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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación

Liceo Jacobo mármol montesino

Barquisimeto-Edo Lara

Ronaiker cueri 3 año sección H

Cedula 31.01.343

PartI. Looking and writing.

Usando el presente continuo, describe lo que sucede en cada imagen. Siga el Ejemplo. (2ptos)

1; ellos están leyendo un libro - they are reading book

2:ella está cocinando- She is cooking

3:ellos están escuchando música y bailando- they are listening to music and dancing.

4: el está nadando- He is swimming

PartII. Reading and drawing.

De la lectura “How to make Sancocho” selecciona 4 ingredientes y dibújalos colocándoles

su nombre en inglés (2 ptos)



Corn cob Part.

Part. III. Learning .
Escoge cuatro (4) de los siguientes alimentos y escribe un beneficio de cada uno de los

seleccionados en inglés. Siga el ejemplo (2ptos)


Fish has excellent nutritional value, provides high-quality protein and a wide variety of
vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A and D, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, and
iodine in the case of sea fish

the carrot

Rich in potassium and phosphorous, carrots are a remedy for tired minds and unleashed
nerves. Beta carotenes are powerful protectants that prevent premature aging. They protect
our retina and prevent the appearance of cataracts

The type of fiber present in onions can reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular
diseases, such as high blood pressure, strokes, heart failure and heart attacks. In addition, it
helps reduce cholesterol, according to the Spanish Heart Federation. 16 Jul. 2018
Sugar, in the form of its monosaccharide glucose, is essential for cell work and is considered
the quintessential food for nerve cells and brain neurons

Part. IV Questions and answer.

Responde las siguiente preguntas basadas en la realidad y utilizando la estructura estudiada

presente continuo. (3 ptos)

1 What are you doing?

R. work aregalndo sewing machines sacks

2 Who are you talking in this moment?

R. from work
3 Who is helping you do your homework?

R. my sister

Part. I Create.
Basándote en la siguientes imágenes crea oraciones con adverbios de frecuencia. Siga el

(2 ptos)

1 the pal ins y the palmas

2the andes the y perazas

3the dunes the y pintos

4canaima, churun meru y the gracias

PartII. Traslate.

Traduce al inglés los siguientes textos. (2pto

1 delta del orinoco national park

The Delta del Orinoco National Park is located in the Delta Amacuro
state. It is located between the Macareo and Mariusa pipes. It is a
jungle and water area, it has quicksand lakes, with a rich and unique
fauna in the world. This immense park is located right in the middle of
the mouth of the Orinoco. It is accessed by river from the town of
Tucupita, following the waters of the Orinoco.

2 chorus

Santa Ana de Coro, better known as Coro, is a Venezuelan city located

in the west of the country. It is the capital of the Falcón state and of
the Miranda municipality, as well as the main cultural, historical,
artistic, educational and political-administrative center of the entire
Falconian region. In addition, Coro is the fifth city founded in
Venezuela, the third oldest city in Venezuela and the sixth oldest city in
South America.

3Park National canaima

Canaima National Park is a national park located in Bolívar state,

Venezuela. It was established on June 12, 1962 and declared a World
Heritage Site by Unesco in 1994.1

It extends over 30,000 km² to the border with Guyana and Brazil, due
to its size it is considered the fifteenth largest national park in the
world. About 65% of the park is occupied by rock plateaus called
tepuis. These constitute a unique biological environment, also
presenting great geological interest. Its steep cliffs and its waterfalls
(including Angel Falls, which is the highest waterfall in the world, at
1283 m). 1 It is the third largest national park in Venezuela, after El
Caura National Park, created in 2017 and Parima-Tapirapeco National
Park, and the sixth largest in the world.2

4 merida cable car

The Mérida Cable Car Tourist Transport System or simply Mérida Cable
Car is a cable car system that operates in Venezuela. It is the highest
and longest cable car in the world at only 500 meters

Part.III. Investigate

En la actividad anterior se han mostrado diferentes sitios de interés de

Venezuela. Selecciona el

que más sea de tu agrado e investiga otras curiosidades, información

de importancia o sucesos

históricos. Crea entonces tres (3) oraciones relacionadas al lugar que

has escogido. Siga el

ejemplo. (3ptos)

1 merida cable car

2 orinoco national park

3Park National canaima

PartIV. Words in the drawing

Encuentra las palabras relacionadas a lo que vez en el dibujo. Las que

encuentres debes

escribirlas en ingles. Te daré una pista (2 ptos)

1 yachts
2 water

3 sand

4 umbrella

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