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A Reaction Paper of the Article

"A Short History of Educational Technology"

Members: Jonnel S. Gadingan

Eduardo E. Cabus
Joshua D. Bon
Jezel Bennett
Technology plays a major role in our education
since the past and even in this generation. Technology
has been used in various ways like in communication,
education, and then used them for storing knowledge
whether it is written or not. But how did educational
technology develop? And what is the role and influence
of technology in education?

According to what we have read in the Short History

of Educational Technology, the ancient Greeks learn
through Oral Communication, they learn and passed the
learning through oratory and speech, and we know that
it would be a great way of improving your critical
thinking skills and memory which is good for teaching
and learning. In the 15th century when written
communication began to become more popular, the
printing press in Europe was invented, and then written
knowledge became freely available to everyone and then
it continues to upgrade as the time continues, although
Socrates railed against the use of writing, still we do
agree in his idea of learning, because for him written
documents are a recipe not for memory, but for
reminding. In the year 1920's, broadcasting educational
radio programs began, television was first used in
Education as well as speech radio which informs,
educates, and entertains apart from the fact that it
applied for delivering throughout the country so
broadcasting and video materials in education is
absolutely a perfect tool to enhance the creativity and
caught the attention of students that increased
student's interest. In the early '90s, Computer based-
learning had made its way into educational institutes
and the corporate market, this type of learning is
cost-effective in many ways, as it reduces travel time
and also the same application can be used to teach new
students or users and it provides more learning
opportunities for people from disadvantaged
environments, computer networking enables students to
share ideas more easily and more efficiently also, more
importantly, computer networking improves the way
students share their knowledge to the world. In the
year 2020, social media became more important in our
lives, it allows us to communicate not just within our
boundaries but also from different countries, and at
the same time, it is very useful in today’s educational
setting where we have restrictions of Covid-19
Pandemic. Generation to present generation brings a lot
of changes for instance; the inventions, these
inventions are not meant to destroy the value of old
ones but this is made to satisfy the needs of the new

In today’s generation, we need to be aware of the

importance of learning, how you can obtain knowledge,
what to do in order to learn, and learn the history of
educational technology. How you improve your learning
and how you obtain knowledge depends on you, you can
improve it through Oral like how ancient Greeks do, you
can obtain it through written communication, through
broadcasting, social media, and etc. While reading the
article about the short history of educational
technology, we realized that people in the past has
their own ways of improving their learning, and we also
noticed how educational technologies improve day by
day. Since technologies become more high-tech in this
generation, we need to be aware of fake news in order
for us to avoid the worst outcome of it.

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