientific Papers | Znanstveni prilozi

INTRODUCTION War II, creating a specific lifestyle which in

some Western countries, such as the United
UVOD States became closely associated with the
national ethos. The physical areas occupied
by many of these suburbs represent impor-
tant and meaningful locations in the urban
context, however many of their existing phys-
ical layouts limit further urban and economic
development. This paper examines a possible
urban consolidation model that can be ap-
plied to these existing residential communi-
ties to physically reconfigure them to better
meet changing urban needs. (Fig. 2)



The notion of suburbia has been met with

both nostalgia and mixed portrayals through-
out the decades. In recent times a more rigor-
ous analysis has been applied to these areas,
highlighting some of the negative aspects as-
sociated with it and bringing into question
issues of long term sustainability. The cur-

U rban spatial organization referring to

the arrangement of land use, transportation
rent debate over suburbia is well document-
ed, however in order to provide some con-
text, the expansion of suburbia as a predomi-
and other infrastructure in urban environ- nant urban housing typology has made our
ments has been commonly observed to have societies increasingly spatially fragmented
a direct influence on the overall wellbeing of and automobile dependent.2 It has also es-
a city or region from the strength of its econ- tablished an expensive platform for the dis-
omy to issues relating to the environment tribution of utilities and urban services given
and public health.1 Because most urban cen- the low density it is called to maintain.3 Other
ters develop over longer periods of time, spa- negative consequences of expanding urban
tial arrangements in cities represent histori- sprawl include the loss of farmland and wild-
cal layers of influences, policies and practices life habitats4, rising CO2 emissions from au-
that can either still exert a positive influence tomobile traffic congestion5, deteriorated
on present day practical needs and add to downtown areas6 and social and economic
their distinction or character, or become out- segregation.7 (Fig. 3)
dated to changing demands and eventually
hinder economic development and social 1 Schwirian, 1983: 121
growth in certain areas. 2 Frank, Pivot, 1994: 44-52
A common phenomenon that has occurred in 3
many urban environments regardless of the 4 Squires, 2002: 133
level of development is the prevalence of 5 Fuller, Crawford, 2011: 165-83
large expanses of residential areas that have 6 Squires, 2002: 26
been built with little public space and little 7
8 Passel, Cohn, 2008: i
mixed land use. Although each city has a spe-
9 WHO, 2010: ix
cific history as to how it has taken on its pres-
10 The City of New York, Department of City Planning,
ent form or structure, most urban centers 2006: 1
were greatly influenced by early public trans- 11
portation, the rise of the automobile, strong 12
segregated land uses related to zoning regu- 13 Glaeser, 2011: 41
lations and housing policies or practices that 14
encouraged individual homeownership. The 15 Glaeser, 2011: 64
departure from a walkable city and the for- 16 Glaeser, 2011: 66
mation of the suburb began during the Indus- 17 Larger scale land readjustment or urban consolida-
trial Revolution and accelerated after World tion models have been suggested for informal residential
Scientific Papers | Znanstveni prilozi Residential Consolidation A. M. JANDRIÈEK 92-103 21[2013] 1[45] PROSTOR 95

These factors become even more compelling Mercy noted that it is possible to fit three ma-
when one considers population projections jor US metropolitan areas (Boston, Manhat-
over the next few decades and the role that tan and San Francisco) totaling 116.96 square
urban centers will be called to serve. For ex- miles into the geographical surface area of
ample, a Pew Research Center study predicts Detroit totaling 139.1 square miles. What
that if current trends continue, the United makes this comparison noteworthy is the
States will have a population increase of population comparison of those three urban
about 92 million driven mostly by immigra- areas combined (population: 3,076,660) ver-
tion by the year 2050 which is about a third of sus that of Detroit (population: 844,993).12
its present, most recent total population of With over a third of Detroit’s population liv-
303 million.8 The World Health Organization ing below poverty13, the weight of maintain-
anticipates that 70% of the world’s popula- ing such a large infrastructure with a low and
tion will live in cities by 20509, putting a sig- aging tax base is a crushing economic reality.
nificant strain not only on the built environ- Plans for aggressively downsizing city limits
ment, but on natural resources as well. New in Detroit, including the demolition of some
York City alone is projected to grow from over 10,000 houses in remote areas to sustain a
8 million people in 2000 to 9.1 million in 2030, smaller infrastructure and rehabilitate the tax Fig. 2. Aerial view of a low density residential
an increase of 1.1 million or 13.9 percent.10 Ur- base have already been made.14 The idea of development in Markham, Ontario, Canada with little
public space and mixed land use
ban land is becoming scarce and new trends ”shrinking to greatness”15 can be a prudent
Sl. 2. Zraèni pogled na stambeni razvoj srednje
such as micro apartments in mega cities are approach in rehabilitating a city to be more gustoæe u Markhamu, Ontario, Canada, s malo javnog
beginning to appear.11 However the real chal- attractive, less dangerous and less expensive prostora i mješovite upotrebe zemljišta
lenge will not be how to increase housing to maintain.16 (Fig. 4)
density in expanding urban areas, but how to
grow urban centers in a balanced fashion. As RESIDENTIAL CONSOLIDATION
cities increase housing, the need for more
open and recreational spaces, public facili- STAMBENA KOMASACIJA
ties and infrastructure will be greater as well.
A new increase of population will also greatly Residential consolidation is a type of urban
influence the complex movement of people, consolidation or land readjustment strategy
goods and services. Sensible planning poli- intended to physically restructure larger resi-
cies and practices should take precedence as dential areas in a way that would better meet
available physical space becomes all the changing urban needs in more developed
more constrained. economies.17 In traditional urban consolida-
tion, a property developer usually purchases
On the other extreme however, are also the and develops an infill designated property at
cities in economic and population decline. Al- market value typically from a single owner
though much of the decline can be attributed entity that can be institutional or commercial.
to a range of issues from a lack of diversified If the market cost of the property is too large
economies, mismanaged public funds, aging to compensate, the developer can include
populations and other factors, one observa- the previous owner as a stakeholder in the Fig. 3. Housing development policies and practices
tion that can be made about many of the cit- newly constructed property investment. The have a long term impact on virtually all aspects
ies in decline is their vast physical size in same is true for infill developments of resi- of urban life from transportation infrastructure
comparison to the low populations that cur- to the environment and public health
dential properties. Compensated homeown- (Highway in Los Angeles, CA, USA)
rently maintain them. In the case of Detroit, ers are either provided fair market value for Sl. 3. Politika stambene izgradnje ima dugoroèni
Prof. Dan Pitera of the University of Detroit their properties as is the case of collective utjecaj na virtualno sve aspekte urbanog života
sale, common in Singapore, or can be com- od infrastrukture prijevoza, do ekologije i javnog
zdravstva (autocesta u Los Angeles, CA, USA)
settlements in different parts of the developing world. Ne- pensated with newly constructed residential
gotiation conditions vary widely and are uniquely crafted property, a typical practice in Hong Kong. An Fig. 4. Three major US metropolitan areas
on a case to case basis. In these situations, land develo- infill development will increase the residen- superimposed on the surface area of Detroit
pers are typically given the right to redevelop an area in
exchange for providing housing for existing homeowners tial and commercial capacity of a given area Sl. 4. Tri glavna metropolitska podruèja SAD-a
superponirana na površinskom podruèju Detroita
and enhancing infrastructure. The new developments are but will generally be limited in providing the
usually a mix of commercial and residential properties. public needs of a community such as more
What is different in the proposed residential consolidation
model is its intentional inclusion of homeowners and city recreational spaces, schools or other public
governments as receivers of dividends in the property in- facilities. Because of its unpredictable devel-
vestment company to motivate stakeholders in developed opment, traditional infill development has
economies and the emphasis on improving the quality of been criticized for creating more traffic con-
public spaces and facilities through a tax incentive ena-
bling a more robust change in the physical environment. gestion, overloading existing infrastructure
The proposed model was designed to be commercially in- within urban centers and incorporating archi-
teresting to developers as it alleviates the capital burden tecture that aesthetically does not fit into the
and allows development in areas of high land values; ap-
pealing to city governments as a source of reoccurring re- existing urban fabric.18
venue and a way to acquire attractive public land without Unlike traditional urban consolidation, resi-
capital and motivating for homeowners who would be pro-
vided new housing without a payment, a better configured dential consolidation takes into account the
neighborhood and passive income. wider needs of the community given the
18 McCrea, Walters, 2012: 190-217 change in density including the need for more
96 PROSTOR 1[45] 21[2013] 92-103 A. M. JANDRIÈEK Residential Consolidation Scientific Papers | Znanstveni prilozi

costs.19 In addition, a population projection

will give insight into the nature of the com-
munity and determine if new public facilities
would need to be built such as schools, recre-
ational facilities and the like.
It is only after the new projected population
density is determined that the interconnected
planning process which involves both busi-
ness and physical planning can begin. Howev-
er once proper business and urban plans have
been determined, the actual physical process
of residential consolidation can be described
in three separate phases.

Fig. 5. Figurative physical transformation open spaces, public facilities and the aug- PHASE 1: REASSEMBLING HOUSING
of residential property consolidation
Sl. 5. Figurativna fizièka preobrazba stambene
mentation of infrastructure. While traditional - VALUATION, AGGREGATION, DEMOLITION
komasacije urban consolidation generally occurs in ur- AND NEW CONSTRUCTION
ban centers, residential consolidation moves
slightly outward to the more residential or ETAPA 1.: PONOVNO SASTAVLJANJE
suburban areas. It draws upon some of the STAMBENIH JEDINICA - PROCJENA,
same economic principles of traditional ur- SAKUPLJANJA IMOVINE, RUŠENJE
ban consolidation such as collective share- I NOVA IZGRADNJA
holder ownership but applies it to a wider
base of smaller property owners, encompass- The first process in residential consolidation
ing a larger physical area. Similar to how is the physical reassembly of housing for ex-
greenfield and brownfield developments re- isting owners which includes the valuation
fer to the development of undeveloped and and aggregation of property and the demoli-
industrial areas respectively, residential con- tion of old housing and construction of new.
solidation has been informally referred to as The model integrates existing homeowners
yellowfield, with yellow referring to areas of in the new development and compensates
low density housing on urban plans. (Fig. 5) them with newly built apartment units. Valu-
ation of existing housing for the purposes of
defining fair equivalent market value of new
DEVELOPMENT ENTITY, DENSITY housing can be done in different ways. The
PROJECTION AND PLANNING most straightforward method would be de-
RAZVOJNI ENTITET, PLANIRANJE termined by current market value against the
anticipated value (or agreed adjusted value)
of the new construction. In this case, it is
The process of residential consolidation is a likely that a homeowner would receive a
complex one given the larger base of stake- smaller apartment unit than his original home
holders involved. Because the process would given depreciation rates which typically as-
require a high level of organization and coor- sign higher market values to new construc-
dination among different participants, it tion over older homes. In cases where a com-
would be appropriate that a third party agen-
cy or development entity be initiated most 19 A density projection will determine how construction
housing costs will be covered and whether it will be paid
likely by the public sector to facilitate the dif- by the sale or lease of increased dwelling units. It will also
ferent processes and broker the deal in order be a good indicator to determine if, for example, a com-
to avoid conflict of interest and emphasize munity could maintain a stable retail presence since suc-
cessful retail needs a strong density to support it.
fairness and transparency.
20 Since existing houses are not equal in market value,
One of the more important tasks before any an added valuation would be placed on each original prop-
erty assigning it to a proposed A, B or C category (with A
development of a residential area takes place being the highest value and C being the lowest). Home-
is a good assessment of population density owners who fall into the A category would then have A
projections based on anticipated population type privileges and stock, those who fall into the B catego-
ry, would have B type privileges and stock, etc.
growth, housing absorption rates, current va-
21 The size of homeowner land plots should also be
cancy and rental growth rates as well as other taken into consideration, which when calculated against a
economic trends and forecasts to stay in real- reasonable coefficient, would apply to more SA of new
istic step with housing supply and demand. housing for the homeowner or alternatively, more share in
the property investment company.
A good density projection needs to be made 22 The compensated homeowner could be eligible for
to determine a sense of scale of the commu- more options whether it is to choose to live in one apart-
nity, the type of commercial development ment unit and collect dividends from the property invest-
ment company or to acquire additional units for personal
needed and to serve as a basis for financial use and eventually lease or sell additional units. The con-
modeling to structure housing development cern in the SA valuation model is creating too much dwell-
Scientific Papers | Znanstveni prilozi Residential Consolidation A. M. JANDRIÈEK 92-103 21[2013] 1[45] PROSTOR 97

pensated homeowner agrees to an apartment valuation model. If the final calculated SA

unit of lesser market value than his original suggests a population density that is too high
home, the homeowner becomes a sharehold- for a given area, new housing costs can be
er in the property investment company which covered by the ongoing lease instead of sale
then balances the difference in value. of new units. Housing costs could also be
Another valuation model determined not by subsidized by homeowner dividends in the
market value but by square surface area (in property investment company for a time until
further text referred to as ”SA”) may be more housing construction is paid in full. Financing
motivating for some homeowners, but needs of new housing could be organized building
one more valuation step to account for the by building in separate phases in order to
different property market values.20 In the SA have better control over budgets.
valuation model, compensated homeowners Square surface area sold at market price to
have the right to the same SA of new housing cover the base cost of construction for exist-
as they had in their original home.21 Like the ing homeowners can be calculated as:
market value valuation model, homeowners x=v/∆
who do not claim all of their SA rights can be-
come stakeholders in the property invest- where each of the variables are described as:
ment company. In the SA valuation model, it x = square surface area sold at market price
is more likely that a compensated homeown- to cover the expense of existing housing; v =
er could have the right to more than one square surface area of existing housing; ∆ =
apartment unit in the new development.22 profit margin of construction.25
The developer would be granted permission Square surface area that needs to be sold at
to increase the dwelling unit density of an market price to cover the base cost of con-
area to cover the costs associated with hous- struction for newly added dwelling units (x)
ing reconstruction through a combination of can be calculated as:
either selling or leasing additional new dwell-
ing units at market price.23 The increase of y=x/∆
dwelling unit density will be based on the where each of the variables are described as:
population density projection which needs to y = square surface area needed to be sold at
be rationally planned according to realistic market price to cover base cost of construc-
expectations and caution should be given not tion for newly added dwelling units; x =
to over build a community with excess dwell- square surface area needed to sell at market
ing units. The increase of dwelling units is price to cover the expense of existing hous-
not necessarily intended to be a profit ge- ing; ∆ = profit margin of construction.
nerating (although it could be), but rather a
way to recover costs associated with new In addition, the square surface area that
housing.24 needs to be sold at market price to cover the
cost of demolition, relocation, utility enhan-
Below are a series of equations that describe cement and administration can be calculated
the minimum increase of square surface area through the following formula:
needed to cover the cost of housing construc-
tion for compensated owners based solely on z = ω v ( 1/ Cv )
the sale of new units at market price in the SA where each of the variables are described as:
z = square surface area needed to sell at mar-
ing unit density. One way to offset this possibility would to ket price to cover the cost of demolition, re-
be to create oversized new dwelling units similar to the SA
of the original homes if physical space allows it. It would location, utility enhancement and adminis-
also be reasonable to place SA maximum rights for com- tration; ω = additional cost coefficient per
pensated homeowners and rely on assigning shares in the square surface area26; v = square surface area
property investment company to absorb differences in va-
of existing units; Cv = base cost of construc-
23 In layman’s terms, if the cost of building a new unit is tion per square surface area.
$150 per/sqft, but the market price is $300 per/sqft, a Total square surface area that would need to
builder can cover the cost of two new apartment units for
compensated homeowners by selling one apartment unit be constructed to cover costs associated with
at market value. new housing can be calculated in the follow-
24 Costs associated with new housing include tempo- ing way:
rary relocation of residents, demolition of old housing, in- Σ=v+x+y+z
frastructure enhancement, construction of new housing
and associated administration. where each of the variables are described as:
25 Housing markets are local and profit margins for new
construction (∆) vary widely according to those markets Σ = total square surface area constructed; v =
and according to type of residential units built such as square surface of existing housing; x = square
standard housing, high end or luxury housing, etc. surface needed to sell at market price to cov-
26 The additional cost coefficient (ω) would vary accord- er the expense of housing for existing home-
ing to other factors that drive additional costs including
type of demolition, scale of utility and infrastructure en- owners; y = square surface needed to be sold
hancement. at market price to cover cost of additional
98 PROSTOR 1[45] 21[2013] 92-103 A. M. JANDRIÈEK Residential Consolidation Scientific Papers | Znanstveni prilozi

Fig. 6. Administrative processes in residential units (x); z = square surface area needed to it could represent a flat percentage ahead of
consolidation and the reassignment of ownership sell at market price to cover the cost of demo- time to make expectations and relationships
Sl. 6. Administrativni procesi u stambenoj komasaciji
i preraspodjela vlasništva lition, relocation, utility enhancement and among the stakeholders clear before devel-
administration. opment begins.27 While accommodation is
made to cover housing costs by the market
PHASE 2: FORMATION OF A PROPERTY sale or lease of new dwelling units, the devel-
INVESTMENT COMPANY oper would be responsible for financing the
commercial space. It is important however to
ETAPA 2.: FORMIRANJE IMOVINSKO- keep in mind that the developer would not
-INVESTICIJSKOG PODUZEÆA purchase the original property and would not
pay applicable real estate taxes, nor smaller
The formation of a property investment com- administrative fees such as building permits.
pany would be a second administrative phase The lowering of construction costs would
in the residential consolidation model. The make it easier to secure capital in tightening
property investment company is a separate credit environments, increase capitalization
legal entity with an asset portfolio consisting rates and provide a faster full return on in-
of the commercial spaces in the develop- vestment.
ment. The property investment company
would be owned by eligible homeowners who PHASE 3: ACQUISITION OF PUBLIC SPACE
did not use all of their residential property BY CITY GOVERNMENT
rights, the developer who provides the capi-
tal for the commercial spaces and the city ETAPA 3.: AKVIZICIJA JAVNOG ZEMLJIŠTA
government, who in lieu of issuing a building OD STRANE GRADSKE UPRAVE
permit and other administrative costs would
also become a stakeholder in the company. The third administrative process in the resi-
The commercial spaces would generate reoc- dential property model would be the acquisi-
curring revenue from the ongoing lease of tion of private land on behalf of the public
commercial space and stakeholders would entity. An important aspect of residential
receive dividends. The type of commercial consolidation is the ability to incorporate
spaces built depends on the economic poten- needed public spaces and facilities given the
tial of a given area and could be anything increase in population density. When a popu-
lation projection is made, there would be a
ranging from neighborhood shopping centers
special focus on the increase of the number
Fig. 7. Existing low density housing on 26th Street to more specialized facilities with specific
of children, teenagers and senior citizens.
in Astoria, Queens, New York tenant relationships such as hospitals or ho-
This projection is important because plan-
Sl. 7. Postojeæa stambena izgradnja niske gustoæe tels. Public structures built under public pri-
na 26. ulici u Astoria, Queens, New York
vate partnerships in the community would
27 For example, a developer could be allotted a flat 85%
also be included as assets within the compa- share which traditionally qualifies as a majority stakehold-
ny. Some new developments may bring hand- er making it easier for the developer to manage the prop-
some economic gains while others could be erty professionally and facilitate day to day administrative
more moderate. It is important that stake- decisions. The remaining 15% would be then divided
based on fair agreement between the city government and
holders understand the economic capacity of the homeowners.
a given area in order to plan sensibly and 28 Although the land would be acquired over time by the
manage expectations. city government without a capital investment, any built
structure would be financed by city budgets which could
Stakeholder share of the company could be be a combination of taxes, municipal bonds or other city
determined in different ways. It could either budget sources. There would also be a good opportunity
reflect a literal representation of how much to establish public private partnerships as the community
would be built in close coordination with the developer.
each stakeholder contributed to the overall Well-structured public private partnerships may be an-
development of the commercial properties or other way to alleviate public budgets while providing ad-
Scientific Papers | Znanstveni prilozi Residential Consolidation A. M. JANDRIÈEK 92-103 21[2013] 1[45] PROSTOR 99

ners would need to determine if new public situated along a public transportation system
Table I. Comparison of statistics of existing
facilities would need to be built such as (both subway and bus) increasing the density community and planned development
schools, senior homes, special recreational of an already existing TOD (Transit Oriented Tabl. I. Statistièka usporedba sadašnjeg naselja
areas and the like. Development) community. A population den- i planiranog razvoja
Because an increase in population can bring sity projection of approximately 60,000 per- Statistics Existing Planned Change
about a dramatic change in the urban charac- sons per square mile was made based on
Surface area 98 acres 98 acres 0
ter of an area, it would be important that anticipated economic development and spe-
cial consideration was made to specific seg- Population 4570 8900 + 4230
planners have the freedom and flexibility to
ments of the population, namely children, Number of children 365 450 + 85
physically reconfigure an area not based on
existing property lines or even street net- teenagers and senior adults (Table I). Chang- Students elementary 456 562 + 106
es in these segments were low enough and school
works. Since existing properties are assem-
did not justify the building of special facilities Students high 456 562 + 106
bled and aggregated, physical planning could school
incorporate a more robust change in the envi- allowing the new community to be a mixed
residential, commercial development with Individuals over 65 456 562 + 106
ronment. In cases where public property,
such as a street surface would become part improved public space. Calculations were Density (person/per 23,900* 48,000** + 24,100
square mile)
of the private development, the local govern- then made to determine the amount of new
dwelling units needed to cover the costs as- Number of 1960 3200 + 1240
ment would become a stronger stakeholder residential units
in the property investment company. Areas of sociated with housing. Anticipating that
private property that become part of public building costs would be $150/sqft and that * Source: Queens Community District 1 Report
** The anticipated population density would be close to the
domain are calculated and the city govern- units could be sold at $600/sqft, a total of current population density of nearby Manhattan or 66,940
ment acquires ownership of the property by approximately 3,200 units would need to be people per square mile. Source:
reducing any one of the city imposed taxes, built to cover the cost of new housing con-
namely the property or city tax on the prop- struction and provide homes for compensat-
erty investment company over time until the ed homeowners.30 The new number of units
market value of the land or property would also coincided with the new population pro-
be paid in full. This allows the city govern- jection when multiplied by average number
ment to acquire needed public space without of individuals per unit. (Fig. 7)
the pressure of having to pay for it in capital
Once the population projections in the case
or issue public bonds.28 The reduction of tax- Table II. Comparison of existing and planned land
study were confirmed and estimated amount
es which would increase the net earnings or usages
of new dwelling units determined, the con-
bottom line would also make it more motivat- Tabl. II. Usporedba postojeæe I planirane namjene
cept design for the community could be de- zemljišta
ing for the developer and homeowners to
veloped. Changes were made in the physical
give sizeable portions of land to public use Land Use Existing Planned Change
instead of using it all for commercial purpos- environment allowing a mixed development
Low Density Housing 90% 0% - 90%
es. (Fig. 6) conducive for walking including the increase
of park space by 23% (Table II). Anticipated Mixed Residential 0% 66% + 66%
annual earnings projections of the commer-
CASE STUDY IN AN INNER RING SUBURB: cial spaces (Fig. 7) are listed in Table III. Commercial 3% 6% + 3%
ASTORIA, QUEENS, NEW YORK CITY Recreational Spaces 1% 24% + 23%
Demolition of the old neighborhood and con-
Public Facilities 2% 2% 0%
STUDIJA SLUÈAJA U UNUTRAŠNJEM struction of new housing in the case study
Utilities 4% 2%* - 2%
PREDGRAÐU: ASTORIA, QUEENS, would then be planned in such a way that
NEW YORK CITY would be least disruptive to vehicular traffic, * A portion of the existing utility area was located undernea-
th the elevated cargo railway bridge, Hell Gate, which be-
but provides the highest possible amount of came an outdoor market in the new development.
A hypothetical case study done in Astoria, dwelling units. The case study confirmed that
Queens, New York City, United States pro- relocation could be organized so that only the
vides insight on how the proposed model first set of families located on the first city
based on the calculations described previ- block would accrue expenses associated with
ously could be applied in an inner ring suburb relocation.31 Construction of housing would
of a densely populated and growing urban begin one building at a time, but in later stages
environment.29 The development would be accelerate to multiple buildings at one time, Table III. Projected approximated annual earnings*
as surplus dwelling units grow exponentially Tabl. III. Predviðeni okvirni godišnji prihodi*
ditional cash flow to the property investment company for and provide more housing for the remaining Earnings Amount in USD
a period of time. residents in the community. (Fig. 9-12)
Gross Annual Income $ 53,850,000
29 Jandrièek, 2012
30 The net increase of dwelling units in the community Net Annual Income $ 24,232,500
would be 1,240 new units.
Investor share (85%) $ 20,597,600
31 Once construction of the first apartment building City government share (2%) $ 484,700
would be complete, the first set of families would move
into the new building at least temporarily until their per-
KONFLIKTNA PODRUÈJA I PODRUÈJA Collective homeowner share (13%) $ 3,150,200
manent unit would be complete. In addition to housing the SUKOBA INTERESA Approximate individual homeowner $ 2,100
first set of families, the newly constructed building would share**
also create a surplus number of new units that could Although residential consolidation attempts * Earnings based on average expected leases in the Asto-
house the next set of families needing to relocate. This to minimize conflicts of interest by allowing
pattern of surplus units would continue exponentially and ria, Queens, New York City area (
eliminate further costs of relocation for the remaining more stakeholders to reap the rewards of the ** Collective homeowner share was divided by approxi-
mately 1,500 homeowners
families. new development, there would be areas of
100 PROSTOR 1[45] 21[2013] 92-103 A. M. JANDRIÈEK Residential Consolidation Scientific Papers | Znanstveni prilozi

would not be advisable to replace notewor-

thy buildings, houses or structures that add
to the cultural meaning or overall value to a
community. The issue of eminent domain
would also need to be addressed in a legal
context, as eminent domain in most legal sys-
tems refers to the acquisition of property for
the public good. Legal frameworks would
need to assess if new residential develop-
ments such as these represent advancement
in the area of public interest and not just a
private investment.32
Another possible area of conflict would be
the sudden increase in dwelling unit density.
The fundamental law of supply and demand
dictates that the more goods are available,
the less expensive they become. While a
contention given the large number of stake- strong increase in housing would be a good
holders involved. It is important that stake- step forward in creating affordable housing
holders understand and value the larger pur- for cities that have strong economies, high
pose behind the transformation and view it housing costs and a growing population, it
as a step towards the betterment of the com- would not be the best option for tepid eco-
munity and not solely as an economic invest- nomic growth or economies in distress or de-
ment or as a way to individual gain. creases in population. It may also provide
areas of contention among existing property
Fig. 8. Diagram of the income generating spaces The success of a transformed residential area owners who currently profit from either the
of the new development in the Astoria case study would largely depend on the local communi-
Sl. 8. Dijagram prostora koji generira prihod u
sale or lease of residential properties and
sluèaju Astorie ty’s attitude towards property ownership and want to maintain or increase their current re-
whether they recognize the proposed devel- turn on investment.
Fig. 9. Pattern for relocating residents - surplus opment as a positive opportunity or perceive
dwelling units in newly constructed buildings house In the case of weak economies or in areas
it as an infringement of rights on their exist-
the majority of residents needing relocation where there would be limits to housing den-
Sl. 9. Predložak za relokaciju stanovništva - suvišne ing property to which they have associated sity increases, there could be an emphasis on
stambene jedinice u novoizgraðenim zgradama nude less tangible but important personal value. covering the cost of new housing by the lease
smještaj veæini stanovnika kojima treba relokacija Maintaining a healthy dialogue and commu- of units with a smaller increase in dwelling
nicating homeowner benefits to residents unit density or by homeowner dividends from
early in the process would be of great value the property investment company.33 In addi-
to build good partnerships and dispel misun- tion, perhaps only a small portion of the resi-
derstandings. Although the proposed model dential area, such as a community core, could
Fig. 10. Changes in the built environment increases is scalable and would not need to include ho- be transformed as a first step in physically
population density by 93% in an already existing TOD meowners who do not want to participate, a transforming an area. In more serious eco-
(Transit Oriented Development) community
critical mass of geographically connected nomically distressed areas, the new housing
Sl. 10. Promjene u izgraðenom okolišu poveæavaju
gustoæu populacije za 93% u veæ postojeæem TOD properties would be necessary. Areas under costs could also be partially subsidized by
(Razvoj orijentiran na tranzit) naselju historic preservation would be avoided and it public funds. Although this may be a contro-
versial use of public funds, the overall goal of
this type of strategy in an area under eco-
nomic distress would be to create long term
economic stability, reverse the cost ineffi-
ciencies related to urban sprawl and intro-
duce new land uses that would intentionally
promote future economic development.
The increase of public space should also be
done with consideration. The transfer of pri-

32 The US Supreme Court held that the taking of a citi-

zen’s private property for economic development quali-
fied as a public use within the meaning of the Fifth Amend-
ment of the US Constitution in the landmark case of Kelo
vs. City of New London, case citation: 545 U.S. 469
33 A second option in the case of economically weaker
urban areas or those that cannot justify a large increase of
dwelling unit density might be widening the stakeholder
base to include other property investors who have a sur-
plus of vacant dwelling units already on the market. These
new property investors may be residential construction
Scientific Papers | Znanstveni prilozi Residential Consolidation A. M. JANDRIÈEK 92-103 21[2013] 1[45] PROSTOR 101

vate space to public space for many local gov- for redevelopment. It is a market driven mod- Fig. 11. Construction begins building by building, but
ernments would mean the loss of taxable land el that engages and motivates stakeholders then accelerates to block by block as new surplus
units grow exponentially allowing more families
for the city budget. It also means that city involved with reoccurring revenue and can be to relocate
government must have funds for the long applied to both the expanding and shrinking Sl. 11. Izgradnja poèinje pojedinaènim zgradama,
term maintenance of the new facilities. What city scenarios. The model has different appli- ali onda se ubrzava blok po blok kako broj nove
should happen however in most cases is that suvišne jedinice eksponencijalno raste, dopuštajuæi
cations and can be used as a strategy for ur- tako veæem broju obitelji da se relocira
the property and city tax base increases with ban areas that have strong economies and a
the increase of density in a healthy economy shortage of affordable housing to densify
which not only justifies the increase of public their existing geographical area without
space in the development, but should also changing their physical boundaries or it could
supply a surplus of local government income. be applied to urban areas in economic de-
cline or distress as a way to reorganize and
CONCLUSION introduce new land uses that would be more
conducive to economic development. The
ZAKLJUÈAK model could work effectively with inner ring
suburbs that typically have public transpor-
Given the projected demographic changes in
tation already in place, maximizing the use of
urban centers over the next several decades
transportation infrastructure and strengthen-
and the important role that spatial arrange-
ing the core around urban centers.
ments serve within a city, new approaches to
housing development can be considered. The benefits of residential consolidation are
Fig. 12. Visualization of the new development within
Many existing residential areas have grown many. From a public financing standpoint, the urban context of Astoria, Queens, New York
outdated over time but occupy high land val- new property developments would be con- Sl. 12. Prikaz novog stambenog naselja u urbanom
ues and are geographically important to cit- structed around existing urban infrastruc- kontekstu Astoria, Queens, New York
ies. Residential consolidation can be a meth-
od to physically reconfigure existing residen-
tial areas to better meet changing urban
needs while minimizing the capital necessary

companies or lending institutions who own properties due

to foreclosures (for example, in the US, Fannie Mae or
Freddie Mac). If existing homeowners are successful in
finding suitable housing in this inventory which does not
need to be in the same location as the original home, ar-
eas which were occupied by the original homes could be
redeveloped into something entirely different and not for
residential purposes, thus decreasing density in certain
areas. In this way the overall number of dwelling units
within a city would remain relatively the same, not creat-
ing a disruption in the housing market while land use
could be redeveloped into something more conducive to
economic development.
102 PROSTOR 1[45] 21[2013] 92-103 A. M. JANDRIÈEK Residential Consolidation Scientific Papers | Znanstveni prilozi

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Scientific Papers | Znanstveni prilozi Residential Consolidation A. M. JANDRIÈEK 92-103 21[2013] 1[45] PROSTOR 103


Stambena komasacija
Održivi pristup prostornom planiranju i ekonomskom razvoju

Uoèeno je da urbana prostorna struktura ima izra- združivanje veæega broja manjih stambenih jedini- nudi kuæevlasnicima novoizgraðene domove i bolje
van utjecaj na ekonomsku snagu i cjelokupnu kva- ca, a to je razlièito od tradicionalnog razvoja nekret- konfigurirano izgraðeno okruženje. Proces takoðer
litetu života u metropolitanskim podruèjima. Tije- nina koji se oslanja na jednog velikog institucijskog omoguæuje kuæevlasnicima da postanu investitori
kom prošloga stoljeæa mnogi su urbani centri po- investitora kao primarnog dionièara koji kupuje u urbanim projektima veæeg omjera, a to zauzvrat
duprli politiku i praksu stambene izgradnje koja je nekretninu u posjedu jednog pojedinaènog entite- jaèa lokalnu ekonomiju. Stambena komasacija
išla u korist multiplikaciji naselja niske gustoæe ta. Model ukljuèuje i ujedinjuje kuæevlasnike, inve- može imati dobar utjecaj na okoliš i javno zdrav-
izvan urbanog središta, a to je u posljednje vrijeme stitore i gradsku upravu kao dionièare u poduzeæu stvo. Razvoj zemljišta miješane namjene u kombi-
dovedeno u pitanje zbog povezanosti s ovisnošæu za investiranje u nekretnine te ih financijski nagra- naciji s dobrim sustavom javnoga prijevoza potièe
o automobilima, pitanjima o javnom zdravstvu i ðuje stalnim prihodom dobivenim od najma trgo- veæu fizièku aktivnost meðu stanovnicima, buduæi
ekologiji, neuèinkovitom upotrebom javnog prora- vaèkoga prostora u novorazvijenoj nekretnini. Ta- da se korištenje automobila postupno smanjuje.
èuna i drugim poteškoæama. Buduæi da politika i koðer nudi mehanizam koji dopušta lakši prijenos Naselja mogu biti ponovno izgraðena ekološkom
praksa vezana za razvoj stambene izgradnje utjeèe privatnog vlasništva javnomu vlasništvu kroz po- tehnologijom koja umanjuje kolièinu karbona što
na toliko aspekata urbanoga prosperiteta, od prije- rezne olakšice, bez da javni entitet plaæa kapital, vodi do èišæeg zraka i zdravijeg okruženja.
voza i ekologije do javnoga zdravstva i proraèuna, dopuštajuæi robusniju promjenu u fizièkom okruže- Dok pojam neplanske gradnje može znaèiti razlièito
trebali bi se uzeti u obzir novi pristupi prema nju. Model nudi naèin da se urbani prostor fizièki u razlièitim zemljama, stambena komasacija nudi
razvoju stambene izgradnje u svjetlu predviðenih reorganizira bez raspodjele bogatstva ili kapitala, predložak koji bi se mogao primijeniti na razne ur-
demografskih promjena i uloge za koju se oèekuje ali dopušta da svaki sudionik pridonese razumnim bane izazove. Model je primjenjiv na širok opseg
da æe je urbani centri imati tijekom nekoliko slje- udjelom, zadrži vlasnièka prava i investira novac u urbanih i ekonomskih okolnosti od metropolisa
deæih desetljeæa. nešto što æe stvoriti novu tržišnu vrijednost. koji se brzo širi do grada kojeg se populacija sma-
Predgraða blizu urbanih središta i druga stambena Model bi ojaèao lokalnu upravu i smanjio teret jav- njuje zbog ekonomskog pada. Naglasak je na stva-
podruèja niske gustoæe naseljenosti zapremila su noga proraèuna koristeæi i primjenjujuæi postojeæu ranju naselja balansiranom zemljišnom namjenom
važna i geografski znaèajna zemljišta u gradovima urbanu infrastrukturu. Takoðer poveæava bazu po- koja nudi dugoroènu održivost u podruèjima eko-
zbog njihove relativne blizine gradskom centru, reznih obveznika porastom gustoæe naseljenosti i nomskog rasta, ekologije i javnog zdravstva. Mo-
pristupu javnom prijevozu i latentnom ekonom- uvoðenjem novih poduzeæa. Nudi gradskoj upravi del može biti uspješan u odreðenim tržišnim uvjeti-
skom potencijalu. Stambena komasacija teži preo- novi izvor prihoda od najma prostora te naèin da se ma i iziskuje struène vještine organizacije interdi-
brazbi nedovoljno iskorištenih stambenih podruèja poboljša kvaliteta naselja uvoðenjem javnog pro- sciplinarnog razvoja, koje su sposobne projicirati
koja su tijekom vremena zastarjela, i to na sveo- stora bez uplate novcem ili izdavanjem javne razumne gustoæe i alocirati promjenjivu upotrebu
buhvatan naèin kako bi se izbjegao fragmentirani obveznice. S gledišta investitora model znatno zemljišta sa smislom za realistièan ekonomski
razvoj povezan s tradicionalnim razvojem nekretni- smanjuje financijska sredstva potrebna za razvoj i razvoj odreðenih podruèja. Model je razvijen s ne-
na. Model promovira balansiran urbani razvoj s izgradnju omoguæujuæi financiranje u izazovnim kim trenutaènim urbanim izazovima na umu od ne-
poveæanjem kvalitetnijega javnog prostora, javnih kreditnim okruženjima lakšim, dok ujedno nudi stašice zemljišta u urbanim podruèjima te pitanji-
ustanova infrastrukture, a ne samo s poveæanjem bolju stopu kapitalizacije i brži povrat investicije. ma javnoga zdravstva i ekologije društva dominira-
stambene gustoæe. Investitorima je takoðer ponuðena moguænost in- nom automobilima, do izazova priskrbljivanja
Stambena komasacija slijedi osnovne principe ur- vestiranja u projekte koji æe biti od veæe vrijednosti financijskih sredstava u teškim kreditnim uvjetima
bane komasacije, ali ih primjenjuje na široj geo- zbog poboljšanja kvalitete urbanoga prostora u te potrebe za ojaèanjem cjelokupnoga urbanog
grafskoj i dionièarskoj bazi. Ukljuèuje sastavljanje i podruèjima visoke zemljišne vrijednosti. Model zdravlja i vitalnosti.


a BA at Columbia University, an interest in econo- završetka BA na Sveuèilištu Columbija, interes pre-
my led her to opportunities with leading financial ma ekonomiji odveo ju je do moguænosti rada s
advisors including a Harvard based hedge fund vodeæim financijskim savjetnicima, ukljuèujuæi Har-
and KPMG in Croatia. She has assisted property vardski hedge fond i KPMG u Hrvatskoj. Asistirala
investors from local developers to the European je investitorima nekretnina, od lokalnih ulagaèa do
Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Europske banke za obnovu i razvoj (EBRD). Tre-
She currently works as an analyst specializing in nutaèno radi kao analitièarka specijalizirana za
the US housing market for US and European inves- stambeno tržište SAD-a za amerièke i europske in-
tors. vestitore.

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