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Name: Rosalia Yosefa Dale

Npm : 19060013

Semester/Class: 4/BTC


#Paragraph 1


Topic Sentence: Paragraph 3 (Through reading people get information from written to spoken form)

A. Supporting Detail 1:

Is of language part skills that important to learn by student because reading could help student to get
many information.

Supporting Evidence 1:

According to Hill (2000:65) has stated that reading what the reader does to get the meaning students
need from textual sources and reading as the process of acquiring and author’s meaning and
interpreting, evaluating, and effecting upon meanings.

Paraphrase (Sentence Pattern)

According to Hill (2000:65) stated that reading what the reader does to getting the mean(verb) of
students need from textual source and reading as the processing of acquiring and author’s mean(verb)
ainterpreting,evaluating and upon meanings effect(noun)

B. Supporting Detail 2:

Is very Reading important to get information in the world. Reading can make people to know from
nothing to something.

Supporting Evidence 2:

According to Patel and Jain (2008:113-114), Reading is important activity in life which one can update
the knowledge or reading is not only a source of information and a pleasurable activity but also as a
means of consolidating and extending one’ knowledge of the language.
Paraphrase (Word Class)

According to Patel and Jain (2008-113-114), Aktivity reading is importantly(Adv) in life which one can
update the know(verb) reading is not only a source of information and a pleasure(noun) activity but
also as a means of conslidating and extend know(verb) of the language

C. Supporting Detail 3:

Reading comprehension is how to get information in the reading students have understanding or
comprehend the content of the subject that students read.

Supporting Evidence :3

According to Indrayani (2014) has stated that reading comprehension as the process to get precise
understanding of the writer’s message trough simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning by
collaborating reader’s background knowledge and interaction and involvement

Paraphrase (Synonym)

According to Indrayani (2014) has said that studying comprehension because the manner to get unique
information of the writer’s message trough concurrently extracting and building which means through
participating reader’s background knowledge and interplay and involvement.

D. Supporting Detail 4:

Reading comprehension is not just a receptive process, it implies a complex process in which the reader
identify basic information and are able to predict, to infer, to argue, and to recognize writers’ points of

Supporting Evidence 4:

According to Partnership (2005) cited in Diaz, S &Laguado, J (2013:137), reading comprehension is about
understanding a text which is read through the process of constructing meaning from a text.

Paraphraes(word Order)

According to Partnership(2005), cited in Diaz, S., and Laguado, J.(2013:137), reading comprehension
entails comprehending a book through the process of inferring meaning from it
#Paragraph 2


Topic Sentence:

A. Supporting Detail 1:

Science texts contain necessary information; each word is important and has specific meaning.

Supporting Evidence 1:

Thus, to comprehend overall science concept students have to read all the words and they cannot read
most of the words (Draper, 1997).

Paraphrase (Synonym)

Thus, to perceive whole scientific conception pupil have to read all the wrangle and they cannot read
most of the wrangle (Draper, 1997).

B. Supporting Detail 2:

However, contemporary research in the field of science and physics education gives less attention to
reading comprehension skills.

Supporting Evidence 2

The attentions of researchers in sciences education tends to focus on learning methods of learning
subject matter, developing problem solving skills and ways to improve the implementation of practical
work, (Koch, 2001).

Paraphrase (Word Class)

The attentions of researchers in science education tended to focused(Adj) on learn(verb) method of

learn(verb) subjected mattered(Adj), develop(Verb) problems solve skills and ways to improving(Adj) the
implementation of practical work, (Koch, 2001).

C. Supporting Detail 3:

Reading at the university level requires deeper analytical skills, engaging in high-level thinking, such as
considering author's claims, applying reading information to solve problems.
Supportting Evidence 3:

In order for knowledge to increase, students must be able to read, understand and interpret written
material in various levels of complexity (Baker & Brown, 1984).

Paraphrase (Word Order)

To increase knowledge, students must be able to read, understand, and interpret written material at
various levels of complexity (Baker and Brown, 1984).

D. Supporting Detail 4:

In science texts, many statements are not explicitly written in the text, therefore the reader have to
inference the information implied in the text using the accurate logic.

Supporting Evidence 4:

Narrative text is different with science texts that loaded with important information and detailed logical
arguments therefore science text is difficult to understand (Okanlawon, 2011)

Paraphrase (Sentence Pattern)

The text of the story is different from the scientific text loaded with important information and logical
arguments detailed, so the scientific text is difficult to understand (Okanlawon, 2011)


Use APA 6th Citation Style!

Baker, L., & Brown, A. L. (1984). Metacognitive skills and reading. In P. D. Pearson, R. Barr, M. L. Kamil, &
P. Mosenthal (Eds.), Handbook of Reading Research (Vol. 1, pp. 353–394). New York, N.Y.: Longman.

Diaz, Sindy&Laguado J. C. 2013. Improving Reading Skills through Skimming and Scanning Techniques at
a Public School: Action Research. Open Writing Doors, (online), Vol. 10, No 1

Draper, R. J. (1997). Jigsaw: Because reading your math book shouldn’t be a puzzle. The Clearing House:
A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 71(1), 33–36.

Hill L. Walter, 2000. Contextual Teaching and Learning. Bandung: MLC

Indrayani, S.A, 2014. The Effectiveness of Using Mind Mapping in improving students Reading
Comprehension of Narrative Text. UIN SyarifHidayatullah, The Department of English Education Faculty
of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, Jakarta.

Koch, A. (2001). Training in metacognition and comprehension of physics texts. Science Education, 85(6),

Patel, M., & Jain. (2008). English Language Teaching: Method, Tools & Techniques. Sunrise Publishers &

Okanlawon, A. (2011). Using appropriate strategies to improve students' comprehension of chemistry

texts: A guide for chemistry teachers. African Research Review, 5(4).

Journal Article:

Reading has been conceptualized and explained in many ways. The process when we
look at the text and give a meaning to the text, it’s called reading. Aebersold and Field (1997)
in Cahyani, Asib and Rais (2015, p. 18) say that Reading is what occurs when people stare at
the text and give the substance to the written pattern in that text, furthermore, the text and the
reader are the two substantial entities crucial for the reading procedure to start. In fact, when
we are reading we surely see the text, because reading involves the eye's sense of doing the
reading processes. Besides involving the eyes, reading also involves the reader's perceptions
and thoughts. Pang, et al. (2003) in Rizqiya (2013, p. 34) explain reading as an intricate
activity in order to figure out written text which implicate both perception and ideas. For
example, when we read, indirectly we are respond to the text and develop the reading in our
own way of thinking.

In reading, readers has some purpose why they are interested to begin the reading
processes. The first purpose of reading for the readers is usually for enjoyment and looking
for some information. Moreover, the readers can get the common view with reading. Day and
Bamford (2002) in Rizqiya (2013, p. 34) suggests that a reader recite a text mostly for
enjoyment, information, and common view. For instance, the reader will read what they like
for enjoyment, like a short story or novel. While, for looking the information or common view
the readers usually read a newspaper, magazine or an article. Moreover, reading can help
the readers to find the viability and raise the awareness about news that is happening.
Berardo (2006) in Kung (2017, p. 2) shows that reading has certain purposes such as
viability, awareness, and enjoyment. For example, by reading a news or an article the
readers will be more alert with a situation that is likely to occur in the future.

Besides having more than one purpose, reading comprehension also has varieties of
several teaching techniques. First, we can use the techniques which is depends to the purpose
of learning objective. A teacher should choose a method when teaching reading depends on
the specific purposes of the reading (Brown, 2004) in (Muslaini, 2017, p. 67). There are three
aspects to consider which are focused by the teacher; how to present a text, how to develop
the lesson using it, how to follow up. For example, we can use novels or story books to find
main ideas, while we can also use news or dictionaries for skimming and scanning. In
addition to choosing a method that is consist with the learning objectives, we must also pay
attention to the integration and application of learning strategies. The integration and
application of multiple strategies and skills are required for successful reading
comprehension. Memory, cognitive, compensation, metacognitive, affective, social and test-
taking strategies are included those strategies (Barnett, 1989; Chen, 2006; Caverly, 1997;
Oxford, 1990) in Kung (2017, p. 2). Therefore, it's important to check whether the strategies
used have been effective or not for improve reading comprehension.

Even though teaching techniques are believed as determiner in failure or success of

reading comprehension, there are some other problems perceived by the students. First,
phonemic awareness or the ability of students to process letter sounds is one of the inhibiting
factors in reading. Phonemic awareness and the ability to process the individual sounds of
letters are one of the most important factors that impede students' reading comprehension
needed for word recognition (Sanford, 2015) in (Jayanti, 2016, p. 297). In effect, reading
activities related to the introduction of letters, sounds or series of words, meaning or intent
and understanding of meaning or purpose, if reading activities are not practice regularly, the
reading skills of the children will naturally decrease. Second, problems such as lack of
vocabulary, understanding and student skills become one of the factors that hinder in reading.
Insufficient vocabulary, problems understanding linguistic complexity including lexical and
syntactic knowledge, language inaccessibility, poor reading skills and lack of schemata are the
several common problems in the EFL reading classroom (Grabe, 1991; Birch, 2002;
Alyousef, 2006; Rahman, 2004; Fitriani, 2014) in (Kasim & Raisha, 2017, p. 311). That is
due to lack of students' interest in reading and motivation provided, so their understanding and
reading skills are not developed. (The writer if this paragraph is supposed to MENTION that
one of the main problem is teaching technique OR

The writer must remind the reader that teaching technique is also one of the problems, as
mention in previous paragraph)

One of the teaching technique in reading comprehension is Mind Maps. There are several
different meaning of Mind Maps in teaching reading techniques. Mind maps is a technical
graphics who help us to develop our thinking in learning. Mind map is a technical graphics
that allows the exploration of full potential of our brain for thinking and learning (Windura,
2008) in (Cahyani, Asib & Rais, 2015, p. 20). For this reason, Mind Map involves both sides
of the brain because Mind Map uses words, numbers, and logic together with pictures, colors,
imagination, and seeing as a whole. In addition, mind maps are also defined as outlines of a
category that is realized by branches. Mind map is an outline in which the main categories is
radiated in the central image and lesser categories are illustrated by branches of larger
branches (Budd, 2004) in (Buran & Filyukov, 2015). The way branches grow out to form
other smaller branch pushes one to create more ideas from each thought added to the Mind
Map, because the structure resembles the shape of thought patterns.

In mind maps, there are some techniques that can be used. Visualization and reflection
are important and effective structures in mind map techniques. Mind mapping technique as an
effective aid of visualization and also reflecting the structure of our brain. That research was
described and invented first by Tony and Barry Buzan (Buzan, 1993) in (Buran & Filyukov,
2015). Because in the mind map there are various colors and images that can help our brain
illustrate ideas, and it is very effective in reading comprehension. In addition, semantics and
associatives are ways that can develop network structures and develop mind maps. Visual,
semantic, and associative relationships, offering a way to preserve the network structure of the
association-making process which are a way of organizing ideas in Mind maps (Buzan and
Buzan, 1995) in (Leeds, Kudrowitz & Kwon, 2018, p. 3). Cause by all the ideas in the Mind
Map are related, the Mind Map helps the brain make big leaps of understanding and
imagination through association.

Implementation of mind mapping it's also based of some purposes. First, implementing
mind maps as teaching method in qualitative studies. To observe the implementation of mind
mapping in teaching reading comprehension, which explore attitudes, behavior and
experience, so the qualitative study “explores attitudes, behavior and experience…” is
approach appropriate to conducted in accordance with the purpose of this study (Dawson,
2009) in (Rizqiya, 2013, p. 38). Mind map is used as the main tool in this study because the
imagination, mind and language is an important role in actualizing ideas in the brain, which
are very important in the exploration of attitudes and behavior. Moreover, mind maps are used
as an alternative to getting good grades in the memory recall test. Mind maps performed up to
32% higher than children who used listed to study for a memory recall test (Toi, 2009) in
(Leeds, Kudrowitz & Kwon, 2018, p. 3). In fact, in making mind maps the words used are key
words, so making it easier to recall and drain ideas and thoughts of the next thought.

To sum up, this article aims to provide an illustration the use of mind maps in reading
comprehension. The use of mind map methods in reading comprehension can have a positive
influence and optimize the whole work of the brain in a balanced way. Reading
comprehension becomes very important to discuss because we are looking for information or
maybe just for pleasure. Low students’ reading interest and monotonous learning methods are
the main factors in reading comprehension problems. So it is important to choose the right
and effective strategy. The writers believes that using mind mapping methods can improve
students' reading comprehension, because mind maps can help to develop ways of thinking
and learning. Moreover, the techniques used in mind maps also consist of visuals that can help
students to reflect on ideas and improve their ability to remember. Mind maps are done up to
32% higher than children who use lists to study for memory recall tests (Toi, 2009) in (Leeds,
Kudrowitz & Kwon, 2018, p. 3). So the use of mind maps in reading comprehension has
many positive effects such as improving reading comprehension, strengthening the ability to
remember, helping the students to reflect the ideas, and optimizing the brain's ability to think
and learn in a balanced way.

REFERENCES (Use APA 6th Edition Citation Style)

Cahyani Riska Dwi., Asib Abdul., Rais A Dahlan. (2015). Improving students’ reading
comprehension through mind mapping. JoLLIET, 2(1), 18-23. Sebelas Maret University.
Rizqiya Rissa San. (2013). The use of mind mapping in teaching reading comprehension.
ELTIN Journal 1(I), 32-43. Bandung, STKIP Siliwangi.
Kung Fan-Wei. (2017). Teaching second language reading comprehension: the effects of
classroom materials and reading strategy use. Innovation in Language Learning And
Teaching, 1-12. Taiwan: Taipei, National Taiwan Normal University.
Muslaini. (2017). Strategies for teaching reading comprehension. English Education Journal
(EEJ), 8(1), 66-77. Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University.
Jayanti Fernandita Gusweni. (2016). Reading difficulties: comparison on students’ and
teachers’ perception. Igniting a Brighter Future of EFL Teaching and Learning in
Multilingual Societies, 296-301. Indonesia: Bengkulu, Universitas Bengkulu.
Kasim Usman., Raisha Siti. (2017). EFL students’ reading comprehension problems:
linguistic and non-linguistic complexities. English Education Journal (EEJ), 8(3), 308-321.
Banda Aceh, Syiah Kuala University.
Buran Anna., Filyukov Andrey. (2015). Mind mapping technique in language learning. XV
International Conference “Linguistic and Cultural Studies:Traditions and Innovations”.
Russia: 634050, Tomsk, 30 Lenin Avenue, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.
Leeds Alex Julian., Kudrowitz Barry., Kwon Jieun. (2018). Mapping associations: exploring
divergent thinking through mind mapping. International Journal of Design Creativity And
Innovation, 1-13. USA: MN, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota.

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