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Marlene Alejandra Sosa Soto

Matrícula: 103153

Grupo: LL32

(08) Inglés II

Mtra. Mariela Niño Flores

Actividad de aprendizaje 3. What a day!

Ciudad de México, domingo 24 de marzo de 2019


En un documento Word, redacta un texto llamado “What a day!” sobre una experiencia
personal o imaginaria.

What a day!

I went in a concert of “The 1975” in 2016; my father came with me

because I was only seventeen years old.

It was a cool night although we bought tickets in general area, we

were pressed like sardines the entire concert.

However, I can say that I was having a lot of fun.

When Matthew Healy was singing “Somebody else”, I was crying

all the song because it remind me an ex-boyfriend that cheated on
me so many times with different girls.

When Matt was singing “Robbers”, I was singing and dancing with
all my energy, the song talks about a toxic love that ends with a
dead because everything was wrong in their relationship I love this
song, I wrote a romantic novel inspired in it.

At end of the concert, the last song was “Sex”; I know that the title
is not for kids, but I was seventeen years old and nowadays at that
age, we know many things about it. So we were jumping and
singing like we were in a concert rock.

I think that the three concerts I have been to, they were the best
nights of my life.

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