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Regente Imperial Lapak, MD, FPPS

October 15, 2014 ; 8:00 – 10:00 AM
Pediatrics 2


 A condition in which the heart cannot pump
enough oxygenated blood to meet the needs of Automaticity is the property of cardiac cells to
generate spontaneous action potentials. Spontaneous
the body's organs. The heart pumps
activity is the result of diastolic depolarization caused by a
inefficiently. net inward current during phase 4 of the action potential,
which progressively brings the membrane potential to
CARDIAC OUTPUT threshold. The sinoatrial (SA) node normally displays the
 Defined as the amount of blood that is pumped highest intrinsic rate. All other pacemakers are referred to as
by the heart per minute subsidiary or latent pacemakers because they take over the
function of initiating excitation of the heart only when the
SA node is unable to generate impulses or when these
CARDIAC INDEX (CI) impulses fail to propagate. There is a hierarchy of intrinsic
 The hemodynamic parameter that relates rates of subsidiary pacemakers that have normal
the cardiac output to thebody surface area automaticity: atrial pacemakers have faster intrinsic rates
than AV junctional pacemakers, and AV junctional
pacemakers have faster rates than ventricular pacemakers.
Cardiac output is defined as the
stroke volume x heart rate In normal sinus rhythm, the SA node initiates
action potentials at 60–100/min that are conducted to
Stroke volume is divided into three: the atrioventricular (AV) node, which coordinates the
sequential contraction of the upper (atrial) and then lower
Preload, Afterload, Contractility (ventricular) chambers of the heart. If the SA node fails to
provide action potentials, the AV node can independently
A. PRELOAD generate action potentials at 40–60 beats per minute.
 It is the amount of blood that fills the ventricles Subsequent transmission of the action potential to the
ventricles is via specialized heart cells (cardiomyocytes) in
during end diastole (VOLUME WORK)
the right and left bundle branches and Purkinje fibers that
spread throughout the ventricles. These conduction cells
B. AFTERLOAD contain increased numbers of sodium ion channels and
 The pressure that the left ventricle must mitochondria while containing fewer cardiac muscle fibers. If
counteract to pump adequate amount of blood both the SA and the AV nodes fail to provide an action
into the circulation (PRESSURE WORK) potential, the Purkinje fibers or ventricular myocytes can
also produce a coordinated contraction at rates slower than
the AV node.
The normal systemic pressure in the aorta is
95mmHg and above. But, if the pressure is Although the SA and the AV nodes and Purkinje
≥140mmHg, then that’s hypertension. fibers can independently initiate and continue action
potentials, which provide heart contractions, the vagal
nerves (parasympathetic nerves causing a decreased SA
C. CONTRACTILITY node rate and force of contraction) and thoracic nerves T1–4
 Inherent capacity of the heart muscle to (sympathetic nerves resulting in increased SA node rate as
contract and relax well as force of contraction) also convey neurological
influences on heart rate. Hormones/neurotransmitters such
as epinephrine (adrenaline) and dopamine increase heart
HEART RATE rate and/or the amount of blood pumped per contraction
 Number of beats per minute (stroke volume). Epinephrine works via binding to 1-, 2-
 Tachyarrhythmia and bradyarrhythmia can lead , 1 and 2-adrenergic, G-protein-coupled receptors. The
to heart failure receptor signal transduction includes activation of
phospholipase C to increase production of inositol
phosphates/diacylglycerol, protein kinase C activity, and the
The SA node paces the electrical impulses in release of Ca2+ (1-/Gq protein). Additionally, there will be
the heart and therefore the heart rate. inhibition (2-/Gi protein) or activation (1 and 2-/Gs protein) of
adenylyl cyclase to decrease or increase
cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) production and
protein kinase A activity, respectively (see Chapter 8 for
review of G-protein activities).

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Transcriber/s:Aubrey Medina
Formatting:Aubrey Medina
Editor/s: Sarah Livelo

Newborn to 3mo. 85 to 205 140 80 to 160
3 mo. to 2 yrs 100 to 190 130 75 to 160
2 yrs to 10 yrs 60 to 140 80 60 to 90
More than 10 yrs 60 to 100 75 50 to 90

 Heart failure is caused by any condition which
reduces the efficiency of the myocardium, or
heart muscle, through damage or overloading.
 Congestive heart failure can affect the right side
of the heart, the left side of the heart, or both
 When the right side of the heart begins to
As you increase the volume, there is an increase
function less efficiently, it is unable to pump
in contractility; however, if you overstretch your ventricles,
much blood forward into the vessels of the
there will be congestive heart failure and you will have a
lungs. Because of the congestion in the right
decrease in cardiac output. Giving inotropes will lead to
side of the heart, blood flow begins to back improvement in cardiac output.
up into the veins. Eventually, swelling The higher the left end-diastolic pressure, the
(edema) is noticed in the feet, ankles, greater the cardiac output; however, if it is beyond the
eyelids and abdomen due to fluid retention. capacity of the ventricle, your cardiac index decreases,
 When the left side of the heart fails, it is leading to congestive heart failure.
unable to pump blood forward to the body
efficiently. Blood begins to back up into Cardiac index (CI) is a haemodynamic parameter that
the vessels in the lungs and the lungs relates the cardiac output to the body surface area.
become stressed. Breathing becomes faster
and more difficult. The body does not receive
enough blood to meet its needs, resulting in  Can be a result of a failure of systole, diastole or
fatigue and poor growth. both
 Reduced contractility or force of contraction,  Increased end systolic volume is usually caused
due to overloading of the ventricle. by reduced contractility
 In a normal heart, increased filling of the  Decreased end diastolic volume results from
ventricle results in increased contractility (by impaired ventricular filling – as occurs when the
compliance of the ventricle falls (i.e. when the
the Frank-Starling’s Law of the Heart) and
walls stiffen)
thus a rise in cardiac output. In heart failure
this mechanism fails, as the ventricle is loaded
with blood to the point where heart muscle
 As the heart works harder to meet normal
contraction becomes less efficient. This is due
metabolic demands, the amount that the
to reduced ability to cross-link actin and myosin
cardiac output can increase in times of
filaments in over-stretched heart muscle.
increased oxygen demand (e.g. exercise) is
 This contributes to the exercise intolerance
 States that the STROKE VOLUME of the
commonly seen in heart failure
heart increases in response to an increase
 This translates to the loss of one's cardiac
in the volume of blood filling the heart reserve
(end diastolic volume) when all other factors  Cardiac reserve: the ability of the
remain constant heart to work harder during exercise or
strenuous activity
As the amount of blood in the left ventricle
increases, the stroke volume also increases, unless the INCREASED HEART RATE (TACHYCARDIA)
volume of blood in the left ventricle exceeds its  Stimulated by increased sympathetic activity to
capacity. When that happens, there will be heart maintain cardiac output
failure.  initially, this helps compensate for heart failure
by maintaining blood pressure and perfusion
 places further strain on the myocardium,
increasing coronary perfusion requirements
 can lead to worsening of ischemic heart disease
 Sympathetic activity may also cause potentially
fatal arrhythmias

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Transcriber/s:Aubrey Medina
Formatting:Aubrey Medina
Editor/s: Sarah Livelo
 An increase in physical size of the myocardium  Great vessel level shunts
 Caused by the terminally differentiated heart  PDA, truncus arteriosus
muscle fibers increasing in size  Aortopulmonary window
 An attempt to improve contractility  Ventricular level shunts
 May contribute to the increased stiffness and  VSD, single ventricle w/o pulmonic
decreased ability to relax during diastole stenosis
 Atrioventricular canal
 Contributes to the enlargement and spherical
shape of the failing heart CAUSES OF CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE
 Increase in ventricular volume also causes a IN INFANTS (UP TO 1 YEAR OLD)
reduction in stroke volume due to mechanical
and contractile inefficiency. VOLUME OVERLOAD
 Great vessel level shunts
CAUSES OF HEART FAILURE IN  PDA, truncus arteriosus,
DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS  Aortopulmonary window
 Ventricular level shunts
 Isolated VSD, VSD, w/ transposition
CAUSES OF HEART FAILURE IN UTERO  VSD w/ tricuspid atresia, Single shunts
 Atrial level shunts
ANEMIA  Total anomalous pulmonary venous
 Hemolytic sec. to RH sensitization return
 Fetal maternal transfusion  Heart muscle abnormalities
 Hypoplastic anemia  Endocardial fibroelastosis, myocarditis,
viral, Kawasaki disease
ARRHYTHMIAS  Glycogen storage disease (Pompe’s)
 Supraventricular tachycardia  Secondary heart failure
 Atrial fibrillation  Renal disease, hypertension,
 Atrial flutter hypothyroidism, sepsis
 Ventricular tachycardia
 Palliated congenital heart disease
 Atrioventricular valve regurgitation in AV canal
 Atrioventricular valve regurgitation
 Tricuspid regurgitation in Ebstein’s disease
 Rheumatic fever
 Arteriovenous fistula
 Viral myocarditis
MYOCARDITIS  Bacterial endocarditis
 Secondary causes
 Hypertension secondary to
IN NEONATES(UP TO 28 DAYS OLD)  Thyrotoxicosis
 Doxorubicin (Adriamycin)
PRESSURE OVERLOAD cardiomyopathy (treating leukemia)
 Aortic stenosis  Sickle cell anemia
 Coarctation of the aorta  Cor pulmonale 2o to cystic fibrosis
 Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
If the pulses in the lower extremities are
weaker than the upper extremities, then, there is a Remember that the right side of the heart
high index of suspicion that that is a case of receives the unoxygenated blood, which has 75%
COARCTATION OF THE AORTA. The same holds true oxygen, because it came from the systemic circulation.
for the blood pressure. Normally, the lower extremity So the blood enters the right atrium, the right
would have higher blood pressure compared to the ventricle, the main pulmonary artery, then the right
upper extremity. If the reverse is true, then patient and left pulmonary artery, until it reaches the lungs. In
might be suffering from coarctation of the aorta. the alveoli, there will be gas exchange. The carbon
Remember, if the weaker pulse is on the LEFT dioxide will be blown off during expiration, the oxygen
extremity only, then the coarctation is on the LEFT will then diffuse in the blood, go through the
SUBCLAVIAN artery. If it’s on the RIGHT only, then pulmonary vein, and later on enter the left side of the
the coarctation is on the RIGHT SUBCLAVIAN heart. The O2 saturation then becomes about 95%.

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Transcriber/s:Aubrey Medina
Formatting:Aubrey Medina
Editor/s: Sarah Livelo
 Obstruction
 Coarctation of aorta,
aortic stenosis, pulmonary EXCESSIVE AFTERLOAD
stenosis, mitral stenosis
 Hypertension
 Tacyarrhythmias-
 Bradycardia- complete
heart block or sick sinus INADEQUATE HEART RATE
 Myocarditis, dilated
 Ischemic or hypoxic cardiac
injury hormonal or
electrolyte disturbances INADEQUATE CONTRACTILITY

In left-to-right shunting, ang nahihirapan ay

ang left ventricle because of INCREASED PRELOAD.
The same holds true for VSD, ASD, and PDA.

For cyanotic heart diseases, there is

INCREASED PRELOAD because of the shunting of
blood. In TOF, there is difficulty in pumping blood to
the pulmonary circulation; that is why unoxygenated
blood will go through the ASD and eventually the
unoxygenated blood will be ejected from the left
ventricle (they are cyanotic kasi unoxygenated blood
ang humahalo sa systemic circulation). The pressure
LA pressure is 4mmHg as compared to the from the right ventricle is almost equal to the pressure
RA pressure, which is 2mmHg. There is a pressure in the left ventricle because of the large VSD. A small
gradient of 2mmHg. The pressure in the lungs is the VSD (or ASD) will not cause heart failure because it
same as RV pressure, while the pressure in the is simply just small.
aorta is the same as the LV pressure. If the pressure
Rheumatic heart disease will also cause
is above 140mmHg, you are hypertensive.
INCREASED PRELOAD because of the regurgitation of
The presence of a shunt between the blood, causing pooling of the blood.
ventricles (VSD) will create a murmur because of
the high pressure difference between the RV and Obstruction causes EXCESSIVE AFTERLOAD
the LV, while a shunt between the atria (ASD) will because there is increased pressure that the left
not create a murmur since there is only a slight ventricle will need to overcome to be able to maintain
difference in pressure between the RA and the LA. systemic blood pressure and flow. The same is true
There will only be a systolic ejection murmur in ASD with mitral stenosis, where the atrium will need to
due to relative pulmonary stenosis; there is volume overcome a higher amount of pressure.
overload in the RV. In short, the murmur that you
Patients who have dilated cardiomyopathy
hear in ASD is NOT due to the left-to-right shunt
have a poor prognosis. Treatment for their condition is
itself. heart transplant.


 Left-to-right shunts
 VSD, ASD, PDA, AV canal
 Aortopulmonary window,
absent pulmonary valve
 Cyanotic defects
 Truncus arteriosus, TOGA EXCESSIVE PRELOAD
w/ VSD, total anomalous
pulmonary venous
drainage, hypoplastic left
 Rheumatic heart disease

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Transcriber/s:Aubrey Medina
Formatting:Aubrey Medina
Editor/s: Sarah Livelo
VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT Chronic hepatomegaly will have a blunt
edge. Acute hepatomegaly will have a sharp edge.


 Dullness of the lung fields on percussion
 Reduced breath sounds at the bases of the
 Suggestive of a pleural effusion
 Check for easy fatigability


The following are the most common symptoms of CHF.
Each child may experience symptoms differently.

Symptoms may include: visible swelling of the legs,

ankles, eyelids, face and (occasionally) abdomen
 Fast breathing during rest or exercise
 Shortness of breath or labored breathing
In physics, we are taught that liquids like  Fatigue
blood flow from a chamber of high pressure to a
 Need to take frequent rest breaks while playing
chamber of lower pressure. If there is a hole between
with friends
the ventricles, aside from the blood that will flow to
 Nausea
the aorta, some of the blood will enter the right
 Abdominal pain, vomiting
ventricle. This is called Left-to-Right Shunting. When
 Falling asleep when feeding or becoming too
you auscultate a patient with VSD, you will hear a
tired to eat
murmur (lub-woosh-dub). (Hahaha imagine niyo na
lang yung sound. :D)  Lack of appetite
 Weight gain, even when the appetite is poor
AGAIN, if there is interatrial shunting, you  Failure to thrive
will not hear a sound (murmur) because of the small  Cough and congestion in the lungs
pressure difference. The shunting in ASD will not  Sweating
create a turbulence, while that of a VSD will. The
murmur that you hear in ASD is because of the EASY FATIGUE
pulmonary stenosis and not because of the shunting.  Primarily caused by decreased cardiac output
 May be worsened by peripheral factors such as
abnormal autoregulation of blood flow to the
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF extremities and muscle deconditioning
FAILURE A sign of easy fatigability in infants is
interrupted feeding. In children, they usually present
as feeling tired while playing.
 Tachypnea
 Rales or crackles –suggestive of pulmonary DYSPNEA
edema  Dyspnea on exertion
 Cyanosis – suggestive of severe hypoxemia; a
late sign of extremely severe pulmonary edema VOLUME OVERLOAD
 Laterally displaced apex beat  Dyspnea, particularly sudden onset such as in
 Gallop rhythm uncontrolled hypertension
 Heart murmurs may indicate the presence of  Orthopnea in ambulatory patients (ask the
valvular heart disease, either as a cause (e.g. number of pillows used in sleep/sleeping position)
aortic stenosis) or as a result (e.g., mitral  Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (waking up in
regurgitation) of the heart failure the middle of the night with shortness of breath)
 Peripheral edema
SIGNS OF RIGHT-SIDED FAILURE  Weight gain– often be elicited
 Bilateral, dependent edema – may resolve after
 Pitting peripheral edema
a night’s rest
 Ascites
 Systemic venous hypertension – internal jugular
 Hepatomegaly (check liver size via percussion!)
venous pressure level higher than 4 cm above
 Increased jugular venous pressure
the sternal angle with patient sitting at a 45-
hepatojugular reflux
degree angle
 Parasternal heave
 Moist crackles –transudation of fluid into the
 compensatory increase in contraction
alveoli in both lung bases

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Transcriber/s:Aubrey Medina
Formatting:Aubrey Medina
Editor/s: Sarah Livelo
 Bronchospasm and associated high-pitched C. BLOOD GASES AND PH
wheezes – bronchial congestion  Quantitate the degree of hypoxemia and/or
 S3 gallop – rapid ventricular diastolic filling metabolic acidemia
 Abdomino-jugular reflux  Mild respiratory acidemia (alveolar edema)
 Hepatomegaly and tenderness– hepatic  Severe HF, pulmonary venous
congestion obstruction (vol. overloading)
 Respiratory alkalosis (interstitial edema)
PULSUS PARADOXUS(PP), also paradoxic pulse  Mild HF
and paradoxical pulse, is an exaggeration of the normal  Metabolic acidemia
variation in the pulse during the inspiratory phase of  Severe compromise of systemic
respiration, in which the pulse becomes weaker as one perfusion
inhales and stronger as one exhales. It is a sign that is  Extremely low oxygen tension
indicative of several conditions including cardiac  Obstruction to pulmonary bloody flow
tamponade, pericarditis, chronic sleep apnea, croup, and  Patients with TGA
obstructive lung disease (e.g. asthma, COPD).  Hemoglobin and hematocrit
 Decreased- severe anemia may worsen
CARDIAC REMODELING CHF(if hemoglobin value is 6)
 Cardiomegaly is also a nonspecific yet common  Increased – twin to twin transfusion,
sign in HF patients. placental transfusion
 Polycythemia – reflects significant
DIAGNOSIS systemic desaturation
 Blood Tests  WBC count
 Serum Na & K  May be seen elevated
 Renal function tests – BUN, Crea  Not necessarily signify
 Liver function tests – SOGT, SGPT, Alk infection
Phos  Leukopenia
 Thyroid function tests - TSH T3 T4  Seen in viral myocarditis
 Complete blood count  Sedimentation rate
 C-reactive protein  Elevated- active inflammatory process
 B-type natriuretic peptide is present
 Cardiac markers  However, in severe congestive heart
 Chest x-ray failure the ESR may be low initially, but
 15 leads ECG once the patient is out of the congestive
 2D Echocardiography heart failure it will shoot up

 Presence of enlarged cardiac silhouette which
represents ventricular dilatation and/ or
 Essential to elaborate cardiac arrhythmias
 Cardiac size may be normal
 Use to assess myocardial function with the
 Early stages of myocarditis
measurement of
 Tachydysrhythmias
 Right and left ventricular dimensions
 Obstruction to pulmonary venous
 Circumferential fiber shortening rate
 Ejection fraction/FS (should be 50% and
 Pericardial constriction
 Presence of pulmonary congestion and
 Systolic time interval
association of inflammatory disease
 Use for pericardial effusion
 Barium instillation is avoided because of the
 The most commonly used parameter in
dangers of aspiration
single dimensional variable), determined as the
difference between end-systolic and end-
diastolic diameter divided by end-diastolic
diameter. Normal fractional shortening is
between 28% and 40%.

 Most useful non-invasive tool in assessing
major intracardiac defect
 Nonspecific T wave changes and alterations in
the ST segment occur
 Increase in the height of P wave
 Myocarditis – low voltage with T wave

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Transcriber/s:Aubrey Medina
Formatting:Aubrey Medina
Editor/s: Sarah Livelo
 Initial dose: 1–2 mg/kg,  rapid
MANAGEMENT AND TREATMENT diuresis/prompt improvement
Treatment is based on:  Careful monitoring of electrolytes necessary
 Child's age, overall health and medical history due to loss of potassium
 Extent of the disease  Potassium chloride supplementation usually
 Child's tolerance for specific medications required (example: spironolactone)
 Procedures or therapies  Potassium-sparing diuretic spironolactone ( 1-2
 Doctor’s expectations on the disease mg/kg/day)is given concomitantly.

NYHA HEART FAILURE CLASSIFICATION When giving diurectics, always weigh the
 Applicable for patients 6 years old and above only patient everyday to know the extent of decrease in
heart rate due to dieresis.
 Without limitations of physical activity
CLASS I  Ordinary physical activity does not cause 2. INOTROPES
undue fatigue, palpitation, or dyspnea
 Slight limitation of physical activity. DIGOXIN/DIGITALIS (INOTROPE)
 They are comfortable at rest.  The mainstay of heart failure management in
 Ordinary physical activity results in both children and adults
fatigue, palpitation, or dyspnea  Many cardiologists will use digitalis as adjunct
 Marked limitation of physical activity. to ACE inhibitors and diuretics in patients with
 They are comfortable at rest. symptomatic heart failure
 Less than ordinary activity causes  Digitalis compounds are potent inhibitors of
fatigue, palpitation, or dyspnea. cellular Na+/K+-ATPase. This ion transport
 Inability to carry on any physical activity system moves sodium ions out of the cell and
without discomfort. brings potassium ions into the cell.
 Symptoms are present even at rest or  By inhibiting the Na+/K+-ATPase, cardiac
minimal exertion. glycosides cause intracellular sodium
concentration to increase. This then leads to an
TREATMENT accumulation of intracellular calcium via the
+ ++
Na -Ca exchange system. In the heart,
GENERAL MEASURES increased intracellular calcium causes more
 Strict bed rest is rarely necessary except in calcium to be released by the sarcoplasmic
extreme cases reticulum, thereby making more calcium
 Limit fluid intake – compute base on BSA available to bind to troponin-C, which increases
 Semi-upright sleeping position – for some older contractility (inotropy). Inhibition of the
children Na+/K+-ATPase in vascular smooth muscle
 Avoidance of strenuous sports activities causes depolarization, which causes smooth
 Positive pressure ventilation – for pulmonary muscle contraction and vasoconstriction.
edema patients

 Increasing the number of calories per ounce of
infant formula is beneficial
 Severely ill infants - nasogastric feedings may
be helpful


 Interferes with reabsorption of water and
sodium by the kidneys
 Result: reduction in circulating blood volume 
reduces pulmonary fluid overload and THERAPEUTIC USES OF DIGITALIS COMPOUNDS
ventricular filling pressure.
 This is most often used in conjunction with HEART FAILURE
digitalis therapy in patients with severe  ↑ inotropy (contractility)
congestive heart failure  ↑ ejection fraction
 ↓ preload (diuretic effect)
FUROSEMIDE  ↓ pulmonary congestion/edema
 Most commonly used diuretic in patients with
heart failure
 Inhibits the reabsorption of sodium and chloride
in distal tubules, loop of Henle

D L S H S I M e d i c i n e B a t c h 2 0 1 6 | 7 of 11
Transcriber/s:Aubrey Medina
Formatting:Aubrey Medina
Editor/s: Sarah Livelo
 ↓ AV nodal conduction
(parasympathomimetic effect) Beta 1 RECEPTOR
 ↓ ventricular rate in atrial flutter  Main article: Beta-1 adrenergic receptor
and fibrillation  Specific actions of the β1 receptor include:
 Increase cardiac output, by raising heart rate
ACTION DOSAGE (positive chronotropic effect) and increasing
Premature impulse conduction and increasing contraction
0.02-0.025 mg/kg thus increasing the volume expelled with each
beat (increased ejection fraction).
Neonate (1 month or  Renin release from juxtaglomerular cells.
younger)  Lipolysis in adipose tissue.
Digitalization (PO) 0.03-0.04 mg/kg
(3 doses q 8 hr) a) DOPAMINE
Infant or Child  The pharmacodynamic effects of dopamine, an
0.04-0.06 mg/kg endogenous catecholamine, are complex and
mediated through selective activation of
Adolescent or Adult specific dopaminergic and adrenergic receptors
1.0-1.5 mg in divided doses in a dose dependent manner.
Digitalization (I.V.)  Dopamine improves heart output and may
(Timing of Dosage raise blood pressure. It is a continuous IV
75% of PO dose
variable, depending on infusion. It increases the amount of
clinical indications) norepinephrine activity in the body. Dopamine
is often used to help get rid of edema because
EXERCISE COMPUTATIONS of how it affects receptors in the kidney's blood
Stock dose of Lanoxin elixir is 0.05mg/ml vessels.
1. Compute loading and maintenance dose of  Low dose dopamine (Renal dose)(0.5-2
Digitalis elixir for a 5 years patient with BW of micro g/kg/min) induces intrarenal
10 kg. vasodilatation, augmented renal blood flow,
2. Compute Digitalis elixir (loading dose) for a 5 and inhibition of renal tubular sodium
years patient with BW of 10 kg reabsorption through direct stimulation of
peripheral dopaminergic receptors DA1 and
10 x 0.04 mg = 0.4 divided 4 = 0.1 divided 0.05 DA2.
= 2 ml  Intermediate doses (Cardiac dose) (3-10
micro g/kg/min) favor beta (1)-adrenergic
Maintenance Dose receptor stimulation of the heart and peripheral
10 x 0.04 mg = 0.4 divided 10 = 0.004 divided 0.05 vasoconstriction (increase blood pressure) due
= 0.8 ml to alpha-adrenergic receptor stimulation.

3. Compute loading and maintenance dose (IV) of

In higher doses, there is decreased blood flow
Digitalis for a 3 years patient with BW of 8 kg
to the kidneys.
Stock dose = 0.25 mg/ml

4. Compute loading and maintenance dose (IV) of EFFECTS OF DOPAMINE

Digitalis for a 3 years patient with BW of 8 kg .  Increase cardiac output, by raising heart rate
Stock dose = 0.25 mg/ml (positive chronotropic effect) and increasing
impulse conduction and increasing contraction
Maintenance dose thus increasing the volume expelled with each
8 x 0.04 x 0.70 = 0.224 divided 10 = 0.022 mg beat (increased ejection fraction).
0.022/x =0.25/1= 0.088  At higher does (>10 micro g/kg/min), an
elevated systemic vascular resistance prevails
5. Compute loading and maintenance dose (IV) of and the salutary effect on renal blood flow is
Digitalis for a 3 years patient with BW of 8 kg . diminished or lost.
 In short, DO NOT give a high dose of
Stock dose = 0.25 mg/ml dopamine

Wt x dose x 70% b) DOBUTAMINE

8 x 0.04 x 0.70 = 0.224 divided 4  Dobutamine is a direct-acting agent whose
primary activity results from stimulation of the
= 0.056 mg
β1-adrenoceptors of the heart, increasing
contractility and cardiac output. Since it does
Ratio and proportion
not act on dopamine receptors to induce the
0.056/x = 0.25/1 =0.22 ml
release of norepinephrine (another α1 agonist),

D L S H S I M e d i c i n e B a t c h 2 0 1 6 | 8 of 11
Transcriber/s:Aubrey Medina
Formatting:Aubrey Medina
Editor/s: Sarah Livelo
dobutamine is less prone to induce CONCENTRATION DOPAMINE D5W
hypertension than is dopamine. Single (1000) 4 46
 Dobutamine improves heart function and may Double (2000) 8 42
lower blood pressure. It is used as a continuous Triple (3000) 12 38
IV infusion. It helps the body make more use of
a substance called norepinephrine, which the 4. PHOSPHODIESTERASE INHIBITORS
body makes on its own. Norepinephrine  The other main type of inotropes are drugs
stimulates the heart to work harder. Potential called "phosphodiesterase-III inhibitors.". These
side effects include irregular heart rhythm drugs make your heart beat more strongly and
(although less than with dopamine), and also relax your blood vessels.
increased demand for oxygen by the heart  Milrinone (Primacor) is the most widely used
 Dobutamine is predominantly a β1-adrenergic drug of this type. Milrinone is usually given by IV
agonist, with weak β2 activity, and α1 selective at 0.375 to 0.75 micrograms per kilogram of
activity, although it is used clinically in cases of body weight per minute.
cardiogenic shock for its β1inotropic effect in  If the patient is in critical condition, an IV at 50
increasing heart contractility and cardiac micrograms per kilogram of patient body
output. weight may be used. This has to be done very
 Dobutamine also has mild β2 agonist activity, carefully in patients with low blood pressure.
which makes it useful as a vasodilator. Since milrinone does not increase the heart's
oxygen demand, it is preferred over other
DOPAMINE & DOBUTAMINE DRIP (FORMULAS) inotropes in patients with ischemic
cardiomyopathy. Milrinone is also better for
treating severe CHF episodes in patients taking
beta- blockers.
 Other drugs like Amrinone (Inocor) are not used
much these days because they are more likely
to cause dangerous arrhythmias. Pill forms of
some inotropes have been tried but taking
them on a regular basis increased risk of death
in CHFers. The pill forms don't seem to help
CHFers nearly as much as IV inotropes do
 The cardiostimulatory and vasodilatory actions
of PDE3 inhibitors make them suitable for the
treatment of heart failure.
 Arterial dilation reduces afterload on the failing
ventricle and leads to an increase in stroke
volume and ejection fraction, as well as
increases organ perfusion. Reducing the
afterload leads to a secondary decrease in
preload on the heart that helps to improve the
mechanical efficiency of dilated hearts and to
reduce ventricular wall stress and the oxygen
demands placed on the failing heart.
 The cardiostimulatory effects of these drugs
increase inotropy, which further enhances
stroke volume and ejection fraction.
Tachycardia, however, also results, and this is
not beneficial; therefore, doses are used that
minimize the positive chronotropic actions of
the drug. A baroreceptor reflex, which occurs in
response to hypotension, may contribute to the
If there is no pre-mixed drip, use this guide!
CONCENTRATION DOPAMINE D5W  Used for patients refractory to standard therapy
Single (800) 1 49 highly effective in managing low-output state in
children after open heart surgery
Double (1600) 2 48
 Use this only when all other standard
Triple (2400) 3 47
therapies do not work (aka last resort)
Quadruple (3200) 4 46
 A selective inhibitor of peak III cyclic adenosine
monophosphate (cAMP) phosphodiesterase
in cardiac and vascular muscle. Inhibition of this
enzyme results in an accumulation of cAMP,

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Transcriber/s:Aubrey Medina
Formatting:Aubrey Medina
Editor/s: Sarah Livelo
producing an increase in intracellular ionized increase cardiac output and cardiac index,
calcium in cardiac muscle which increases stroke work and volume, lower renovascular
contractile force. Increasing cAMP also resistance, and lead to increased natriuresis
produces relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. (excretion of sodium in the urine).
 Also enhances relaxation of the left ventricle by
increasing Ca -ATPase activity on the cardiac Premature Neonates Dose
sarcoplasmic reticulum. This increases calcium 0.1-0.4 mg/kg/day PO divided q6-24h;
ion uptake. Start: 0.01 mg/kg/dose; Max: 2 mg/kg/day;
 It has positive inotropic, vasodilating and
minimal chronotropic effects. It is used in the Neonates Dose
management of heart failure only when 0.1-0.4 mg/kg/day PO divided q6-24h;
conventional treatment with vasodilators and Start: 0.05-0.1 mg/kg/dose; Max: 2 mg/kg/day;
diuretics has proven insufficient. This is due to
the potentially fatal adverse effects of Infants Dose
Milrinone, including ventricular arrhythmias. 2.5-6 mg/kg/day PO divided q6-12h;
 Whereas beneficial hemodynamic effects are Start: 0.15-0.3 mg/kg/dose; Max: 6 mg/kg/day;
shown (at least short-term), several studies
have shown no or a negative effect on mortality Children Dose
rates of hospitalized patients receiving 2.5-6 mg/kg/day PO divided q6-12h;
Milrinone. Start: 0.3-0.5 mg/kg/dose or 6.25-12.5 mg/dose; Max: 6
 One negative side to the use of Milrinone is the mg/kg/day
prolonged half-life (1 to 2 hours). This can result
in a prolonged weaning and possible adverse Adolescents Dose
outcomes from stopping this medication 25-50 mg PO q6-8h;
rapidly. Start: 12.5-25 mg PO q8h, incr. 12.5-25 mg/dose q1-2wk;
Max: 450 mg/day
CONVERTING ENZYME [ACE] INHIBITORS) Pediatric doses based on weight should not
 May be beneficial usually initiated in an exceed adult doses. Because recommendations may
intensive care setting with proper invasive change, these doses should always be double-checked.
monitoring of central venous and arterial blood Doses may also need to be modified in any patient with
pressure. renal or hepatic dysfunction and with significant weight
 Blocks the conversion of angiotensin I to changes.
angiotensin II. They therefore lower arteriolar
resistance and increase venous capacity;

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Transcriber/s:Aubrey Medina
Formatting:Aubrey Medina
Editor/s: Sarah Livelo
REVIEW QUESTIONS. Hope this helps!

1. Preload is to _______ work, while afterload is to ________.

2. The cardiac index (CI) relates cardiac output to _________________.
3. Edema is noted in which side of heart failure?
4. What is the Frank-Starling’s Law of the Heart?
5. Give three causes of heart failure in utero.
6. What are the two types of overload that cause CHF in neonates?
7. Give three causes of CHF in childhood.
8. TRUE or FALSE: The murmur heard in patients with ASD are due to left-to-right shunting.
9. TRUE or FALSE: Small ASDs/VSDs will not cause heart failure.
10. Give signs of left-sided, right-sided and biventricular heart failure (at least two each).
11. In pulsus paradoxus, the pulse becomes _______ during exhalation.
12. What laboratory tests would you use to diagnose CHF?
13. In echocardiography, what is the most commonly used parameter for children?
14. What is the most useful non-invasive tool in assessing major intracardiac defects?
15. Another name for interstitial edema.
16. TRUE or FALSE: Cardiac size is normal during the early stages of myocarditis.
17. Furosemide is the most commonly used diuretic in CHF patients, with a dose of ______.
18. What is the mechanism of action of digoxin? What are its therapeutic uses?
19. How is dopamine administered?
20. TRUE or FALSE: An intermediate dose of dopamine is also known as the renal dose.
21. Between dopamine and dobutamine, which one is less likely to induce hypertension?
22. What is the mechanism of action of milrinone?
23. What is the formula for dopamine and dobutamine drips?


REMARKS To Junior Internship! 
-BATCH 2016 Transcribers’ Guild Transcriptions. Version Build 3205-

“I tell you, lahat kayo may future, as long as you practice what is expected of you.”
Story of My Life 

“I think that too, when we give everything, we have nothing to lose.”


D L S H S I M e d i c i n e B a t c h 2 0 1 6 | 11 of 11
Transcriber/s:Aubrey Medina
Formatting:Aubrey Medina
Editor/s: Sarah Livelo

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