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Aldrin B. Golondrina, Muriel G. Pomida, Bonifacio T. Geniston III, and Edsel A. Barro


Assessing the needs of the faculty and staff is a critical step of any higher learning institution
that puts premium value on the training and development of its people. Thus, in this descriptive
survey, the training opportunities of faculty members and non-teaching staff of the Eastern
Samar State University Can-avid campus were identified using an adapted and modified
Hennessy-Hicks questionnaire which consisted of 40 items distributed along with its four-
pronged functions: instruction, research, extension, and production, and other relevant
administrative and job-specific skills. The instrument was distributed to all faculty members and
staff, with 96.77% and 92.06% response rates, respectively. Results revealed that training
investments and efforts to improve the faculty performance should be, from highest to lowest,
as follows: research, extension, production, and instruction. Topping the list of urgent training
among faculty members along these university functions were “analyzing quantitative and
qualitative data using statistical programs”, “crafting community development programs and
projects geared towards alleviating socio-economic conditions and preserving indigenous
cultures”, “engaging in income-generating projects and other technology services”, and “ use
of advanced educational technology”, respectively. Other relevant skills which required urgent
training among faculty members include “videoconferencing”, “using communication and
information technology innovations”, and “advanced Microsoft office applications.” Among non-
teaching staff, findings revealed an urgent need for training in the following competencies
ranked in order of priority as: “decision-making and problem-solving”, “advanced Microsoft
applications”, “using communication and information technology innovations”, “developing
assertiveness skills”, and “developing system and procedures for requisition and periodic
inventory.” The prioritization of competencies based on the actual training needs of faculty and
non-teaching staff were outlined and served as inputs to the proposed training and
development plan of the human resource management office.

Keywords: training needs, development, faculty members, non-teaching staff, competencies

Can – avid 6806

Eastern Samar, Philippines

Training Needs Assessment (TNA) is a triangular term; training (any activities to gain
knowledge, skills, or change attitude), needs (the gaps between current and desired or
required), and assessment (the process of identifying needs and placing them in priority order).
It is a crucial step in designing an appropriate, cost-effective training program with clear
priorities setting to achieve specific knowledge, skills, and practice (Yousif,, 2018).

The Eastern Samar State University Can-avid, an ISO-certified university system, is

committed to delivering quality instruction, research, extension, and production services.
Grounded on this quality statement, it is, therefore, a priority of the human resource
management office to provide the institution’s faculty and staff with various training and
development programs in order to realize its goals and objectives. Further, Section 13 of the
HRMO Service Guidelines of this university states that the conduct of training needs
assessment identifies an individual’s current level of competence, skill, or knowledge in one or
more areas and compares that competence level to the level required for their position or
another position within the organization. Rather than assume that all employees need training
or even the same training, management can make informed decisions about the best ways to
address competency gaps among individual employees or specific job categories. Thus, the
HRMO shall conduct an assessment following these steps: (1) identify needs through goal
clarification and job analysis, (2) perform a gap analysis, and (3) report training needs and
recommended training plans.

Therefore, if training and development programs are to be conducted, it is essential to

identify first the needs of the individuals concerned so that the resources to be utilized are not
put to waste and to ensure that these pieces of training are effective. To ensure the quality,
effectiveness, and impact of training, this survey emphasizes the importance of assessment
and evaluation to identify the needs of the faculty and staff and to measure the learning as an
outcome of the training and development programs attended. The outcomes would also be
observed through the improvement in job performance and attitude of the faculty and staff.

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Eastern Samar, Philippines

The main purpose of this Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is to identify training
opportunities among faculty and staff of Eastern Samar State University Can-avid campus as
input to the human resource development plan.

Specifically, this study is aimed to:

1. assess the training needs of faculty and staff in terms of:

a. instruction;
b. research;
c. extension;
d. production; and
e. other relevant skills;
2. identify the actual training needs of faculty and staff in terms of importance and
performance; and
3. propose a training plan for faculty and staff as input to human resource development

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Eastern Samar, Philippines


All faculty and staff of the Eastern Samar State University Can-avid campus during the 1st
semester of the academic year 2020-2021 were identified as the participants of this TNA: sixty-
two (62) faculty and sixty-three (63) non-teaching staff. The data of the employees involved
were taken from the Office of the Human Resources Department of this university campus.


An adapted and modified Hennessy-Hicks Questionnaire was used in this survey to identify
the training needs of faculty and staff. The questionnaire used consisted of knowledge, skills,
and attitudes (KSAs) distributed along with the four-pronged functions of this university
campus: instruction, research, extension, and production. Other skills were included to
accommodate administrative and other relevant functions. The tool was presented to 2
directors and 3 college deans to verify its content validity. They expressed their views about
the extent of the relationship of the competencies that fall under a specific area and whether
they represent the needs of the faculty and staff of this university. Some of them suggested
the addition of other needs, delete duplicated or overlapping competencies, and modify the
language of some of the other items. After the amendment, deletion, and addition of
competencies, the tool has received its approval. The final tool is composed of 40 items, which
are distributed in five areas: instruction (8) items, research (7) items, extension (5) items,
production (5) items, and other relevant and administrative skills (15) items.

In addition, the questionnaire consists of two sections: A and B. Section A represented

the importance of competencies and was consist of five points:
1 – not at all important
2 – to slightly important
3 – important
4 – fairly important
5 – very important

Section B represented the performance of competencies

1 – weak or poor
2 – fair
3 – good
4 – very good
5 – excellent
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Eastern Samar, Philippines

The in-charge of training and development of the HRMO presented a research proposal
during the institutional in-house review of researches and extension programs. Upon approval
of the survey instrument, the annual survey was conducted by the researchers who distributed
the questionnaire to the participants of the study. They explained to them that this
questionnaire aims to detect the training needs of faculty members and staff of ESSU Can-
avid from their point of view. They asked the participants to give the tool the importance it
deserves and to answer its items as honestly and accurately as possible. Thus, their answers
will be subjected to analysis in order to identify them with the necessary training courses they
need in the 2nd semester of the year 2020-2021.

Statistical Treatment

The means were extracted for each item of the questionnaire to assess the importance
(A) and performance (B) of each task or competency. The composite mean is used to describe
the level of importance and performance of each field. To determine the actual training needs,
the difference between the A and B is interpreted as the actual training needs (TN). Comparing
the mean scores for importance and performance provided an assessment of where the
greatest training needs lie. The greater the difference in scores, the greater the training needs.
Rank is then used to determine the order of training priorities.

Interpretation of the degree of importance and performance is guided by the following:

Range Importance Performance
4.21 – 5.00 Very Important Excellent
3.41 – 4.20 Fairly Important Very Good
2.61 – 3.40 Important Good
1.81 – 2.60 Slightly Important Fair
1.00 – 1.80 Not Important Weak

The quadrant line interpretation was used to explain the current situation of the training needs
in four areas, Q1 up to Q4:

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Eastern Samar, Philippines
Quadrant Performance (x) Importance (y) Interpretation
important task, not well performed
Q1 x<3 y>3
so urgent training is required
Q2; important task, well-performed,
x>3 y>3
so NO training is required
unimportant task, not well
Q3 x≤3 y≤3 performed, so the training is
required but as a lower priority
Q4 unimportant task well performed,
x>3 y<3
so no training is required.

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Eastern Samar, Philippines

The foundation of assessment and evaluation built in this TNA was based on the
importance of the task to the job and performance appraisal of the same task from the point of
view of the faculty and staff of this university campus.

1. Training Needs of Faculty

A. Instruction
Table 1A presents the means of importance and performance as well as the actual
training needs among faculty members in terms of instruction. Results showed that faculty
members considered A4 - the use of educational technology, including equipment, computer
software, programs or applications) as very important yet their performance is only fair. Thus,
urgent training is required. Moreover, there is need for training but not urgent on A6 - the
use of varied assessment methods as well as A7 - constructing, marking, analyzing and
reporting students’ assessment results. This manifestation of these training needs is brought
by the shift of learning modality from the traditional in-person setting to the current online
mode of instruction.

Table 1A. Importance and performance mean results of faculty in terms of instruction, n = 60
Competency Importance Description Performance Description TN** Rank Q+ Decision
mean*, (A) mean, (B) (A-B)
A1 4.58 VI 3.73 Very Good 0.85 3 Q2 NTR
A2 4.50 VI 3.70 Very Good 0.80 4 Q2 NTR
A3 4.37 VI 3.38 Good 0.98 2 Q2 NTR
A4 4.62 VI 2.17 Fair 2.45 1 Q1 UT
A5 2.48 SI 3.70 Very Good -1.22 8 Q4 NTR
A6 2.50 SI 2.40 Fair 0.10 6 Q3 NU
A7 2.67 I 2.52 Fair 0.15 5 Q3 NU
A8 2.50 SI 3.53 Very Good -1.03 7 Q4 NTR
Composite 3.53 FI 3.14 Good 0.39
* Mean Interpretation (VI = Very Important, FI = Fairly Important, I = Important, SI = Slightly Important)
**Training Need (greater difference indicate training need)
+ Quadrant Area (Q1: urgent training, Q2 and Q4: No training required, Q3: Training required but not urgent)
NTR – no training required
NU – not urgent
UT – urgent training

B. Research
Table 1B shows means of importance above four and means of performance below
three with all competencies under research. All research skills were located in Q1 which

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Eastern Samar, Philippines
suggests that urgent training is required. Based on the actual training needs when ranked, the
analysis of quantitative and qualitative data using statistical programs is considered by the
faculty as the top most priority.
The research competencies are required from faculty with academic rank of associate
professor and up. On the other hand, writing proposals for grant project and managing research
project is not required from assistant professors, instructors and lecturers but still rated high
importance by them. The training needs in research competencies are so crucial for all faculty
members, so ESSUC should focus on improving these competencies and strongly implement
policies for university training.

Table 1B. Importance and performance mean results of faculty in terms of research, n = 60
Competency Importance Description Performance Description TN* Rank Q+ Decision
mean, (A) mean, (B) (A-B)
B9 4.33 VI 1.97 Fair 2.37 5 Q1 UT
B10 4.28 VI 2.05 Fair 2.23 7 Q1 UT
B11 4.18 FI 1.63 Fair 2.55 3 Q1 UT
B12 4.08 FI 1.75 Weak 2.33 6 Q1 UT
B13 4.22 VI 1.65 Weak 2.57 2 Q1 UT
B14 4.23 VI 1.70 Weak 2.53 4 Q1 UT
B15 4.45 VI 1.70 Weak 2.75 1 Q1 UT
Composite 4.25 VI 1.78 Weak 2.48
* Mean Interpretation (VI = Very Important, FI = Fairly Important, I = Important, SI = Slightly Important)
**Training Need (greater difference indicate training need)
+ Quadrant Area (Q1: urgent training, Q2 and Q4: No training required, Q3: Training required but not urgent)
NTR – no training required
NU – not urgent
UT – urgent training is required

C. Extension
In terms of extension, the faculty respondents considered all competencies in the area
of extension very important but were only fairly performed as shown in Table 1C. All
competencies listed under extension were located in Q1 therefore, urgent training is required.
However, C20 - implementing multi-disciplinary activities on literacy, environmental and values
education is considered the top most priority among extension competencies.
This implies that the faculty respondents were either not interested because of the lack of
motivation for extension or simply because of time constraint due to their teaching
assignments. These constraints may be eliminated through inclusion of extension activities in
their 18-unit workload.

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Eastern Samar, Philippines
Table 1C. Importance and performance mean results of faculty in terms of extension, n = 60
Competency Importance Description Performance Description TN* Rank Q+ Decision
mean, (A) mean, (B) (A-B)
C16 4.43 VI 1.92 Fair 2.51 3 Q1 UT
C17 4.47 VI 2.05 Fair 2.42 4 Q1 UT
C18 4.35 VI 2.03 Fair 2.32 5 Q1 UT
C19 4.40 VI 1.88 Fair 2.52 2 Q1 UT
C20 4.55 VI 1.87 Fair 2.68 1 Q1 UT
Composite 4.44 VI 1.95 Fair 2.49
* Mean Interpretation (VI = Very Important, FI = Fairly Important, I = Important, SI = Slightly Important)
**Training Need (greater difference indicate training need)
+ Quadrant Area (Q1: urgent training, Q2 and Q4: No training required, Q3: Training required but not urgent)
NTR – no training is required
NU – not urgent
UT – urgent training

D. Production
In terms of production, the faculty considered all competencies in the area of production
fairly important but weakly performed. Hence, urgent training is entailed in this university
function. Engaging in income-generating projects and other technology services is deemed the
top most priority. This goes to show that faculty may be capable in doing production projects
but due to their workload and the sufficient time needed to conceptualize and implement project
proposals, they were not able to come up with production projects.

Table 1D. Importance and performance mean results of faculty in terms of production, n = 60
Competency Importance Description Performance Description TN* Rank Q+ Decision
mean, (A) mean, (B) (A-B)
D21 4.40 VI 1.82 Fair 2.58 2 Q1 UT
D22 4.27 VI 1.82 Fair 2.45 3 Q1 UT
D23 2.93 I 1.67 Weak 1.27 5 Q3 NU
D24 3.48 FI 1.63 Weak 1.85 4 Q1 UT
D25 4.33 VI 1.73 Weak 2.60 1 Q1 UT
Composite 3.88 FI 1.73 Weak 2.15
* Mean Interpretation (VI = Very Important, FI = Fairly Important, I = Important, SI = Slightly Important)
**Training Need (greater difference indicate training need)
+ Quadrant Area (Q1: urgent training, Q2 and Q4: No training required, Q3: Training required but not urgent)
NTR – no training is required
NU – not urgent
UT – urgent training

E. Other Relevant Skills

Lastly, in terms of administrative and other relevant skills, urgent training is required in
in the following areas in order of priority: videoconferencing, using communication and
information technology innovations, advanced Microsoft Office Applications, developing
assertiveness skills, time and financial management, decision-making and problem-solving,
and report writing and creation of graphs, tables, and charts.

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Eastern Samar, Philippines
Table 1E. Importance and performance mean results of faculty in terms of research, n = 60
Competency Importance Description Performance Description TN* Rank Q+ Decision
mean, (A) mean, (B) (A-B)
E26 4.16 FI 3.31 Good -0.33 11 Q2 NTR
E27 3.63 FI 2.41 Fair -0.30 10 Q2 NTR
E28 4.03 FI 2.97 Good 1.08 6 Q1 U
E29 3.84 FI 3.31 Good -0.62 14 Q2 NTR
E30 3.91 FI 3.03 Good -0.60 13 Q2 NTR
E31 3.81 FI 2.41 Fair 0.00 9 Q2 NTR
E32 3.69 FI 2.84 Good -0.45 12 Q4 NTR
E33 3.72 FI 3.19 Good 0.28 7 Q1 U
E34 3.66 FI 2.72 Good 0.01 8 Q2 NTR
E35 3.50 FI 1.88 Fair -0.68 15 Q2 NTR
E36 4.00 FI 3.47 Very Good 2.83 3 Q1 U
E37 3.25 I 2.09 Fair 2.97 1 Q1 U
E38 3.81 FI 3.25 Good 2.92 2 Q1 U
E39 3.84 FI 3.00 Good 2.57 4 Q1 U
E40 4.16 FI 3.55 Very Good 2.53 5 Q1 U

* Mean Interpretation (VI = Very Important, FI = Fairly Important, I = Important, SI = Slightly Important)
**Training Need (greater difference indicate training need)
+ Quadrant Area (Q1: urgent training, Q2 and Q4: No training required, Q3: Training required but not urgent)
NTR – no training is required
NU – not urgent
UTR – urgent training is required

Meanwhile, Figure 1 reveals the summarized training needs of the faculty: the main
quadrant line in Q1 (urgent training needs), Q2 (no need for training), Q3 (training required but
not urgent) and Q4 (no training required). All competencies in the areas of research, extension,
and production need urgent training except for conceptualizing and producing materials for
presentation and production in the performance arts which requires training but not urgent.
When comparing means of competencies in terms of importance and performance to all
faculty, a clear gap in both appeared and indicated the training needs is reflected in Figure 2.

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Q1 Q2

Q3 Q4

Figure 1: Quadrant line for all competencies showing the four quadrants

Figure 2: Comparisons of competencies in terms of importance and performance

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Eastern Samar, Philippines
2. Training Needs of Staff (Non-teaching)
A. Instruction, Research, Extension and Production
In terms of the four-fold functions of the university, Tables 2A - 2D reveal that the non-
teaching staffs considered these functions to be not important. Consequently, they were weak
in the performance of all competencies along instruction, research, and production, with the
exemption of extension function which is deemed fairly performed. Further, all competencies
in these four-functions were located in Q3 which signifies a need for training but not urgent.

Table 2A. Importance and performance mean results of non-teaching staff in terms of instruction, n = 58
Competency Importance Description Performance Description TN** Rank Q+ Decision
mean*, (A) mean, (B) (A-B)
A1 1.00 NI 1.69 Weak -0.69 8 Q3 NU
A2 1.44 NI 1.41 Weak 0.03 1 Q3 NU
A3 1.28 NI 1.31 Weak -0.03 2 Q3 NU
A4 1.66 NI 1.78 Weak -0.13 3 Q3 NU
A5 0.88 NI 1.38 Weak -0.50 6 Q3 NU
A6 0.88 NI 1.47 Weak -0.59 7 Q3 NU
A7 0.94 NI 1.41 Weak -0.47 5 Q3 NU
A8 0.69 NI 0.97 Weak -0.28 4 Q3 NU
Composite 1.09 NI 1.43 Weak -0.33
* Mean Interpretation (VI = Very Important, FI = Fairly Important, I = Important, SI = Slightly Important, NI = Not Important)
**Training Need (greater difference indicate training need)
+ Quadrant Area (Q1: urgent training, Q2 and Q4: No training required, Q3: Training required but not urgent)
NTR – no training required
NU – not urgent
UT – urgent training

Table 2B. Importance and performance mean results of non-teaching staff in terms of research, n = 60
Competency Importance Description Performance Description TN* Rank Q+ Decision
mean, (A) mean, (B) (A-B)
B9 1.63 NI 1.39 Weak 0.24 1 Q3 NU
B10 1.66 NI 1.52 Weak 0.14 2 Q3 NU
B11 1.19 NI 1.31 Weak -0.13 6 Q3 NU
B12 1.28 NI 1.47 Weak -0.19 7 Q3 NU
B13 1.38 NI 1.44 Weak -0.06 5 Q3 NU
B14 1.41 NI 1.38 Weak 0.03 3 Q3 NU
B15 1.34 NI 1.35 Weak -0.01 4 Q3 NU
Composite 1.41 NI 1.41 Weak 0.00
* Mean Interpretation (VI = Very Important, FI = Fairly Important, I = Important, SI = Slightly Important)
**Training Need (greater difference indicate training need)
+ Quadrant Area (Q1: urgent training, Q2 and Q4: No training required, Q3: Training required but not urgent)
NTR – no training required
NU – not urgent
UT – urgent training is required

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Eastern Samar, Philippines
Table 2C. Importance and performance mean results of non-teaching staff in terms of extension, n = 58
Competency Importance Description Performance Description TN* Rank Q+ Decision
mean, (A) mean, (B) (A-B)
C16 1.00 NI 1.75 Weak -0.75 2 Q3 NU
C17 1.16 NI 2.03 Fair -0.88 5 Q3 NU
C18 1.06 NI 1.91 Fair -0.84 4 Q3 NU
C19 1.19 NI 1.81 Fair -0.63 1 Q3 NU
C20 1.19 NI 1.97 Fair -0.78 3 Q3 NU
Composite 1.12 NI 1.75 Fair -0.78
* Mean Interpretation (VI = Very Important, FI = Fairly Important, I = Important, SI = Slightly Important)
**Training Need (greater difference indicate training need)
+ Quadrant Area (Q1: urgent training, Q2 and Q4: No training required, Q3: Training required but not urgent)
NTR – no training is required
NU – not urgent
UT – urgent training

Table 2D. Importance and performance mean results of non-teaching staff in terms of production, n = 58
Competency Importance Description Performance Description TN* Rank Q+ Decision
mean, (A) mean, (B) (A-B)
D21 1.44 NI 1.50 Weak -0.06 3 Q3 NU
D22 1.44 NI 1.53 Weak -0.09 5 Q3 NU
D23 1.38 NI 1.41 Weak -0.03 2 Q3 NU
D24 1.47 NI 1.41 Weak 0.06 1 Q3 NU
D25 1.41 NI 1.47 Weak -0.06 3 Q3 NU
Composite 1.43 NI 1.73 Weak -0.04
* Mean Interpretation (VI = Very Important, FI = Fairly Important, I = Important, SI = Slightly Important)
**Training Need (greater difference indicate training need)
+ Quadrant Area (Q1: urgent training, Q2 and Q4: No training required, Q3: Training required but not urgent)
NTR – no training is required
NU – not urgent
UT – urgent training

B. Other Relevant Skills

Lastly, in terms of administrative and other relevant skills, Table 2E reveals urgent
training in all listed competencies since the non-teaching staff regard them fairly important but
their performance were just either weak or fair. The following skills were the top 5 training
priorities: (1) decision-making and problem-solving, (2) advanced Microsoft applications, (3)
using communication and information technology innovations (4) developing assertiveness
skills, and (5) developing system and procedures for requisition and periodic inventory.
Meanwhile, Figure 3 reveals the summarized training needs of the non-teaching staff:
the main quadrant line in Q1 (urgent training needs) and Q3 (training required but not urgent).
All competencies in the areas of instruction, research, extension, and production were located
in Q3, while all other administrative and relevant skills were clustered in Q1.

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Table 2E. Importance and performance mean results of non-teaching staff in terms of other skills, n = 58
Competency Importance Description Performance Description TN* Rank Q+ Decision
mean, (A) mean, (B) (A-B)
E26 4.16 FI 2.47 Fair 1.69 9 Q1 U
E27 3.63 FI 1.75 Weak 1.88 7 Q1 U
E28 4.03 FI 1.34 Weak 2.69 1 Q1 U
E29 3.84 FI 2.47 Fair 1.38 13 Q1 U
E30 3.91 FI 2.25 Fair 1.66 10 Q1 U
E31 3.81 FI 1.75 Weak 2.06 6 Q1 U
E32 3.69 FI 2.09 Fair 1.59 11 Q1 U
E33 3.72 FI 2.34 Fair 1.38 14 Q1 U
E34 3.81 FI 1.69 Weak 2.12 5 Q1 U
E35 3.66 FI 2.34 Fair 1.32 15 Q1 U
E36 4.03 FI 1.44 Weak 2.59 2 Q1 U
E37 3.25 I 1.53 Weak 1.72 8 Q1 U
E38 3.84 FI 1.50 Weak 2.34 3 Q1 U
E39 4.00 FI 1.84 Fair 2.16 4 Q1 U
E40 4.16 FI 2.74 Good 1.41 12 Q1 U

* Mean Interpretation (VI = Very Important, FI = Fairly Important, I = Important, SI = Slightly Important)
**Training Need (greater difference indicate training need)
+ Quadrant Area (Q1: urgent training, Q2 and Q4: No training required, Q3: Training required but not urgent)
NTR – no training is required
NU – not urgent
UTR – urgent training is required

Q1 Q2

Q3 Q4

Figure 3: Quadrant line for all competencies showing the four quadrants

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When comparing means of competencies in terms of importance and performance
among non-teaching staff, a clear gap in both appeared and indicated the training needs in
competencies 26 to 40 as reflected in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Comparisons of competencies in terms of importance and performance

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The training needs assessment (TNA) from the perspective of the faculty of the Eastern
Samar State University Can-avid campus revealed that they considered the most important
among the university functions is instruction followed by extension, production, and research,
respectively. The least performed university function is research, followed by production,
extension, and instruction respectively. Further, they have identified 65% or 26 out of 40
competencies of urgent priority. Thus, training investments and effort to improve the faculty’s
performance should be, from highest to lowest, as follows: research, production, extension and
instruction. The actual training needs represented by the difference between the means of
performance and importance showed all competencies in the areas of research, extension,
and production showed the widest gaps between performance and importance hence, urgent
training in these areas is required. For instruction, the use of educational technology is
considered by the faculty as their top most priority. Moreover, there is need for training but not
urgent on the use of varied assessment methods as well as constructing, marking, analyzing
and reporting students’ assessment results. The manifestation of these training needs is
brought by the shift of learning modality from the traditional in-person setting to the current
online mode of instruction. Other teaching competencies were well performed among the
faculty, and therefore, no training is required.
In light of these findings, the researcher, therefore, recommends that the priority of
training investments and effort to improve the faculty’s performance in this university campus
should be, from highest to lowest, as follows: research, production, and extension. Other
administrative and relevant skills which require urgent training among faculty were
videoconferencing, using communication and information technology innovations, advanced
Microsoft Office Applications, developing assertiveness skills, time and financial management,
decision-making and problem-solving, and report writing and creation of graphs, tables, and
Among non-teaching staff of this university campus, all administrative and other
relevant skills listed were of urgent training need. The following skills were the top 5 training
priorities: (1) decision-making and problem-solving, (2) advanced Microsoft applications, (3)
using communication and information technology innovations (4) developing assertiveness
skills, and (5) developing system and procedures for requisition and periodic inventory.
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Eastern Samar, Philippines
Moreover, though it was clear why non-teaching staff considered instruction as not important
in the performance of their duties, there is a need to create a culture of research, extension,
and production among them as most of them regard these university functions irrelevant or
unimportant. Although results revealed that there is a need for training but not as urgent, the
researchers recommend that those non-teaching staff under the offices of research, extension
and production equip themselves with the necessary skills through attendance to training and
active engagement.
In addition, the researchers recommend that research and studies on training needs
among faculty and staff must be held periodically, and the need to correlate variables that may
have an impact on the training needs such as academic rank, and the number of training
courses. There is a need to take advantage of the current TNA questionnaire, try developing
it, and coordinate with the university computer center on the need for computerization. This
must be done so that at the end of each semester, it can be answered by faculty and staff
Finally, a training and development plan was proposed to address the needs of the
faculty of Eastern Samar State University, Can-avid campus. It is strongly suggested that the
inclusion of the most needed training in the annual plans of colleges and the Human Resources
Department. Furthermore, it is recommended that the proposed development plan be
implemented and its effectiveness be evaluated.

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Eastern Samar, Philippines

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