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How to teach L2 based on how children learn L1

One of the unique ways of how children learn in L1, is through lot of
exposure to the language. While in L2 they get very limited exposure.
And obviously, more exposure equals better language learning. That’s
why, I will instruct the students to use only L2 in the classroom, plus I
can integrate more of their four skills in the classroom in order to
improve e their L2 exposure effect. As for outside of classroom, I would
just tell them to make their surrounding full of L2 exposure by using,
TV, music, YouTube, and Radio all in L2 language. That way, it would
drastically increase their exposure a lot more.

Secondly, another way that children learn L1 is through having no

structured language. Instead, they get to learn the whole language.
Whereas, in L2 they only learn language through a slow, sequenced and
structured way. Learning the language as a whole would certainly be
better. Especially since, it will enable them to have full control of the
language. That’s precisely why in classroom, I would tell the students
that they would learn the L2 language without any kind of restriction.
Instead, I will make teach them the language as it is. Like telling them
how the language is truly spoken. Plus, I will be utilizing authentic
language related activities as well. So it’s help a lot. Specially, since L2
language won’t be just limited to classroom. It would certainly make an
impact. But, when it comes to outside of classroom, I will simply
instruct them to use internet to explore L2 language as much as possible.
With no limitations, nor any kind of restrictions over what they can and
can’t do in the language. Or, I will tell them to pick a hobby in L2
language at home, and let them explore about it as they please. That
way, they would explore the language as a whole piece, not some
separated ones. Just the way it was supposed to.
Thirdly, another way that children naturally learn L1, is through being
free to commit mistakes and not being corrected often by adults.
However, in L2 correction is regarded as a vital part of learning. So, the
teacher corrects as often as he can. Now, being corrected is really
important. But, too much of it can actually be bad. Therefore, in
classroom, I would personally, make all my students commit mistakes as
they wish. With correction to all major mistakes of course. But not the
tiny ones. For example, I will make them practice speaking or singing.
And not overwhelm them with correction. Instead, I will let them enjoy
using L2 as they like. Or instead, I can give some speaking practice on a
topic they like. And let them talk and discuss over some topics without
concerning them with correction in any significant way. As for outside
of classroom, I would just advice my students to try to see, if any of their
colleagues, is living nearby. So to, spend time together outside of
classroom and use their L2 language with no concern of mistakes. Or I
will just tell them to join some places where L2 language is practicable
there. This way, children will feel comfortable and use their language
more frequently. Thus they’ll learn more efficiently.

Lastly but not least, another thing is quite not talked about much, is how
children learn L1 magnificently, through social interaction. While in L2,
social interaction is very limited. It’s known that social interaction with
using the language can boost language very significantly. That is why in
classroom, I would make sure the students work on activities in pairs or
groups. Or better else, I could make them enroll in some plays, or games
in the classroom. As for outside of classroom, I will instruct the students,
to join some local English book clubs for example. Even English clubs
would do the trick for that matter. This way, they’ll easily improve their
L2 language just with a simple social interaction.
Reference list: h

Collins dictionary [Online] available at

reybouruk, D, V.[2016] online available at

IPL [Online] Available at


M9ngeli, F, P. (2003). [Online] Available at:

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