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Individual Activity #1- Case Study Analysis (Garcia Family)

Analyze the given case and Answer questions provided.

The Garcia family consists of Mr. Garcia, 42 years old; Mrs. Garcia, 36 years old; Mrs.
Garcia’s mother, 62 years old; Jose, 14 years old; Anna, 12 years old; and Carlos, 4 years old.
Mr. Garcia works as a city bus driver. All six members lived in a crowded apartment in the
center of the city. Mrs. Garcia recently solved the problem of someone needing to care for her
mother who has Alzheimer’s disease by quitting her job as a secretary to care for her. She tells
the nurse she used to enjoy entertaining her children’s friends but now asks them not to visit
because her mother needs quiet.

1. What type of family do the Garcia’s represent? Who do you think is the family
problem solver? The health supervisor? The gatekeeper?
The Garcia family represents extended family due to the presence of Mrs. Garcia’s
mother. Now, Mrs. Garcia is the family problem solver because she quit her job as secretary in
order to solve the family problem of needing someone to care for her mother who has
Alzheimer’s disease. Through this, she is also the health supervisor because she is the one
responsible in supervising the needed care for her mother so that it can continue seamlessly, and
she’s also the gatekeeper because she tells the nurse about how she used to enjoy entertaining her
children’s friends but now asks them not to visit because her mother needs quiet atmosphere, in
short, she’s the one who allows information into and out of the family.

2. What is the stage of the Garcia family? Would their situation be different if the
children were other ages?
The Garcia family is in the Stage 5 or the family with an adolescent (their oldest
child is Jose, who is 14 years old). If the children of the Garcia family were in other ages then
were in other ages then it will change their family’s goal, hence, it will also definitely
change their situation.
3. Carlos was adopted because his mother, Mrs. Garcia’s sister, died in a car accident.
What are special concerns of adopted children you need to consider when giving nursing
When giving nursing care to an adopted child, as a healthcare provider, there is an additional
responsibility or a special concern especially when counseling or forming a relationship with
them. That is, making certain the relationship is not ended abruptly or thoughtlessly. When
ending a relationship with them, we should try to introduce the person who will continue health
supervision to the child, so that the child doesn’t feel abandoned for a second time.

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