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Journal for the History of Astronomy

Clairaut's Calculation of the Eighteenth-Century Return of Halley's

Curtis Wilson
First Published February 1, 1993 Research Article

JH '


RTI IL O . St John olleg Annapoli

Th I ul ti n by ud lairaut 171 - 6 ) th Fr n h ma.them ti~

cian and me im pr di. , f a p rih Ii n dat · C r the return f Halley _
, omet in th late 1750 in ol d the fir t large- cale numerical integration ever
performed. or the · heer magnitude .f th _ und -rtaking and the accurac of the
final re ult th al ul ion ha b en much prai ed. It component proc...->~·... ->·
how r ha e r ceived little in th wa of e aluati n. Th onl detailed
de cr·pti n f th ma Hab1 i tha gi . n b lairau him elr in hi Theori - du
mou m nt .d, om t s.1
In hat fi 1l w I de ribe 1 iraut calculati n in n ugh d -tail t indicate
the character f the appr imation in ol ed and th n undertake lo arri e at
an timate - unavoidabl appr imat,e - of the a uracy of the component
part of the cal ulation. n a final ecfon I briefl re iew and comment on a
contro r that ar e among memb r of h Pari Academy f i nc ,ft r
th • m · t r turn ~ t ho th err m lairaut alculation ·hould b
e a1u t d.
In June 1757 wh n lairaut et out to det rmine how the perturbation due to
Jupit r might affect the date of r urn f Halle · omet he had re ntly
completed t o ucce ·ful applicati n f h' lution of th 'three•b prob-
1:em: ht alculati •n of th in qualitie of th n including it ap idal
m ti n in hi Th ' orie d la un ; nd a omputaf n f the plan -tar and lunar
p rturbat'on r the rth hich as c mp1 ted in mid-1757 and which
acaille made u of in hi lar tabl s - th fi · t o'lar table t incorporate
plan tar perturbation .4 he probl m of al1e ' omet loom d for Cl irau
a a third p ible triumph - · ne pr f f th · orrec n f th
t ni n th r a w II · f the ffi acy f hi n luti n f th
pr bl. m .
At fi.r t ut b lie ed that i. w uld b - nec-e ary only t
perturbati n f th comet · n it n ar approache to Jupit r. s Thi
e ap rated . V r light chang . in the comet peed n ar perihelion produced
1arge chan , in th comet p riod. ven wh n the comet wa far from both
Jupit r and th Sun Jupiter ti n wa han ing the un' place and a _ a
con · qu n It ring c n id rabl th time requir d r, r th c met to reach
rih Ji n. r r aturn ith b u1 third fJupit r m c uld n be
ignor ·d. The p rturbati n indu d by b th plan ts mu.t be al ulat d for

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1. Clairaut, A.-C. , Théorie du mouvement des comètes, dans laquelle on a égard aux altérations
que leurs orbites éprouvent par l'action des planètes. Avec l'application de cette théorie à la
comète qui a été observée dans les années 1531, 1607, 1682 & 1759 (Paris, 1760);
hereinafter referred to as Théorie du mouvement des comètes.
Google Scholar

2. Clairaut, A.-C. , Théorie de la lune, déduite du seul principe de l'attraction réciproquement

proportioneile aux quarrés des distances (St Petersburg, 1752).
Google Scholar

3. Clairaut's memoir on the subject was read to the Paris Academy of Sciences on 9 July 1757,
and published in Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences, année 1754, 521–64.
Google Scholar

4. de Lacaille, Nicolas-Louis , Tabulae solares (Paris, 1758). See my account in “Perturbations

and solar tables from Lacaille to Delambre: The rapprochement of observation and theory, Part
I”, Archive for history of exact sciences, xxii (1980), 158–88.
Google Scholar

5. Clairaut, A.-C. , Théorie du mouvement des comètes, Avertissement, p. x.

Google Scholar

6. Ibid., Part I, Section II, Paragraph I, pp. 6–7.

Google Scholar
7. Halley, Edmond , Synopsis astronomiae cometicae, 2nd edition, as published in Halley,
Edmond , Tabulae astronomicae (London, 1749), fol. Rrrr, recto et verso.
Google Scholar

8. Théorie du mouvement des comètes, Part I, Section II, Paragraph III, pp. 8–9.
Google Scholar

9. Ibid., Part I, Section II, Paragraph II, p. 8.

Google Scholar

10. Oeuvres complètes de Laplace, iv (Paris, 1800), Book IX, Chapter I, pp. 215–16.
Google Scholar

11. Oeuvres de Lagrange, ed. by Serret, J. A. , vi (Paris, 1873), 401–503.

Google Scholar

12. In Part III of his Théorie du mouvement des comètes, 160ff., Clairaut explained how to
determine the changes in orbital elements, and proceeded to determine these changes for the
period 1682–1759.
Google Scholar

13. Euler, L. , “Recherches sur la question des inégalités du mouvement de Saturne et de Jupiter,
sujet proposé pour le prix de l'année 1748, par l'Académie Royale des Sciences de Paris”,
Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, II, xxv, ed. by Schürer, M. (Zurich, 1960), 60–66.
Google Scholar

14. De inaequalitatibus quae Saturnus et Jupiter sibi mutuo videntur inducere praesertim circa
tempus conjunctionis. Opusculum ad Parisiensem Academiam transmissum et nunc primum
editum. Authore P. Rogerio Josepho Boscovich Societatis Jesu (Rome, 1756), 145 et sqq.
Google Scholar

15. Théorie du mouvement des comètes, Part I, Section VI, pp. 28–46.
Google Scholar

16. Ibid., Part I, Section V, pp. 23–28.

Google Scholar

17. de Lalande, J. J. le F. , Bibliographie astronomique avec l'histoire de l'astronomie depuis 1781

jusqu'à 1802 (Paris, 1803), 677.
Google Scholar

18. Ibid., 678.

Google Scholar
19. Théorie du mouvement des comètes, Part II, Section I, Paragraph I, pp. 78–82.
Google Scholar

20. Ibid., Part II, Section I, Paragraph I, pp. 82–83.

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21. Ibid., Part I, Section IV, Paragraph IV, pp. 19–21.

Google Scholar

22. Ibid., Part II, Section I, Paragraph I, pp. 83–84.

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23. Ibid., Part II, Section I, Paragraph II, pp. 84–87.

Google Scholar

24. Ibid., Part II, Section I, Paragraph III, pp. 88–92.

Google Scholar

25. Ibid., Part I, Section IV, Paragraph I, pp. 15–16. Laplace would advocate the same procedure
in his Mécanique céleste; see Oeuvres complètes de Laplace, iv (ref. 10), 215.
Google Scholar

26. Théorie du mouvement des comètes, Part II, Section I, Paragraph IV, pp. 92–95.
Google Scholar

27. Ibid., Avertissement, p. xiii.

Google Scholar

28. Ibid., Avertissement, p. xiv.

Google Scholar

29. Ibid., Part II, Section VII, Paragraph IV, pp. 158–9.
Google Scholar

30. Clairaut, A.-C. , Recherches sur la comète des années 1531, 1607, et 1759, pour servir de
supplement à la Théorie, par laquelle on avoit annoncé en 1758 le tems du retour de cette
Comète (St Petersburg, 1762), 35–38.
Google Scholar

31. Kiang, T. , “The past orbit of Halley's Comet”, Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, lxxvi
(1972), 27–66.
Google Scholar
32. Yeomans, D. K. and Kiang, T. , “The long-term motion of Comet Halley”, Monthly notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, cxcvii (1981), 633–46; see especially p. 645.
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33. Taton, René , “Clairaut et le retour de la comète de Halley”, in Arithmos-Arrythmos: Skizzen

aus der Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Festschrift für Joachim Otto Fleckenstein zum 65.
Geburtstag, ed. by Figala, Karin and Berninger, Ernst H. (Munich, 1979), 253–74.
Google Scholar

34. Brunet, Pierre , La vie et l'Œuvre de Clairaut (Paris, 1952), 93ff; Taton , op. cit. (ref. 33),
Google Scholar

35. Année littéraire, 1759, ii, 218.

Google Scholar

36. See de Lalande, J. J. le F. , Histoire de la comète de 1759, published with Tables

astronomiques de M. Halley (Paris, 1759), 110–11.
Google Scholar

37. “Sur la nouvelle comète”, Journal encyclopédique, July 1759 (= 1759, v, Part II), 117–23.
Google Scholar

38. d'Alembert, J. le R. , Opuscules mathématiques, ii (Paris, 1761), 218–38.

Google Scholar

39. Année littéraire, 1759, iv, 240–3, “Lettre de M. de la Lande … à M. Freron, 10 juillet 1759”.
Google Scholar

40. D'Alembert , op. cit. (ref. 38), 229–35.

Google Scholar

41. Journal des sçavans, December 1761, as quoted by Brunet, Pierre , La vie et l'Œuvre de
Clairaut (Paris, 1952), 102.
Google Scholar

42. See Truesdell, Clifford , “The rational mechanics of flexible or elastic bodies, 1638–1788”, in
Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, II, xi/2 (Zurich, 1960), 241–4, and Rational fluid mechanics,
1687–1765, in Leonhardi Euleri Opera omnia, II, xii (Lausanne, 1954), p. LVII. On d'Alembert's
attitude with respect to the improvement of the lunar theory, see his Recherches sur différens
points importans du systême du monde, i (Paris, 1754), 201–7, and iii (Paris, 1756), pp. v–xviii.
Google Scholar | Crossref
43. See my “D'Alembert versus Euler on the precession of the equinoxes and the mechanics of
rigid bodies”, Archive for history of exact sciences, xxxvii (1987), 233–73.
Google Scholar

44. Journal encyclopédique, July 1759, 118; see also Clairaut's letter to Daniel Bernoulli of 10 April
1759, as quoted in Taton , op. cit. (ref. 33), 266.
Google Scholar

45. See e.g. his Théorie du mouvement des comètes, Avertissement, p. xiv.
Google Scholar

46. Ibid., p. xiii.

Google Scholar

47. “Nouvelles réflexions de M. Clairaut sur le sujet de la contestation qui s'est élevée entre M.
d'Alembert & lui”, Journal des sçavans, June 1762, 79–124.
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48. Whipple, F. L. , “A comet model”, Astrophysical journal, cxi (1950), 375–94; Marsden, B. G.,
Sekanina, Z. and Yeomans, D. K. , “Comets and nongravitational forces”, Astronomical journal,
lxxviii (1973), 211–23; Yeomans and Kiang , “The long-term motion of Comet Halley” (ref. 32).
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