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2. Look! The sun is setting behind the mountain now. How beautiful!
3. The football players are praticing on the field right now.
4. The football players practice on the field every afternoon.
5. I always listen to the radio when I’m in my car.
6. The traffic is bad today, but it isn’t bothering me. I am listening to my favorite morning talk
show with Jack LaLoule, who is very funny.
7. Sam and Lara talk on the phone every night.
8. Sam and Lara are talking on the phone right now, so I can’t call Lara. Her line is busy.
9. I’ll call you back in a little while. We are eating dinner right now.
10. My grandparents usually eat dinner early. They often go out to their favorite restaurant for
the early dinnner special at 5:30

1.Because of the force of gravity, objects fall down and not up.

2. It’s autumn! The leaves are falling, and winter will soon be here.

3. Coffee grows in mountainous areas, not in deserts.

4. Oh, you are growing so fast, Johnny! Soon you’ll be taller than your dad.

5. Near the Arctic Circle, the sun shines for more than twenty hours a day at the beginning of the

6. It’s a beautiful day! The sun is shining and the birds are singing.

7. Maria is a professional singer. She sings in the opera every season.

8. Olga likes mysteries. She reads one mystery book every week.

9. Hello, Sarah? I am calling you from my car. I’m going to be a little late for lunch.

2. Shhh! I am trying to concentrate. I can’t hear myself think with all that noise going on.

3. This book is mine. That one belongs to Pierre.

4. Shhh! The baby is sleeping. We don’t want to wake him up.

5. Singular means “one”.

6. That sweater won’t fit you if you wash it in hot water. Wool shrinks in hot water

7. Look at Joan. She is biting her fingernails. She must be nervous.

8. A: Juan! What’s the matter with your hand? It is bleeding.

B: I just cut it when I was using a knife. It’s not serious. I’ll wash it and put a bandage on it.

9. A: My grades in school are terrible this term. I fail three of my courses.

B: Maybe you can improve them before the end of the term if you start studying.

1. Maria called me as soon as she got the good news.
2. Last night at about nine o’clock we was watching TV when someone knocked at the door.
3. During the study period in class yesterday, it was hard for me to concentrate because the
student next to me hummed.
4. When Harry met Jenny, he immediately fell in love with her.
5. Jack was rushing to catch the bus when I saw him.
6. Last Saturday while Sanday was cleaning out the attic, she found her grandmother’s wedding

7. It started to rain while I was driving to work this morning. I didn’t have an umbrella with me. I
got very wet when I stepped out of my car.
8. When we looked outside during the storm, we saw that the wind was blowing very hard, and
the trees were bending over in the wind.
9. When the teacher came into the room, most of the children were playing together nicely. But
over in the corner, Bobby was pulling Annie’s hair. The teacher quickly ran over and pulled
Bobby away from Annie

1. We had a wonderful dinner last night to celebrate our 25 th wedding anniversary.
2. We were having a wonderful time when suddenly the electric power went out.
3. When Richard stopped his car suddenly, the groceries fell out of the grocery bags and spilled all
over the floor of the car.
4. When I was a child, my mother always served cookies and milk to my friends and me when they
came home with me after school.
5. When we looked in on our baby last night, he was sleeping. I think he was dreaming about
something nice because he smiled.
6. A: Why is Henry in the hospital?

B:He was working on his car in the garage when the gas tank exploded
A: Oh! What caused the explosion?
B: Henry dropped a match too near the gas tank

3.1 I am riding the bus because my friend is repairing my bike.

4. 3 I rode the bus home yesterday because you forgot to pick me up.

5. 4 Dennis was having coffee this morning when a bird crashed into his kitchen window.

6. 3 Dennis had a big breakfast, but his wife didn’t eat anything

7. 1 Dennis is having a big breakfast this morning.

8. 2 Dennis generally has coffee with breakfast

9. 2 My mother and I celebrate our birthdays together because they are just a few days apart.

10. 4 We were working when you called on our birthdays last week.

11. 3 One year we celebrated our birthdays apart because my mom was away on business.


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