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The four modern philosopies which are perrenialism, essentialism, progressivism, and

humanism has different aims, curriculum, teacher learning process but they have one focus,
which is to become a professional teacher. From these philosopies, I have learned that being a
professional teacher is not that easy. There were many things to be considered before reaching
that profession. As a student taking course of education, I must say that not only lesson plans
and teaching methods should give attention and effort but the most important thing to be given
importance is to acquire these philosopies.

On the other hand, among the four modern philosopies, there is one philosophy I want to
adhere to become a professional teacher, which is the progressivism. In this philosophy,
learning process should promote the social living. I want this philosophy because it motivates
the learners to become active in all aspect. I also want to adhere this because it is a must for
students to participate and cooperate in school activities, hence they can enjoy their school life
and they can truly remember the school events to be memorable in their lives.

Furthermore, we can see that most people participating activism were the students because
they were the ones who has the confidence to take this opportunity. Thus, progressivism has a
big help to those students especially those who do not have interesests in participating any of
school activities. Teachers should motivate learners and focus to enhance their confidence to
voice out their self knowledge and by this, it will serve as an information to other fellow

Therefore, this philosophy helps the students to develop their social skills that will help for the
success of their society. Progressivism can mold every thinking abilities of an individual by
provoking them to speak up what's on their mind as well as to give information to other people
to learn from it.

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