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1. Paraphrase mobility training.

Mobility comes from the Latin word “mōbilitās” meaning your body's ability to
move more easily or the capacity to move your muscles and limbs (specifically your
arms and legs) through a range of motion. A person who performs workouts and
movements that emphasizes mobility will be able to do difficult workouts/activities and
overcome them properly and safely. Mobility training are exercises that enhance
mobility by moving the muscles and joints through the full range of motion in order to
improve performance and movement consistency. Flexibility and mobility are not the
same things. Mobility makes it easier for your body to move and it can assist flexibility,
whereas flexibility is how you can stretch your muscles effectively.
2. Distinguish aerobics exercise to resistance exercise.
Aerobics exercise and resistance exercise are two types of physical activity that
have many benefits and can improve an individual's health. Aerobics comes from the
Greek word aero means "air," and bios, "life" (Vocabulary, n.d.). The main benefit of
aerobics exercise or (AKA cardio exercise) is to improve the heart, which is the most
vital part of our body. It also helps to lower cholesterol, blood pressure, burns calories,
and such. Examples of aerobic exercise are running, walking, and swimming that get
your heart pounding. Resistance exercise, on the other hand, benefits the muscles,
joints, and bones. It also helps to improve the size and power of the muscles. Examples
of activities in this form of exercise include weight lifting and walking on a treadmill, pull-
ups, etc. Resistance exercise is a great choice for weight loss.
3. Importance of mobility training.
Mobility training is extremely important because it lowers the risk of injuries, it
improves technique and range of motion. According to Vinh Pham, mobility enables a
person to function normally throughout his/her everyday routines/tasks. Mobility is very
crucial for athletes, trainers, and gymnasts. They are incredibly flexible and they can
even execute some impossible movements. Balance and flexibility are two strengths
that these athletes and gymnasts use for their training, and they can only achieve these
through mobility training. Because it allows a person to move without experiencing any
stress or stiffness in a complete range of motion.
4. Benefits of mobility training.
Mobility training has many benefits, such as improving the posture and form of
the individual and providing a better sense of balance. It can also lessen pains and
aches in the muscles. Mobility training can offer more advantages to an individual than
doing a fast warm-up exercise. When training mobility, you can perform heavy
tasks/exercises like lifting heavy weights because your moving muscles and joints are
not limited/restricted and there is probably a low risk of injury. If a person has a tight leg
muscle, for example, he/she may struggle to perform squats/deadlifts. When muscles
and joints are more mobile, this enables them to execute exercises with better
technique. Also, for older adults with arthritis or joint pain, mobility may be helpful. It
helps to strengthen the joints, minimize discomfort and enhance joint movement.

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