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Review Article

Dan L. Longo, M.D., Editor

Alcohol Use in Patients with Chronic Liver

Daniel Fuster, M.D., Ph.D., and Jeffrey H. Samet, M.D., M.P.H.​​

lobally, alcohol consumption is the seventh leading risk fac- From the Internal Medicine Service, Ad-
tor for both death and the burden of disease and injury.1 Alcohol use ac- diction Unit, Hospital Universitari Ger-
mans Trias i Pujol, Universitat Autonoma
counts for 6.8% of age-standardized deaths in men and 2.2% in women, de Barcelona, Badalona, Spain (D.F.); and
with a disproportionate effect on young people.1 The overall costs associated with the Clinical Addiction Research and Edu-
alcohol use represent more than 1% of the gross national product in high- and cation Unit, Section of General Internal
Medicine, Department of Medicine, Bos-
middle-income countries, with the costs of social harm (e.g., violence and road ton Medical Center and Boston University
accidents) being far greater than health costs alone.2 In short, except for tobacco, School of Medicine, the Grayken Center
alcohol accounts for a higher burden of disease than any other drug.3 In this review, for Addiction, Boston Medical Center, and
the Department of Community Health
we discuss the effects of alcohol use on various forms of liver disease, as well as Sciences, Boston University School of
the assessment and treatment of alcohol use in patients with chronic liver disease. Public Health — all in Boston ( J.H.S.).
Address reprint requests to Dr. Samet at
Boston University Schools of Medicine
A l c ohol ic L i v er Dise a se and Public Health, 801 Massachusetts
Ave., 2nd Fl., Boston, MA 02118, or at
Alcohol use is a major cause of preventable liver disease worldwide, and alcoholic ­jsamet@​­bu​.­edu.

liver disease is the main alcohol-related chronic medical illness.4,5 Globally, per N Engl J Med 2018;379:1251-61.
capita alcohol consumption is strongly correlated with the rate of death due to DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1715733
Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Medical Society.
liver cirrhosis.6 Alcohol-related and viral hepatitis–related liver disease are not
mutually exclusive; nevertheless, it is plausible that with the advent of direct-acting
antiviral agents for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV),7 alcohol will again become the
most prominent driver of liver disease worldwide. Alcoholic liver disease is the
leading cause of liver transplantation in Europe4 and the second-leading cause of
liver transplantation in the United States, after HCV-related liver disease.8
Alcoholic liver disease encompasses several histopathologic changes, from simple
steatosis to alcoholic steatohepatitis, progressive liver fibrosis (which usually
starts in the perivenular area of the hepatic lobule), cirrhosis, and liver cancer.8
Rather than being distinct stages of the disease, these features can coexist in the
same person.8 Once steatohepatitis is established, liver damage is not totally re-
versible with abstinence from alcohol, but abstinence can ameliorate portal hyper-
tension.8 Acute alcoholic hepatitis is a severe complication that can occur at any
point in the course of alcoholic liver disease and is associated with liver failure
and with short-term mortality as high as 40%.9
Patients with alcoholic liver disease, as opposed to those with other forms of
liver disease, often have at least a 20-year history of regular consumption of alco-
hol above the threshold of 20 g of pure alcohol per day for women and 30 g for
men.4,6 In most persons who consistently drink more than 60 g per day (i.e., ap-
proximately four standard drinks, with a standard drink [i.e., 12 oz of beer, 5 oz
of wine, or 1.5 oz of 80-proof liquor] containing approximately 14 g of alcohol)
for as little as 2 years, liver steatosis will develop,10 which is reversible with cessa-
tion of alcohol intake. Although cirrhosis will not develop in all patients who
consume alcohol above those thresholds,6 higher levels of consumption are associ-

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ated with more advanced forms of liver dis- Alcohol intake promotes accumulation of ac-
ease.8,11 The dose–response curve representing etaldehyde and other reactive oxygen moieties in
the level of alcohol intake and the occurrence of the liver, a process associated with oxidative
liver disease is exponential, with the risk of liver stress, impaired hepatocyte metabolism, and cell
disease being significantly higher among women death.21 Alcohol consumption also promotes the
who consume two to three drinks per day and growth of intestinal gram-negative bacteria and
men who consume three to four drinks per day increases intestinal permeability, consequences
than among persons with no alcohol intake.6,8,11 that raise the levels of lipopolysaccharide, also
Several authors have studied the association known as endotoxin, in the peripheral blood.22
between lifetime drinking history and the oc- An excess amount of lipopolysaccharide reach-
currence of alcoholic liver disease.12,13 Not all ing the liver can activate Kupffer cells, thus gen-
patterns of drinking have resulted in alcoholic erating free radicals and inflammatory cytokines
liver disease. In a study from Denmark, daily that lead to the initiation of necroinflammation
drinking was associated with an increased risk and fibrotic changes in the liver.23 Endotoxin
of alcoholic cirrhosis.14 In a study from the also activates quiescent hepatic stellate cells,
United Kingdom, patients with alcoholic liver which are the main fibrogenic cell type of the
disease were more likely to have a pattern of injured liver, thereby stimulating the secretion of
regular (daily or almost daily) heavy drinking proinflammatory cytokines and the initiation and
than of episodic heavy drinking or binge drink- progression of liver fibrosis.24 The pathogenic
ing.12 A recent study from Iceland showed simi- changes involved in alcohol-related liver disease
lar results in women with alcohol-use disorder are depicted in Figure 1.
but showed that men were more likely than
women to engage in binge drinking.13 The effect Effec t of A l c ohol Use
of binge drinking, which is becoming more
prevalent among adolescents and young adults The effect of alcohol use in patients with liver
worldwide,15 on the development and severity of disease is multidimensional. Figure 2 summa-
alcoholic liver disease has received little attention rizes the effects of alcohol consumption on the
in the literature.4,16 A higher frequency of binge four most prevalent forms of liver disease, which
drinking seems to be associated with a higher are also outlined below.
risk of liver disease, independent of average alco-
hol intake, an effect that is more apparent in HCV-Related Liver Disease
patients with the metabolic syndrome than in Counterintuitively, adults with HCV infection tend
those without the syndrome.17 to consume greater amounts of ethanol than
other adults.25 Adults with HCV infection are
more than twice as likely as those without HCV
A l c ohol a s a L i v er T ox in
infection to regularly consume more than one
The causal association between alcohol intake alcoholic drink per day (35% vs. 14%) and al-
and alcoholic liver disease has been well docu- most 8 times as likely to regularly consume
mented,8 yet liver cirrhosis develops in only 10 to more than three drinks per day (19% vs. 2%).26
20% of heavy drinkers.18 Even though alcohol Alcohol use is associated with more persis-
consumption is a major factor in the develop- tent HCV infection and more extensive liver
ment of liver disease, several cofactors facilitate damage than no alcohol use, because of interac-
liver damage.19 tions between alcohol use and HCV that affect
Other conditions, including HCV infection, immune responses, cytotoxicity, and oxidative
diabetes mellitus, and obesity are common co- stress.27 In addition, alcohol use may have an
existing conditions associated with faster pro- effect on HCV viral replication in certain sub-
gression of fibrosis.8 In addition, genetic factors, groups of patients.28 No safe level of alcohol
such as mutations in patatin-like phospholipase consumption has been determined for patients
domain–containing 3 (PNLAP3) and transmem- with HCV, and even those who drink moderate
brane 6 superfamily, member 2 (TM6SF2), are amounts of alcohol can have progressive liver
predisposing factors in the development of alco- fibrosis.27 A meta-analysis showed that the rela-
holic liver disease.20 tive risk of progression to liver cirrhosis or de-

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Alcohol Use in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease

Lipid peroxidation
DAMPs Steatosis
LIVER Neutrophils
Neutrophils and macrophages
and macrophages
Progressive ↑Iron damage
liver fibrosis deposits

Reactive cells
oxygen species
Cytokines Reactive
oxygen species
↑Bile Cytokines


Change in Gut
microbiome bacteria



Figure 1. Diagram of Alcohol-Related Liver Injury.

Alcohol-related liver injury is characterized by oxidative stress, leading to lipid peroxidation and steatosis, increased
iron deposits, hepatocyte damage, and cell death leading to the release of damage-associated molecular patterns
(DAMPs). These features are associated with liver inflammation, activation of Kupffer cells and stellate cells, liver
regeneration process modifications, and progressive liver fibrosis. In addition, alcohol use promotes a change in
microbiome composition, an increase in intestinal permeability, and translocation of bacterial products (endotoxin
and pathogen-associated molecular patterns [PAMPs]) that also activate Kupffer cells, with the release of inflamma-
tory cytokines further increasing liver inflammation and fibrosis progression. LPS denotes lipopolysaccharide.

compensated liver disease was 2.3 times as high tients have HCV infection than if they do not,
among patients with HCV who drank alcohol as especially in younger patients and patients who
the risk among abstainers.29 also have human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
HCV infection in patients with alcohol-use infection.32
disorder is associated with poorer outcomes, In the era of interferon-based antiviral ther-
such as longer hospital stays and higher in-hos- apy for HCV infection, alcohol consumption was
pital mortality, than in patients with alcohol-use associated with lower odds of a sustained viro-
disorder who do not have HCV infection.30 This logic response, mainly owing to lower adherence
association may be partially explained by group to the medication.27 In the era of direct-acting
differences in coexisting conditions or behaviors antiviral agents, alcohol use is still a major con-
associated with poorer survival; however, even in tributor to decompensated cirrhosis in HCV-
studies that have accounted for those factors, infected patients,33,34 but it does not appear to
HCV infection in patients with alcohol-use dis- mitigate achievement of sustained virologic sup-
order is associated with elevated overall and liver- pression.7 Abstinence from alcohol is not required
related mortality.31 Among patients with alcohol- for treatment, and its ongoing use should not be
use disorder who are admitted to the hospital a contraindication for treatment; nevertheless, it
for detoxification, mortality is higher if the pa- seems prudent to recommend that patients stop

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Hepatitis C Virus Infection

Increased infection exposure
and persistence
More extensive liver damage
Faster progression of liver
Higher mortality

Hepatitis B Virus Infection

Increased risk of hepatocellular

Alcohol Use Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Greater prevalence of steatosis
and abnormal liver test
Increased fibrosis progression
Increased risk of hepatocellular

Hereditary Hemochromatosis
Increased iron overload
Increased fibrosis progression

Figure 2. Effects of Alcohol Use on Various Forms of Chronic Liver Disease.

the use of alcohol if they plan to undergo anti- normal liver-function test results41 and hepatic
viral therapy for HCV infection. steatosis42 in obese patients who are also heavy
drinkers is significantly greater than the likeli-
Hepatitis B Virus–Related Liver Disease hood in heavy drinkers who are not obese. Some,
Alcohol use increases hepatitis B virus (HBV) but not all, observational studies have reported
replication in mice, increases HBV surface anti- beneficial effects on cardiovascular outcomes of
gen levels in humans, and delays the clearance low or moderate alcohol consumption in patients
of HBV.35 Alcohol use is associated with an in- with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.43 Currently,
creased risk of progression of liver fibrosis and there are no guidelines on how to counsel pa-
of the occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in tients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease about
patients with HBV-related cirrhosis.36 Correspond- alcohol use, but abstinence should be the goal,
ingly, the presence of HBV infection is associat- since heavy alcohol intake, or even low or moder-
ed with the development of hepatocellular carci- ate alcohol consumption in those with the meta-
noma and liver-related death in patients with bolic syndrome,44 is associated with increased
alcoholic liver disease.37 Even though one cross- fibrosis progression.43
sectional study involving patients with chronic
HBV infection showed that the prevalence of Hereditary Hemochromatosis
advanced fibrosis in those who reported drink- Alcohol consumption is associated with increased
ing 1 to 20 g of alcohol per day was similar to iron overload and faster progression to liver cir-
the prevalence in those who abstained,38 alcohol rhosis in patients with hereditary hemochromato-
consumption should be kept to a minimum in sis. This condition is characterized by increased
patients with HBV infection.39 absorption of iron, which generates reactive oxy-
gen species and causes peroxidation of cell mem-
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease branes, cell damage, and liver injury.45 Alcohol
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is a consequence has an additive effect on liver damage; in one
mainly of obesity and the metabolic syndrome. study, which was controlled for age, 61% of pa-
In the Global North, nonalcoholic fatty liver dis- tients with hemochromatosis who drank more
ease is one of the leading causes of liver trans- than 60 g per day had severe fibrosis or cirrhosis
plantation because of the high prevalence of as compared with 7% of those who drank lower
these clinical conditions.40 The likelihood of ab- amounts.46

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Alcohol Use in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease

Table 1. Summary of Pharmacologic Treatment Recommendations for Patients with the Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome
and Liver Disease.

Drug Dosage Use in Patients with Liver Disease

Diazepam 10–20 mg orally every 1–2 hr as needed until Yes, but avoid use in patients with poor synthetic
symptoms are minimal* function, decompensated cirrhosis, or both
Chlordiazepoxide 50 mg orally every 1–2 hr as needed until Yes, but avoid use in patients with poor synthetic
symptoms are minimal* function, decompensated cirrhosis, or both
Lorazepam† 2 mg orally every 1–2 hr as needed until symp- Yes
toms are minimal*
Oxazepam† 30 mg orally every 1–2 hr as needed until Yes
symptoms are minimal*

* An initial dose regardless of symptoms can be considered in high-risk patients (i.e., those with prior seizures or multiple
alcohol detoxifications).
† When the patient’s symptoms are minimal, consider a taper to avoid benzodiazepine withdrawal.

Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure ing of unhealthful alcohol use (i.e., the spectrum
Alcohol use is one of the most common triggers from risky use to alcohol-use disorder) in the
of acute decompensation in persons with chronic primary care setting.51 The question is, “How
liver disease, which is known as acute-on-chronic many times in the past year have you had X or
liver failure and is associated with organ failure more drinks in a day?,” where X is five for men
and short-term mortality.47 Nevertheless, acute- and four for women, and a response of one or
on-chronic liver failure precipitated by alcohol more times is considered positive and merits
has a better prognosis than liver failure pre- further assessment.
cipitated by infections or upper gastrointestinal In fact, there is no known safe threshold of
bleeding.48 alcohol consumption for patients with chronic
Information about the effect of alcohol con- liver disease, especially those with HCV infec-
sumption on less prevalent forms of liver disease tion, obesity, or the metabolic syndrome. If a
(e.g., Wilson’s disease and autoimmune and cryp- threshold exists, it is probably very low, and even
togenic liver disease) is scarce, but the use of alcohol use that does not reach the risky range
alcohol, which is a hepatotoxin in patients with can be detrimental.29,39 Abstinence from alcohol
another cause of chronic liver disease, seems un- intake improves clinical outcomes in patients
wise. In addition, alcohol can be an underrecog- with chronic liver disease and is associated with
nized factor in the exacerbation of these forms survival benefits even after the development of
of liver disease.39 cirrhosis.52 Therefore, complete abstinence is the
clinical goal for patients with alcohol-use disor-
der and liver disease, especially those in whom
A sse ssmen t of A l c ohol Use
liver cirrhosis has already developed.4
Assessment of alcohol use is appropriate for any
person with liver disease, given the elevated risks T r e atmen t of the A l c ohol
of alcohol-related hepatotoxicity. The Alcohol Use W i thdr awa l S y ndrome
Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is a vali-
dated tool for identifying alcohol-use disorder in Patients with alcohol-use disorder are at risk for
patients.49 It is recommended by both American the alcohol withdrawal syndrome after discon-
and European guidelines,4,8 but it can be difficult tinuation of or decrease in frequent heavy alco-
to use in a clinical setting because of its length, hol consumption.4 The cornerstone of treatment
unless it is administered before the clinical visit. for the alcohol withdrawal syndrome is the use
A shorter version exists (AUDIT-C),50 which is of benzodiazepines53,54 (Table 1). Long-acting
another option. Also, the National Institute on benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam and chlordiaz-
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism single-question epoxide) protect against seizures and delirium,
screening tool has been validated for the screen- but short- and intermediate-acting benzodiaz-

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epines (e.g., lorazepam and oxazepam), which forms of treatment provision, such as chronic
presumably have efficacy similar to long-acting care management or collaborative care59,60 — are
benzodiazepines, are safer for patients with poor still inconclusive. In addition, the paucity of data
synthetic liver function, because the drugs are concerning the combination of pharmacologic
associated with a reduced risk of toxic effects and nonpharmacologic treatment for alcohol-use
due to medication accumulation resulting from disorder in patients with chronic liver disease
slow hepatic catabolism.54 Lorazepam metabo- limits evidence-based recommendations from
lites are eliminated by the kidney rather than the extending beyond those for patients without liver
liver, which makes the drug particularly useful in disease. Several nonpharmacologic strategies for
patients with chronic liver disease. As a second- relapse prevention can be implemented in pri-
line therapy, phenobarbital can be used for the mary care.61 These include establishing a support-
treatment of withdrawal, but it is not recom- ive patient–physician relationship; scheduling
mended in patients with liver disease.54 For un- regular follow-up visits; mobilizing family sup-
complicated withdrawal, carbamazepine and port; suggesting involvement in 12-step programs;
oxcarbazepine can help mitigate symptoms, but developing a plan to recognize, cope with, and
the evidence for their use is of lower quality than manage early relapse; facilitating positive life-
that for benzodiazepines.4,54 style changes; and treating coexisting conditions
Given that benzodiazepines may precipitate that can trigger relapse.61
and worsen hepatic encephalopathy, other drugs
such as baclofen, clonidine (which can in turn Pharmacologic Therapies
ameliorate tachycardia and hypertension in asso- Three medications (naltrexone, disulfiram, and
ciation with the alcohol withdrawal syndrome), acamprosate) have been approved by the Food
gabapentin, and topiramate have been proposed and Drug Administration for the treatment of
as alternatives in patients with alcoholic liver alcohol-use disorder56 (Table 2), and a newer drug
disease,54 but the quality of the data supporting (nalmefene) has been approved in many Euro-
their use is still poor.55 Alcohol use for therapeu- pean countries for the reduction of alcohol con-
tic purposes does not have an empirical basis sumption.62 However, few clinical trials examine
in the treatment of the alcohol withdrawal syn- the effectiveness of these drugs against alcohol-
drome. use disorder in patients with advanced liver dis-
ease, and most of the recommendations are
based on research that involved patients without
Pr e v en t ion of R el a pse a nd
Promo t ion of A bs t inence overt liver disease.63 In general, patients with
minor or mild forms of liver disease can be
Nonpharmacologic Therapies treated with any of the approved medications,
In patients with liver disease, brief intervention but caution should be exercised with the admin-
and motivational interviewing (which involves istration of disulfiram and naltrexone in patients
nonconfrontational counseling by the clinician who have cirrhosis, especially if it is decompen-
to encourage choices that are consistent with the sated or if the patient has features suggestive of
patient’s long-term goals) can be used to reduce synthetic dysfunction.
alcohol use that does not qualify as alcohol-use Disulfiram inhibits acetaldehyde dehydroge-
disorder.56 Also, feedback around abnormal liver- nase action, thus provoking what is known as
test results has been associated with decreased the acetaldehyde syndrome (facial flushing, nau-
alcohol use in patients who are at risk for sea, vomiting, tachycardia, and hypotension) when
chronic liver disease.57 disulfiram is consumed with alcohol.64 Disulfi-
A recent systematic review advocated the use ram has been approved for promoting absti-
of cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational nence since the 1950s, given its potential as a
enhancement therapy as effective psychosocial deterrent for alcohol consumption. Open-label
interventions that can be implemented in com- studies have shown promising results, but evi-
bination with pharmacotherapy and comprehen- dence of its efficacy has been mixed in clinical
sive medical care.58 Data supporting the use of trials.54 A meta-analysis that reviewed random-
contingency management58 — or more intensive ized clinical trials published up to 2011 showed

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Alcohol Use in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease

Table 2. Summary of Pharmacologic Treatment Recommendations for Patients with Alcohol-Use Disorder and Liver

FDA-Approved for
Treatment of Alcohol-
Drug Dosage Use Disorder* Use in Patients with Liver Disease
Naltrexone 50 mg orally once a day or 380 mg intra- Yes Yes, but use with caution in patients
muscularly monthly for ≥4 mo with acute hepatitis and decom-
pensated cirrhosis
Disulfiram 250–500 mg once a day for ≥3 mo Yes No
Acamprosate 666 mg three times a day† Yes Yes
Baclofen 10 mg three times a day; ≤80 mg once No Yes‡
a day
Gabapentin 900–1800 mg once a day No Data are limited§
Ondansetron 1–16 μg per kg of body weight twice a day No Data are limited¶
Topiramate 300 mg once a day No Data are limited‖
Varenicline 2 mg once a day No Data are limited

* FDA denotes Food and Drug Administration.

† In patients who weigh less than 60 kg, the recommended dose of acamprosate is 333 mg four times a day (two 333-mg
pills with breakfast, one with lunch, and one with dinner).
‡ Studies of the efficacy of baclofen have had mixed results.
§ Gabapentin can be addictive.
¶ Liver toxicity has been reported with the use of ondansetron.
‖ The side effects of topiramate may mimic the symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy.

that only 6 of 11 trials showed a significant effect levels of craving, and a polymorphism of the
of disulfiram on abstinence.65 Disulfiram treat- opioid receptor gene OPRM1.69 In clinical trials,
ment is more efficacious in patients who are naltrexone use is associated with lower rates of
committed to maintaining abstinence and when relapse of alcohol consumption as compared with
it is provided in a monitored fashion, since treat- placebo and a higher percentage of days of ab-
ment failure has been attributed to patients’ deci- stinence.70 Treatment for at least 4 months is
sion to stop the medication so that alcohol use indicated, with monthly follow-up for up to a
can be restarted.64 Treatment should be given for year.71 Hepatotoxicity is rare with the use of nal­
at least 3 months, and it is not uncommon to trexone at the recommended doses, but elevated
maintain treatment for a year or more Table 2.54 liver enzyme levels are not uncommon.71 Naltrex-
The use of disulfiram is contraindicated in pa- one use is formally contraindicated in patients
tients with liver cirrhosis, especially in those with with acute hepatitis or liver failure and should
synthetic dysfunction, given that liver failure lead- be used with caution in patients with active liver
ing to death or liver transplantation has been re- disease (i.e., patients who present with liver en-
ported.66 Liver toxicity has also occurred in patients zyme levels that are greater than the upper limit
with no previous liver problems, so monitoring of the normal range), since high doses of the
of liver enzymes during treatment is highly recom- drug (≥100 mg daily) can lead to liver enzyme
mended.67 levels of more than five times the upper limit of
Naltrexone is a mu-opioid and kappa-opioid the normal range and the margin of separation
receptor antagonist that reduces alcohol-related between the apparently safe dose and the dose
dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens and causing hepatic injury appears to be small.63,72
reduces the reward sensation, thus making pa- Because of the risk of injection-site hematomas,
tients less motivated to drink.68 There is mixed naltrexone injections should not be given to pa-
evidence around markers that predict a favorable tients with advanced chronic liver disease who
response to naltrexone treatment, such as male have a low platelet count or prolonged prothrom-
sex, a positive family history of alcoholism, high bin time. In addition, the use of naltrexone for

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

alcohol-use disorder is contraindicated in patients gabapentin, ondansetron, topiramate, and vareni-

with concomitant opioid-use disorder who are cline.54,80 Gabapentin can be addictive in some
receiving treatment with such mu-opioid ago- patients, but in clinical trials its use is associ-
nists as methadone or buprenorphine. ated with abstinence, fewer days of heavy drink-
Acamprosate is believed to act as an N-methyl- ing, and fewer relapse-related symptoms (e.g.,
d-aspartate receptor antagonist and a modulator insomnia, dysphoria, and craving).81 Given their
of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A receptor73 minimal to nonexistent hepatic metabolism, on-
and to reduce symptoms of protracted absti- dansetron and topiramate could be safely used
nence. Results in clinical trials have been mixed,74 in patients with alcoholic liver disease.63 How-
but meta-analytical data show that acamprosate ever, topiramate should be used with caution in
reduces alcohol intake in mild-to-moderate forms patients with hepatic encephalopathy, since its
of alcohol-use disorder75 and can be safely used side effects of memory loss and concentration
in patients receiving opioid treatment.75 Acam- problems may confound a patient’s clinical course
prosate has no hepatic metabolism. It could be and treatment. Cases of liver toxicity have been
considered safe, but it has not formally been reported with the use of ondansetron; however,
tested in patients with advanced forms of liver this relationship with ondansetron is not clearly
disease.63 Its dose should be adjusted in patients determined.63 Limited evidence suggests that
with chronic kidney disease, and its use is con- varenicline may be effective in reducing alcohol
traindicated when creatinine clearance is less craving and of overall alcohol consumption, but
than 30 ml per minute.54 In addition, long-term it has not been tested in patients with active
administration of acamprosate could increase liver disease.82 So far, evidence is not strong
the risk of encephalopathy because of the drug’s enough to support widespread use of these four
antagonism of the glutamate receptor.63 drugs in patients with alcoholic liver disease.54
Nalmefene is a mu-opioid and delta-opioid Treatment details are given in Table 2. Except for
receptor antagonist and a kappa-opioid receptor the known interaction between alcohol and di-
partial agonist that has been approved in Europe sulfiram, there are no relevant interactions be-
for the reduction of heavy drinking.62 Nalmefene tween alcohol and the drugs used for the treat-
has a longer half-life than naltrexone, and there ment of alcohol-use disorder.
is no evidence of hepatotoxicity associated with
nalmefene,63 but questions have been raised about A l c ohol Use a nd L i v er
its overall efficacy.76 The following two cautions T r a nspl a n tat ion
are noteworthy with respect to its use in persons
with liver disease: there is an absence of data The allocation of organs to patients with alco-
involving patients with advanced liver disease, holic liver disease currently involves consider-
and abstinence — and not just the reduction of ation of urgency and usefulness. Patients with
alcohol consumption, which is nalmefene’s in- alcoholic liver disease who are candidates for
tended use — is the preferred treatment goal for liver transplantation are often stigmatized and
patients with liver disease.8 not referred for evaluation, since some physicians
Baclofen is a selective GABA type B receptor consider alcoholic liver disease a self-inflicted
antagonist used to control spasticity.4,54 There is disease. It is notable, however, that graft survival
no evidence of an association between baclofen rates in patients with alcoholic liver disease are
use and liver toxicity, and the drug has been similar to those in patients with other causes of
formally tested in patients with clinically signifi- end-stage liver disease.83
cant liver disease, including patients with HCV, Most guidelines promote the 6-month alcohol-
in both clinical trials and open-label studies, abstinence rule as a prerequisite for receipt of a
with mixed results.63,77-79 Even though it has not liver transplant, not only to establish the likeli-
been formally approved for the treatment of hood of long-term abstinence after liver trans-
alcohol-use disorder by regulatory agencies, its plantation but also to permit some patients to
off-label use is common in France.4 recover from decompensated liver disease through
Four other treatments that have been tested the decrease of portal hypertension, thus obviat-
in patients with alcohol-use disorder include ing the need for liver transplantation.4 However,

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Alcohol Use in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease

empirical data regarding this approach are mixed.83 C onclusions a nd F ur ther

Moreover, interpreting sobriety in patients who Dir ec t ions
are eligible for liver transplantation might be
challenging, since sometimes the assessment is Alcohol use is common among patients with
based on reports by the patient.83 Referral of liver disease and is associated with poor out-
patients to physicians who are specialists in ad- comes. Advanced liver disease can complicate
diction is an option when consideration of fur- the pharmacologic treatment of alcohol-use dis-
ther treatment to increase the chances of suc- order and alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Medi-
cessfully remaining abstinent is needed. cations approved for alcohol-use disorder are
Rates of relapse to any alcohol consumption prescribed to a minority of patients, yet they
among liver-transplant recipients vary widely could be used by patients with chronic liver dis-
among studies.83 Only a return to heavy drinking ease. Abstinence from alcohol should be encour-
after transplantation is associated with poor out- aged in patients with chronic liver disease. Liver
comes, and this pattern of drinking is reported transplantation could be considered for patients
in only 20% of patients.83 who abstain from alcohol and present with pro-
A case–control study showed that rapid liver gressive liver failure. It would be wise to expand
transplantation would improve survival among alcohol-use disorder treatment in everyday clini-
patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis who did cal practice to include treatment in patients with
not have a response to medical therapy.84 In the advanced liver disease.
study, recidivism in alcohol use was less than No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
15%. These data could be informative in consid- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
eration of the development of an alternative ap- the full text of this article at
proach for persons with alcohol-use disorder We thank Richard Saitz, M.D., M.P.H., for his critical review
of an earlier version of the manuscript, and Kristina King,
and liver failure, which has been explored re- M.P.H., for her assistance with development of earlier versions
cently by other groups, with promising results.85 of the manuscript and figures.

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