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DEPARTMENT OF Medical Laboratories

Academic Year: 1443 / 2021-2022 ( 1st Semester )

Course name: Hematology I Course code: MDL-364

Instructor (L): Yasser Hassanein Instructor (P): Yasser Hassanein

A) Lectures
Room No. Blackboard Time: 7:00-9:00pm Day: Sunday
No. Tutor
Lecture Topic
1 Introduction Dr.
2 Hematopoiesis & Erythropoiesis Dr.
3 Hemoglobin/ RBCs Metabolism& RBCs indices Dr.
4 Introduction to Anemia& Iron deficiency Anemia Dr.
Sidroblastic Anemia, Anemia of Chronic Inflammation, Dr.
Hemochromatosis& Lead Poisoning
6 Megaloblastic anemia& Non-megaloblastic Anemia Dr.
7 Sickle Cell Anemia& Aplastic Anemia Dr.
8 Off long weekend
9 Thalassemia Dr.
10 Hemolytic Anemia Membrane& Enzyme defect Dr.
11 Immune Hemolytic Anemia Dr.
12 Non-immune Hemolytic Anemia Dr.

B) Practical Sessions
Lab: Immunology Lab (AM- 104) Time: 1:00-3:00 Day: Sunday

No. Topic/ Experiments

3 Smear Prep.& Staining (In the lab)

1. Practice laboratory safety as described
Performing a manualin the OSHA of
differential 1970,
and 29 USCA
assessing RBCsection 655 and all
subsequent regulations including instructions
WBCs/Platelet Estimates in(Inuniversal
the lab) precautions.
2. Identify potential
5 laboratory
RBCs morphology and inclusionsand
safety hazard situations take appropriate actions to minimize
injury to self7and others.
Microhematocrit& Hemoglobin Concentration (In the lab)
3. Using established
Sickle identify and evaluate
Cell Screening a specimen
Test, ESR (In theaslab)
acceptable for hematology testing
or coagulation studies.
4. Perform quality NRBs/reticulocytes
control as needed and takecorrection (Blackboard)
corrective actions to ensure the accuracy of all reported
hematology test13 results.
Final Practical
5. Perform instrument maintenance and calibrations as required to ensure optimal instrument
performance during use.
6. Document quality control data, equipment maintenance, corrective actions when troubleshooting
defective equipment, and test results.
7. Discuss the ontogeny and theories of hematopoiesis in terms of what, when, why, where, and how
it happens.
8. Identify and describe classic morphologic characteristics at each stage of maturation for the

Unit of Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Qassim University
erythrocyte, neutrophil, monocyte, lymphocyte, and thrombocyte.
9. Identify and distinguish an immature from a mature blood cell.
10. Use hematology terminology to describe and interpret peripheral blood and bone marrow aspirate
smears stained with Romansky stain.
11. Given a Wright-stained peripheral blood or bone marrow smear, relate smear findings to common
hematological disorders.

C) Means of Assessment: Total marks: 100

Assessment Tools Grades Week
1 First midterm 10 Week 6th
2 Second midterm 10 Week 11th
3 Quizzes, Reports Assignments 5 Twice
4 Practical Reports 5 Weekly
5 Final Practical Exam 20 Week 13th
6 Final Theoretical Exam 50 Week 15th

D) References:
1. Clinical Hematology: Principles, Procedures, Correlations. EA Stiene-Martin, CA Lotspeich-Steininger and
JA Koepka. Lippincott, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1998.
2. Hematology: Principles and Procedures. BA Brown. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, Maryland, 1993.
3. Clinical Hematology and Fundamentals of Hemostasis, DM Harmening. FA Davis, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, 1997.
4. Practical Diagnosis of Hematologic Disorders. C Kjeldsberg, K Foucar, R McKenna, et. al. ASCP Press,
Chicago, 1995.
5. Hematology. SC Anderson, KB Poulsen, S Cockayne, and SC Dawson. Williams and Wilkins, 1996.

Unit of Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Qassim University

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