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Summary or Paraphrase

Score for this attempt: 1 out of 5

Submitted Dec 11, 2018 at 4:23pm
This attempt took less than 1 minute.

0 / 1 pts
Question 1

Consider the following passage:

Sir Malcolm Bruce, British member of Parliament, said, ""If you're
suggesting that every MP who has never quite told the truth - or indeed,
told a brazen lie - including ministers, cabinet ministers and prime
ministers, we'd clear out the House of Commons very fast, I would
Now look at the following passage:
Politicians often lie.
Is this passage a paraphrase or a summary?

ou Answered paraphrase

orrect Answer summary

No answer text provided.

No answer text provided.

0 / 1 pts
Question 2

Consider the passage below:

Ronald Baily asserts, "Whoever gets elected president today is an
accomplished liar. Lying, along with a capacity for backbiting, obfuscation,
and double-dealing, are, in fact, actual job qualifications for politicians
according to some deep political thinkers."
Which of the passages below is the paraphrase?
ou Answered Politicians lie.

orrect Answer
Ronald Bailey writes that it is certain that our new President is a good liar.
Why does say this? Because according to political pundits, lying, along
with “backbiting, obfuscation, and double-dealing,” is an essential skill for
any successful politician.

0 / 1 pts
Question 3

Consider the infographic below:

Which of the statements below is the summary?

ou Answered
People were asked how much they trusted information provided by
various professionals including scientists, academics, economists as well
as politicians. The poll showed that politicians are easily the least trusted
professional group. The poll revealed that while74% of people trusted
scientists a fair amount to a great deal, less than 8% of people trusted
politicians a fair amount to a great deal. Similarly, while only 6% of people
said that they had no trust in academics and only 15% of people didn’t
trust economists, 54% of people said that they trusted politicians “not at

orrect Answer
Politicians are less trusted than other professionals whose job it is to
provide information.
1 / 1 pts
Question 4

Consider the image below:

Now consider the passage below:

Mitt Romney accused the Obama administration of unprecedented
government spending. The facts say otherwise, however. The
administration for the largest growth of government spending was the
Reagan administration in 1882-1985 with a growth of 8.7 percent,
followed by the Bush administration in 2002-2005 with 7.3 percent and in
2006-2009 with 8.1 percent. The rate of growth of government spending
for the Obama administration is 1.4%, as was recognized by the Wall
Street Journal who wrote that “[g]overnment spending under Obama …
[was] slower than at any time in nearly 60 years.”
Is this passage a paraphrase or a summary?

Correct! paraphrase

0 / 1 pts
Question 5

Consider the following quotation:

Dr. Ron Riggio, professor of organizational psychology at Claremont
McKenna College explains, "It's very complicated, the way we process
information. It's the politics of audacity. The more outrageous and
audacious the lie is, the more people say 'that's got to be true because
why would someone make something like that up?'"
Consider the following passage:
If a statement is outrageous, people don't think that it is a lie.
Is this passage a paraphrase or a summary?

ou Answered paraphrase

orrect Answer summary

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