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- Parenting in Japan -
Reading Out the Passage l,r,pの音に注意しな
Part 1
パッセージを読んで質問に答えられるようになろう。 がら発音しよう。

A Key Words

□ parenting 子育て □ childcare leave 育児休暇

□ paid leave 有給休暇 □ daddy quota パパ・クオータ〈北欧の父親の育休制度〉
□ either A or B A または B のいずれか □ instead of A A の代わりに
□ policy 政策(複数形は policies) □ paternity leave 父親の育児休暇

B Passage  Read aloud the following passage.

It is often said / that parenting in Japan is difficult. // According to the research, / in

2018, / only 6% of working fathers took childcare leave. // On the other hand, / in Norway, /
more than 75% took it. // This is because they can take six weeks of paid leave, / which is
called the“daddy quota.”// If fathers do not take it, / they will just lose it. // Thus, / many
fathers try to take the leave / and care for their children / either with / or instead of the
child’s mother. // Japan should learn from such policies of other countries. //

C Comprehension  Answer the questions about the passage.

Q1. About 3 out of 50 fathers took paternity leave in Japan in 2018. Is this true or false?

Q2. Why do many fathers in Norway take the“daddy quota”?

Describing the Graph

Part 2

Look at the graph below. It shows changes in the number of births and the birthrate in
Japan from 1947 to 2016. Please describe at least 2 points you can see from the graph.

〔万人〕 出生数および合計特殊出生率の年次推移
300 5 Key words
1949年 最高の出生数 2,696,638人 1989年
合計特殊出生率 1.57
250 1966年
birthrate 出生率
4.32 出生数 1,360,974人
合計特殊出生率 1.58
1973年 2005年 increase 増加する

出生数 2,091,983人 最低の合計特殊出生率 1.26
3 decrease 減少する

150 最低の出生数 steadily 一定して
100 2.14
rapidly 急速に
1.58 1.57 half 半分
1.26 1
出生数 1.44 x times as ~ as ...
0 0 …の x 倍~
1947 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 2000 05 10 2016


スピーキングAdv.indd 58 2021/06/29 17:53

I can express my opinion on parenting in Japan.

Reading Aloud Your Rewritten Essay

Part 3

Take Notes

Expressing Yourself
Part 4

Do you think giving more financial support to families with children

is a good idea to make parenting easier?
Hints for Your Speech
□ Intro I ( think / don’t think ) giving more financial support to families with
children is a good idea to make parenting easier.

□ Reason 1

□ Reason 2

□ Conclusion

Self Evaluation ふりかえり 12点以 上を目指そう!

Part 1. Reading Out the Passage 5 4 3 2 1

Part 2. Describing the Graph 5 4 3 2 1
Part 3. Reading Aloud Your Rewritten Essay 5 4 3 2 1
Part 4. Expressing Yourself 5 4 3 2 1 合計 20


スピーキングAdv.indd 59 2021/06/29 17:53

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