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Activity 2:
Answer the following questions. (please submit your outputs on Saturday)
1. Define sport psychology, attentional focus and visualization?
 Sports psychology is the study of how psychological factors influence sports, athletic
performance, exercise, and physical activity.
 Attentional focus involves the ability to tune out distractions, such as a crowd of
screaming fans, and focus attention on the task at hand.
 Visualization involves creating a mental image of what you "intend" to happen.

2. Give at least four (4) importance of sports psychology?

 Sports psychologists investigate how participating in sports
can improve health and well-being.
 Help athletes utilize psychology to improve their sports
performance and mental well-being.
 Help regular people learn how to enjoy sports and learn to
stick to an exercise program.
 Utilize exercise and athletics to enhance people’s lives
and well-being.

3. In what ways can we motivate our athletes?

o major subject in sports psychology, the study of motivation looks at both extrinsic
and intrinsic motivators.
o Extrinsic motivators are external rewards, such as trophies, money, medals, or social
recognition. Intrinsic motivators arise from within, such as a personal desire to win or
the sense of pride that comes from performing a skill.

4. Cite some strategies in reducing anxiety to athletes?

o Tactics that might be the focus of this area include things like relaxation
techniques, changing negative thoughts, building self-confidence, and findings
distractions to reduce the focus on anxiety.
o Burnout can also happen to athletes who frequently experience pressure, anxiety, and
intense practice schedules. Helping athletes restore their sense of balance, learn to
relax, and keep up their motivation can help combat these feelings of burnout.

5. Why do we have to consider sports nutrition in every athlete?

o Active adults and competitive athletes turn to sports nutrition to help them achieve
their goals.
o Examples of individual goals could include gaining lean mass, improving body
composition, or enhancing athletic performance.

6. Give the importance of the following food groups in body functions.

 The energy required for living and physical activity comes from the food we eat and
fluid intake. Macronutrients in the following food groups supply the energy essential to
optimal body function.

 Dietary Supplements
o Ergogenic supplements matching performance goals and micronutrients or
essential fatty acids when the basic diet is lacking these nutrients.


o If the basic diet is not compensating the need for specific macronutrients, athletes
are advised to add specific sport nutrition products to their diet.

o All athletes are advised to consume their diet as recommended by the Netherlands
Nutrition Centre.

7. What nutrients do you need for:

b. Endurance – CARBOHYDRATES
c. Strength – PROTEIN
d. Competition - FATS

8. What is the importance of hydration and electrolytes in the performance of athletes?

 Adequate hydration and electrolytes are essential for health and athletic performance.
We all lose water throughout the day, but active adults and athletes lose additional
body water (and a significant amount of sodium) sweating during intense workouts.

9. What are your insights about our lessons in sports psychology and nutrition?
o Sports Psychology helps athletes; Enhance performance, Cope with the pressures
of competition, Recover from injuries, Keep up an exercise program, and Enjoy
sports. Also Sports psychology can even help people off the playing field. The
same strategies that sport psychologists teach athletes—relaxation techniques,
mental rehearsals and cognitive restructuring, for example—are also useful in the
workplace and other settings.
o Nutrition is about eating a healthy and balanced diet. Food and drink provide the
energy and nutrients you need to be healthy. Understanding these nutrition terms
may make it easier for you to make better food choices.

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