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Activity 2.3: FACT or BLUFF?


It is due to thermal expansion in Eiffel
1. The Eiffel
Tower’s iron structure. When heated, the iron
Tower can be 15
✓ particles absorb heat and move faster, taking
cm taller during
up more space.
the summer.
According to United States Mint, a penny's
2. Dropping a
thin and flat shape will cause it to flutter as it
penny from a tall
✓ falls off a tall building, making its trajectory
building will kill
more like a falling leaf than a potentially
lethal arrow.
According to Rady Children’s Hospital, it’s
3. Eating food
never a good idea to eat food that has been
within five
dropped; bacteria can attach to food as soon
seconds of ✓
as it hits the floor. And foods with wet
dropping it on
surfaces, like an apple slice, pick up bacteria
the floor is safe.
even more easily than dry food like a cookie.
The body breaks down refined sugar rapidly,
4. Natural sugar
causing insulin and blood sugar levels to
like honey is
skyrocket. Because refined sugar is digested
better for you ✓
quickly, you don't feel full after you're done
than processed
eating, no matter how many calories you
According to an article in BBC Science, it is
because the skeleton of a new born baby is
made up of more than 300 parts, most of
5. Babies have
which are made of cartilage. Over time, most
around 100 more
✓ of this cartilage turns into bone, in a process
bones than
called ossification. As the baby grows, some of
its bones fuse together to form bigger bones.
By adulthood, our skeleton contains just 206
The earth's crust consists of several huge
pieces - tectonic plates. These plates are
6. Hawaii moves constantly moving together with the upper
7.5cm closer to layer of the mantle. Hawaii is located in the

Alaska every middle of the Pacific plate, which is slowly
year. drifting in a north-western direction to the
North American Plate, where just Alaska is
located. (Source:
Infrared cameras are able to detect an object
7. Polar bears are of heat. But polar bears are expert in the
nearly preservation of heat. Due to the thick layer of

undetectable by fat and a warm coat, the bears are able to
infrared cameras. tolerate even the coldest days in the Arctic.

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