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Class: 4th A – B – C - D Time: a week Date: October 18TH – 22th

Purpose: To analyse the presented extracts to the Individual Oral Assessment (IOA).

Learning evidence: An opinion paragraph with the main ideas and secondary details from the

Activity 1: Let’s observe the CHART bellow, Who belongs to each group?

The main chracter’s family: CALEB




The main chracter’s friends: NURTURER



Other characters:





THE GIVER By Lois Lowry

"But we feel certain that you are brave," she said to him. He did not feel brave at all. Not now. "The
fourth essential attribute," the Chief Elder said, "is wisdom. Jonas has not yet acquired that. The
acquisition of wisdom will come through his training. "We are convinced that Jonas has the ability to
acquire wisdom. That is what we looked for.”

"Finally, The Receiver must have one more quality, and it is one which I can only name, but not
describe. I do not understand it. You members of the community will not understand it, either.
Perhaps Jonas will, because the current Receiver has told us that Jonas already has this quality. He
calls it the Capacity to See Beyond." The Chief Elder looked at Jonas with a question in her eyes. The
audience watched him, too. They were silent. For a moment he froze, consumed with despair. He
didn't have it, the whatever-she-had-said. He didn't know what it was. Now was the moment when
he would have to confess, to say, "No, I don't. I can't," and throw himself on their mercy, ask their
forgiveness, to explain that he had been wrongly chosen, that he was not the right one at all. But
when he looked out across the crowd, the sea of faces, the thing happened again. The thing that had
happened with the apple. They changed. He blinked, and it was gone. His shoulders straightened
slightly. Briefly he felt a tiny sliver of sureness for the first time. She was still watching him. They all
were. "I think it's true," he told the Chief Elder and the community. "I don't understand it yet. I don't
know what it is. But sometimes I see something. And maybe it's beyond." She took her arm from his
shoulders. "Jonas," she said, speaking not to him alone but to the entire community of which he was
a part, "you will be trained to be our next Receiver of Memory. We thank you for your childhood."
Lowry, L. (1993). The Giver


THE GIVER By Lois Lowry

Now, for the first time in his twelve years of life, Jonas felt separate, different. He remembered what
the Chief Elder had said: that his training would be alone and apart. But his training had not yet begun
and already, upon leaving the Auditorium, he felt the apartness. Holding the folder she had given
him, he made his way through the throng, looking for his family unit and for Asher. People moved
aside for him. They watched him. He thought he could hear whispers. "Ash!" he called, spotting his
friend near the rows of bicycles. "Ride back with me?" "Sure." Asher smiled, his usual smile, friendly
and familiar. But Jonas felt a moment of hesitation from his friend, an uncertainty. "Congratulations,"
Asher said. "You too," Jonas replied. "It was really funny, when she told about the smacks. You got
more applause than almost anybody else." The other new Twelves clustered nearby, placing their
folders carefully into the carrying containers on the backs of the bikes. In each dwelling tonight they
would be studying the instructions for the beginning of their training. Each night for years the
children had memorized the required lessons for school, often yawning with boredom. Tonight they
would all begin eagerly to memorize the rules for their adult Assignments. "Congratulations, Asher!"
someone called. Then that hesitation again. "You too, Jonas!" Asher and Jonas responded with
congratulations to their groupmates. Jonas saw his parents watching him from the place where their
own bicycles were waiting. Lily had already been strapped into her seat.

He waved. They waved back, smiling, but he noticed that Lily was watching him solemnly, her thumb
in her mouth. He rode directly to his dwelling, exchanging only small jokes and unimportant remarks
with Asher. "See you in the morning, Recreation Director!" he called, dismounting by his door as
Asher continued on.
Lowry, L. (1993). The Giver

Activity 2: Let’s observe the following expressions:


1. Giving your opinion neutrally I think...

I feel that…
In my opinion…
As far as I'm concerned…
As I see it…
In my view…
I tend to think that
2. Asking someone’s opinion What do you think?
What's your view?
How do you see the situation?
What's your opinion?
What are your ideas?
Do you have any thoughts on that?
How do you feel about that?
3. Agreeing with an opinion Of course.
You're absolutely right.
Yes, I agree.
I think so too.
That's a good point.
I don't think so either.
So do I.
That's true.
Neither do I.
4. Disagreeing with an opinion That's different.
I don't agree with you.
That's not entirely true.
On the contrary…
I'm sorry to disagree with you, but…
Yes, but don't you think…
That's not the same thing at all.
I'm afraid I have to disagree.
I'm not so sure about that.
I must take issue with you on that.
It's unjustifiable to say that...
Activity 3: Decide if the statement about this chapter is True (T) or False (F):

1. Jonas was selected to be the next Receiver of Memories. ( )

2. The Chief elder explained that Jonas was skipped because he was going to be released. ( )
3. The last Receiver of Memories had been selected 10 years ago. ( )
4. The Chief elder was an old man with a beard and pale eyes. ( )

Activity 4: Read an extract again and complete the chart. To whom do the words in bold refer

In the expression … The word … Refers to …

… she said to him. “She”
He did not feel brave at all. “He”

Activity 5: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. How did Asher treat Jonas after his assignment?
a) Asher was too busy with his other friends to congratulate Jonas.
b) Asher was sad for him.
c) He was really happy for Jonas.
d) Strangely,... it was as if Jonas did not know how to treat him and he was

2. After Jonas’s assignment, his parents were …

a) Embarrassed.
b) Honored.
c) Sad.
d) Mad.
3. Jonas … pain experience before.
a) had a big
b) hadn’t had
c) had a little
d) had some

4. What permission surprises Jonas the most?

a) Permission to grow his hair.
b) Permission to deny direct orders from other community members.
c) Permission to lie.
d) Permission to drink alcohol.

5. Which of the following is NOT among Jonas's new restrictions as a Receiver?

a) He cannot longer live with his family.
b) He cannot apply for medication unless injured.
c) He cannot tell others about his training.
d) He cannot share his dreams.

Activity 6: These words are mentioned in this chapter. Match them with their correct

___ 1. Compel A. Confiscated, commandeered.

___ 2. Requisitioned B. made powerful.
___ 3. Excruciating C. To force, pressure, obligate.
___ 4. Steeled D. Indispensable, essential. Total of a whole.
___ 5. Integral E. hardened, fortified.
___ 6. Empowered F. Intense, unbearable.
Activity 7: Answer the questions:
1. How do you describe the “Capacity to See Beyond”?

2. One of the topics mentioned in the extract is “despair” through Jonas. How can you
relate this moment with the real life? Explain and give an example.

3. Why was everyone acting somewhat hesitant or reserved towards Jonas?

4. What did Jonas’s parents tell about the person selected for Receiver ten years ago?

5. Name the eighth rule, which Jonas was to follow. Why did this bother him?

Activity 8: Identify the main ideas and secondary details from the extracts and write an
opinion paragraph:




Activity 9: Read the questions and reflect about your learning.

1. What part did you find easy?

2. What was the most difficult part?

International Baccalaureate Organization. (2020). Language B Guide First Assessment
2020. Geneva: Author
Saa'd Aldin, K., Abu Awad, J., Tempakka, T. & Morley, K. (2014). IB Skills and Practice.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Saa’d AlDin, K. & Morley, K. (2018). English B Course companion, (2nd ed.). United
Kingdom: Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Morley, K., (2020). English B IB Prepared. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lowry, L. (1993). The Giver. New York: Houghton Mifflin Books.
Manchego, U., (2021) COAR Teachers: Peru

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